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Posts posted by Coolmanio

  1. 12 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

    Just for curiosity, how many orbs would be necessary to pull 11 copies of a 5* unit in a banner? I mean, it’s not like if I were going to try it (I’m F2P), but I’d like to know how much whales put into the game (more in orbs than in money, as F2P orbs apply for them too)

    Using Myrrh:


  2. 16 minutes ago, Charmeleonbrah said:

    I get the impression that Marisa will NOT be the Tempest Trial reward character, and instead get the Ayra/Rhajat treatment and be placed on the upcoming TT banner.  Maybe the Japanese version is worded differently, but that's how it reads in English.

    The Japanese is rather explicit, but I can see how the translator made a mistake.

    Do not worry, she will be a TT reward.

  3. 20 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Distant Counter + Iote's Shield works against bows, considering she has 35-36 Def (before Fury 3) in the video. For reference, Awakening Tiki has 35 base Def.


    The Japanese in-game bulletin says Tempest Trials reward, assuming I'm reading it correctly (and the English one is a mistranslation because it totally looks like one).


    I assume you meant Res.

    Yeah, I don't really think the Japanese post can be interpreted any differently haha. I agree, she is coming as a reward.


    Also, people on Reddit are thinking L'Arachel will be turning into a 4* unit? What do you guys think? Not many units downgraded who have a Pref. weapon recently...

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