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Posts posted by bugmaniacbob

  1. So I was feeling depressed every time I went back to Heroes as I'd poured all the free orbs I had into the Shadows of Mystery banner and failed to get a single one of the Focus heroes - particularly annoying as I really wanted Katarina. I've been picking only red orbs since then on all of the banners on the off chance that I randomly managed to pick up Katarina.

    And then today, it happened. 5* Katarina, Speed boon, Def bane.

    As you can imagine, I was on something of a high and decided to blow the last of my orbs on the only other red orb in the circle.

    ... 4* Tharja.

    Seems like the universe is trying to tell me something. Hopefully I can get the SP together to get a fully decked out Raudrblade+ Spd+ Katarina - not bad for nothing but F2P.

  2. 1 hour ago, Salamud said:

    The issue with doing a character like Celica who interacts with a character like Alm is that Fire Emblem is a video game centered on war. There are hardly any situations that aren't fixed without battle and outside of Warp abuse there's not actually any options to reliably avoid combat when playing the maps. 

    Gaiden/Echoes tries to say that you shouldn't act in excess and try to stay within balance. But Alm doesn't really have a character arc to change himself to be less warlike. He's never in a situation where confronts his warmongering. His policy towards Rigel is vindicated while Celica is the one who admits she was acting from fear instead of what was needed. 

    But in OG Gaiden, Alm is the one who has to go out of his way to *not* fight with people - he has enemy recruitable units in Delthea and Zeke - while at the same time Celica is the one forced to choose an arbitrary enemy to kill in order to progress on her quest, and can't avoid fighting by talking. I always interpreted Chapter 3 in particular as being the point in the original game in which both Celica and Alm were being forced to consider decisions that didn't fit with their preexisting ideologies and the player could cause good or bad ends by following through with their original ideas or by making the choice that the other would have made. Sure, it's not much of a character arc, but in the context of the practically dialogue-free Gaiden it's as much character development as it's possible to infer.


    Anyway, to anybody who has played the game thus far, can you enlighten me as to whether any of the above considerations are present in any shape in the dialogue? To whit, does Celica have any consternation about the idea of choosing to kill either Sonya or Deen on entirely arbitrary grounds, or think about how Alm would just do what needed to be done without angsting about it? Does Alm have any momentary hesitation about Delthea or Zeke, based on the fact that Celica would want him to at least try to save them, even if the "safest" route is to simply kill them?

    I'm guessing, based on how toned down their personalities are, that this isn't the case, which would be a great shame, but I thought I'd ask just in case.

  3. [Spoilers, obviously, please turn back now if you're going in blind]

    So the Linkmstr stream when the game was released got all the way up to the climactic scene with Alm and Celica on the balcony of Zofia Castle, but I didn't see any discussion of it or anyone mentioning it, really. If you didn't catch it before it was taken down, too bad, or if you're particularly desperate or interested there's a low-quality version below that I couldn't help ripping from the video and uploading myself:


    For lack of a better description, it's Alm and Celica's first meeting since childhood, taking place at the end of Chapter 2, and is considerably more emotionally charged than the NES version.

    While I couldn't understand most of what they're saying for the life of me (aside from the standard "Alm I'm so glad" etc.) damned if this didn't make my heart melt just a tiny bit. From the way Celica is practically squeaking with joy when she's running up the steps to the way she almost trips with excitement, she is the most adorable thing in this game yet. And then she dives straight into Alm's chest, ruins enough oranges to feed a small village (seriously what are crates of oranges doing on the palace balcony) and the two of them just lie there beneath a stunning sunset.

    It's cheesy and indescribably "anime" and damned if it didn't feel satisfying. Special praise to whoever's doing Celica's voice work. You can almost believe that here's a girl who has spent the last few weeks desperately wanting to see this green-haired lad and finally catches up to him, and it all just spills out. Well, that's my take on it, anyway.

    Then, as we all know, it goes wrong. Or plot, or something. Leading to this exchange:



    Speaking of anime... yeah. Alm is indeed a baka, apparently.

    So, those are my thoughts on these particular scenes and what they seem to indicate for story/character development as a theme in this game. It doesn't look like it's going to be especially high-brow, but at the very least it hits the cathartic spots for those of us who were looking forward to seeing these scenes remastered. Also for those who want to to be able to see these scenes before they inevitably disappear into the aether. What do you think?

    P.S. I was going to put the BerkutxRinea dancing scene in here too but forgot to do it before all the videos were pulled. Suffice to say I'm now extremely looking forward to killing both of them.

  4. So


    For freaks like me who are interested in which of the children S-supports are romantic or not, with subjective gradations in ranking based on my own baffled interpretations

    Some quick notes:

    F!Kana and Soleil have one support each that can be construed as mutually romantic (Kiragi and Forrest, respectively)

    Soleil also shoots down Percy and M!Kana when they try to confess, and in all other supports is as straight as a banana

    M!Kana also gets shot down by Sophie, Caeldori and Velouria in addition to Soleil, but succeeds with Selkie

    Selkie shacks up with everybody in one way or another

    Forrest is a frigging god I mean seriously

    Forrest: Do I seem like someone who doesn't very exactly know his tastes?

  5. More miscellaneous transcriptions

    [spoiler=Arena dialogue]

