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Posts posted by Blade

  1. I started doing halfbodies 6 months ago annnd... I think I did decently so far? Here's Naoto Kurogane from Blazblue and Johan from SaGa Frontier 2. The latter was real fun to do with his outfit and hair (his original sprite has arguably spikier hair than Cloud).





  2. I totally did not think the implication of making mugs of the Job classes thoroughly enough haha. Well, one of my friends suggested that I should keep making one variant of each job class to save myself stress but I wish I could make all of the male and female versions of the Job classes.

    The thing I don't really know is if some of these mugs would be insertable due to hackbox limitations for Jobs like Black Mage or Time Mage.

  3. Wow this thread is one year old now   Y  A  Y

    Hello! I'm back with more new sprites to show off here today (only two because school has been on my case for the past two months).

    5bf3e5818f063_BladeAvatarCustomPortrait.png.8b17abeb1a568dbb73a8977b2a13a7c3.png  My Own Avatar Now in Sprite Form!!!

    Totally cool right? I legitimately made my avatar from scratch this time. No splicing, no stupid Frankenstein splicing machine, no half splice & half custom, none of that; the mug was made from the ground up with a 36 x 36 circle. This avatar character was one of the first Discord avatars I used frequently up until I stopped using it since 2017. That was during the initial struggles of my spriting career. I owe a lot to Lenh and Blaze for giving me pointers again. :D:

    So recently I made another sprite this past week. This is one of my more serious products. 

     5bf3e577c49e9_FFTSquireOrRAD.png.5809d4f0a86f471df744bad2c53becaf.png FFT's Male Squire!!

    Hehe, I had the great idea to make a series of GBA mugs dedicated to the first Final Fantasy Tactics game and it's gonna be based on making the Job Classes! FFT is one of my favorite SRPG games outside of Fire Emblem (shocking I know). Yes, I'd love to try to make both genders of the class, but taking on the task of making 40 something mugs out of 20 job classes (20 jobs*2 variants) is super daunting.

    Oh well, this "self-proclaimed project" might suck but I intend to challenge myself to make the best product(s) I can outta this. :P:

  4. Hello! Blade back again with a new sprite to showcase. This character is also from FE4 and it's...

    5b7dabcf87c78_IshtarNEW.png.2e56f81bf1b4986441beb02fbed16ac3.png ISHTAR (Please do not use w/o permission thanks)

    Arguably Ishtar did not take that much longer to make than Tailtiu. Yeah, the main reason I made Ishtar was that I just liked her design in FEH and I thought it would totally fun to make her in the FEGBA style.

    NortIshtar.png.d6a3b87d6b3565c2960b8d15548422d1.png "Reinhardt you're too late."

    Sorry to be unprofessional but norted memes are my favorite. Almost everything about Ishtar was made from scratch and there are some things I am certainly (not) proud of such as the hair, pauldrons, cape, and collar. I did my best to recreate the character's look from FEH into the GBA style and I think that alone is good enough. An attempt is better than no attempt at least.

    You know, its super interesting to do your own take on a character that people have drawn before. Take a look at the Ishtar sprites I've come across while I was searching for potential references. Some of these sprites are several years old. Can you believe that?

    5b7dabea0378c_Theishtarcomparison.png.971d6d87475c461a26af195b87c143cb.png(Left to Right: Blade, Squidorsky, Nih, and Blackavar)

    Again, I can't help but be grateful to the many experienced artists in this community who helped me from time to time with areas I am not familiar with like hair or armor.

  5. Hello! Blade here with two new sprites today. Yes, two sprites and one of them is an FE4 character but lemme showcase the other one first.

    5b5979a287405_CameronComplete.png.f1dac45ba336e3f455142e3f0ae7858b.png Cameron (Free to Use).

    Cameron was just a fun little splice I made as a contributor for the forum's upcoming Void's Blittzare Adventure sequel. Uh huh. A sequel hehehe. I never got to participate in the original CC Blitz but I can now with the sequel! Hopefully.

    Next we have. . .

    Tailtiu.png.5d4f891c5c0b3281bcb4adf12b280e39.png TAILTIU NOT FREE TO USE.

