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Posts posted by IEatLasers

  1. 16 hours ago, SimplyUnknown said:

    I am pretty curious as to how this is supposed to work for specialized classes like Dancers/Songstresses. Are they elite classes that you can't change? Or a professor class only? Is Manuela our only Dancing unit for the game? It would make sense with her background, but that may also apply to Dorothea as she was also a songstress. So maybe two dancing units? 

    Well we have no confirmation of dancers or beasts or even Manuela joining the team 

  2. 5 hours ago, GaryGlacier said:

    On the topic of Corrin I think the IS had a difficult job balancing a character that needed to be the main protagonist who makes the decisions and drives the story, but also had to be an avatar that the player could see themselves as. In my opinion, Robin was a lot more successful as an avatar because he/she wasn't the central focus of the story. This is why I hope Byleth takes a similar role as Robin instead of being the main protagonist. 

    That would be great I just don’t foresee it 

  3. In very upset about this. 


    For one, I hate dialogue where they summarize what you say 


    secondly I hate how awkward and clunky silent protagonists are with their weird movements. It’s not just that they don’t make sound but they are all with a huge lack of heart. It looks lazy, outdated, and distracting. 



    Silent protagonists should never be in story based games especially not if they are the main character. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

    In that case, the card picturing a hypothetical berserk Ike after touching Lehran's Medallion is possible too. Though in that case, Ike would be exactly as Greil had been when he touched it, going on a rampage and killing everything in his path. How would that make sense in Heroes where obviously no one in the summoner's army is killing one another? Could they just have this kind of Ike be like berserk Ashnard where he actually still had some of his sanity? At least, I think Ashnard still retained some sanity after touching it in PoR maniac mode.

    I'd actually feel comfortable with this Ike if he retained some sanity too, because then when I see that card, I won't be picturing him killing his sister and friends. :(

    I think for Ike they have to wait for three houses to (potentially) make colorless close range combat exist via punching. 


    Punching Ike, beserk Ike joins 


    well since Chrom is now at least a gear away, he would be a pretty awesome banner 


    a banner with Chrom, most popular man I’m japan, with Ike, most popular man in America...idk why it hasn’t already happened 

  5. 55 minutes ago, Kaden said:

    I'm guessing because of a Cipher card?


    Yeah this. 


    Plus the lore of the card

    robin/Grima kills Chrom, misses their old best friend; but also know Chrom was the best leader


    Resurrects Chrom to lead the Risen with a bone armor and bone sword, corrupted Falchion is call it if it was ever in heroes. 


    And is a hypothetical for for the Chrom we see in the prologue, which should be fair game since the Corrin was also a hypothetical 

  6. 1 hour ago, Dmys said:

    Something I find vaguely interesting in the E3 trailer is that around the minute mark, you can see Hilda, Lorenz, Ashe, and the mustached professor all on the enemy team. I'm guessing the other professors being in charge of the other two houses you don't choose is a very safe bet, but I wonder if Ashe was there due to the battle just being put together for trailer purposes or if he was part of the Golden Deer back then.

    I think so too! They will probably be recurring “Enemies” but never actually turn against you...

    until a potential final act! Who knows 

  7. 4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    And to support your argument, Cross from Xenoblade Chronicles X. They are silent went it comes to actual conversations beyond player chosen answers, yet when it comes to battle, you've the choice of 7 personalities (each a different VA) in English and 10 in Japan per gender when it comes to shouting stuff and making post-battle commentary.

    Being vocal in battle =/ being vocal in story and normal conversation. It's the latter which defines whether a protag is silent or not.

    Yeah exactly and 2 trailers plus many pictures and not one dialogue box from the main character isnwhy I began to believe it. 


    Why else would we still not have info on our main character saying even 1 line? 

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