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Posts posted by carefreejules

  1. I highly doubt Trump means that he supports the idea of just outright attacking others. He probably means "feel free to defend yourself if you're attacked." Which is most certainly reasonable. No sane person would encourage someone to just go attacking others for any reason.

    Or maybe he should have encouraged safety and security protocols to calmly remove angry protesters or supporters instead of just resorting to violence as a defense mechanism. One or some of his supporters evenly openly pepper sprayed protesters. If you're a leader who has disrespectful and disgusting followers and you're not doing anything about it, you're not being a very good leader imo.

    He has the money I'm sure he has some security guards.

  2. And I apologize for that then, I guess I just got used to people around me agreeing that Trump would be better.

    Ana, you're on the internet where millions are people are going to have huge varying opinions. It's really presumptuous of someone to just assume that the people you are talking to are going to have the same views and expectations and that's something that shouldn't even be surprising to begin with.

    For me, I don't want Trump because I think he's an asshole. I don't care if the idea of building a wall is unrealistic or a joke he made up - the fact that he's proposing it in the first place is what does not sit well with me at all and it tells me a lot about his mindset and values. Also, have you seen him at his rallies? He fully supports any violence that his supports inflict on protesters. It doesn't matter if the protester were being violent - the fact of the matter is, he's fucking encouraging the violence and hatred. I don't care if it took place months ago, unless he wrote a formal apology for what happened, his actions are despicable in my eyes.


    In November, a Trump supporter "punched and attempted to choke" a protester at a rally in Birmingham, Alabama (according to the Washington Post); Trump said afterward that "maybe he deserved to get roughed up."

    I don't want a guy like him to be the most powerful person in the world.

  3. Yeah, it isn't really a problem, but the principle of them pushing their views (because this was leaders of the movement in Toronto and Vancouver, and in a way that directly disrupted the parade - which I'm not sure why people at the parade even agreed to) on an unrelated thing in an unprovoked manner (unless they are offended by seeing anything to do with police) isn't okay with me.

    Speaking as a Torontonian, since the leaders/organizers who agreed to the policies that BLM asked for only to keep the parade moving, I'm inclined to believe that the only reason they agreed to allow BLM to speak was to avoid any potential backlash from them that might disrupt the day of the parade if they said no.

    I'm kind of in the middle as well from that since, it really felt like BLM tried to make the parade more about them rather than about the LGBTQ as a collective group. I know their intentions were to bring awareness to the minority groups of people who are suffering and getting killed, but do you really need to reserve part of the parade for that? Not to mention they would have sit down during the whole duration of the parade if their policies weren't promised. The Pride Parade is a celebration for LGBTQ to have fun and be themselves so to have part of that taken away, it seems kind of selfish. But this is mostly coming from my own ignorance of not knowing how these groups of people feel so the only reason I can say and feel like that is because I've never been in the position where I felt oppressed.

  4. You sure that wall is still a joke?


    Because this article talking about how Trump is going to make Mexico pay for it sounds EXTREMELY legit to me.

    Well gee if you ask me, I feel like he should pay it considering he can so easily get a SMALL loan of a million dollars. This guy is so far up in his own rich privileged life it's unreal.

  5. Yeah, but it seems I have trouble with direction, but I'll try it a bit more.

    Oh yeah, being able to make lines by flicking your wrist in the direction you want takes A LOT of practice. It took me 2-3 years to get comfortable doing it so don't feel bad if you can't get it right from the start because I never got it right from the start.

  6. I'm flattered by the offer but I already have lots of drawing for my own fan-game to get to ^^; But if you need more help and tips, I'd be happy to help you out there :>

    And that's just one way to draw a scarf XD There's like, 10 different ways of tying it around your neck.

  7. I see! They look a bit too young for 14-15 so I think raising the eyes will fix it!

    Here's my take on your characters and I hope you can use it for inspiration somehow :> The arrows show the movement of how I draw necks.