    Yeah, so I decided to create her solely because I liked her. And I have an actual excuse to do this meme.

    NortTailtiu.png.3151bc3c079e4bc500f80e54b1434a84.png "Azel, you're too late."

    Hehehe its so fun messing around with your own creations. It's fulfilling to make these sprites. Tailtiu took a long time for me to make considering I almost made everything single part of her sans the head, out of scratch. It was a long and frustrating process mostly due to her hair and outfit which is based on her Heroes design.

    Kudos goes to Black Mage for helping me out with the minimug, beads, and chains, Lenh for always helping me out with hair, WhydidImakethisaccount for his edits to the facial features, and Nobody for his contributions. Of course I wouldn't leave out the people who have been supporting me from the very beginning of my spriting career like Horatio, Eliwan, Zmr, Mystic, Monkeybard, Ganzap, Natsumi, Xigdar, Tchyrimi, Glaceo, Blaze, FEier, and etc.

    Thank you!!

  6. Hello! I'm back for another update on my thread and summer vacation allows me to have a lot of free time to whatever and mess around. Today's update is a remake of one of my older portraits who also wears a hat! Unsurprisingly, this lady is also from SaGa Frontier 2 and her name is Labelle, an archer looking for her brother.

    5b3ae85d3efdf_LabeleVersion13.png.5ba1b069fc4885b061188b82cb73201f.png OLD. LIKE A YEAR OLD.

    5b3ae80eb7857_NewLabelle2.png.5510bbbd1671e8bfd4080d8d5da702e8.pngThe new one. 

    I do not know any of these SaGa Frontier 2 characters at all. I just love the game to pieces and make fanart of my favorite characters. UNLESS THIS SPRITE IS PERMITTED AS FREE TO USE BY A BLITZ OR WHATNOT, YOU MUST CREDIT ME IF YOU WANT TO USE MY WORK IN ANY OF YOUR WORKS. 

    A special mention goes to the people who helped me and edited my work when I asked for help. I very much appreciate it! :>

    When I was remaking her, I started off strong with what I was comfortable with. Splicing the head, jawline, and eyes weren't as big of an issue in comparison to creating the hair, hat, and body from scratch. Sometimes, making something out of your own mind is more difficult than it appears to be and I had to take a lot more breaks than usual to complete the portrait. It is stressful for me because I want to make her pretty but I also want to get it over with so I can start fresh on new projects.

    Usually, I struggle with certain parts of portraits like hair. During those low points, while making her by hand, I had breakdowns with fickle emotions such as jealousy, anxiety, disappointment, anger, etc. Often I feel inferior to others because of my non-existent background. Art is frustrating but I can't stay frustrated and jealous forever so I have to keep moving forward when I want to be great pixel artist.

    If my art sucks then I'm fine with it. I knew that I put a lot of time and effort into it and I believe it paid off.


  7. On 3/16/2018 at 1:15 AM, Dinar87 said:

    Keep it up, they look good (or at least much better than I could do as I suck at mugs)!

    IM SO HAPPY THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! He was super fun to make by splicing his hair together but I'm no hair stylist.

    I also forgot his mini in the last post. :<

    5aae07d6acc42_JetMini.png.523d543565ae70ab6089fa800c4467c1.png One of my favorite mini mugs.

    Raymonds.png.878ac4eeed676d83affed85e39c41d5b.png Winking Raymond is a close second.

  8. So Blade here again after an indefinite amount of time, yeah my work schedule is rather slow now during the spring semester for obvious reasons. I will introduce another portrait into the group, and it is a guy with purple hair yes very interesting.


    Tada! His name is Jet, a bard who seeks adventure. Rather flamboyant, but stumbles easily. Extremely talented in music.


    I am very proud of this portrait because it shows how far I've improved and I seek to gain more so I can be the best I can be. Although time is tight, there are many things I desire to accomplish here and one of them is making my own self-proclaimed hack. Yes, that seems far-fetched but I thought myself making sprites was far-fetched in the first place. It isn't out of the realm of possibility. :wink:

    The more I make these sprites, it keeps getting more fun and fun when I can finally imagine the end product! The feedback I receive along with the experience of making a portrait is so satisfying.