    Ryoma (begin): The arena is a great place to test one's skill in battle.
    Takumi (begin): Maybe I should test my strength. What do you think I'm capable of?
    Saizo (begin): I can't wait to get in there. There's no way that I'll lose a battle in a place like this.
    Kaden (begin): So this arena is a place of battle? I'd much rather go home and take a nap.
    Hinata (begin): The very thought of facing battle-hardened opponents gets my blood pumping.
    Azama (begin): Don't we already fight enough? I don't understand the appeal.
    Subaki (begin): I welcome all challengers.
    Hayato (begin): I don't actively seek out a fight, but I will defend myself.
    Jakob (begin): Welcome to the arena. You can wager on all the battles that take place here.
    Silas (begin): As a knight, it's important to hone my skills in the arena.
    Kaze (begin): Were you planning on using the arena to develop our combat skills?
    Xander (begin): For generations, warriors have put their lives on the line to battle in the arena.
    Leo (begin): You can earn a handsome reward if you make a smart wager here.
    Benny (begin): Nobody ever wants to practice against me.
    Keaton (begin): I'm dying to see some blood right now. I should go hunting!
    Arthur (begin): Justice always reigns in the Super Arena!
    Odin (begin): I sense powerful warriors and a zeal for combat. Perhaps I can find a worthy rival.
    Laslow (begin): There's no way I can fight here! There are too many people watching...
    Niles (begin): This is where the magic happens. Want to step into the ring with me?
    Hinoka (begin): This is the combat arena. Are you here to watch me fight?
    Sakura (begin): So this is the arena? Please tell me I don't have to fight.
    Orochi (begin): Were you planning on watching my fight? You're more than welcome to observe.
    Kagero (begin): I cannot possibly disgrace myself with a poor performance in the arena.
    Hana (begin): Welcome to the arena. Don't you worry. I never lose a fight!
    Setsuna (begin): I hope they haven't placed traps within the arena...
    Reina (begin): Make yourself comfortable. I want you to be able to watch me behead my opponent.
    Oboro (begin): Look at all those spectators. I'll have to be sure to use my most stylish moves!
    Felicia (begin): I'm more confident in here than I am in the kitchen, that's for sure.
    Azura (begin): I don't like battling for this reason, but I will do whatever I must for our cause.
    Mozu (begin): I'm not much for fighting, but I do wish I could win a prize sometime...
    Camilla (begin): Oh, did you come to watch me perform? Then I shall put on a show!
    Elise (begin): I can't wait to go play in the arena! What? This isn't a playground?
    Charlotte (begin): I may seem a poor, defenseless thing—but DON'T underestimate me in the arena!
    Effie (begin): I am pumped and ready to go. Let's do this!
    Peri (begin): I just love slugging it out in the arena. I get to beat up all kinds of people!
    Beruka (begin): Battle the strong? ...All right. It'll be nice to fight however I please.
    Selena (begin): I already know how this is going to end, so do we really have to go through with it?
    Nyx (begin): I don't care much for this sort of thing. But I'll do my part.
    Shiro (begin): It's my turn to fight in the arena! I'm sure I'll be victorious.
    Kisaragi (begin): I hope this battle settles who is the better hunter and fighter...
    Asugi (begin): I'm motivated entirely by prizes. Will I get a yummy cheesecake if I win?
    Selkie (begin): Yeah! I love to play fight! I could do it all day long!
    Hisame (begin): This is the arena—simply the best way to truly test yourself before going to war.
    Mitama (begin): Fame awaits the great / Failure comes for all others / Crowds win either way.
    Caeldori (begin): The arena is a little scary, but I think this experience might help me on the battlefield.
    Rhajat (begin): What's the point in fighting if it's not to the death?
    Kana女 (begin): Hey! Watch me! I'm gonna battle so hard in the arena!
    Kana男 (begin): Hey! Watch me! I'm gonna battle so hard in the arena!
    Shigure (begin): I can't stand all this hustle and bustle here. Hopefully I can leave the arena soon...
    Dwyer (begin): I'd rather just have a cup of tea and watch, if you don't mind.
    Sophie (begin): This is the arena! Avel is gonna kick some butt during his big fight.
    Midori (begin): I don't know if fighting here is a great idea. Will you bring me medicine if I get hurt?
    Siegbert (begin): Challenging these crazed fighters in the arena is a test every royal must face.
    Forrest (begin): I shall dazzle the arena as best I can!
    Ignatius (begin): I don't want any part of this.
    Velouria (begin): Why would anyone want to fight in the arena? I suppose I'll go if I must...
    Percy (begin): This is the arena. I'm going to show everyone how skilled I am in battle.
    Ophelia (begin): The dazzling spirits will protect me and light the path toward victory in the arena.
    Soleil (begin): Wow, look at all the pretty girls here. I better fight hard to impress them.
    Nina (begin): This is the arena. I mostly just like to watch...
    Yukimura (begin): In the arena, strategy is important. I've already perfected my battle plan.
    Izana (begin): This is the arena. Are you ready to witness a miracle? Haha!
    Shura (begin): I've fought for a living before, and I'll do it again if I have to.
    Fuga (begin): I was a youth champion and then an elite warrior. Care to see if I've still got it?
    Gunter (begin): Welcome to the arena. I may not be young, but I don't plan on losing this fight.
    Scarlet (begin): I love the arena. Coming here to watch the fights is my favorite thing to do.
    Rinkah (begin): Being in the arena makes me tremble with excitement. Let the battle begin!
    Anna (begin): In both battle and business, it's important to emerge victorious.
    Flora (begin): This may be an arena, but that doesn't mean I have to overexert myself.
    Random Villager (begin): There are no worthy combatants. Please, make more allies and come back later.
    M!Corrin (support): Here, let me give you a hand!
    F!Corrin (support): Here, let me give you a hand!
    Ryoma (support): I'll lend you my strength. Let's give this everything we've got!
    Takumi (support): Let's do this!
    Saizo (support): Saizo the Fifth—here to help.
    Kaden (support): Happy to fight at your side, if you need help. Don't let my beauty distract you!
    Hinata (support): Let me join you! It's not in my blood to sit on the sidelines!
    Azama (support): Well, I couldn't just sit back and watch...
    Subaki (support): You've made the right decision. Let's go!
    Hayato (support): I'll do my best.
    Jakob (support): Heh, well I suppose I can help you.
    Silas (support): Let me lend you my strength. Together, we will emerge victorious!
    Kaze (support): Excuse me. I'd like to offer you my assistance, if you need it.
    Xander (support): I will gladly lend you my strength. We shall prevail for the honor of Nohr!
    Leo (support): It seems as though you need my help. So long as you're grateful, I shall oblige.
    Benny (support): You can count on me.
    Keaton (support): Let's join the hunt! I want to see their dark crimson blood!
    Arthur (support): Never fear—Arthur is here! HAHAHA!
    Odin (support): Fear not—Odin Dark is on the scene! So sorry, but I'm about to steal the show.
    Laslow (support): I can't let you go into the arena alone. Please, let me fight by your side!
    Niles (support): Oh ho ho! Thank you for finally inviting me to the party.
    Hinoka (support): The opponents look fierce... Let me go with you!
    Sakura (support): Please, let me assist you! I'll do whatever I can to help you.
    Orochi (support): I'd be delighted to help.
    Kagero (support): If you don't mind, I'd like to help.
    Hana (support): I've come to help! With our powers combined, I'm sure we'll win!
    Setsuna (support): I'll do my best to help...
    Reina (support): Let me join you. Perhaps we can divide up the combatants evenly.
    Oboro (support): I want to get in on the fight. It's not my style to sit back and watch.
    Felicia (support): I'll give it everything I've got!
    Azura (support): If you're in, I am too. Together we shall claim victory, of that I am certain!
    Mozu (support): For you, I'm willing to get my hands dirty. Come on!
    Camilla (support): Darling, it would be so much easier if you let me help you...
    Elise (support): Oh! Take me too! I promise you won't regret it!
    Charlotte (support): *sigh* Fine, fine... I'll go with you.
    Effie (support): My strength is at your command.
    Peri (support): I just can't wait anymore. I want to go slay people with you!
    Beruka (support): I'll help eliminate the enemy...
    Selena (support): You'd be lost without me, so I guess I'll come along...
    Nyx (support): Let me protect you. I'll be your guardian...
    Shiro (support): That settles it. I'm going in with you!
    Kisaragi (support): You're going to have some fun, aren't you? I wanna come too!
    Asugi (support): You'd like my help? Sure thing. All I want is candy in return if we win!
    Selkie (support): Hey, dum-dum! You don't have to fight alone, you know?
    Hisame (support): I humbly offer my assistance.
    Mitama (support): Duty calls me here? / I long to return to bed / I'll help you instead.
    Caeldori (support): Did you need my help? I promise, you can always count on me!
    Rhajat (support): Like you could keep me away from a good fight...
    Kana女 (support): OK, this is it! I'm ready to roar!
    Kana男 (support): OK, this is it! I'm ready to roar!
    Shigure (support): Listen, I know that I can be of use to you in the arena.
    Dwyer (support): *sigh* If you insist...
    Sophie (support): I'm all pumped up and ready to fight by your side!
    Midori (support): Midori's here to help! There's no way I'm going to let you get hurt.
    Siegbert (support): I'll lend you my strength! Surely the two of us will be victorious!
    Forrest (support): May I help? I've got confidence to spare. And I don't mind lavishing it on battle.
    Ignatius (support): Can I bring one of my good-luck charms into battle at least?
    Velouria (support): Wait up! I'll go with you...
    Percy (support): It's your lucky day! I'm going to fight right by your side.
    Ophelia (support): Fate has paired us—so Ophelia Dusk is glad to lend you her strength!
    Soleil (support): Let me go with you! I want to stand in the spotlight too.
    Nina (support): I've been watching, and I think I have some ideas about how we can win.
    Yukimura (support): Kana, I have an interesting plan in mind. Please, let me go with you.
    Izana (support): For you? I'd do anything. Let's get crazy!
    Shura (support): Come on—I'll show you how this is done.
    Fuga (support): I will gladly lend you my strength.
    Gunter (support): Are you concerned about entering the arena alone? I will go with you.
    Scarlet (support): You look like you're about to have some fun! You'll have to let me join you, sweetie!
    Rinkah (support): I can't just watch you go in alone! I'm coming with!
    Anna (support): Since you're my own sweet daughter, I'll help you out for free!
    Flora (support): Of course I shall be accompanying you. Let's take care of our chores quickly!
    M!Corrin (victory): We did it! We won!
    F!Corrin (victory): Yes! We won!
    Ryoma (victory): I expected nothing less.
    Takumi (victory): Yeah, we did it! Did you see me out there?
    Saizo (victory): That was the only possible outcome.
    Kaden (victory): I won! Does this mean it's finally nap time? I need my beauty rest...
    Hinata (victory): All right! I won! I'll have to practice more and become even stronger!
    Azama (victory): I'm glad you're pleased with the result. I shall meditate now.
    Subaki (victory): Victory without flaw. That was a piece of cake.
    Hayato (victory): That worked out well. Good job.
    Jakob (victory): My liege always expects the best from me.
    Silas (victory): Amazing! This was a very valuable learning experience for me.
    Kaze (victory): What an excellent fight. My opponent was a worthy rival.
    Xander (victory): As the crown prince of Nohr, I cannot entertain failure.
    Leo (victory): I knew it would end this way. Those who face me should be wary.
    Benny (victory): Whew. I'm glad everything worked out.
    Keaton (victory): YES! I did it! I'm victorious! N-not that I'm surprised. I knew I would win!
    Arthur (victory): You can't outrun justice! Come, friends! Let's strike a victory pose in celebration!
    Odin (victory): Naturally, no opponent can possibly stand up against my mighty battle skills.
    Laslow (victory): Heehee, I'm so happy that I might just start dancing around!
    Niles (victory): Aww, that went by way too quickly.
    Hinoka (victory): I've emerged victorious! What a glorious feeling...
    Sakura (victory): I-I did it! I won!
    Orochi (victory): Hah, of course this would happen!
    Kagero (victory): Has victory been obtained? I would be willing to do this again.
    Hana (victory): Underestimate me, and this is what you get!
    Setsuna (victory): Victory is mine... What a glorious feeling.
    Reina (victory): Heehee. Hearing opponents scream never gets old.
    Oboro (victory): Victory! Somehow, I already feel stronger.
    Felicia (victory): Whoa, we did it! Go, us!
    Azura (victory): Will this victory help our cause?
    Mozu (victory): That was terrifying! But...exciting!
    Camilla (victory): *yawn* Too easy. I was hoping for a little more stimulation.
    Elise (victory): I won! WOOHOO! I'm so happy!
    Charlotte (victory): Yeah! Take that! Ha, sorry. I'm not sure what came over me, haha...
    Effie (victory): OK, now I need to have a recovery meal. Does anyone have a snack?
    Peri (victory): Of course I won! How could I possibly lose to one of these arena weaklings?
    Beruka (victory): Victory... I will accept nothing less.
    Selena (victory): Well, DUH, of course we won. What did you expect?
    Nyx (victory): Skill and maturity go hand in hand. I'm glad that I've never lost to a young one.
    Shiro (victory): Sweeeeeeet! I'm all ready to battle again!
    Kisaragi (victory): Yay! I did it! I won!
    Asugi (victory): Sweet. That was a piece of cake.
    Selkie (victory): Woohoo! That was a really fun game. Can we do it again? Huh? Can we?
    Hisame (victory): That was a well-fought victory. Now, we must stretch and rest if we are to recover.
    Mitama (victory): Oh, sweet victory! / The applause of the masses! / Such loud poetry!
    Caeldori (victory): It seems as though I've won. But I can't rest on my laurels. I must improve.
    Rhajat (victory): Heehee! They sure weren't expecting that.
    Kana女 (victory): Yay! I did it! I won! I'm the best!
    Kana男 (victory): Yay! I did it! I won! I'm the best!
    Shigure (victory): I won. Now if you'll excuse me, I could use some quiet time alone...
    Dwyer (victory): I'm glad we won, but it took a lot out of me...
    Sophie (victory): Wow, I won! Maybe because I didn't trip over myself this time.
    Midori (victory): Wasn't sure which way that would go!
    Siegbert (victory): I hear the adulations of my people... Everyone! Victory is mine!
    Forrest (victory): Has ever a victory been secured with such style?
    Ignatius (victory): Phew! Can we not ever do that again, please?
    Velouria (victory): I won, huh? Well, I guess I'll be taking off then...
    Percy (victory): Heehee, winning sure makes me feel like a real hero.
    Ophelia (victory): Fate pokes me. Fate prods me. It points me toward greater victory!
    Soleil (victory): I did it! I really won! Did everyone see it? Hey, all eyes on me, please!
    Nina (victory): Victory in front of my adoring fans... It's a dream come true.
    Yukimura (victory): Good thing I spent all that time working out my battle strategy ahead of time.
    Izana (victory): Well, I did predict this outcome. Heehee!
    Shura (victory): You're welcome.
    Fuga (victory): Ah, that was satisfying. I feel 10 years younger!
    Gunter (victory): Experience trumps youth.
    Scarlet (victory): I won! What a great feeling!
    Rinkah (victory): Don't underestimate the power of the Flame Tribe!
    Anna (victory): The audience is getting so carried away. I wonder if I could make some quick gold.
    Flora (victory): That was my true strength. I hope that's clear to everyone.
    M!Corrin (defeat): Wow, we lost. I guess we'll just have to try harder next time.
    F!Corrin (defeat): Wow, we lost. I guess we'll just have to try harder next time.
    Ryoma (defeat): How could this happen?!
    Takumi (defeat): Ugh, I can't believe it. I never lose!
    Saizo (defeat): I've been defeated! How is this possible?
    Kaden (defeat): I lost?! Unexpected...
    Hinata (defeat): Man, does this ever bite! I guess I haven't practiced enough...
    Azama (defeat): Oh well. Victory would not be as sweet if we never failed.
    Subaki (defeat): This can't be right. What happened?
    Hayato (defeat): I guess I need to work harder...
    Jakob (defeat): I hope you can forgive me for this catastrophe...
    Silas (defeat): Huh, I lost... I guess there is still a lot for me to learn...
    Kaze (defeat): I wish I could have done more to succeed.
    Xander (defeat): I have been disgraced... This cannot stand. I must train and study harder than ever!
    Leo (defeat): Wait, I lost? How is that even possible? This must be a mistake of some sort.
    Benny (defeat): I'm sorry. I don't know what happened.
    Keaton (defeat): Of course I'm not upset about losing! No, not even a tiny little bit!
    Arthur (defeat): But justice never fails... It just doesn't!
    Odin (defeat): What?! How could I lose?! Next time, I must unleash my full power!
    Laslow (defeat): This is humiliating... All these people witnessed my defeat.
    Niles (defeat): I will use this pain. Mark my words.
    Hinoka (defeat): I'm so sorry for letting everyone down...
    Sakura (defeat): I'm so sorry...
    Orochi (defeat): Ooof, I didn't see that coming.
    Kagero (defeat): Is this really the best I can do?
    Hana (defeat): Well shucks. I guess I still have a lot of training left to do.
    Setsuna (defeat): Wow, I lost...
    Reina (defeat): I may have lost this time, but next time will be different.
    Oboro (defeat): I should keep training. After all, you can't be the best without plenty of practice.
    Felicia (defeat): Oh, no! I'm so sorry!
    Azura (defeat): It seems I wasn't at my best today. I'll have to try again another time...
    Mozu (defeat): Sorry if I let you down...
    Camilla (defeat): I'm sorry. I wish I could have helped you...
    Elise (defeat): Oh, phooey. I lost. Guess I'll just have to try even harder next time!
    Charlotte (defeat): I may just faint away from such defeat—or maybe I'll mop of the floor NEXT time!
    Effie (defeat): I guess I need to train even harder...
    Peri (defeat): No! I lost! Get out of my way! I've got to get back in there!
    Beruka (defeat): How could I lose...?
    Selena (defeat): This isn't my fault!
    Nyx (defeat): Apparently I'm no match for this younger generation...
    Shiro (defeat): This totally bites! I can't believe I lost.
    Kisaragi (defeat): I may have lost, but at least I had fun. Thank you!
    Asugi (defeat): I guess I underestimated what I was going up against.
    Selkie (defeat): Grr! Losing isn't as much fun as winning!
    Hisame (defeat): I apologize for my performance.
    Mitama (defeat): Oh, what tears are these? / Those of victory are sweet / Such salty defeat.
    Caeldori (defeat): I was bested in battle this time. But next time, I'll be sure to win!
    Rhajat (defeat): This isn't over. Not by a long shot.
    Kana女 (defeat): Ugh, I lost! But I'm not gonna cry. No way—I won't!
    Kana男 (defeat): Ugh, I lost! But I'm not gonna cry. No way—I won't!
    Shigure (defeat): My strength has failed me. I must go meditate on my loss alone...
    Dwyer (defeat): Well, what do you expect? I'm overworked.
    Sophie (defeat): How did I screw up again? I just wanted to win this time!
    Midori (defeat): I should go rub some medicine on these cuts right away.
    Siegbert (defeat): I'll continue to polish my skills and return to fight in the arena again!
    Forrest (defeat): I...I lost? Well, so what. Even if I fail, there's always next time.
    Ignatius (defeat): This is what I was afraid would happen.
    Velouria (defeat): Hmm, it seems as though I lost. I guess I'll be going now...
    Percy (defeat): How is this possible? I never lose...
    Ophelia (defeat): I lost?! My spirit has fallen like some star cast out of the heavens...
    Soleil (defeat): I-I lost?! This is humiliating. Stop looking at me. At least for the time being...
    Nina (defeat): I'm already plotting my revenge...
    Yukimura (defeat): What a terrible mistake. I must have underestimated my opponents.
    Izana (defeat): Aw, I lost. Oh well! It's important not to care too much about such trifles!
    Shura (defeat): Gah! This never happens to me.
    Fuga (defeat): I suppose my decline is inevitable...
    Gunter (defeat): I wish I could have done more to win...
    Scarlet (defeat): Hmm, I'd better put my nose to the grindstone if I want to win next time.
    Rinkah (defeat): Apparently my training isn't complete after all. Damn!
    Anna (defeat): I can't believe I lost. And I was gonna talk up my shop during my victory speech too...
    Flora (defeat): I'm so very sorry...