  8. Just out of curiosity, what is the age group of your characters? Because based on how you drew them, they look like young teens or maybe pre-teens. If they're supposed to be older than that, than I suggest raising the eyes more.

    Here's a really good tutorial on how to draw characters that look like a certain age group:


    Also, the scarf around the middle female's neck is a bit too thin to look like a scarf but I see what you were trying to do. The male necks don't span out that wide unless your male characters are supposed to be buff/muscular. I'll gladly draw what I mean in a second.

  9. Oh hey I learnt how to spoiler tag now, yay!

    Thank you for the advice. My issue is that when they get to quadrupling themselves they can just pull off a session on Itsuki and really easily knock him down and from there someone else tends to go leaving (as of my last few tries) only Yashiro left. I also have been trying Mamori (and occasionally swapping out Mamori for Tsubasa/Touma for single Yashiro lance attacks since that's all he's weak to) because even if she's weak to swords she can tank massively, her SP skills are also brilliant for healing (and of course she tanks for others to...Mamori is just frigging amazing). For some reason I thought all Yashiros kept the same HP, so I would just attack who I could. My Yashiro will soon gain a wind spell which should help out as I think that'll mean he'll be effective against twice the amount of multi enemy Yashiros. I wish I could do more sessions though, the single Yashiro is both a blessing (no sessions) and a curse (only weak to lances, I do have a few javelins though).

    I had the passive skills but gave them up for other things as I never needed them, even in other boss fights :( I could relearn them by forging and skill grinding, if I really have to. Ellie can do without null charm I guess, haha.

    Thanks again, it just feels really...disheartening losing so much.

    Oh, I never have any null status ailments for any of my characters because you'll eventually get a skill for Kiria and someone else called Amrita which will get rid of all status effects for everyone. It's always best to think about skills in ways where, you have to think about the skills that can't or can be replaced. Like with the null status ailments one. There's some really unique and helpful passive skills that I can get that can't be obtained through normal skills so those are the ones I wouldn't want to replace. With null status ailments, yes those can be helpful if you want to prevent your characters from getting that status ailment without wasting a turn healing your character, but since there is an alternative normal skill to fix it, it's not really needed.

    One of Yashiro's Special Performance skills (should be the wind one) will activate Counter automatically after you use the skill so that can be helpful.

    Make sure to complete the side stories that are available before the boss and sometimes Maiko will actually let you know if there's a new Duo Art available. I would talk to her just in case. That might increase your chances of activating a Duo Art the more you have them.

    It's disheartening for sure and it's OK because everyone has their own level of experience but that's not something you should be discouraged by. Everyone has their own level of strategic thinking after all.

  10. I feel absolutely pathetic at this game, no matter what I do I struggle on each boss over and over yet others do so really easily even not resorting to buffs/debuffs. I love this game but it makes me feel terrible at the same time.

    I have no idea how to spoiler tag so I'll just say I'm now stuck on chapter 5's (presumably) main boss. I can't help but feel I'm getting somewhat screwed over though, turn after turn, at least a dozen long session attacks and no ad libs or duo arts.

    I'd love to finish this thing and play more, but when I get stuck so badly on each boss..

    It helps to know what everyone's strengths and weaknesses are but also how they work with one another. For me, with bosses, I usually have Itsuki, Mamori and Yashiro face off against the main boss. With Mamori's incredible defense and Yashiro's incredible speed and evading skills, I don't have to worry too much about their health because they can either endure it or they dodge them entirely. Like Mamori has a really really good Special Performance buff skills (Raindrop Memories), which increases attack, defense but also nullifies weaknesses and I believe any AOE attacks too for 3 turns I think.