  9. Hiiiii :D I'm here again with a new person from the SF2 crew. It's Sargon! He is an aspiring adventurer who ends in tragedy by being enslaved by the evil entity.... T h e  E g g, who seeks to destroy all forms of life and turn them into slime. Fortunately, I created his pre-demonic persona even though he's fifteen. 

    If you actually take the time and look up who Sargon is, his in game design is totally different from my iteration of him and that was because I thought his design was non-sensical to adapt into GBA FE. Faithfulness to the source material (or lack any source at all) isn't up my alley as I used to think otherwise. It's rather hard to find any art of him anyways.

    5a70007f2404d_SargonnOnly.png.0d10994f90da9ab5477b4fd9a7650718.png NotEvil!Sargon.

    Before the inception of Sargon's sprite, I celebrated my first year as a spriter making portraits!! January 16th was the day I posted my very first splice.

    1st_Splice_Original.png.ecf8689ce64896b6d31f93834e0890c3.png Dunno who he is but he was my first |D

    I completely forgot that I should have shown my collage!!! I deserve flack for having it up on FEU and not Serenes as well. Some of my early works are... questionable at best.

     5aab60ce63fbf_Collage2.png.259aca2cf77da25aa971cbdc579761d8.pngThe Collage (will be expanded later).

    If anyone is interested to use my stuff, feel free to contact me through personal messaging. I may not stack up to some people I know who are more experienced than me in every way, but I'm willing to be the best at my abilities and achieve my goals. (-:

  10. On 11/11/2017 at 3:59 PM, vilkalizer said:

    It depends a lot on which FE style you're going for. FE8 tends to use the outline colour more than 6/7, sometimes a lot more.



    As for my own comments, I'm bad with mugs so take it with a grain of salt, but I feel it looks desaturated, especially the skin - you typically get full 255 for the R and G values, with some variance in B. Also, I think the neck is a bit blobby. At that angle, this thing


    feels like it should be breaking it up and adding some shadow.


    Again though, mugs not really my speciality.

    AAAAAAAAHHH I'm sorry :< I totally forgot my Serenes thread existed...

    Even though my responses are slow, I appreciate the time you took to guide me in the right direction. I had completed this portrait on Thanksgiving, but I am willing to do future edits so I can right my wrongs. Any piece of advice I can get could help me produce better art.

    On 11/11/2017 at 11:08 AM, Lord of Gabriel Knight said:

    It looks nice, but I think there is too much contrast in your colors. The green's lightest tint is really bright compared to it's mid and dark hues. This is exacerbated by using large amounts of shades right next to tints, namely on her neck cavity.

    Also, your sprite looks flat because it isn't shaded as if it were a three dimensional object. You should look at examples of spheres and use that to give depth to your form. For example, the left side of her bangs should be a bit darker, since her head is round.

    Lastly, it's generally not good to have the outline color used inside the sprite. I'd change the edge of the cloth to either the darkest skin hue or the darkest clothing hue.

    Your art style is very cute and your sprite is very clean, so just work on giving it a more realistic look and it should be golden!

    Yeah! My shading is still very rough around the edges since I legit have no digital art experience whatsoever. In the most recent version of her, I did try to fix the flat shading in regards to her hair and body. I still used the outline color to define since I ran low on colors for her... uhhhh tube top? (Let's call it a sleeveless top >_>)

    I'm happy that I could apply this into my art to make it more pretty :D


    Firstly, I would like to give kudos to Blaze,  Lenh , and those who were aiding me to create those three characters. I couldn't have done it without their experienced ways. This post is dedicated to them.

    I should have posted them earlier but I forgot to! I have them on my own thread on FEU since that is where I mainly operate.

    Okay, here are my most recent portraits! The blonde's name is Raymond, an archer with a silver tongue. The redhead's name is Tyler, who is secretly half wolf but very trustworthy despite his intimidating looks. These two guys and the green haired ribbon lady are all characters from the video game, "Saga Frontier 2" which is one of my favorite JRPGS and soundtracks. I like the characters a lot to the point I'd make them haha (-: 

    PORTRAIT IMGUR EDIT: https://imgur.com/a/jKQlI




  11. Hello! I’m Blade and I am a pretty new person when it comes to spriting nowadays but I improved a lot this past year!

