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Everything posted by carefreejules

  1. I love how I keep saying "ok last WIP" and then a few weeks later I'm like "have another WIP"
  2. This is a bit surprising considering how Sticker Star wasn't that well received but hey, hopefully it's good.
  3. I'm under the impression that they are English Release screenshots because the tumblr where I got the screenshots from, they also have an official website where they cover gaming news in general so it wouldn't make sense if they were from the English patch. That's the impression I get anyway. Here's the article link that contains the screenshots on the website.
  4. I saw these screenshots on my dash on Tumblr and I haven't seen them before so I'm assuming they're new! I'm sorry if these were already posted in a different thread. You can find the over here!
  5. I'm personally happy with these changes because (and don't hate me for this) I actually sent Nintendo an email regarding this issue and I'm sure many have as well, but I was focusing more on the fact that, regardless of how people interpreted Soleil and M!Kamui's support, one thing is for certain in that there was NO CONSENT when M!Kamui slipped whatever the hell he had in Soleil's drink - and I think that's one of the notable 'problematic' things in their support. Consent is a big and serious issue and I'm glad that Nintendo dealt with this issue in some way. I mean, sure there are many other questionable things in the game that should have been changed as well, but I'd rather have some things changed than no changes at all. Besides, maybe NOA didn't really know much about the subject back in Awakening so they didn't see anything wrong with it - but with many people voicing their concern for Fates, maybe they're realizing that hey, we don't really know much about this and our fans seem to know a lot. Idk, now I'm just rambling. I just don't like when one's past actions are being used against them as to guilt them or use as an excuse to why they shouldn't make the changes that they made. To me, I think Nintendo is slowly learning and making changes accordingly and I don't think that's a bad thing.
  6. I'm turning 20 this year and it doesn't feel all that different from when I was 16 - all that's really changed are people's expectations of you and more responsibilities. But it really depends on your environment really like my parents are very strict of me whenever I go out that my curfew has always been 6:00 pm and it still is even though I'm an 'adult'. There's also things like not being covered by family insurance anymore because you're not in school anymore or you're at the age where you should be paying for things like that yourself. I'm still covered by insurance because of my dad's company and I'm in school, so I don't have to worry about paying for dentist check ups and the like. So, being an adult is kind of you facing the reality that there are so many things that you have to pay yourself.
  7. I think we have another case of: “HERE’S A BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED NEW 3DS XL FOR FIRE EMBLEM FATES except it doesn’t come with the games that it’s design from”
  8. I consider myself pretty good at Mario Kart and I love Rhythm Games to boot so I consider myself good at them too. But, rhythm games can be tricky because I can do most if not all Project Diva/Mirai songs on Hard and even Super Hard but I can barely keep up with hard songs in Osu.
  9. I would love to see the original raw file of each animation to see how long and crazy they are because I'd imagine it would be really hard to keep everything organized for how much goes on in each battle, jesus.
  10. I'm nearly done lining my entry piece and I can't wait until I get to the colouring stage and make it all pretty. I'm really excited to see what everyone else has done :D
  11. For it's time, it definitely was incredible and still is. Even now the animation hasn't aged or lost it's shine in the slightest after all these years. Watching this series definitely reminded me of the fight scenes in RWBY and Dead Fantasy. I can definitely see how the creator saw Monty Oum as an inspiration because daaaaaaaaaaaaamn.
  12. Oh man it's been so long. I'd have to go back and watch them again BUT I do remember clearly that there was one episode where Metal Sonic (I think it was Metal Sonic???) was beating the crap out of Yoshi and that pissed me off so much. Don't hurt my favourite Nintendo character pls it breaks my heart ;A;
  13. I don't really think so since it looks like the creator is starting everything from scratch rather than continuing where he left off. It's been awhile since I watched the original, but I definitely don't remember the first episode being this elaborate and epic and the last episode of the original took place on an airship last time I checked.
  14. Yoooooooo I remember watching this in my first year of high school and I thought it was the most epic shit I've ever seen. I'm so glad it's back.
  15. Well, I don't draw ambitious things on a daily basis so the fact that I'm spending more than a few days on this drawing is more physically draining than it looks ;u;
  16. From what I've heard from what other people have said, people have said that Conquest on Normal is similar to Awakening on Hard or even Lunatic. Considering that there are three difficulties at the start which are Easy, Normal and Hard, playing Conquest on Easy might give your friend an easier time than if they were to play on Normal.
  17. LAST WIP and hopefully I'll finish drawing every character by the weekend and start colouring This is so much work sweet jesus
  18. The only WIP you guys are getting for the contest that's being held on this forum This is going to be a pretty long drawing because there's still about 16 characters I need to draw but I'm putting a ton of effort in this because I really want to get my hands on the Fire Emblem Fates Special Edition since they're pretty much sold out here in Canada. If you have a good idea of what I'm doing from this WIP, please be hush hush about it, thanks! :>
  19. Btw, is posting WIPs to your art thread against the rules? I won't post too many because frankly, I don't want anyone to copy my idea but I'd like to document my progress and show it once or twice.
  20. I'd thought I share this with anyone who wants to see. MAJOR IN-GAME SPOILERS I would have embedded the video but it's not working for some reason.
  21. Mudkip, because I'm completely bias aha Honorable mentions: Cyndaquil Piplup Snorunt Dratini Swablu Ralts Shaymin Most if not all Normal types
  22. People in the US are lucky because they've got multiple chances of getting the SE because Gamestop has restocked more than once but EBGames (Canada) only had one day of pre-ordering and that was it :c I'm betting all my luck on winning the Fire Emblem contest here in order to get my hands on it.
  23. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is classified more as a spin-off game rather than a crossover. Spin-offs are as defined side-games/by products of the main franchise while crossovers are combining two or more franchises into one (ie. Professor Layton vs. Pheonix Wright, Project X Zone, etc). Pokemon Conquest, however, is probably one of the few 'crossover games' in the franchise which features both Pokemon and Nobunaga's Ambition (Tecmo Koei).
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