    [spoiler=Death/Retreat quotes]
    M!Corrin So this...is the end...Forgive me, everyone... I didn't...accomplish anything...
    F!Corrin So this...is the end...Forgive me, everyone... I didn't...accomplish anything...
    Ryoma Ugh...I can't die here!I hate to retreat...but my people still need me. I have no choice...
    Takumi Argh...I must be cursed...It's not too late... I can still retreat...and fight again another day...
    Saizo I must not… fall here... My liege still needs me… For him… I shall retreat.
    Kaden This is bad... If I keep going like this, I'll die...Everyone would be sad if I died, so I guess I have to retreat...
    Hinata I'll never turn my back...to an enemy... I will fight...'til the en—
    Azama Ah, hello there, death. I'm afraid I can't surrender my mortal coil to you today. Lady Hinoka still needs me. Until we meet again...
    Subaki This is my worst nightmare. Complete and utter defeat...I cannot go out like this. I must retreat and try again another day...
    Hayato Oof...you are skilled, much as I hate to admit it.However...I won't die like this. I still have the strength to escape...
    Jakob I'm so sorry, [milord/milady]... I cannot carry on...However, although I can no longer fight... I shall not leave your side! I must retreat for now... but I shall return...
    Silas I'm sorry, Corrin... I'm too injured to carry on...But I promised myself I'd stay with you until the end... For you, I shall retreat...
    Kaze How could I make such a mistake...I'll never be able to fight again after this injury. At least...I still have my life...
    Xander How could I fail?! I let my pride... get the best of me… Though I can no longer stand… as crown prince I must not fall here! Forgive me, my friends, but I must retreat... for the time being...
    Leo To think I could lose here... It would be appropriate for me to pay with my life...But I must keep the larger picture in mind— I'll fall back.
    Benny Oh. That's never happened before...At least I'm still alive. I can still be of some use to someone if I can escape...
    Keaton OW! I've never been hurt this badly before. If I keep fighting, I'll die for sure...For everyone I left...back home... I'll retreat...for now...
    Arthur It's humiliating to have failed like this. At least I'm lucky enough to be alive...Lady Elise, though I must withdraw, I will always support you.
    Odin Blast...I promised I'd return someday, so I can't die here...Sorry, everyone—I have to retreat...
    Laslow I...could close my eyes and be at peace... But I want to go home someday...Sorry, everyone—I need to fall back...
    Niles This doesn't feel good anymore...I must retreat while I still can. I'll live to suffer another day...
    Hinoka Dang it! I can't continue fighting like this...I hate myself for this...but I have to retreat. For Corrin's sake...
    Sakura I-I don't want to die and make everyone sad...I think I better retreat for now...
    Orochi So the death...I foresaw this morning... was my own...
    Kagero I have always been prepared to die for my duty... Stay safe, Lord Ryoma...please...
    Hana I did everything I could...to protect Lady Sakura...
    Setsuna I'm so sorry, Lady Hinoka... I hope you find...a better retainer...than me...
    Reina How… unfortunate... At least I'll finally...know what they've all seen...
    Oboro That's it... I'll never avenge my parents now...
    Felicia Oh...I can't believe I'm letting [Lord/Lady] Corrin down like this...I...I think I still have the strength to retreat. I hope [he/she] can forgive me...
    Azura I wish I could keep fighting.. .but these wounds are too grievous. I must retreat… and save my secret weapon for when it's truly needed...
    Mozu I did my best… but it wasn't good enough. Maybe the next life will be better than this one...
    Camilla Oh! I can't die like this... What would Corrin do without me?I...I have just enough strength to sneak away for now...
    Elise I'm...I'm sorry. I can't go on fighting… I can't bear to hurt anyone by dying… I'll retreat now, while I still can.
    Charlotte Someone beat me? Is this a trick...?
    Effie I guess this is it... I'm maxed out. I'm sorry, Elise. I've failed you...
    Peri Huh? My body won't move... But—I wasn't done killing...
    Beruka So this was my final mission...
    Selena Way to go, Selena...getting yourself killed here. Now you'll never see them again...
    Nyx A cursed soul perishes in the clutches of a fallen dragon. How...fitting...
    Shiro I wanted...to be stronger... like Mom and Dad...
    Kisaragi Thank you...everyone... It's been an honor...
    Asugi Sorry, Dad... Guess I won't be able to carry on your name...
    Selkie Aww...playtime's over...
    Hisame I lived my life as an old man...and now I'll die like one, too. Urgh...
    Mitama So tired...
    Caeldori But...I'm not done yet... I'll just have to be perfect...in the next life.
    Rhajat I see...a distant sandstorm. Will you be there waiting?
    Kana女 I...love you, Papa...
    Kana男 I...love you, Mama...
    Shigure I hope...I'll still be able to hear Mother's song...
    Dwyer Finally...I can rest.
    Sophie Heh... A klutz to the very end... Guess I'll never be a gallant knight...
    Midori Guess I should have made...better medicines...
    Siegbert It seems I won't be able to...exceed you after all, Father...
    Forrest At least I die...content with myself...
    Ignatius How strange...I'm not scared at all...
    Velouria Good-bye...
    Percy Bye, Ace...
    Ophelia I guess I wasn't...chosen...
    Soleil Haha... I want to laugh as I die... So why can't I stop crying?
    Nina Now my dreams will never come true...
    Yukimura It seems I did not plan for all eventualities. I must retreat immediately...
    Izana Just as I predicted, sadly.I have but one dying wish... Keep the party going forever. Heehee!
    Shura Seems about right...about what I deserve...
    Fuga At long last...my life ends. I believe I lived with honor...
    Gunter I may be old...but I can't die yet.I'll retreat and protect [Lord/Lady] Corrin another day...
    Scarlet I'm all right dying for what I believe... but I can't give up yet.Corrin... Ryoma... I'm sorry, but I need to fall back...
    Rinkah So this...is how my flame goes out...No! I have to pull it together enough to... retreat.
    Anna Penny on a dead woman's eyes? Please...?
    Flora Please don't cry...

    [spoiler=Meal Duty (success)]
    Ryoma: I'm quite proud of this dish. Please, tell me what you think.
    Takumi: I made up this recipe myself! Here, give it a taste.
    Saizo: What did you say?! ...Of course I can cook! You can handle a little heat, can't you?
    Kaden: Ta-daaa! That's right, I'm beautiful AND I can cook, heheh. Eat up!
    Hinata: All right, it's finished! I made a ton, so feel free to ask for seconds!
    Azama: I take little pleasure in eating or cooking. But maybe you'll like this!
    Subaki: This is a traditional dish that I have prepared with pride. Please, enjoy.
    Hayato: Cooking isn't that different from casting a spell. So I'm a bit of a natural.
    Jakob: I apologize for the wait, but genius cannot be hurried. Enjoy!
    Silas: I think this turned out all right, but you never know...
    Kaze: I'm sure you are accustomed to fancier fare, but I'd be honored if you sampled this.
    Xander: There. I did what I could with the resources I was provided. Give it a try.
    Leo: Here you go. I made it, so you can rest assured—it's going to be good!
    Benny: This looks edible. I hope you like it.
    Keaton: Mmm... It's ready! I'm sure you'll love it. This is a secret family recipe.
    Arthur: This dish was masterfully crafted just for you. Dig in, champ. You've earned it!
    Odin: Here is your special request! I injected your dish with the nectar of the gods. Tasty!
    Laslow: Here ya go! Go on... Try it! I can't wait to hear what you think!
    Niles: Ah, I believe this dish will have a mouthfeel you won't forget.
    Hinoka: I think this looks right, but I'm not sure. I hope you'll still give it a try.
    Sakura: Um... Well, at least I can say I did my best. I hope you like traditional foods.
    Orochi: I whipped up this dish. Not much of a match for my skills.
    Kagero: The flavor may be a bit unique. Give it a try anyway.
    Hana: This should be one of my better attempts! Although I did use salt instead of sugar...
    Setsuna: All done... Unless I forgot a step...
    Reina: I'm the first to admit I'm not the best cook, but I did my best.
    Oboro: Mmm... This turned out SO good. Go ahead. You're gonna love it!
    Felicia: I...I think this actually turned out all right. Tell me, what do you think?
    Azura: I tried to make a proper meal, but... I wonder if everyone will like it?
    Mozu: Back home, they always asked me to cook. I guess I'm pretty decent at it.
    Camilla: I put a lot of love into this dish, so don't be shy with the ladle...
    Elise: Not to pat my own back, but I think it's amazing. Be sure to eat lots!
    Charlotte: This is a specialty of mine, and there's plenty more where that came from. Enjoy!
    Effie: The kitchen took a bruising, but the dish turned out just fine.
    Peri: I tell ya... I know my way around a kitchen! My knife skills are pretty amazing.
    Beruka: Hrm. It seems OK.
    Selena: There, I cooked something. Now eat it!
    Nyx: Well, I like it...but then again, this may be an acquired taste.
    Shiro: Here! Eat up. There's lots. I love a good, substantial meal.
    Kisaragi: Ding, ding, ding! It's ready! I've made this dish loads of times, so I hope you like it.
    Asugi: That was pretty simple. I hope I didn't... accidentally...add more sugar.
    Selkie: I don't normally cook my food, so I hope this turned out OK...
    Hisame: Just don't ask me for the recipe. It's an old family secret.
    Mitama: Gourmet cook? Not me! / I have better things to do. / ...Still a girl must eat!
    Caeldori: Goodness! This turned out well, though there's always room for improvement.
    Rhajat: Hmm, I'm not used to cooking unpoisoned foods. So we'll see how this is!
    Kana女: I tried my best! I hope you like it. I made it with the family recipe!
    Kana男: I tried my best! I hope you like it. I made it with the family recipe!
    Shigure: I dabble in the culinary arts from time to time. Please, enjoy.
    Dwyer: I know my way around a kitchen. I think you'll find this to your liking.
    Sophie: Here ya go! I accidentally squirted in some lemon juice, but I'm sure it's fine.
    Midori: Cooking is like making medicine. But this will taste better, not bitter.
    Siegbert: I put some effort into this dish. Give it a try, and let me know what you think.
    Forrest: A dish should look its best. So I dressed this up with edible flowers. Enjoy!
    Ignatius: Did I use too much salt? Not enough? I really can't tell.
    Velouria: My papa taught me how to cook ages ago. The wolfskin all love my food...
    Percy: I never follow a recipe. I just sort of wing it...but it always turns out great!
    Ophelia: Celestial blessings! This dish is a constellation of deliciousness.
    Soleil: Piece of cake! I know a couple of gals who are great cooks. They taught me a lot!
    Nina: I got a little bit distracted, but I think it came out OK...
    Yukimura: Each bite has been prepared with care. Enjoy.
    Izana: A party in the kitchen leads to a party in your mouth. Enjoy!
    Shura: I always use a high heat. It's safer that way.
    Fuga: I was never formally trained in the art of cooking. So this will have to suffice.
    Gunter: Ah, here you go. I remember when I first gave you cooking lessons.
    Gunter_支援S: Ah, here you go. How times have changed since I first taught you to cook!
    Scarlet: Eat up! This will put some meat on your bones.
    Rinkah: Done. You should feel honored. I poured the fire of my passion into this!
    Anna: Sorry to keep you waiting. If you like it, you should let your friends know!
    Flora: I think it came out quite well. I'm sure you'll find it to your liking.
    Random Villager: Here you go! Eat it while it's fresh from the kitchen.