    Here, I’ll post up portraits because who doesn’t like them? They are pretty to look at (not always). I also have an art thread on the FEU Forums.

    I seek for critique and feedback so I can be the best spriter I can!

    EDIT: June 25th, 2019

    1159200273_BladeCollage2ExpansionPack.png.08cf0ab7d3a6d7a4532216cd3b0d2e9c.png"Party Colors"


  12. I don't have the chops to play the piano well, but I do have some experience with the instrument. I mainly play keyboard percussion specifically vibraphone so it's kinda related. I'm also experienced in the clarinet (my first instrument actually) so I have a music background.

    When I was super interested to be in the front ensemble during my freshmen year of high school, I reached out to the pit members and learned from them. Nothing easily comes in life and success won't come to you often. The saying "practice makes perfect" is painfully true. No one can be quote unquote "good" with an instrument with no practice. I dedicated so many after school hours practicing on some mallet instrument whether it be a xylophone, vibraphone, or marimba. Vibraphones may be loud, but it sounds magical? It sounds really pretty which is why I like it (it's so in treble clef so that's a plus).

    For musical practice tips, practicing at slower tempos than the intended tempo given will help you immensely. It allows you to play better in time and see whatever errors you make. If you still struggle playing slow, play slower. Counting out the rhythm and clapping with your hands is a great way to understand the music. This avoids bad habits from becoming muscle memory.

  13. Going by what Lenh said earlier, even though I'm no critic super experienced in this field, the proportions of the splices don't mesh well. It doesn't look natural, so change whatever needs to be changed to make it fit if you want to. Nothing is impossible if you put in the effort.

    Aside from obvious splices, it's not a bad start. I would have liked it a bit more if the mugs didn't retain their hair colors to make them different and not so glaring.


  14. I'm... honestly not sure whether this video is funny or kinda disturbing.

    Midori invents a new drug.

    LOL Midori invented male enhancement pills!!!

    Doctors hate him! Learn how to be better in bed with these magic pills in just a week!

  15. Uh no thanks. Can we just have an original game with an original roster? I didn't like the inclusion of the Awakening characters in Fates, it was the one problem I had with my husbando Subaki aside from his meh stats/growths. Using DLC to prove why they're in there is kinda of a lazy excuse. I'm fine with the Awakening Trio, not so much with the second gen trio.

    I like some of the second gen characters but I wouldn't want them to travel to another world via Dragon's Gate shenanigans.

  16. My favorite design has to go to the Adventurer, Basara, Hero, and Kinshi Knight classes. They just look awesome, especially the generic heroes.

    Least favorite has to be the Dark Mage and Diviner classes. How can any guy besides Hayato can be comfortable wearing a jacket that would barely cover your nipples or a spandex outfit leading to your crotch? At least female diviners get a crop top, though a buttcrack sight is more than enough. Female dark mages are just..... No. I guess every magic user has to sacrifice their dignity to the dark arts.

    But the generic mage users are packing some muscle and abs under those stripper clothes....

  17. I feel like Awakening was better than Fates because it kept the main focus on Chrom than Robin in the story and the Gangrel Arc. Everything has been said about how bad Awakening is and the fact I've never played it to begin with.

    Since the avatar is the main lord of Fates, he or she is obviously customizable for everyone, but I feel like the avatar creation of Fates feels like a downgrade from Awakening. Awful hair choices, bleh eyes, and less body types than Awakening! The theme of choice was marketed heavily in Fates and there isn't much choice aside from Boots' survival. Not to mention you had to make it already in the US and Europe releases, defeating the whole purpose of choosing without coughing up more money.

    Fates story is just a disappointment of a story compared the older games. It's impossible to get immersed into the world with the lack of world building, avatar pandering, and little to no gray morality between two kingdoms that clearly look like Good vs. Evil. The characters revolve around the avatar to the point there's not much else to them in the story outside of supports; Camilla is the worst offender.