    Spoilers undercut

    This battle was difficult and it took me 2 tries to beat it but once you form a strategy, everything else is rinse and repeat. The boss battle is with Dark Yashiro and he can duplicate himself right? My strategy was to have Mamori and Yashiro for the battle. It also REALLY REALLY helps to have the move that can reflect/nullify any physical AOE attack like DY's Heat Wave. I'm pretty sure Mamori is the one who can get this move so it helps to have it on her. Also, when DY duplicates, don't AOE them - aim for one. If you can get rid of at least one of the duplicates, he won't be able to summon that many again. For example, if you can get rid of one of the Yashiro's when they were four of them, when he summons them again, he'll only be able to summon three which will minimize the amount of turns he can dish out. Also, if you have Yashiro use Counter, that will help even more because he can just attack if any of the Yashiro's aim for him so he's essentially attacking during the enemy's turn.

    One last thing, I don't remember if you can get these passive skills at this point in the game, but if anyone in subcast has passive skills that can push an enemy's turn back, that also really helps and they can be activated through Sessions. I know Touma and Ellie have those skills for sure. Make sure to have all the Radiant Unity skills that you are able to get just in case!

    Good luck!

  11. Her irises are too far apart which makes it look like she has goldfish eyes. If she's supposed to be looking at the viewer, her left iris should be moved more towards the right.

    Also if you're going to make this into a series, I don't think you need to make a new thread for every drawing you do. Make your own art thread and post everything there :>

  12. So I am stuck on Tsubasa's second story. I have talked to everyone in town and nothing. Anyone in particular I should talk to? I watched Omegaevolution but those guys he talked to are not there

    Is this the one with the cat? I used a guide on Gamefaqs for some of the side stories

    Here are the steps for Tsubasa's second side story:

    1: Go in front of the Cafe and talk with Tsubasa.

    2: Go near the Hachiko statue and talk to the guy near the couple. He'll tell you that he saw the cat by the Gourmet Restaurant
    3: Go north of the Hee Hoo Mart by the Gourmet place. Talk with the guy with the pompadour and he'll tell you he saw the cat go down a nearby alleyway.
    4: Go south of the gourmet house and move toward the alleyway. You'll be prompted whether or not to enter it.
    5: Radiant Unity.

  13. What's the story behind peep-head on the bottom right there? It looks like a partial Baleful Polymorph gone wrong.

    Hatoful Boyfriend is a dating sim where you go to a school inhabited by pigeon and birb people and the birb you're talking about is named Okosan and he's the only one out of all of them who doesn't have a proper human form hahahahaha

    He's also based on the creator's pet pigeon who is also named Okosan.

  14. These maps look nice!

    Had a specific theme of this town you were going for?

    And are you making these maps for some project?

    Thanks :> It's hard to really put together a theme for a town since the tilesets in RPG Maker MV all look pretty generic so I mostly just wanted to make a lush little town in the foresty mountains with calming rivers running throughout the town. Basically, a peaceful and calm town!

    I'm making these maps for a fan game I've very slowly putting together lmao

  15. If I may be completely honest, I think you should consider using royalty free music instead since this sounds like the first time that you're taking on such a big project. Usually with indie games or games created by one person in general, things will run a lot more smoothly if you have a dedicated small team who is just as passionate as you are about this game. With you being the director and you seeking help from those who probably don't know know a whole lot about this game to begin with, you're still kind of asking for a lot even if you're going to compensate the people. I'm pretty sure I've said this before, but I think you're getting a bit ahead of yourself.

    I'm not saying to scrap or give up on this project, but I think you need to really write down what you need and prioritize everything in order because it sounds a bit disorganized. Like for me, I'm still in the process of writing the story for my fangame and listing all the settings so I know how many and what maps to put together. Once I finished with that, I'll going to then start actually developing the game. Things like additional art, music, etc come last because those things are kind of like the icing on the cake that come after the hard part of developing is finished because all I would have to really do is choose my music/art and put them in. Then I would ask if anyone would be interested in bug testing the game. I would love to use music that was specifically created for this game, but I have to think realistically on whether or not people are going to be interested AND that I can compensate them fairly.

    All and all, I think you need to be more transparent and clear of what your game is like to give people a better idea of how to go about creating music for it. 'Good adventure music' and 'energetic battle music' are EXTREMELY generic terms and the musicians are not going to have a lot to go off of with just those descriptions to really make the music that's unique and catered for your game.

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