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Everything posted by carefreejules

  1. Mudkip will always be my favourite starter because, well, it also happens to be my all time favourite Pokemon too!
  2. I finished the game the day after it came out hahaha (I literally just sat on my butt on Friday and Saturday to play it) and I really enjoyed it! It's definitely noticeably more difficult than the previous games and leveling is a lot slower, which adds to the challenge! I won't spoil the ending but I do think that Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky was stronger in terms of the narrative in my opinion. Funny story though, on my first try of the quiz, I got Chespin while Riolu was my partner. But, I decided to do the quiz again out of curiosity and got Chespin AGAIN except Piplup was my partner. ...I ended up going with me as Fennekin and Mudkip as my partner (Mudkip is always always ALWAYS going to be my partner Pokemon. That's mainly the reason why I didn't get Gates of Infinity aha)
  3. Thank you very much! I plan on drawing more for it so I hope you'll check back when I do :>
  4. Wow, I haven't updated in awhile but I drew a lot of stuff along the way. It's mostly Undertale stuff aha:
  5. From my experience, us Canadians ALWAYS get the short end of the stick when it comes to limited edition bundles. Back when the New 3DS bundle with Happy Home Designer came out, EBGames didn't have ANY of them in stock and they didn't get any to this day. I had to spend more money to get the bundle at Best Buy than what I could have paid at EBGames because I had a lot of things to trade in towards it and Best Buy has a really crappy trade-in policy. I really hope it's different in this case because I can understand the limited amount of new 3DS systems that was bundled but in this case, they're just packing three games in one so I don't think they would have any trouble in terms of stock. It's the waiting game, really :\ EDIT: And even if you email them, they'll probably say the generic "we cannot confirm the availability of this item at this time". I emailed them countless times about the New 3DS Happy Home Designer bundle and that was the response every time.
  6. Undertale actually got nominated for a few categories for Game Awards 2015 which is pretty awesome! It got nominated for: Best Role-Playing Game, Game for Change and Best Independent Game. I'm surprised that it didn't get nominated for Best Score/Soundtrack but then again that's probably just me being totally bias towards 8-bit/retroey music. The soundtrack in the game is bloody amazing oh my god. I hope it wins one of those categories.
  7. It really makes me mad when people have the gall to make petitions like that because they feel that their opinion is so important that they have the need to do something about it. But honestly, get off your high horse, grow up and deal with it. By taking away Cloud, you're potentially disappointing the people who were hyped up for him because of your own selfishness. And it's not like they're forcing you to use buy/use him so if you don't like him, don't buy him while the people who DO like him, will buy him. Everyone wins. Don't rain on other people's parade my god.
  8. From what I've seen, people are also complaining on the fact that Cloud is just another sword-wielding character, which I can understand where their frustration is coming from. But at the same time, I can't help but feel excited and happy for the people who are excited for Cloud because he's clearly a well-liked and respectable character. I'm sure you can say the same for every other character that you like, but if you don't like Cloud, then don't get him/use him.
  9. People who have traded in their 3DS MUST remove everything from that 3DS for the new potential owner. That includes making sure you didn't leave your SD card inside of the system. When I got my new Nintendo 3DS from the Happy Home Designer bundle, I still had my old 3DS. I had to do a system transfer which would get rid of all the memory on the old 3DS so it will boot up with a clean slate for the next person. And yes, the person's data and games are held using their Nintendo Network ID so you can't get access to their stuff without their ID. I have a friend who unfortunately lost his old 3DS that had games on it, but the games were still there when he logged in with his NNID on another 3DS.
  10. Thank you! It just takes some practice but drawing from real life is not easy so don't beat yourself up about it! I started drawing by looking at things in real life and you gain experience and an eye for it so it's something you develop with enough practice! Don't be afraid to set down guidelines and break down the figure into simple shapes - that's one of the best ways to practice!
  11. You guys wanted original stuff so here you go! I only have two to show since these are the two that I'm the most proud of that I did in my first year. Plus, all my process work is really...messy. Like, charcoal messy so I didn't want to get my clothes dirty. I did this for my Drawing Visualization class and I still really like it personally! The male model even thought that I did a good job on it! And then this was for my Communication Design class.
  12. Ahhhh I'm not too worried about that since you can't please everyone. I'll try to upload something later. :>
  13. Ooohhh you mean works of mine that aren't necessarily fanart? Like stuff I do for college? Unfortunately, I don't really draw per se for my major - most of it is all graphic design work that I don't think you guys would be that interested in seeing. I do have work that I've done for my drawing class last year, which includes still life and nude model drawings - I wouldn't mind showing those things if there's an interest :>
  14. I used to back when I was into other fandoms but I find it that creating characters and fleshing them out isn't my thing unfortunately :c I'll entertain the thought of making an original character or fan character but it doesn't go much deeper than that. I kind of end up forgetting about them and that makes me feel a little guilty ehe...
  15. In no particular order! Okami/Okamiden Hatoful Boyfriend/Holiday Star Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story Professor Layton and the Unwound Future Fire Emblem Sacred Stones Pokemon Emerald/Pokemon ORAS Undertale Kid Icarus Uprising Persona Q Mother 3
  16. Oh! So we do get some sort of penalty for uploading more than one? I'm very sorry then. I will not upload anymore!
  17. That's alright! I should have scrolled a bit up so I could have understood what you meant a bit more clearly. Let's just all play games the way we want! We all have preferences for a reason. Also, is it sad that I thought World 1-S was kind of hard AHA..........Like I finished the world with just one heart.
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