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Posts posted by dylan101

  1. 4 minutes ago, Nym said:

    I think the way you change class is determined by movement type. They decided to take inspiration from Heroes it seems.

    Since Edelgard is an infantry or foot unit, she can only change class to class of the same movement type. That means that the other three only promotes to their respective movement types. We might see more new class of each movement type.

    Also, it might be possible the exams are related to the character's weapon levek. Since she's use Axe, she can pass the Brigand exam easily.

    When we see the Set Goals Screen we have Linhardt who has both a riding and flying skill. Horsemanship is also talked about in the tutoring section


    As for Exams being related to character weapon level we see the Brigand test say under Exam Skills Axe C or higher


  2. People have managed to download it?! Seriously? Huh, and here I was thinking it was not finished yet or something. This will make reading up on the two original paths without spoiling the third one considerably harder.

    Its not finished(there are obvious bugs in it such as not being able to save at points). But it was available for download using an exploit.

  3. After seeing the max caps for every class I think we can screw the idea of lethality. Even with a brave weapon your chance is only at around 12% each round. (29÷4 +10+15=around 35% for each attack and 0.35*0.35=around 0.12). But maybe having the chance to OHKO in online battles is great. Also dragon fang is better than luna so no need to go cavalier anymore.

    Well thats not how you'd do the math(you just got a brave weapon has less chance of working then a regular weapon)

    Assuming great ninja class for 35 skill you get 35/4 +10+15= about 34%. This means 66% of not hitting. A brave weapon makes it 1-(.66)^2 or still 56% of lethality activating in one turn.

    Assuming white blood for 29 skill you get 29/4+10+15=32%. This means 68% of not working. A brave weapon makes it 1-(.68)^2 or about 54% of lethality activating.

    Even if you had 0 skill you'd have 25% chance of lethalty(or 75% not). 1-.75^2=.4375 or 43.75% of lethality activating in one turn.

  4. Does it even work that way (with fixed levels)? How do you get the class skills from different classes if your level won't change back to 1 after a class change?

    Every time you level up in a class you get a missed skill in that class(and the prepromoted class apparently)

  5. For now, I really want to find out NA's release date. Once I learn what that is, I will worry about a lot of other details.

    Also, in other thoughts, wow@Japanese Aqua's Song. Just...dang.

    IMPORTANT EDIT: On Amazon, I decided to look up Fates, and they had the English version of Conquest. Curious, I clicked on it and saw that the release date was DECEMBER 31ST, 2016!!! UGGHHH!!! I really hope this is not an official date and just a hypothetical put up by Amazon. I can't believe that that would be the actual date.

    ... Its a placeholder until official releases. It just means its coming out 2016 and they don't have to worry about people being pissed if they guess wrong.

  6. But they're still set at level's 5 and 15 for promoted classes right? If so, to get skills from a different class you'd have to use a parallel seal upon reaching lvl 5 or 15 in your current class since there's no way to reset levels?

    Eternal seals can add levels(5 per use). If you missed skills in a class you get a missed skill every time you level up in that class(includes pre-promoted as well).

  7. So just to be clear, once you are max level there is no way to learn anymore skills if you reclass, since you can't gain anymore levels? If so, its going to require a lot more careful planning on gaining levels and when to restrict getting exp.....interesting dynamic, but I'm not sure I'm happy with it.

    Theoretically thats what eternal seals are for. They raise max level by 5, but are expensive. If I remember right from seeing them they cost 12000 G while regular seals only cost 2000. As far as I know there is no limit on using eternal seals.

  8. Well hopefully Counter and Galeforce got nerfed or removed, because those two would be obnoxious in live multiplayer. If every team was just that, I wouldn't be playing this for very long.

    We know galeforce only works if you attack alone. You can't be using guard or attack stance.

    I don't think counter has been nerfed though, its the same.

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