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Everything posted by Shadowess

  1. It'd probably kill me first it's quite big maybe i'll tap on the window or something
  3. Sorry if these have been asked already i haven't backlogged 1) hello! 2) what book have you recently read? 3) tea or coffee? 4) favorite word? 5) uhhhhh i cant come up with a fifth question. What's your favorite song?
  4. Still getting adjusted to Iucharba and Iuchar instead of johan and johalva but that's only because i had trouble remembering which one was which and now i have to start over lmao the etymology behind the new names are pretty cool too so i'm not really complaining
  5. want to write but at the same time i can like, not
  6. Gaius or Tiki probably gaius since i pulled him though
  7. tbh I was kinda hoping for a 'magvel banner' but my expectations were kinda low although they added valter so that's cool the Nohrian banner looks fine too, I'm curious abt Xander with an axe?? Unless he's magic I need to backlog
  8. archanea + tellius sections...actually it's actually easier to say i only go to the SoV, fates, and ftff sections everywhere else is 'nah'
  9. These were all quite cool but I really liked Clive's conversation w Alm after Mathilda died the most I'm not quite sure why and it's very tense but...I guess it's realistic? I don't know but I like it a lot it's a cool what-if scenario
  10. I really like Emma/Randal's support conversation it's cute but dammit he sounds like deen, and deen sounds like squidward, and i can't take that seriously. on the side note though i like shade's voice
  11. I don't think he has one although mercenary makes a lot of sense I think
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