    I don't want to go any further to beat a horse that's been sent through hell and back; this was just my two cents on the matter.

    They're a lot of stuff that I think was poor in action, but everyone's pretty much said everything, so there's no point in beating a dead horse.

    However, seeing this and other threads gave me a good understanding on the faults of the series nowadays. I especially like Thor's post on the story, as it's pretty common from the FEs that I've faced. I still enjoy the games and the media and glad that it's becoming more well-known, but I hope that IS will go back to some of old stuff that people seemed to miss.

    Which also brings up another thing: will new players who enjoyed the series actually enjoy the old mechanics of the games like durability, weight, etc? And will old players actually welcome back the change? I know a lot of the new things generally let down long time fans, but will removing or revamping these things really satisfy them? I mean, Magic was broken in Awakening, and now it's nerfed to being pretty much non-existent. A lot of people really hate the inclusion of kids, but if they're gone, will people really be glad? These things are generally there to give the player more freedom, and in the older games that wasn't the case, which usually made the game more challenging and actually had to make players think hard. Some may see that as being fun, while some see that as being too limited. I dunno. I think I find it kind of ironic that I'm saying that since my first FE game was Awakening, and I generally thought that making your unit as OP as possible was the goal like any RPG.

    Fates' split games were made to cater to both sides of the fanbase, but I don't think they're making another dual release for some time. IS will have to fine a compromise on the mechanics of future games to cater to the expanded FE community, but not everyone will be happy with what IS releases out in god knows what.

  18. Museum Melee can be easy or frustratingly hard for me. I actually got a Caltrop from it in my Conquest file on my second try which was "OOOOOH MYYYY GOOOD". That -8 Speed, Def, and Res is sexy to use, even if it's nerfed to melee range and -2 strength/skill debuff.

    The rarest I've got was a +2 Horse Spirit because I got nothing else. The best forge I got on a normal weapon is a +4 Iron Axe (called the Grand Axe) in my Conquest file, Camilfa only.

  19. I want my elemental magic back, not the generalized magic we got in Fates... It's one of the few things I've loved in the Tellius games. I loved wind, light, and dark magic, but there is little to no representation of them in Fates, especially light and dark magic. It really peeves me that Nosferatu is a Dark Mage exclusive tome even though it's not even worth it.

    Please bring back Monks and Bishops, or at least make another playable soldier like the Tellius games. I kinda miss the Warrior class even if it was always overshadowed by the Berserker class.

  20. Hinata.

    Hana's high risk high reward glass cannon stat spread got me several resets when I first used her on my very first playthrough. Her support with the Avatar didn't help either. Any other support I've read about Hana is more or less training for Sakura or feminism.

    I like Hinata's design and the fact he can survive enemy phase with the Norhian Blade boost is good. His bases are good to carry him over for most of Birthroute and A+ Subaki gets him Darting Blow in case he gets into that doubling treshold. He's doing great in my Lunatic BR run so far.

  21. So many people dislike Peri, Hayato, Hisame, Tharja 2.0, and Asugi....

    Seeing Sakura's retainers on the low end diappoints me because of the fact I'm a fanboy for them (Aigis waifu is best waifu).

    I always take these with a grain of salt for my sanity's sake. I mean people love Elise, Hinoka (wut?) and Camilla yet don't seem to particularly care about Flora who's much better written, and then there seems to be an incredible rage boner for Yukimura - what the hell has he done that makes everyone dislike him?

    I think Revelations Chapter 8 soured people's opinion on him, and he wouldn't even join your party unless you're in BR. Being a Corrinsexual doesn't help either.

    I didn't realize so many people dislike Hayato.

    Also is my eyes (or phone) playing tricks on me, or is Female Corrin up there twice?

    Yeah I noticed too. What's weird is that more people dislike the second Fem!Corrin option then the first one.

  22. First of all, not all retainers suck. Oboro, Niles, Saizo, Azama, and Effie come to mind.

    It's your opinion to think these retainers suck like Subaki since everyone hates him because of his lopsided growths, but I'm a Baki fanboy so I favor him over the statistically better (and forgettable) Hinoka. However, your justification on why SOME units are "unbalanced and bad" baffles me.

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