    [spoiler=Meal Duty (failure)]
    Ryoma: I tried something different with this meal. What does everyone think?
    Takumi: I think I mixed up a step or two along the way...
    Saizo: Ugh! I ran out of my favorite seasoning, so I had to make a few changes.
    Kaden: I...I usually cook better than this. I can't be perfect ALL the time!
    Hinata: Normally I'm a bit of a mess in the kitchen. I was careful this time—did it matter?
    Azama: I haven't tasted this yet. You can be my guinea pig!
    Subaki: This will be perfectly edible...if you just eat around the chunks.
    Hayato: I'm not sure how that turned out. But if you're not picky, you might not notice.
    Jakob: I apologize. I seem to have left out a key ingredient. If only I knew which one...
    Silas: Well, this one's a little...different. I thought it was time to mix things up!
    Kaze: I fear I have gone overboard with the spices. What do you think?
    Xander: This isn't going to become a new Nohrian specialty anytime soon. What do you think?
    Leo: Well, it didn't turn out quite like I'd planned, but maybe that's a good thing.
    Benny: How unfortunate.
    Keaton: Hmm? That doesn't look right! I was after a farm-to-table vibe, but this is just wrong.
    Arthur: Hmm... This, um, well... It doesn't look like the picture in the recipe book, does it?
    Odin: ...This looks burnt to a crisp—darker than even Odin Dark can stomach. I'm sorry.
    Laslow: I guess cooking and dance don't mix. I should've done less dancing, more stirring.
    Niles: If a little spice is good, a lot of spice is better, right?
    Hinoka: I feel like I did better this time, but... perhaps you could give me your thoughts?
    Sakura: I, uh, tried to branch out a bit, but maybe I should have stuck to the recipes I know.
    Orochi: This just isn't my day. Normally I can whip up dishes like it's nobody's business.
    Kagero: Something's not quite right this time. I can work to improve it if you don't like it.
    Hana: Everyone says I add too much salt, so I was very careful this time. Thoughts?
    Setsuna: I sort of spaced out. I didn't taste test this at all.
    Reina: Heh... I feel like it came out better than usual this time. What do you think?
    Oboro: I sure hope it tastes better than it looks, but I'll be honest—I'm not too optimistic.
    Felicia: Ugh! I had one job!
    Azura: We're out of several ingredients, so, um... Let's just say it may taste a bit different.
    Mozu: Something's not right. Were all of the ingredients farm fresh?
    Camilla: It's not fit for a king, but I expect each and every one of you to clean your plates!
    Elise: Aww, man! Why do stupid sugar and stupid salt look so much alike? It's a conspiracy!
    Charlotte: I tried to spice it up. I'd hate for things to get boring! Let me know what you think.
    Charlotte_支援S: I tried to spice it up. I'd hate for things to get boring. Let me know what you think.
    Effie: Not sure the pots and pans will survive all that. Well, here—you get what you get.
    Peri: Nooooooooooo! It tastes terrible. I wish I knew where I went wrong.
    Beruka: ...It's different.
    Selena: Bleh, this is gross. You might like it, though.
    Nyx: Here. This is what all of you foodies like, right?
    Shiro: I was going for something subtle. Whaddya think? It's bland. Isn't it?
    Kisaragi: I'm sorry. I think something went wrong. This is a hot mess.
    Asugi: I made sure it wasn't overly sweet, but it may not be as good as a result.
    Selkie: I think I messed something up. Should we feed it to the dogs?
    Hisame: This is unbelievable. Please, forgive me! I have brought shame upon my skillet!
    Mitama: Master chef? I'm not. / Every dish—a work of art? / Who's got time for that?!
    Caeldori: That's odd. I followed the recipe exactly, but it doesn't taste quite the same.
    Rhajat: Using heat that is comparable to the fires of hell may have been a slight mistake...
    Kana女: Uh... Don't be mad, but there was an accident. I think the oven exploded.
    Kana男: ...Don't be mad, but there was an accident. I think the oven exploded.
    Shigure: I think I zoned out and missed a step. Next time, it'll be better. I promise.
    Dwyer: I've never made this recipe in quite this way before. Tell me what you think.
    Sophie: If this turned out, it will be a miracle. Everything went wrong!
    Midori: I think I made a mess of this. I hope it won't cause a stomachache.
    Siegbert: My apologies. I fear I may have fallen short of my usual style this time...
    Forrest: Sorry, this just isn't up to the high standard that I set for myself.
    Ignatius: It's not bitter. Is it too sweet? I dumped a lot of sugar in there...
    Velouria: This tastes terrible. There's no way the wolfskin will ever eat this...
    Percy: Today I tried to rely on my cooking skills instead of luck. I'm not sure it worked.
    Ophelia: This dish glowed as it cooked. It shouldn't have. But I kept my head and finished it.
    Soleil: I should've paid more attention in cooking class, but my teacher was SO cute! Sorry!
    Nina: I didn't get distracted this time! OK, maybe I was a LITTLE distracted.
    Yukimura: How does it taste? I had some help...
    Izana: I might have used a cup of salt instead of a teaspoon. It happens!
    Shura: Food is food. Eat it.
    Fuga: I tried to make it the way my people do, but I think it got away from me.
    Gunter: Hmph! Well, that's...different. This dish doesn't taste quite like I expected.
    Scarlet: I got creative with a few of the ingredients. You can't stifle an artist, you know?
    Rinkah: I tried to go easy on the heat today. Not every meal needs to be grilled, right?
    Anna: So sorry! I made a mistake. Want to buy some emergency rations instead?
    Flora: My apologies...I misread part of this recipe. It'll be hard to criticize Felicia...
    Random Villager: Food's done! (...I'd eat it at your own risk.)

