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Posts posted by Coolmanio

  1. choose-your-legend-front.jpg

    Choose Your Legends is returning!

    From January 21 to January 28, there will be another voting event just like last year! I'm assuming the 4 winners from last year will be ineligible, so, who will you vote for? Will the runner-ups from the last event (Tharja, Camilla, Hector and Chrom) finally win this year? Or has a year of playing the game, memes, and unexpected character popularity changed your vote? 

    Here is the voting website (active!): https://events.fire-emblem-heroes.com/vote2?locale=en-US





  2. 2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    In terms of flow, I'd have used "well then" instead of "then" in the third panel, but otherwise I don't see any issues (two syllables sounds better there). I think it also has a more disappointed feel to it (of the "really?" sort).


    Faye's expressions are great.

    Haha, I really don't know how to talk like a complete and total psychopath (like Faye). I just thought one word, blunt answers would seem more detached and creepy. 

    Is she disappointed? Or having a mental break down?

  3. 6 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:


    I think the title could be more accurately translated as "A future that has been saved... exists!" If my interpretation is correct, this is the realization that Masked Marth comes to after seeing Spring Lucina and Spring Chrom walking by happily (i.e. if the last frame had a speech/thought bubble/box, the title text would be in it).


    I interpreted the last panel as MM being jealous of S!Chrom and S!Lucina, not happy for them.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Slumber said:

    ... Do... Do we tell him?

    I think we should tell him that arguably the largest piece of pop culture in Japan for 20 years straight is a pirate manga. 


    Sure, sure. I guess I was thinking more of the Western ideal of pirates. You know, the grittiness, swearing, etc.

    However, if they wanna do a One Piece-styled FE they could. Just wouldn't be my cup of tea.

  5. Also, Pirates and Pirate themed things are not popular in Japan at all. They're going to want to sell this game to the gamers of Japan, and that theme would totally alienate a huge player base. 

    And with the Final Fantasy XV: Royal Edition just rated by the ESRB with no mention of the Switch, I think we can safely find this leak fake.

    The Gothic-styled FE on the otherhand, whew, that would sell like hotcakes there.


  6. Wow to this poster above me ^

    Got a NY!Takumi and NY!Azura within 50 orbs!

    Those, in addition to the WE!Chrom and Soleil I pulled earlier today made me do a YOLO summon for WE!Tharja one last time, but to no avail.

    Oh well, now I get to just save for the next 2 weeks and see what is in store for the next banner :D!

  7. 1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

    I didn't bother to edit my post after reading the Twitter post.


    As long as it's the least useful character they give out for free.

    I don't like being locked to neutral nature and limited merges. It's nice for free-to-players, but it's pretty much a throwaway character for people who pay and people who have played long enough to start merging up their summonable units (I'm pretty sure a +10 Beruka would be better than a +4 Michalis if it weren't for Hauteclere's unique refine).

    Or they do this to negate units sharing the same colour.

    I am totally okay with this!

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