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Everything posted by CocoaGalaxy

  1. Supporting units in attack stance still trigger their Aggressor, Quick Draw, etc. They just can't trigger Lethality, Aether, Astra, etc, though they can still crit, for what it's worth.
  2. To my knowledge, Aggressor, Quick Draw, works in attack stance, but these apply only to the unit they are on
  3. The exp mechanics in this game make it so that as long as you play normally, you won't really be underlevelled
  4. They don't overwrite. I am told the logbook has a hard cap of 99 characters though.
  5. Let's see [spoiler=Enemy only weapons or staves] Iron/Steel/Silver Katti/Kukri/Nageyari/Javelin/Mace/Star Axe/Hankyu/Shortbow Entrap (200 Hit, Infinite Range version) [spoiler=Unaccessable character specific weapons] Chrom's Falchion Bolverk Skadi [spoiler=Monster Weapons] Astral Blessing Astral Breath Draconic Rage Dark Breath Dragon Breath Shackled Fist Gauntlet Rock Massive Rock Saw Big Saw [spoiler=Skills] Paragon Armour/Beast/Wing Shield Point Blank Bold Stance [stat]Taker And... Obstacle I think that's it though
  6. Samurai>Swordmaster as secondary class is pretty broken as is. Timing your reclasses to get skills (debatable depending on the skills in questions, also different people value skills differently I guess) is also another thing, I have no idea how people plan those. For starters, enemy stats are fair to unfair in general, and exp scales differently, so there's really not much of a chance that you'll completely steamroll the game. Also level ups are rigged in Lunatic, so you can't just save scum for better levels.
  7. Nope, the designers "clearly" didn't bother balancing forging in this game. That being said, the largely speaking astronomical costs is still a thing really. I.E. yes 17 might brave swords are a gogo
  8. Well Lunatic Conquest does have enemy exclusive skills and weapons, high stats (I won't give any examples since it'd be a bit spoilery), map gimmicks and placements..and whatever else I don't know about. Yeah I haven't actually watched an entire lunatic conquest playthrough, but it's quite tough. Oh and, reinforcements like to stream in like nobody's business (having ~12 units appear each turn isn't really that rare, sometimes more) You need to know your funds and supplies, what to buy and what not to buy, manage your skills, "pray" that you stats work out, plan for paralogues, decide which characters to use and how to use them I've been hearing a lot of bad things about Endgame in particular, so I suppose it's not that easy.... The only consolation of sorts is that the boss is kind of weak, even with his skills...then again it's a matter of standards.
  9. Shadow Yato is hideously strong, unless you have very huge reasons not to use it, you might want to give it a shot with a sword wielding class, as much as Spear Master is great, I'd say. Also Skills are kind of important as well. Your characters all look to be ok in the stats department. Xander should be able to handle himself fairly well as long as he doesn't get mauled by magic and/or beast killers. Buying the stat boosters was probably not a very good idea. I presume all your listed above characters are capped, so it looks like your army is kind of small, which may be one of the problems (max deploy is 16 so you only have 7 full strength characters, two of which are probably not able to survive an enemy phase if not guarded)
  10. 1: Lead unit in attack stance or guard stance Attack Stance: Attacks or is attacked, while not in guard stance, and with a ally unit adjacent Guard Stance: Front unit of pair up/guard stance Promoted units have fairly good bases (not perfect though, but that keeps them balanced), and fairly good growths as well. It'll just take some time for the enemies to catch up to them Camilla: Pseudo mixed tank, fairly fast, fairly strong, and fairly high defense considering that. Leo: High-ish magic, has resistance, actually has defense for a magic user. Downside is that his defenses aren't totally spectacular or anything, and his speed isn't really that great. And well, he may be good, but magic classes still get the short end of the stick Xander: Low base speed, great everything else.
  11. Units level 20/21 or higher gain exp at the same rate as 20/20
  12. Yes, Astra vs Full Gauge, the first hit is blocked, the other four go as per normal. I'd like to add that, with Attack + Guard Stance (which is currently enemy only anyway), the pair with AG stance gains +2 shields when the supporting unit dual strikes. If the gauge is full and the opposing team dual strikes, the dual strike will be blocked, expending the shield. To be honest, it seems like, absurd that I never noticed the shields dropping. I don't know. And yes, attacks with a 0% hit rate will also consume your shield gauge. (If you ask me, they could have balanced it out more by making only attacks that hit and do damage fill up the gauge) On the topic of AG stance, this is how they interact with AS and GS AG vs AS Attack Stance dual strikes fill the AG stance shield gauge, if AG stance has a max shield gauge it will be consumed to block a dual strike AG vs GS AG will still dual strike, it will be blocked, but AG will still gain +2 shields. GS will not gain any shields from the dual strike.