    [spoiler=Bath time (Corrin enters)]
    Ryoma (Same Gender): Ah, Corrin. Nothing like a relaxing bath to end the day, is there?
    Takumi (Same Gender): Oh! What are you doing here?
    Saizo (Same Gender): Who goes there?! Oh...it's you.
    Kaden (Same Gender): Heya, Corrin! Wanna kick back and relax with me for a bit?
    Hinata (Same Gender): Nice seeing you, Lord Corrin! Have you heard? Swimming is off limits.
    Azama (Same Gender): Lord Corrin? Please, make yourself comfortable.
    Subaki (Same Gender): Haha, I see you come here to get back to peak condition as well.
    Hayato (Same Gender): Just in time, Corrin. I was just wishing someone could wash my back.
    Jakob (Same Gender): Lord Corrin! I'm dreadfully sorry. If I'd known you were coming...
    Silas (Same Gender): Hey, Corrin. Wanna see who can stand the heat the longest?
    Kaze (Same Gender): A good soak can be very soothing. Take all the time you need here.
    Xander (Same Gender): Nice to see you, Corrin. I always have time for brotherly bonding.
    Leo (Same Gender): Hello, my brother. I'm surprised you didn't simply jump into the water.
    Benny (Same Gender): Lord Corrin... Someone just fled in terror after mistaking me for a bear.
    Keaton (Same Gender): Hey, Corrin! I normally don't like getting my fur wet, but this is worth it!
    Arthur (Same Gender): Those tiles are overly slick! I slipped six times on the way here!
    Odin (Same Gender): Ahh...this steam gets my creative juices going... Ack! When did you get here?!
    Laslow (Same Gender): I like the convivial atmosphere here. Maybe we can play a game together?
    Niles (Same Gender): Hmph... Just you, huh? You can come closer. Not like I'm going to bite...
    Hinoka (Same Gender): Corrin? Heh...I like that the baths are a place where we can hang out.
    Sakura (Same Gender): Ah, hello, Sister. Heehee... I'm not used to you seeing me like this.
    Orochi (Same Gender): Well, hello, Lady Corrin. Are you here to relax too?
    Kagero (Same Gender): Lady Corrin... Feel free to lower your guard. I'll handle any attackers.
    Hana (Same Gender): Hi, Lady Corrin! This is a good spot to bare our souls...and more, hee!
    Setsuna (Same Gender): I almost drowned a second ago. Maybe next time you should be my lifeguard...
    Reina (Same Gender): Ah, Lady Corrin. Don't mind me. Enjoy your time in the baths.
    Oboro (Same Gender): Stylish even in the bath, I see. That's our Lady Corrin!
    Felicia (Same Gender): I-I didn't mean to beat you here! It is nice to spend time together, though...
    Azura (Same Gender): I feel so at home in the water. This is a great place to sing when I'm alone.
    Mozu (Same Gender): We didn't have anything like this back home! I'm in seventh heaven...
    Camilla (Same Gender): Corrin! So glad you could come. Shall we get close, like sisters ought?
    Elise (Same Gender): Wanna have a diving contest in the hot spring? You don't?! Boooo.
    Charlotte (Same Gender): What do you think, now that you see me properly? Pretty attractive, right?
    Effie (Same Gender): It's the weirdest thing, but hitting the baths always makes me hungry...
    Peri (Same Gender): Hi, Lady Corrin! This isn't what I usually like to bathe in, but it'll do!
    Beruka (Same Gender): I stay armed even in the bath. Old habits die hard.
    Selena (Same Gender): Hello. This water does wonders for the skin...don't you agree?
    Nyx (Same Gender): You have a lovely figure. I'm sure you'll mature nicely in the years to come...
    Shiro (Same Gender): Yo, you're just in time! When it comes to the baths, the more the merrier!
    Kisaragi (Same Gender): I love a good bath! It gives me warm fuzzies deep down inside!
    Asugi (Same Gender): Sometimes I dream about what it'd be like to soak in a tub of sugar water...
    Selkie (Same Gender): I love baths! I wish I could float in here all day!
    Hisame (Same Gender): I apologize for entering out of turn. If you like, I will wash your back later.
    Mitama (Same Gender): Blue blood boils red / Observe the noble lobster / Learn from its mistake.
    Caeldori (Same Gender): It would be kind of you not to...look. I'm a little self-conscious...
    Rhajat (Same Gender): Can't look away from me, hmm? I know how you feel.
    Shigure (Same Gender): Strange that I feel so at home in the water. Though I still prefer the sky...
    Dwyer (Same Gender): I wish I could soak here forever...
    Sophie (Same Gender): *sigh* This is the life... I wish Avel was still allowed in here.
    Midori (Same Gender): The baths are great for sore muscles, hypertension, and bruises.
    Siegbert (Same Gender): I'm honored to spend some time with you. The baths are so liberating...
    Forrest (Same Gender): Hello! The water is especially warm and comfortable today.
    Ignatius (Same Gender): This feels so good, it's...scary...
    Velouria (Same Gender): There's no good treasure here, but I like it anyway.
    Percy (Same Gender): This place is the best! You and me and Ace should all come here together!
    Ophelia (Same Gender): I love these large, spacious baths... It's just us here, so let's dish!
    Soleil (Same Gender): Woooo! I love coming here. It's the best reward after all our battling!
    Nina (Same Gender): This is nice...but I wish they hadn't kicked me out of the men's bath.
    Yukimura (Same Gender): It's nice to see you, Lord Corrin. I'll wash your back later, if you like.
    Izana (Same Gender): Is anything so divine as a hot bath in your opinion, Prince Corrin?
    Shura (Same Gender): Lord Corrin? You're...sure you want to be seen with me?
    Fuga (Same Gender): *sigh* After a long soak, a man wants a glass of something strong...
    Gunter (Same Gender): I swept the area, Lord Corrin. You may bathe here in security.
    Scarlet (Same Gender): Glad to see you decided to join me for a nice soak, Corrin!
    Rinkah (Same Gender): Ow, that stings... You think my cuts will heal faster in here? I hope so...
    Anna (Same Gender): Think there's any percentage to be made here? Maybe selling soap dolls...
    Flora (Same Gender): Lady Corrin... I'm melting away...
    Ryoma (Wrong Bath): Was I taking too long in here? Sorry, Corrin... I'll be done soon.
    Takumi (Wrong Bath): Hey! Can a guy get a little privacy? Yeesh!
    Saizo (Wrong Bath): This isn't your time to be here! Have you taken leave of your senses?!
    Kaden (Wrong Bath): Ah, Corrin! Didn't expect to see you here. Care to join me?
    Hinata (Wrong Bath): Corrin?! Ahhhh! It's OK, I didn't see anything!
    Azama (Wrong Bath): Is that you, Lady Corrin? Don't worry, I didn't see anything.
    Subaki (Wrong Bath): What?! Lady Corrin?! D-did I come at the wrong time?!
    Hayato (Wrong Bath): Hey! You can't come in here! You want a grown man to see?!
    Jakob (Wrong Bath): Lady Corrin! My deepest apologies! I'll be out at once!
    Silas (Wrong Bath): Corrin?! Look, we're good friends, but we're not kids anymore!
    Kaze (Wrong Bath): I'm so sorry! Is it the women's time to bathe? I'll take my leave immediately!
    Xander (Wrong Bath): Corrin?! This is...unexpected. I was, um, just about to leave. Pardon.
    Leo (Wrong Bath): Hey! I got here first, Corrin. Show some respect!
    Benny (Wrong Bath): Lady Corrin?! Um...i-it's the men's turn right now...I think...
    Keaton (Wrong Bath): Corrin?! G-get outta here! Boy wolfskin don't bathe with the girls!
    Arthur (Wrong Bath): Wh-what are you doing here, Corrin? This is...awkward.
    Odin (Wrong Bath): Gah! Lady Corrin?! Wh-who let you in here?!
    Laslow (Wrong Bath): Hey, I wouldn't mind you getting in here, but I think it's against the rules.
    Niles (Wrong Bath): Hm. You're more adventurous than I thought. Come on in, if you dare...
    Hinoka (Wrong Bath): Corrin?! A-are you lost? I'll get dressed—just stay put!
    Sakura (Wrong Bath): I-I think we're past the age where it's OK to bathe together...
    Orochi (Wrong Bath): Lord Corrin? You've got some nerve popping in on the women's bath!
    Kagero (Wrong Bath): Lord Corrin?! Is something wrong? Are we under attack?!
    Hana (Wrong Bath): Lord Corrin?! AHHHHH! Get out! Get out RIGHT NOW!
    Setsuna (Wrong Bath): Huh...? I didn't think you were that kind of guy, Lord Corrin...
    Reina (Wrong Bath): Lord Corrin? Are mixed-gender baths common in Nohr?
    Oboro (Wrong Bath): Augh! Lord Corrin! G-go put some clothes on!
    Felicia (Wrong Bath): Lord Corrin?! D-did I enter during the men's time by accident?!
    Azura (Wrong Bath): Corrin...! You should know better than that.
    Mozu (Wrong Bath): Ack! D-don't look, Lord Corrin! Just back away now!
    Camilla (Wrong Bath): Oh, Corrin! Have you come to bathe with your sister? How wonderful!
    Elise (Wrong Bath): Helloooo! Wanna take a dip together? We could have a belly-flop contest!
    Charlotte (Wrong Bath): Hey! Tryin' to sneak a peek, eh? I'll give you more than you bargained for!
    Effie (Wrong Bath): Um...sorry, but...I was here first, so...
    Peri (Wrong Bath): Oh! Wanna take a bath with me? We can wash each other's backs!
    Beruka (Wrong Bath): Do you have a death wish?
    Selena (Wrong Bath): Ughhhh! What were you THINKING?!
    Nyx (Wrong Bath): Corrin... I may look like a child, but I don't need a chaperone to bathe.
    Shiro (Wrong Bath): Wah?! Wh-wh-when did you get here?! I-I didn't see anything, I swear!
    Kisaragi (Wrong Bath): Yikes...! I was here first, so, um... please leave?
    Asugi (Wrong Bath): Uh...! How long were you watching? Not that there's anything to see here...
    Selkie (Wrong Bath): Hi, Corrin! Did you wanna play in the bath with me?
    Hisame (Wrong Bath): I-I-I-I didn't see anything! I swear I'll be out soon, so um...!
    Mitama (Wrong Bath): Ring the alarm bell / A man intrudes on my bath / He'll regret his crime!
    Caeldori (Wrong Bath): Corrin?! Y-you didn't see anything, did you? Good!
    Rhajat (Wrong Bath): Hmhm. If you wanted to see what I look like in the bath, you could have asked...
    Kana女 (Wrong Bath): Hi, Papa! Did you want to take a bath?
    Kana男 (Wrong Bath): Hi, Mama! Did you want to take a bath?
    Shigure (Wrong Bath): Sorry, but I'm using the baths now. Do you mind waiting outside?
    Dwyer (Wrong Bath): My father will be upset if he finds out we did this... Not that I care.
    Sophie (Wrong Bath): What are YOU doing here?! Did Avel put you up to this?!
    Midori (Wrong Bath): Is something wrong? Do you need medical help? I'll be out in a jiffy!
    Siegbert (Wrong Bath): M-my apologies! I'll vacate the baths immediately!
    Forrest (Wrong Bath): *sigh* Not again. I think you came in at the wrong time.
    Ignatius (Wrong Bath): Aaah! Y-you're not allowed in here...
    Velouria (Wrong Bath): Hmph! I'm gonna tell Daddy on you.
    Percy (Wrong Bath): Whoa! S-sorry! I'll be right out!
    Ophelia (Wrong Bath): Did you break my anti-men barrier to get in here?! Don't stand there! Shoo!
    Soleil (Wrong Bath): Heyyy, nice abs, Lord Corrin!
    Nina (Wrong Bath): Did you think you could just waltz on in here, all by yourself?!
    Yukimura (Wrong Bath): Urk! I promise I'll be out shortly, if you'd care to wait...
    Izana (Wrong Bath): Princess Corrin?! Hahaha! Isn't this a surprise!
    Shura (Wrong Bath): Wha?! Where did you... Wait! I-I swear, I didn't see anything!
    Fuga (Wrong Bath): S-sorry, but I was here first!
    Gunter (Wrong Bath): My apologies. I'll be out soon so that you can use the baths.
    Scarlet (Wrong Bath): Corrin! No peeking!
    Rinkah (Wrong Bath): H-hey! I'm in here already! You can wait your turn!
    Anna (Wrong Bath): Lord Corrin? Heehee...you're gonna pay for this. It won't be cheap.
    Flora (Wrong Bath): My duties don't extend to bathing with you. If you need something, ask Jakob.
    Ryoma (Spouse): We finally have a chance to relax together. Let's sit back and enjoy it.
    Takumi (Spouse): Oh, hey, Corrin! Funny meeting you like this...
    Saizo (Spouse): Ah, it's you. If you wanted to take a bath together, you should have said so.
    Kaden (Spouse): Heya, wifey! As married people, let's do everything together. Even submerge!
    Hinata (Spouse): You're not embarrassed to join me, I hope! It's rare we can do this together.
    Azama (Spouse): Well, hello there! I've been looking forward to this since we married!
    Subaki (Spouse): Heh, I wasn't expecting you to join me, but I'd welcome your company.
    Hayato (Spouse): Corrin?! You're...joining me? Here?!
    Jakob (Spouse): Corrin... I didn't expect you to join me today. It's a pleasant surprise.
    Silas (Spouse): Hello, my sweet! Feel like joining me in the baths today?
    Kaze (Spouse): If you wish to be alone, I can wrap up this bath quickly.
    Xander (Spouse): Hello, Corrin. Care to join me? It's quite relaxing in here.
    Leo (Spouse): Corrin...won't you sit closer?
    Benny (Spouse): Y-you came to...join me?
    Keaton (Spouse): Whoa! Corrin! I...I guess it's fine if you wanna join me...
    Arthur (Spouse): I s-swear I'm not thinking unseemly thoughts! Only the purest of the pure!
    Odin (Spouse): Well, this is awkward... Though you evidently don't share that opinion.
    Laslow (Spouse): Huh? You want to join me? Sure, I'm OK with that if you are.
    Niles (Spouse): Hmph... Just you, huh? You can come closer. Not like I'm going to bite...
    Hinoka (Spouse): Corrin! I...guess it's fine if you join me in here...
    Sakura (Spouse): I-I hope you don't mind my saying so, but I'd like to spend time with you...
    Orochi (Spouse): Well, hello there, Corrin. Feel like having some "us" time?
    Kagero (Spouse): Corrin... Things are heating up now that you're here.
    Hana (Spouse): You're free to join me, as long as you don't make it weird.
    Setsuna (Spouse): Yay... Happy bath time...
    Reina (Spouse): Ah, hello, Corrin. This water works wonders, doesn't it?
    Oboro (Spouse): Corrin! Even if we're married, there's still a thing called modesty!
    Felicia (Spouse): Gosh...I know it's fine to bathe with your husband, but it still feels odd...
    Azura (Spouse): It's nice to relax like this now and then, isn't it, Corrin?
    Mozu (Spouse): Corrin? I guess you can come in... Seeing as we're married and all.
    Camilla (Spouse): I've been waiting for you. You know how I look forward to our bath times...
    Elise (Spouse): Keeheeheeeee. It's so warm and comfy here. I wish we could stay forever!
    Charlotte (Spouse): I didn't take you for the shy type. You should've said you wanted to join me.
    Effie (Spouse): Aww...you're making my heart feel funny. But I guess you can stay...
    Peri (Spouse): Is it couples day at the baths? What a neat idea!
    Beruka (Spouse): You can move closer if you want. I don't mind.
    Selena (Spouse): You knew I was planning to be here today! Why didn't you warn me first?!
    Nyx (Spouse): Thank you for making time for me, Corrin...
    Shiro (Spouse): No matter how many times we do this, it still feels awkward...
    Kisaragi (Spouse): Hm, I suppose it's fine for couples to have a bath together. I'll enjoy this...!
    Asugi (Spouse): I didn't think you'd be here today... Not that you're not welcome.
    Selkie (Spouse): Yay! Playtime with my guy!
    Hisame (Spouse): Corrin? Um...w-would you care to join me in the baths?
    Mitama (Spouse): Bath in the hot springs / Usually meant for repose / But you're welcome too.
    Caeldori (Spouse): Oh...well, I won't stop you if you're already here. Just don't stare, OK?
    Rhajat (Spouse): Can't look away from me, hmm? I know how you feel.
    Shigure (Spouse): You're so lovely, Corrin... I wish I could draw you as you are right now.
    Dwyer (Spouse): I hope this isn't sink or swim, because I don't believe swimming's allowed...
    Sophie (Spouse): A bath with my husband... This might actually be nice...
    Midori (Spouse): Heehee... This is a little embarrassing, but a little exciting, too!
    Siegbert (Spouse): This is a public bath! What if someone saw us? Well, if you insist...
    Forrest (Spouse): It's nice that we can share the baths as husband and wife. You're so pretty...
    Ignatius (Spouse): Y-you're making me nervous...but happy at the same time.
    Velouria (Spouse): Is this your way of saying you want to join me? I guess that's OK.
    Percy (Spouse): Corrin! You want to get in too? That's great!
    Ophelia (Spouse): I was just thinking about you. Truly, we were meant to be together.
    Soleil (Spouse): This isn't as funny as it was before we were married...
    Nina (Spouse): Is this what the men's bath feels like? It has a very distinctive atmosphere...
    Yukimura (Spouse): I'll grant that this is a rare opportunity for us. And I do enjoy sharing a bath...
    Izana (Spouse): What a lucky fellow I am to get to share a bath with you!
    Shura (Spouse): You want to hop in here with me? This is a joke, right?
    Fuga (Spouse): Never thought I'd end up in such hot water at my age... I'm sweating bullets.
    Gunter (Spouse): Corrin... I know that we're close, but are you sure you wish to do this?
    Scarlet (Spouse): Corrin... G-guess we might as well take the chance to bathe together.
    Rinkah (Spouse): You want to join me?! Fine...if you say so...
    Anna (Spouse): You want to hop in? Feel free! We're married, after all, so why not?
    Flora (Spouse): Corrin...I can't tell if the water or your presence is warming me more.

    [spoiler=Bath time (Same-gender platonic other enters)]
    Ryoma: Leaving, are you, Corrin? No matter—let's talk another time.
    Takumi: Hmm...a bath sounds nice. I think I'll join you...if you don't mind.
    Saizo: Oh. I didn't realize someone was already here.
    Kaden: Ahhh, nothing like a beauty bath to make you feel all relaxed.
    Hinata: Hey there, Lord Corrin! Nothing like bathing with your buds, am I right?
    Azama: Mind if I join you? It appears there's plenty of bathwater to go around.
    Subaki: Oh... Lord Corrin. Would you mind helping me wash my back later?
    Hayato: You're here, Corrin? Hm, bathing is better with more people. I'll join you.
    Jakob: Forgive my rudeness, but I realized I was in need of a bath.
    Silas: Hello, Corrin! Bathing together... Now THIS takes me back!
    Kaze: Pardon my intrusion. I could wash your back later to make it up to you.
    Xander: Ah, you beat me here. I treasure any chance to spend quality time with you.
    Leo: You know, I don't recall us ever taking baths together back in Nohr.
    Benny: If you don't mind...I'd like to soak awhile too.
    Keaton: Eh, I'll take a dip anyway. It's more fun when the whole pack bathes together!
    Arthur: I'm amazed I haven't slipped and hit my head in here yet! Er, mind if I join you?
    Odin: What an honor to meet you here, Lord Corrin! This worked out well.
    Laslow: I'm a bit embarrassed, meeting each other while wearing so little...
    Niles: Come now—stay awhile, and I'll join you for some private time...
    Hinoka: Hey, Corrin, glad to see you. Guess it'll be just us sisters for a bit.
    Sakura: I-if you don't mind, I'd like to join you.
    Orochi: This is a rare treat, Lady Corrin. Shall we scrub each other's backs?
    Kagero: Pardon me, Lady Corrin, but might I sit and bathe with you awhile?
    Hana: Oh, Lady Corrin! We don't often run into each other here.
    Setsuna: I'll join you... Just keep an eye on me in case I start to drown...
    Reina: Pardon me, Lady Corrin, but I thought I might join you.
    Oboro: Lady Corrin! This is a nice surprise. How's the water today?
    Felicia: Ah! You had the same idea, I see. I'm glad we can spend some time together.
    Azura: Ah, so this is where you've been hiding away. I think I'll join you, if that's OK...
    Mozu: OK if I join you? I don't know the rules for these fancy baths...
    Camilla: I saw you head for the baths and hoped we might have some quality time.
    Elise: Heehee, surprised? I followed you here so we could relax together!
    Charlotte: Ah, Lady Corrin. Isn't it nice to get away from the men every so often?
    Effie: Hey, Lady Corrin. I was sorta hoping I might bump into you here.
    Peri: Lady Corrin! You're COVERED in scars... It's beautiful!
    Beruka: Lady Corrin...just pretend I'm not here.
    Selena: Looks like I'm a little late today. But that's fine, since it's just you here.
    Nyx: You're a sight for sore eyes, Corrin.
    Shiro: Aw, you beat me here! Guess I'll just have to join you!
    Kisaragi: Mind if I come in? The baths are better with good company!
    Asugi: Guess I wasn't the only one with this idea. Relax, you won't know I'm here.
    Selkie: Yay! Bath time! Let's play!
    Hisame: May I? I promise not to be a bother...
    Mitama: Visit to the springs / Time melts in the hot water / Faster still with you.
    Caeldori: Um, I really need a bath, so I'd appreciate if you didn't stare at me...
    Rhajat: Heehee... I thought you'd be here. A long soak with you would be divine...
    Shigure: If you don't mind, I'd like to join you in the water.
    Dwyer: *sigh* Man, am I beat. Don't mind me...
    Sophie: Whew...nearly slipped on the tile there! Anyways, time for a nice soak.
    Midori: I think I'll join you. Heehee...the water is so toasty today!
    Siegbert: I'll join you, if you're amenable. The water is the perfect temperature today.
    Forrest: How lovely all this hot water is. Quite reinvigorating!
    Ignatius: Guess I wasn't the only one with this idea. Don't worry—I'll soak quietly.
    Velouria: I like bathing alone, but sometimes it's nice to have other people around.
    Percy: Ooh, I can bathe too, right? Maybe my good luck will rub off on you!
    Ophelia: The spirits were kind enough to let me know we would meet here today.
    Soleil: Heh, fancy meeting you here! Heehee... Mind if I sit a little closer?
    Nina: You can't hog the bath for yourself! *sigh* This is just what I needed...
    Yukimura: Oh, Lord Corrin. Do you mind some company?
    Izana: What a delicious surprise! Some private moments, just the two of us!
    Shura: Huh, funny meeting you here. I hope you don't mind if I bathe too.
    Fuga: I could tell by the look on your face the water would be good today.
    Gunter: Pardon me, Lord Corrin, but I must watch over you here as well.
    Scarlet: Well, look who it is! Say, it's all right with you if I join in, right?
    Rinkah: I was hoping to get a bath in before anyone else arrived. So much for that.
    Anna: Well, hello there, Lady Corrin. Don't mind me.
    Flora: I promise I won't be here long. A little warm water goes a long way for me...

