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Everything posted by carefreejules

  1. That would be pretty funny if that ended up happening considering that Liam O'Brien voiced Inigo so he's probably gonna come back to voice Lazward in Fates.
  2. You're a nendoroid and you're a figma and you're a nendoroid and you're a figma AND EVERYONE IS A NENDOROID AND FIGMA
  3. I would be happy to see whoever becomes a figma/nendoroid! I can imagine how all of them would look as a figma or a nendoroid and I think the characters who get chosen will look great either way! Figmas are kind of pricey but they're definitely fun to look at because of the details :>
  4. No one is expecting there to be a sudden splurge of LGBTQ characters but some representation is one of the main things people want. When we play games, we become invested in the story or characters that are in them because most of the times we see ourselves in the characters and sometimes we even become attracted to those characters. If you're going to give the player a chance to marry any of those characters, wouldn't you want to feel comfortable marrying based on your sexuality? Sure people who identify as male can play as a female character in order to marry male characters and vice versa, but it just isn't the same for them I imagine. People who say stuff like "every Fire Emblem game needs LGBTQ characters!" are saying that out of frustration because I don't think they want to have to play as the avatar that doesn't correlate to their gender in order for them to marry the character they're attracted to. That's not fair to them. All people want, are some more options that make games more inclusive.
  5. I'm pretty sure the in-game models aren't entirely accurate especially if they're in just their tiddie widdies. Like, I put the images of Foleo and Tsukuyomi shirtless to see if there was a difference and there isn't one at all. The reason I chose Tsukuyomi is because he is one of the most least buff looking characters in the game (I mean just look at his My Room model) and to see that he is in fact buff looking in his shirtless model shows that there is a clear contradiction to what we're shown in official art to what we're shown in the game models. Basically, all of their shirtless models are generic and the same, regardless of what their body shapes actually look like in other sources like their My Room models at least from what I can tell. On more topic, I don't mind children characters but I'm more inclined to care about them if there is an interesting reason to why they are there in the first place. I just feel like when people are at war, having children is the last thing on their minds like, do you really want to raise a child in a setting where everything is a literal blood bath and you have a higher chance of you and your spouse being killed? You honestly wouldn't have the time in my opinion. But of course, I can choose to recruit children characters if I want so if people really like them, I don't want to ruin their fun if I have the option to not recruit them.
  6. I haven't played many Final Fantasy games but the themes that stuck out to me were: Final Fantasy 9: Black Mage Village (it's so god damn funky I love it) Final Fantasy 10: Suteki da ne (or A Fleeting Dream which is basically just the an instrumental version of it but this was the one theme that I would hum to constantly) Final Fantasy 10-2: Real Emotion (I hum to this one a whole lot as well) Annnnnnnnnnnd I love all the chocobo themes (The Hyadain version is absolutely hilarious I love it)
  7. I regret taking one math and science course in my senior year when I knew I wanted to go to University for Graphic Design. I should have attended to more school events like talent shows or concerts.
  8. I don't think this is about what should be taken out in replacement for the next game but by making the best of both worlds. Why give up one when you can have a little bit of both? I think it'll make both parties feel satisfied either way. But I'd have to argue that the inclusion of children characters does not feel like a staple/main focus at least in Fates imo. In Awakening, at least the children had an interesting reason to why they were there which made me actually care about them, being from a ruined future where their parents had died so they ventured to the 'peaceful timeline' to help make sure their ruined future doesn't happen. I personally didn't find the set up for children that interesting in Fates in comparison. But, that's an argument left for another day.
  9. Call me overly optimistic, but yeah even if the characters that were chosen weren't exactly ideal, the fact that same-sex marriage is an option is a step in the right direction (even if that step is small). You won't know the results/feedback on something unless you put it out. Have an idea, apply it, see what you did wrong and what you did right, and make improvements to the idea. I'm sure the amount of noise that people have made about this have sparked up at least something in the developers/writers so they can make changes for future reference. It would also be really nice if they made children for the same-sex couples and the paralogues for those children would go along the lines of the couple actually adopting them by the end of it or something. But other than that, I'd rather the developers added more options to reach out to a wider audience because, why do children characters have to be factors in that decision? Personally, I wouldn't mind if there aren't any children characters in the next game if there are more options for same-sex marriage for people to choose from. You can choose to recruit the children if you want, but people don't choose to be of a certain sexual orientation that they identify as (it's something that they've discovered about themselves) so it's only right to make those options available to them since they can feel more included when playing the game.
  10. It depends for me so I say both. I tend to like the actual acting in the Japanese dub better but I feel like the pitches and qualities of the English voices suits the characters a little more. Like from the trailer, I prefer Elise's English dub voice over Elise's Japanese dub voice. It would be really cute if either Elise or Sakura regarded male Kamui as 'big bro' like how Nanako does to Yu in Persona 4
  11. I live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada! Fan Expo just passed and I'm sad that I couldn't go OTL
  12. Ooooohhhh, I would preferably go with characters who are archers so maybe Takumi? He just so happens to be my all-time favourite archer too. OPness ftw
  13. I really like classes that uses bow and arrows (they've been my favourite weapon since I got into MMORPGs for the first time) You could always be a Dark Knight!
  14. Holy shit that's a really nice freakin cover oh man I want it as my phone background or something
  15. Eeeeeyyyy this took really long to draw but I'm proud of it! B)
  16. I tend to be attracted to characters that are flirts for some reason! I tend to steer more towards Japanese Inigo but because even though he is a ladies man, he can be very genuine about his feelings and I really like that contrast a lot because most people look at flirts as people who don't take anyone's feelings very seriously. Like, in his supports, yeah he flirts with every girl but if you choose to read further into the supports with them, he starts to care about them (at least that's how I interpret his supports). For both Takumi and Inigo, they both have passions for something, but both of them have their own insecurities about them which I greatly relate to since I used to be and sometimes feel that way even now. Takumi thinks very highly of his archery skills and wants to gain recognition for it while Inigo is a bit opposite in that he doesn't really believe that he's good especially if someone accidentally catches him while he's dancing.
  17. Nope! I wish I knew Japanese to play that copy but I'm in the wagon of waiting for 2016 for it OTL I've spoiled myself plenty though so I basically know all the plot stuff and characters.
  18. Hahaha I've actually always wanted to do pixel art for a fan game or something like that but maybe one day :> My all round fave Fire Emblem character is Inigo (because I'm trash) but if I were to pick one from Fates that isn't Inigo/Lazward, it would probably be Takumi :>
  19. Considering how kinky this guy is I kind of wanted to show some playfulness with him but I didn't want to make it toooooooo suggestive because that's embarrassing to draw for me hahahaha Thank you!
  20. Joker :B Anyone can use my pixels for their signatures as long as you credit me along the lines of: Pixels are made by carefreejules.
  21. I plan on upgrading my regular Aqua blue 3DS to the regular sized New 3DS by purchasing the Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer New 3DS bundle (since I really want the game, I might as well dish out extra cash for it) I won't be too peeved if they do end up making a special Fates New 3DS because I'll probably end up purchasing the Fire Emblem Fates cover plates on AmiAmi or something. As far as I know, EBGames and Gamestop will allow you to do a system transfer in stores, but I would ask the one you plan to go to before hand.
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