  13. Yato is fixed at 2 DEF/RES for first, 4 DEF/RES for second in Nohr, In revelations, the boost is 2 STR/SPD/DEF/RES, 4 STR/SPD/DEF/RES for second in Nohr Buying skills does break the game for the more powerful skills, which may or may not be balanced by the fact that skills still cost gold to buy. Ultimately the choice is a personal one, I would say. I can't really give any advice for Mods and Classes, those would mostly be something you would decide depending on your playstyle. Aside from, don't choose -Spd, and you probably won't want +Luck either. Anything else is fair game, but technically everything is as well. For Lunatic, it might be spoilers, but I'd say that it's pretty unadvisable to do a Lunatic run without viewing the game, as Nohr is quite brutal compared to the other two routes. Revelations has a pretty sharp difficulty jump right after the decision, and DLC isn't necessarily (though it can break the game) going to be able to save you, so having foresight for decisions is pretty important. Also you'd have to decide if you want to use DLC or not. It's a thing, I guess. Managing what you buy is fairly important in Nohr as well
  14. Azura joins at the start of Chapter 9 with the same stats you left her with. Her inventory is replaced with a chest key and a vulnerary. Also by joins at the start, it means her position is fixed, and you have to use her in that chapter...and she only joins after the preparations screen.
  15. Man I think most of the main questions have been asked three times or more each DLC scales like paralogues, I.E. enemy levels scale according to chapter progress The only DLC that don't scale are the ones that give you fixed characters Beach, Royals, Hidden Truths 1/2 This mechanism also means you can't just grind to 20/20 in Chapter 7 and roll over the game
  16. Enemies generally have better stats, while lopsided, they technically have higher stats than your characters in their relevant departments. The game isn't symmetric, think critical hits but more, so skills can be very dangerous. Enemies with effective weapons(leaving a beast or armour unit carelessly would be pretty much suicide), multiple weapons, tight areas with 3-5 enemies ganging up on you. Enemy exclusive skills, enemy exclusive weapons, The AI isn't dumb enough to suicide into you (still not perfect but you can't have everything I guess)
  17. It partly depends on which enemies are doing it to which units. It's entirely possible (Azura has only 10 Defense by Level 40, for one, and enemies can have up to 40-50ish ATK by the endgame, depending on route and character type). That being said, if none of your units have over 25/30 DEF it's still kind of normal, average defense in this game is comparatively low. Try using +DEF pair ups to boost your DEF if necessary 1X from shop (It costs a bomb though) available after Chapter 20 Aside from that, to my knowledge, there is 1 Energy Drop in Chapter 18 Mozu does NOT pass down Villager
  18. Discounting Paralogues C1: Required C2: Still doable without C3: Still doable without C4: I think it's doable, not 100% sure on the higher difficulties [spoiler=Hoshido] H7: Still doable without H8: Still doable without H9: Still doable without H10: Still doable without H11: Still doable without H12: Still doable without H13: Still doable without H14: Quite tough, but it's still within the realm of possibility H15: Still doable without H17: Still doable without H20: Still doable without H21: Fliers required if DV not used H22: Still doable without H24: Still doable without [spoiler=Nohr] N8: Still doable without N9: Still doable without N12: Still doable without N15: Still doable without N17: Still doable without (I think) N18: Still doable without N20: Still doable without N21: Still doable without N22: Still doable without N24: Still doable without, though I think this one might be a bit steeped against you N25: Still doable without NE: Still doable without, but it's going to be quite tough [spoiler=Revelations] R9: Still doable without R11: Still doable without R12: Fliers required if DV not used R13: Still doable without R14: Still doable without R16: Still doable without R18: Required (to the best of my knowledge) R19: Still doable without R20: Fliers required if DV not used R25: Required R26: Still doable without R27: Still doable without In general, to my current knowledge (and it partly depends on the difficulty), none of the dragonveins that aren't marked are really that important.
  19. For this, I'm not really sure how to help. Would it be possible to list your funds, inventory, stats, and skills? Most playthroughs I've seen usually involve some method of charging down towards the boss, so it seems to be more of a lack of firepower (and defense) issue for this. The only real way left to fix this would be to do paralogues, but that might be an issue
  20. I'm not too entirely sure, but it does seem that, to a certain extent (the non fixed DLC, aka beach and royals are still exactly the same), the stats remain the same, but the enemy (can) gains skills
  21. Yes the english name of the weapon is Dual Club. Dual Club, I believe
  22. Conquest Hard (assuming classic, I can't actually tell casual since I never play casual), is quite tough to borderline impossible unless you're experienced enough. It probably also depends on how much you know of the future, since things like limited number of rescue staves, funds, skill allotments, reclassing, have the possibility of screwing you up 5 chapters down the line or so, so a first run on Normal is fair I would say. Normal and Hard are quite different in difficulty though, but yes, in this game, Normal and Hard are quite far apart.... Normal still does try pretty well to give you difficulty, just less so. It's possible that I'm just a bit desensitized to other players after going through FE11/12/13 on max difficulty.
  23. Parents are tied to males, so the problem only arises with male corrins
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