    [spoiler=Bath time (Same-gender platonic during)]
    Ryoma: Ahh. Nothing like a hot bath to really relax the muscles.
    Takumi: Oh yeah, this is the life...
    Saizo: ...This is rather nice. Still, a ninja must be vigilant, even in the hot springs.
    Kaden: Ahhh, this really hits the spot. My fur's gonna be sooo shiny tomorrow.
    Hinata: This pool is so nice...and big, too! A shame swimming laps isn't allowed.
    Azama: Well, you seem pretty relaxed...
    Subaki: Whew... The water is very pleasant today. Almost perfect, even...
    Hayato: *yawn* Soaking in this warm water is making me sleepy...
    Jakob: It's good that the castle has a place for everyone to unwind.
    Silas: This bath's so nice, you're going to have to drag me out of it.
    Kaze: The water's warm embrace does much to ease the pains of the day.
    Xander: Ahhh, this is really nice. After the war, let's build one of these back home.
    Leo: *sigh* All I'll want after this is some sleep, but there's still much to do.
    Benny: The water's so nice... Pardon me if I doze off.
    Keaton: Getting soaked's not so bad after all. Wish my friends could see me now...
    Arthur: I'm at maximum relaxation right now. There's no way this can last...
    Odin: How to describe the splendor of the baths? Words, for once, fail me.
    Laslow: This is nice... It really is. I hope I can make time to come again tomorrow.
    Niles: Nothing like a nice bath to put the bad things in life in perspective...
    Hinoka: Ahh...this is just the thing for my sore muscles.
    Sakura: I like it here... I can talk to people without feeling nervous...
    Orochi: Ooh, this is heavenly. Whoever thought of bathing in these was a genius.
    Kagero: The temperature is perfect for a relaxing bath...
    Hana: *sigh* That tingling sensation must be the springwater healing me.
    Setsuna: Baths are nice...as long as you keep your head above water...
    Reina: This feels wonderful... It even soothes the scars of these old wounds.
    Oboro: You know what's great after a bath? Putting on nice, fragrant robes...
    Felicia: *sigh* I could soak here all day... Better not, though, or I might melt.
    Azura: It's just so relaxing here. *sigh* If only I could feel this happy all the time...
    Mozu: Ahhh...this is the life. I bet you this is what heaven feels like...
    Camilla: Hmhm...this is just the thing after working up a sweat on the battlefield.
    Elise: This is soooo luxurious! I bet if I do this every day, I'll get even prettier!
    Charlotte: Ahh, this is splendid. I wonder what this springwater does for one's skin.
    Effie: I can hear my overworked muscles thanking me for the break.
    Peri: I feel great! I'm so glad we came here!
    Beruka: This is a safe place to relax...
    Selena: This is so nice that I hate it! I keep thinking about how vulnerable I am!
    Nyx: It's so easy to overdo it. Be sure not to soak too long.
    Shiro: Ah...a good bath makes me feel like I can take on the world!
    Kisaragi: If the whole world could enjoy a bath together, I bet it'd put an end to war.
    Asugi: All of us are so on edge all the time... It's important to remember to relax.
    Selkie: Ahaha! I love this! I'd go for a swim if I could!
    Hisame: Hm... This is very soothing. It's a nice spot for contemplation...
    Mitama: Water's warm embrace / I sit still on the flat rock / Heaven is a bath.
    Caeldori: Why do baths feel so good? They make life worth living...
    Rhajat: Hahaha...you know what I like best about bathing here? The view...
    Shigure: *singing* Aren't the acoustics in here simply marvelous?
    Dwyer: When I'm in here, it's like I don't have a care in the world...
    Sophie: Yup, this is exactly what I was hoping for. My cares just float away!
    Midori: I love a nice bath. It's almost as good for you as my medicine!
    Siegbert: Sitting in a bath and talking is one of the most relaxing pastimes there is.
    Forrest: Heehee... The warm water always brings a smile to my face.
    Ignatius: Y'know, it's funny, but this water... it gives me the courage to go on.
    Velouria: Baths aren't all bad... I think humans and wolfskin can agree on that much.
    Percy: This place is too awesome! I just want to bob up and down in the water!
    Ophelia: I don't need the spirits to tell me how wonderful this bath is...
    Soleil: Heehee...this is what I'm talking about! Kicking back, soaking it all up...
    Nina: This makes me want to try even harder. After all, you can't bathe if you're dead.
    Yukimura: I feel my aches melting away...
    Izana: Ahhhh! This is exquisite! Revelatory! I feel like I might melt away to nothing!
    Shura: Mmm... The water's just how I like it.
    Fuga: The only thing that could improve this would be lavender or orange peels...
    Gunter: Ah...a peaceful bath is best after a hard battle.
    Scarlet: This is a top-notch hot spring you got here. I could soak in it forever!
    Rinkah: We had a few natural hot springs back home, but none this good.
    Anna: The water here is amazing! I bet I could make a fortune selling bath oils.
    Flora: If you feel the water is too hot, let me know and I can cool it down for you.

    [spoiler=Bath time (S-Rank romantic response?)]
    Ryoma: Agreed. There are few indulgences I enjoy more than a good steam.
    Takumi: This must be what happiness feels like.
    Saizo: Mmm... I suppose it's a nice thing to do together, once in a while.
    Kaden: Agreed. Now everyone's gonna think we're all lovey dovey, mwahaha.
    Hinata: You said it! I'll be feeling toasty all day long.
    Azama: Why am I smiling? A little bit of karma just kicked in!
    Subaki: I-I suppose so... I just wonder if it's right to be so happy...
    Hayato: How did you manage to say that with a straight face?! I-it's too hot in here...
    Jakob: I'm a lucky man for my beloved to feel that way. I love you very much, my dear.
    Silas: You're right. I hope we can enjoy these moments for the rest of our lives.
    Kaze: You're right about that. I'm a lucky man to get to share this with my love.
    Xander: I feel the same. When we're together, my heart overflows with joy.
    Leo: I agree. My face feels flushed, and I don't think it's from the heat...
    Benny: You're right. Whenever I'm with you, I feel warm and bubbly inside...
    Keaton: Ha! I was just thinking the same thing. What are the odds?
    Arthur: Right as always, my love! It's utterly rewarding. Let's do it again sometime!
    Odin: It's as if millennia of darkness have been quelled. Might we...do this again?
    Laslow: I feel it too. When I'm with you, every second brims with joy.
    Niles: ...If not for you, I'd have died never knowing this feeling.
    Hinoka: You're right. There's nothing I love more than spending time with you.
    Sakura: I feel the same way! Oh, Corrin... I-I love you...
    Orochi: I know what you mean. I think it'll stay that way awhile after I get out.
    Kagero: Yes. Moments like these help to wash away the painful memories of war...
    Hana: Yeah...I'm a little embarrassed to admit it, but I like being with you too.
    Setsuna: Haha...yeah...maybe TOO warm? Can you check to see if I'm on fire...?
    Reina: I see I married a smooth talker. Not that I don't find it amusing...
    Oboro: I-I guess so. I do feel warm, it's true. Probably comes of having you with me.
    Felicia: That's sweet of you to say... Maybe melting wouldn't be such a bad thing.
    Azura: I feel the same way. My heart only knows true warmth when I'm with you...
    Mozu: It's kinda strange, isn't it? I wonder if every pair of lovebirds feels that way.
    Camilla: Yes, it does. Ah, my love, it's still hard to believe sometimes this isn't a dream.
    Elise: You've got the right idea! I can tell I'm gonna be relaxed the rest of the night.
    Charlotte: Well, of course it does! That's the natural reaction for a couple in love.
    Effie: Hm...it's a different kind of heat than feeling the burn. Is this happiness?
    Peri: I know! I feel all warm and giggly... You know that's because of you, right?
    Beruka: I never knew about that before, but it's true. So many emotions to explore...
    Selena: How can you get away with a line that corny?! Though...you might be right...
    Nyx: It does indeed... I hope this isn't the last bath we'll share.
    Shiro: That's it exactly! Er, I mean...that's why I feel so warm around you.
    Kisaragi: You think so too?! That's great! Promise me we can do this again soon.
    Asugi: Hey, don't get all saccharine on me. It's hard enough to hold back as it is...
    Selkie: Yep! I totally agree! Anyone who doesn't is a big old dum-dum!
    Hisame: Yeah...it's a couples thing, I guess. My heart's running pretty hot right now...
    Mitama: Precious memories / Hours spent in the warm baths / Alone, save for you.
    Caeldori: Heehee...what a pleasant thought. That's why I enjoy being with you...
    Rhajat: Naturally. I'm with the one I love most in all the world—why wouldn't it?
    Shigure: Of course. In all honesty, looking at you is enough to set my heart aflame.
    Dwyer: Why'd you have to say that? Dammit... There you go, making me smile again.
    Sophie: You mean that?! Wow. Hey...I'm sorry for all the trouble I cause.
    Midori: Is that it? Haha, I'll never have to worry about catching cold with you.
    Siegbert: Yes, I can feel my heart racing. That only happens when I'm with you...
    Forrest: I feel the same way. I'll guard that warm heart of yours with my life.
    Ignatius: Yes...it's almost scary how happy I feel around you.
    Velouria: Yeah, but not just anyone. Only when I'm sharing it with you...
    Percy: Funny, I was thinking the same thing! Is it weird that we both feel that way?
    Ophelia: Yes...it's like a star twinkling in my heart. Is this what it's like...to love?
    Soleil: Totally. You should come over and feel how hard my heart's pounding.
    Nina: Heehee...you don't need to sweet-talk me. I'm already yours.
    Yukimura: It certainly does. The time I spend with you is very pleasant indeed.
    Izana: It certainly does! When I'm in the bath with you, I can't seem to stop grinning.
    Shura: Well, thank you... It's nice to have some time with you like this.
    Fuga: That explains it. Looking back...you're one of the best decisions I ever made.
    Gunter: Oh? Well, I can assure you that I find our time together enjoyable as well.
    Scarlet: Are you trying to flirt with me? Stop that—you're gonna make me blush.
    Rinkah: Hey, I'm a Flame Tribe woman. It'd be weird if I COULDN'T warm your heart!
    Anna: I know what you mean. It's really nice. It might even be better than gold.
    Flora: Yes. It's strange... I'm from the Ice Tribe, but this heat isn't so bad.

