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Everything posted by CocoaGalaxy

  1. Felicia's kind of like a poor man's Elise that comes prepromoted really. (She actually has less defense than Elise)
  2. In Birthright, Midori's paralogue is only unlocked after Chap 15
  3. Promoting at Level 10 is mostly a waste of levels really, so there isn't much reason to, unless you're using her solely for her Easy Life skill
  4. Shuriken: They overlap, but they don't stack on top, so yes Silver: Per battle that the weapon is swung
  5. Alright I'm done with the chapter deployment listings, just let me get them over here... Numbers include Avatar. Avatar is forced for all chapters except Xenologues, as far as I know. (Also extra is that position can't be changed) Aside from Mozu's Paralogue, the other paralogues, the fixed parent character is also forced and included in the list. Remarks column includes units that are forced and fixed positions, they are not included in the count Well, some "minor" spoilers since I'm mentioning the characters who are forced so...er, oops maybe? I suppose I can make a non spoilery version...I guess? Also uh, I kind of slacked off in the paralogue section, hopefully it's not too bad [spoiler=Hoshido] 7 6 (Hana, Subaki forced) 8 11 (Hinoka, Azama, Setsuna NPC) 9 12 (Oboro, Hinata NPC reinforcements) 10 12 (Takumi enemy reinforcement) 11 12 (Reina NPC reinforcement) 12 11 (Kaden forced) 13 13 14 14 15 12 16 13 17 13 18 14 19 14 20 14 21 14 22 15 23 15 24 15 25 15 26 16 27 16 E 16 [spoiler=Nohr] 7 2 (Silas, Elise, Effie, Arthur reinforcements) 8 6 (Niles, Odin reinforcements) 9 8 9 (Azura forced, Nyx NPC) 10 10 (Camilla, Beruka, Selena reinforcements) 11 11 12 11 (Laslow, Peri forced) 13 10 (Charlotte, Benny reinforcements) 14 11 (Leo forced, Keaton NPC reinforcement) 15 3 (Avatar/Azura/Gunter forced, Dragonvein duplicates) 16 12 (Xander forced) 17 14 (Saizo NPC, unrecruitable) 18 14 19 13 20 14 21 14 22 15 23 15 24 15 25 16 26 16 27 16 E 16 [spoiler=Revelations] 7 4 (You only have 3 characters at this point in the game) 8 4 9 8 (Rinkah forced) 10 6 11 12 (Reina, Saizo, Orochi NPC) 12 12 13 12 (Kaden, Keaton forced) 14 12 (Elise, Arthur, Effie forced, Charlotte, Benny enemy recruit) 15 9 (Nyx NPC, Shura enemy recruit) 16 10 (Ryoma, Hinoka, Scarlet, Azama, Setsuna forced) 17 10 (Xander, Leo, Peri, Laslow, Niles, Odin reinforcements) 18 12 19 8 (Dragonvein Duplicates) 20 12 21 14 22 14 23 12 24 12 25 14 26 16 27 16 E 13 [spoiler=Shared Paralogues] Mozu 8 (NPC Mozu) Sophie 12 Kana 12 (Kana NPC, recruited at chapter end) Midori 12 (Midori forced) Shigure 12 Dwyer 12 (NPC Dwyer and 5 Knights/Generals, depending on Level) [spoiler=Hoshido Paralogues] Rhajat 14 Caeldori 13 (Caeldori forced) Mitama 14 Shiro 12 (Shiro NPC) Asugi 12 Kiragi 12 (Kiragi forced) Hisame 14 Selkie 14 [spoiler=Nohr Paralogues] Percy 12 Nina 12 Forrest 12 (Forrest NPC) Siegbert 12 Soleil 12 Ignatius 12 (Ignatius NPC) Velouria 12 (Velouria NPC) Ophelia 12 (Ophelia forced) [spoiler=Xenologues] Awakening 5 (Chrom, Frederick, Lissa NPC, cannot be recruited) Beach Fixed (3) Boo Camp 12 Museum 12 Gold 12 Royal Fixed (3) HT1 Fixed (3) HT2 Fixed (3) Vanguard 14 Anna 11 (Anna NPC, cannot be recruited) Ballista 14 Witch 13
  6. I think Rinkah's rather susceptible to RNG screwage, and even if she gets by, she may not necessarily go along with most people's playstyles or meet their expectations. Still, I think she's ok..she's mostly reliant on her speed and defense, skill is a bit of a thing. To be honest, if she weren't a Oni (which is fairly borken as far as classes go) she would have been pretty unacceptable...but as is I think she's not completely useless or anything. The game kind of "balances" all the units to a certain extent, but what can I say
  7. Aside from Master Seals, there are very few to zero seals in the main storyline, so you will have to buy them from the vendor I'd say use the child seal, since you can't get rng screwed, but depending on your party setup and personal choices you might want them earlier. Well, I guess I'd better start cracking on the deployment slot listings, give me a a few minutes....