    [spoiler=Weapon forge]
    Ryoma: Welcome. It will be my honor to forge you stronger weapons.
    Takumi: Welcome to the smithy! You can forge just about anything but divine weapons here.
    Saizo: We should focus on making ourselves stronger, not our weapons.
    Kaden: Got some ore? Then I can smith up something good for you!
    Hinata: I totally understand wanting to make a trusty weapon even stronger!
    Azama: Welcome. I trust that you have ore? No ore—no smithing!
    Subaki: I'll forge you weapons that are perfectly fierce—and twice as fine!
    Hayato: I'm no blacksmith—I'm just watching the front of the store. Can I help you?
    Jakob: Name a weapon you want improved. I shall smith it in a jiffy!
    Silas: Sure, I'll forge you some weapons. I hope I don't botch the job.
    Kaze: Greetings. I'll get to forging, if you brought the right ore.
    Xander: I'm here to study the smith at work. I'll tell him what you need done.
    Leo: Did you need to forge something? Be mindful how you use your ore...
    Benny: I feel right at home, here at the smithy.
    Keaton: Lots of weapons can be forged here. And lots can't—like claws.
    Arthur: I can forge just fine, friend! Unless it's for me. That's usually a disaster!
    Odin: Witness as I resurrect dying weapons as ones ready for new names!
    Laslow: I will forge what you need. How sad that I must use our pretty ore!
    Niles: Welcome to the smithy—where a pair of weapons join in molten matrimony!
    Hinoka: If stronger weapons are what you're after, I'll do all I can to help you.
    Sakura: I'll have the blacksmith forge you a weapon. It's all too fiery for me!
    Orochi: Blacksmiths and diviners aren't so different—both craft from components.
    Kagero: Looking to forge something? Leave it to me.
    Hana: Leave everything to me! I can forge some incredibly strong weapons!
    Setsuna: Weak weapons do just fine if aimed right. So...still want to forge something?
    Reina: I love a powerful weapon in my hand. Let's make you something nice and deadly.
    Oboro: Seems like forging new weapons is a lot like making clothes from patches!
    Felicia: I'm not sure I should use the forge. I can barely handle a teakettle!
    Azura: Welcome. If you have the ore, let's ask the smith to craft you a fine weapon!
    Mozu: I'll forge you more powerful weapons. They make it easier to win!
    Camilla: Seeking stronger weapons? Well then, you've come to the right place.
    Elise: Hanging out at the blacksmith's shop is the best! It's fun to watch him work.
    Charlotte: The blacksmith here will need lots of pretty ore. What a waste!
    Effie: Need something forged? Hope you've come with a pile of ore.
    Peri: You're having some scary weapons forged, right? You'd better be!
    Beruka: Improving your potential damage? Wise.
    Selena: Come to forge a stronger weapon? Good way to get by until we're ALL stronger.
    Nyx: The smith here makes new weapons from old ones plus ore. How intriguing...
    Shiro: Come to get a new weapon forged? Sure, I'll do it—if you have ore!
    Kisaragi: I forge myself hunting tools, so making weapons should be a breeze!
    Asugi: This is where I melt down sugar to make candy. Or not.
    Selkie: I'd rather not be here. This isn't a place where I can play.
    Hisame: The art of smithing has a long tradition. I'm trying my best to learn it.
    Mitama: Weapons need not die. / Here they are reborn anew. / Phoenix from the flame!
    Caeldori: Want me to forge some weapons? I'm sure that I can do a fine job!
    Rhajat: Here for the blacksmith? Why bother? I'll curse your foes into oblivion!
    Kana女: Oh! Here to make your weapons better? If only this worked on dragonstones...
    Kana男: Oh! Here to make your weapons better? If only this worked on dragonstones...
    Shigure: I'm sure I can create a weapon for you. Smithing is a bit like painting!
    Dwyer: I'll craft a weapon so superior, your enemies will say you're cheating!
    Sophie: I'm working the forge today! I'll try not to fumble the ore you give me...
    Midori: No time to rest! I've got to get to work making you stronger weapons!
    Siegbert: I'm learning a lot from the blacksmith. Forging is such a useful talent.
    Forrest: Pretty ore makes for powerful weapons. And the more, the better!
    Ignatius: I like being in here—seeing great weapons stokes my courage!
    Velouria: The scents here at the smithy are incredible!
    Percy: With cooler weapons, we can all be great heroes on the battlefield!
    Ophelia: The forge burns like the moon and stars! Our weapons must soak in its glow!
    Soleil: Let's get our weapons into the fire! Then we'll see them really shine!
    Nina: Need stronger weapons? Glad to help. Working the forge is a thrill!
    Yukimura: Need a weapon forged? Depending on what it is, I'll require specific ore.
    Izana: I will tell your old weapons their fortunes. Right before I toss them into the fire!
    Shura: You've come for better weapons. For more power, right?
    Fuga: Old weapons, they say, develop souls. Does the forge consume them too?
    Gunter: If you want to emerge victorious in battle, you must wield a strong weapon.
    Scarlet: I love the weapons that come out of the forge—and the ore that goes into it!
    Rinkah: My people are highly skilled smiths. I'll make you excellent weapons.
    Anna: Selling weapons is my strong suit, but I can't say no to recycling old ones!
    Flora: Forging can make a good weapon great. Please hand me the weapon and materials.
    Random Villager: If you have two like weapons and some ore, you can forge them together.

    Bear in mind that I have little idea of the context of some of these so labels may be inaccurate
    Automated script seems to be working for these now, so hopefully I'll be able to add to this as soon as I find the files in the text dump
  6. So if people are going to automate the support archive I guess I'll just grab some bits of interest from elsewhere

    Spouse conversations in Private Quarters:

    [spoiler=Normal Dialogue]
    RYOMA: I wish I could stay a little longer. But heavy lies the royal chin armor...
    TAKUMI: How would you feel if I stayed just a little bit longer?
    SAIZOU: Stay with me awhile longer, will ya?
    KADEN: I wish we could spend the whole day just hanging out. We'd have so much fun!
    HINATA: It's nice spending time together. I wouldn't mind doing it more often!
    AZAMA: Do you wish to spend more time with me? Well, I'm not opposed to the idea...
    SUBAKI: I think we should spend more time together. What do you say, Corrin?
    HAYATO: If you want, I could stick around awhile longer, so we can chat.
    JAKOB: Ah, Corrin. Nothing gives me greater pleasure than being in your company.
    SILAS: *sigh* I feel like we never have enough time together. I wish we could both call in sick.
    KAZE: Time with you is so fleeting. I wish we could spend a little more time together.
    XANDER: If only we could hide out here all day and just enjoy being with each other.
    LEO: I so enjoy our time together. I wish these moments didn't have to end.
    BENNY: I always have fun when I'm with you. I hope you feel the same way about me.
    KEATON: If only I could spend the whole day in your arms. *ahem* (Did I say that...out loud?!)
    ARTHUR: Our time together is delightful! If only it didn't have to end.
    ODIN: Spending time with you is a fountain of joy. Let us refresh ourselves awhile longer...
    LAZLOW: This is the happiest I've felt in a long time. Do you mind if I hold you for a while?
    NILES: Is it time for you to leave already? But, Corrin, I wasn't through with you!
    HINOKA: Could we do this just a little bit longer, Corrin?
    SAKURA: I love our time together, but it always leaves me wanting more.
    OROCHI: Time flies when we're together. Tell me you feel the same. You DO feel the same, right?
    KAGERO: It's bothersome that there are other things in life than spending time together.
    HANA: I want to stay here with you just a little bit longer... I like this even more than training!
    SETSUNA: It makes me so happy... Spending time with you like this...
    REINA: Spending this time together... Few things make me happier.
    OBORO: Time flies when you're having fun...and you and I have SO much fun.
    FELICIA: Um... If it's OK with you, I'd like you to stay a little longer...
    AZURA: Do you mind if we stay here just a little longer? My heart aches when you leave...
    MOZU: I never knew being married would be this much fun!
    CAMILLA: Oh, my sweet Corrin! If only I could pause time when I am with you...
    ELISE: Heehee... I wish we could run away, so we could be together all the time.
    CHARLOTTE: So, uh...I was thinking. There's no need to rush back out...if you know what I mean.
    EFFIE: You make me weak in the knees, Corrin. I could stay here all day.
    PERI: I don't wanna go anywhere... I just wanna spend more time with you.
    BERUKA: I wish that time stood still for us...
    SELENA: It's only fair that I get you all to myself sometimes. Can't you stay a little longer?
    NYX: Spending time with you is so relaxing. I feel like I've been to the spa. Don't you agree?
    SHIRO: I could spend the whole day with you just talking...or not talking, if you prefer.
    KISARAGI: I could spend every waking minute with you. Did you know that?
    ASUGI: Why don't we just lock the doors and hide out here all day?
    SELKIE: Awwww... I could stay here like this forever. ...Hey! That's a great idea!
    HISAME: I feel so peaceful here by your side, Corrin.
    MITAMA: Time speeds by quickly / Whenever I am with you. / Throw away the clock!
    CAELDORI: If you're not in a hurry, maybe you could stay here a little longer...with me.
    RHAJAT: I could spend eternity here with you. I don't want to share you with anyone else!
    SHIGURE: I feel so relaxed with you. I wish we could stay here all day—just the two of us.
    DWYER: Thank you for spending time with me, Corrin. I'm so...happy.
    SOPHIE: I'm so happy here. I wish we could spend all our time here...
    MIDORI: I love being here with you. Will you stay for just a few more minutes? Please?!
    SIEGBERT: I enjoy every moment of our time together, Corrin.
    FORREST: I could cuddle with you all day long, Corrin.
    IGNATIUS: I don't want to let you go. Please. Let's just stay here a little while longer.
    VELOURIA: Spending time with you is the best sort of treasure.
    PERCY: I have so much fun with you. If Ace wouldn't get mad, I'd stay here all day!
    OPHELIA: The stars told me we'd be together forever. Let's start right now. Stay with me awhile.
    SOLEIL: I could stay in your arms all night and all day, Corrin. Wouldn't that be nice?
    NINA: I love it when you get that look in your eye. Can't you be late for once?
    YUKIMURA: I enjoy these moments with you. I only wish we had more of them.
    IZANA: You're the best thing that's ever happened to me! I turn to mush when you leave.
    SHURA: Nothing would make me happier than a whole day with you in my arms.
    FUGA: Today we should put everything on hold and spend the whole day together.
    GUNTER: Just say so and we'll spend the rest of the day here.
    SCARLET: Ugh! Time goes by TOO fast when we're together.
    RINKAH: I wish we could stay here longer... Spending time together is so much fun.
    ANNA: Today, Corrin's place is open for extended hours! ...What do you say?
    FLORA: Corrin... Do you mind if I stay here awhile longer?