  8. 1: Brave Weapons don't drop, you have to buy them from the armoury 2: Axe, Tome, "Staff" Nope Reclassing keeps you at the same Level
  9. Paired units behave this way primarily in Hoshido In Nohr, they behave in a more classic way, and from what I've seen, grinding maps as well
  10. Magic Weapons: Levin Sword, Bolt Naginata, Bolt Axe, Shining Bow, Flame Shuriken As a disclaimer, the list I'm using isn't necessarily 100% accurate Hoshido: Bolt Nagi X2, Flame Shuriken X2 from Armoury Nohr: Levin Sword X2, Bolt Axe X2, Shining Bow X2 from Armoury Revelations: Levin Sword X2, Bolt Nagi X2, Bolt Axe X2, Shining Bow X2, Flame Shuriken X2 from Armoury C14: Levin Sword X1 C19: Bolt Nagi X1, Bolt Axe X1 C21: Shining Bow X1 C24: Flame Shuriken X1 Paralogues scale except Mozu's Their enemy and playable stats stay the same. Well, I can at least vouch that their playable stats are the same To clarify
  11. It would depend on which weapon/items you are particularly interested in. The main serenesforest site has the list of the characters starting inventories and the inventories of the armouries and vendors. For dropped items, I only have a (apparently incomplete) list of items with limited availability, which I stashed here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BqeVX2KLY8DcKrHhVM1Rp4WZBiBNtjMxRKDB7fK8lrQ/edit?pref=2&pli=1#gid=1601859417 The names are still the original japanese translated names so what can be said. Due to my schedule I don't think I have the time to personally (re)stalk videos to see the drop lists and everything.
  12. Suisha is fairly nice defensively, it might not be a god, but it does it's job well .Hagakure revolves around dodging, which depends on the player and circumstances. The other four are straight up just about smashing the enemy into oblivion. Oboro/Chakram has some pretty nice debuffs that said Somewhat off topic, but I kind of preferred the original names. Oh well
  13. Only swordmasters have the dual wield animation at all
  14. There's no way to legitimately reclass into Pegasus Knight, so only Minerva seems to have the class for now Supports don't change the story except in Hoshido 15 as far as I know
  15. We're doing this again? Honestly, I'll say that different people rate skills differently due to playstyle. It also depends on whether or not you are buying skills, etc My own list on a synthetic (I.E. Skill by itself), though I hardly think anyone cares about my opinion: (Note: Lodestar/Great Lord exclusive skills excluded) Of course the way I tier is all sorts of silly..but eh..
  16. 35 + 17 The main thing that is tripping up the calculations is skills, but I think skills are factored in as well. Do note that effective damage bonuses is not added (Bows will use their original might, rather than effective might), etc
  17. The lyrics may be quite er..faithful (not that my japanese is entirely good so I may have misinterpreted, but it does seem more uh, reflective of the original song, compared to the previous ones we've heard [chap 5 cutscene]), but the song itself is pretty grating to hear, I don't think I really wanna hear it anymore. The shameful bit is that, it appears we're going to get this blasted into our faces in the endgame, why oh why... I suppose we can just turn off the bgm and play the original over it
  18. Goddess Icons don't really matter, give them to whoever you feel needs it. The more sensitive ones would probably be Str/Mag, depending on your spec, maybe some rng factor, and the difficulty. Dracoshield, Seraph Robe are both extremely important, the boots are really just a bonus. Speedwings only really matter if there are speed issues. I'm also not sure exactly how much Str/Mag you'll be using, and weapon ranks, etc I'd do a step by step analysis but it's prone to lots of complications, so the only advice i have is the general advice for stat boosters Use them on whoever you want. It also depends on the rest of the army formation and how much you want to use the characters, stats aren't everything that is That being said, seeing as it's Hoshido, it may depend on your plans for the other characters, but magic is kind of eh, so I guess you could say that dumping the spirit dusts on corrin would still be ok.
  19. As far as I know, it's calculated as an Iron version of the weapon (Armorslayer is treated as Iron Sword, Hammer as Iron Axe, etc) Not that I'd call it a shockstick, but on topic, assuming no DLC Hoshido: 2 from Armoury Nohr: 0 Revelations: 2 from Armoury, 1 from drop in C19 It should be roughly accurate anyway, from what I can tell, but it's possible that there are some I might have missed out
  20. A joke weapon. At least it seems to have decent/good debuff capabilities Rank E, MT 1, Hit 80, 1-2 Range Cannot double attack, trigger critical hits or special skills [strength/Speed/Defence/Resistance -4]
  21. Killing healers gives less exp, not that there are that many healers Singing/Healing gives more exp when the target unit is higher leveled than the singing/healing unit. Note that healing exp drops constantly anyway, so a Level 1 healing a Level 1 gains 25 exp with a Heal/Bloom, but a Level 20/1 gets a lot less for healing a 20/1 with a Heal/Bloom. I think it's linear though, but it's not like you can spam the higher level staves and even a Mend/Sun isn't that much of an increase. Exp goes 30/25/19/13/7/1 I think exp also drops to 0 for killing at a certain point, but what can I say.. ..Also this has got to be like the 10th time I'm replying to this kind of question already, man...
  22. I'm more concerned about the change in name to Kana. I guess they want to unjapanize the names but I'm still a bit salty about it, probably due to how much I like Kana (and differentiate it from Kanna, oh well) (Are there males named Kana though? Huh...)
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