    [spoiler=Waking up Spouse (Gently)]
    RYOMA: Gods, was I asleep? I mustn't let my attention lapse like that!
    TAKUMI: Oh, you're finally home. I fell asleep waiting for you!
    SAIZOU: Who's there?! ...O-oh, it's you. I can't believe I let you sneak up on me like that!
    KADEN: Mmm...it's you, Corrin. I got kind of bored waiting for you, so I snuck in a nap.
    HINATA: Ooooh! Welcome home! I was just resting my eyes! Really!
    AZAMA: Ah, that was a pleasant rest. Thank you for waking me gently.
    SUBAKI: Oh! Thank you for waking me. Your room is so calm and peaceful. I slept like a baby.
    HAYATO: Finally! You're back! I was waiting for you, and I must have dozed off...
    JAKOB: Oh, it's you. Well, this is a change. Usually, I'm the one waking you up.
    SILAS: Oh, uh...you're back? I guess I fell asleep...
    KAZE: Huh? Corrin—I'm so embarrassed! I didn't mean to fall asleep like that.
    XANDER: Hm? Corrin? How careless of me to doze off. Thank you for waking me.
    LEO: ...Oh! You're back?! I must have fallen asleep. I hope I wasn't snoring.
    BENNY: Welcome home, Corrin. Thanks for waking me up.
    KEATON: Oh! Hello, Corrin! Of course I wasn't sleeping. Why would you think that?
    ARTHUR: Ah, Corrin! What a lovely sight for a just heart to awaken to!
    ODIN: Oh. Thank you for waking me! In my dream, I was falling into a dark abyss...
    LAZLOW: You're back?! Oh. I guess I dozed off... You weren't watching me sleep, were you?
    NILES: I was sleeping? ...And that's the best way you could think of to wake me?
    HINOKA: Welcome back, Corrin. I can't believe I didn't wake up when you came in...
    SAKURA: Oh. Thank you for waking me! I'm so sorry I fell asleep like that.
    OROCHI: ...Oooh, you're back? I got tired while I was waiting for you...
    KAGERO: You're back! I apologize for dozing off.
    HANA: Hmmm? Ah! Hello, Corrin! I must have tired myself out earlier...
    SETSUNA: Corrin... Welcome home... How long was I asleep?
    RINKAH: Heh! I swear I wasn't sleeping! I meant to wake up by the time you got here.
    OBORO: Whoa! Oh. It's you. I guess I fell asleep. I wasn't drooling...was I?
    FELICIA: Huh? Oh no! I wanted to be awake when you got here. I'm so sorry.
    AZURA: Oh, hello, Corrin. I guess I took a little catnap there.
    MOZU: Wha?! Oh, Corrin...you're back. I was just catching a few winks.
    CAMILLA: Oh, there you are, Corrin. You're so gentle when you wake me...
    ELISE: Hrm? Corrin? Oh! I fell asleep, didn't I...
    CHARLOTTE: Hmm...? Corrin? Welcome home, dear. Were you admiring me while I slept?
    EFFIE: Corrin...? You're back. I must have dozed off after my workout.
    PERI: Welcome home! I fell asleep... Thanks for waking me up so gently.
    BERUKA: Oh, I didn't even realize you... I must really feel safe here.
    SELENA: Hmm? Oh, it's you, Corrin. ...Wait a minute! How long were you standing there?
    NYX: Ah! Welcome home. I was just dreaming about you...
    SHIRO: Corrin! You're back. I'm sorry. I guess I fell asleep waiting for you...
    KISARAGI: Welcome home, Corrin! You were in my dream just now. It was amazing!
    ASUGI: Oh, you've come back home? Did you want to nap with me?
    SELKIE: Aww! You're here. I tried to stay awake, but I guess you caught me snoozing.
    HISAME: Hmm...welcome home. It appears I must have fallen asleep waiting for you to return.
    MITAMA: I slumber softly. / My lover comes to greet me. / Wake up, dreamy one.
    CAELDORI: S-sorry about that... Your room was so cozy, I curled up over here and fell asleep.
    RHAJAT: Well, good morning! Is there any better sight to wake up to than your face?
    SHIGURE: Ah. Welcome home! Thanks for waking me. I fell asleep for hours...
    DWYER: Ah, Corrin. You have a gentle touch... like being awakened by baby kittens.
    SOPHIE: Ah, welcome home, Corrin! Guess I dozed off while waiting for you.
    MIDORI: Welcome home, Corrin... Sorry, I must have fallen asleep.
    SIEGBERT: Ah... Welcome home. I must have dozed off. Just shows how relaxed I feel here.
    FORREST: ...You're back. I've been sewing around the clock. I guess it caught up with me!
    IGNATIUS: Hmm? Did I fall asleep? Sorry, Corrin. Welcome back.
    VELOURIA: Oh...Corrin, I didn't smell you come in. I must have dozed off...
    PERCY: Um...was I sleeping? I'm glad you woke me. I wanted to welcome you home.
    OPHELIA: Oh, Corrin! I was having a nightmare. You rescued me just in time!
    SOLEIL: Huh? Oh! I hope I didn't drool on your pillow.
    NINA: Ah, Corrin...I was having the best dream...but this is pretty good too.
    YUKIMURA: Welcome home, Corrin. I'm sorry for dozing off like that.
    IZANA: Ah! What a treat—a lovely slumber followed by an even lovelier awakening!
    SHURA: Ah, welcome home. I can really relax here, you know? I guess I fell asleep.
    FUGA: Ah, you're back. I was waiting for you and must have nodded off.
    GUNTER: Ah... Welcome home, Corrin. It's so easy to let my guard down in this room.
    SCARLET: Ah, Corrin! Seeing you here is the best way to wake up.
    REINA: Welcome home, dear. Heehee. Thanks for waking me up so gently...
    ANNA: Hmm? Oh, I fell asleep... At least I wasn't on the clock, heehee!
    FLORA: Ah... I'm sorry. It seems I fell asleep. What? I can go back to sleep?

    [spoiler=Waking up Spouse (Rough)]
    RYOMA: YAHH! Who are you? What is the meaning of this? Oh...it's you. Be careful next time!
    TAKUMI: Gah! Next time just dump a bucket of cold water on my head, why don't you?
    SAIZOU: What's going on?! Oh, it's you. I was afraid you were Kaze for a second.
    KADEN: GAH! ...Oh, it's you. I thought someone was playing a prank on me...again.
    HINATA: AHH! Why'd you scare me like that? Jeez, sorry I fell asleep...
    AZAMA: Why did you do that?! I'll have my revenge the next time I catch you sleeping...
    SUBAKI: Ow! I'm up! I'm up! There's no need to resort to blows.
    HAYATO: Gah! I'm awake! You don't have to smack me around like that.
    JAKOB: HUH?! Oh, my. Corrin...I mistook you for a thief.
    SILAS: WHOA! ...Oh! It's you. You scared me.
    KAZE: Wha?! There's no need to hit me. I'll get up immediately. I'm at your service!
    XANDER: Wha?! Corrin! Was I really sleeping so deeply that force was necessary?
    LEO: Ow! Do you have something against naps, Corrin? There's no need for violence!
    BENNY: You scared me, Corrin. Could you wake me a little gentler next time?
    KEATON: WOW! Next time, a gentle tap will do. I think you left a mark.
    ARTHUR: Argh! That's some true power you've got there! I...need a minute.
    ODIN: We're being invaded! Dark spiders from the otherworld are attacking! ...Oh, it's you.
    LAZLOW: Hey...that tickles! Stop, stop! I'm getting up.
    NILES: Well, that was...forceful. I didn't know you had it in you. Try being gentle next time.
    HINOKA: Gods! What the—! I can wake up just fine without your help, thanks!
    SAKURA: HIYAH! ...Oh! You scared me. I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to punch you.
    OROCHI: Ouch, that hurt! That's not how you should treat the person you care about...
    KAGERO: My apologies! I didn't realize you'd get upset that I was dozing.
    HANA: Hey, now! No need to shake me awake!
    SETSUNA: Corrin... I don't think I like waking up like that...
    RINKAH: Hey, now. Think you could be a little more gentle with the wake-up calls?
    OBORO: Yikes, Corrin! What a way to wake up! Your hands are freezing!
    FELICIA: I'll get up! I'll get up! Please...no tickling!
    AZURA: There are gentler ways of waking people! Next time, you might try one.
    MOZU: W-wait! There's no need to drag me out of bed by the heels! I'm awake!
    CAMILLA: *gasp* Oh...Corrin. It's you. I was afraid you were an evil spirit.
    ELISE: Ah! Hey! That's an awful way to wake someone up!
    CHARLOTTE: Hey! That hurt! You want me to wake you up like that sometime? ...I didn't think so!
    EFFIE: Whoa, Corrin! You've got a powerful grip there. No need to shake me awake!
    PERI: Awww... That was an awful way to wake up! You should be more gentle next time...
    BERUKA: Ah! Oh, it's just you... I thought I was under attack...
    SELENA: Well, I'm SORRY I fell asleep, but seriously—next time, a little tap will do!
    NYX: Corrin! What's wrong with you?! My dream was just getting to the good part!
    SHIRO: I'm awake! I'm awake...all right? No need to be so forceful!
    KISARAGI: Wow! Mighty powerful, Corrin! I woke up immediately!
    ASUGI: Hey! Watch it, you'll spill the candy!
    SELKIE: Sheesh! Next time just whisper in my ear... OK? No need to jostle me like that!
    HISAME: Huh? Corrin?! I'm awake. I'm awake! I never thought you'd resort to violence!
    MITAMA: O gentle slumber... / Ended too soon. Thanks to you... / I am awake now.
    CAELDORI: You're so rough when you wake people! I'll teach you how to do it properly.
    RHAJAT: Hey! I know you're trying to wake me up, but be a little gentler next time. OK?
    SHIGURE: AHHH! ...Oh, you scared me! I wake easily, you know. The lightest touch will do!
    DWYER: AHHH! ...Oh, it's you. Where do you get all of that energy?! I'm trying to rest here.
    SOPHIE: WAHHH!! Corrin?! I thought Avel was waking me up!
    MIDORI: Wah?! Why would you wake me up like that?
    SIEGBERT: Wh-what was that all about? You couldn't gently wake me up?
    FORREST: Aww... I'm getting up. I'm getting up! Stop before you mess up my hair!
    IGNATIUS: WHOA! It's a SPIDER! ...Oh, it's just you, Corrin. I must have been dreaming.
    VELOURIA: Corrin! Someone needs to teach you not to be so rough. Hmph!
    PERCY: WHA?! Ace? What's wrong? ...Oh, it's you, Corrin. What's so urgent?
    OPHELIA: Wha?! A shooting star just dropped on my head... Oh, wait. That was you? Hmph!
    SOLEIL: Ow...ow...OW! That was my head, Corrin! What was that for?!
    NINA: Sheesh! I like to spar too, you know...but not first thing when I wake up! Be gentle!
    YUKIMURA: Corrin?! Please, don't wake me up like that again.
    IZANA: Corrin! You're so...forceful! Next time you want to wake me, why not try a kiss?
    SHURA: GAH! ...Oh, Corrin. You scared me. Welcome back.
    FUGA: Hmph! Do all young people wake each other up with a smack to the head?
    GUNTER: H-hey! No need to be so rough! What, were you afraid I'd passed in my sleep?
    SCARLET: Wow, Corrin! You're rough, aren't ya? I thought we were having an earthquake!
    REINA: Oh! Welcome back, Corrin. No need to be so rough. I promise I'll wake up.
    ANNA: Aww, I forget my dreams about massive profits when I'm woken up that roughly...
    FLORA: Ugh... Sorry I fell asleep... Could you be a bit more gentle next time?

    [spoiler=A Gift of Flowers]
    RYOMA: Welcome back. I'm grateful for everything you do for me. Please, take these flowers.
    TAKUMI: Welcome back. I...I got you flowers. Thank you for everything that you've done.
    SAIZOU: Hey. You're back. I got these flowers for you...just because.
    KADEN: Welcome home! I picked these flowers for you! They were too beautiful to pass up.
    HINATA: I just wanted to show you my appreciation. So... I got you some flowers!
    AZAMA: Welcome back! I brought you these flowers as a reminder of our beautiful mortality.
    SUBAKI: Welcome back. Aren't these flowers pretty? They're my way of saying I love you.
    HAYATO: You're back! I wanted to show you what you mean to me. I hope you like flowers.
    JAKOB: Ah! You've returned. These flowers are an expression of my love for you.
    SILAS: Welcome back, Corrin. I got you some flowers! I hope you like them.
    KAZE: You're home! On my way here, I saw these flowers and thought of you.
    XANDER: Oh...you're back. I thought you deserved a present, so I got you these flowers.
    LEO: Welcome home. Flowers are an expression of one's feelings, right? Here you go.
    BENNY: Um, welcome back... I got you some flowers.
    KEATON: I got you a present! I found some sparkly trash, but I knew you like flowers better.
    ARTHUR: Welcome back! I picked these flowers for you. I didn't lose them or anything!
    ODIN: You're back! Let's imagine these flowers bloom only in paradise—here with you.
    LAZLOW: Welcome back! I got something for you— flowers almost as pretty as you are.
    NILES: Ah. You're back. I got you these flowers. ...Go ahead. You can kiss me.
    HINOKA: Welcome back. I saw these and thought of you. I hope you like them!
    SAKURA: Oh...you're back. I know some men don't like flowers, but they smelled so good!
    OROCHI: Well, look who's back! I wanted to show you how much I care with some flowers.
    KAGERO: Welcome back. Sometimes a gift expresses gratitude better than words...
    HANA: Welcome back. I got you some flowers. What do you think?
    SETSUNA: Welcome back... I got these for you earlier...
    REINA: Welcome back. I was thinking of you while I picked these flowers.
    OBORO: Hey, Corrin. Aren't these flowers gorgeous? I knew you'd like them.
    FELICIA: Welcome back. I got you a present. I only dropped the flowers twice.
    AZURA: Welcome back. Here. These flowers are for you. I thought they'd make a nice gift.
    MOZU: I wanted to do something nice to welcome you home. I hope you like flowers.
    CAMILLA: Welcome home, my love. These flowers reminded me of your cute, little face.
    ELISE: Welcome back! I got these flowers for you. Aren't they pretty?
    CHARLOTTE: Welcome back. I'm not making this a habit or anything, but I got you some flowers.
    EFFIE: Welcome home. These flowers were so pretty, I couldn't help myself.
    PERI: Hi there! I got you some flowers! Thanks for loving me bunches!
    BERUKA: Welcome back. These...flowers are for you.
    SELENA: Welcome back. ...What's that? Where'd the flowers come from? Uh...ME. Obviously.
    NYX: Welcome home. It was high time I showed you some appreciation with a little gift.
    SHIRO: Welcome home. Flowers aren't really my thing, but you like them...right?
    KISARAGI: Welcome home! I found these flowers up in the mountains. They reminded me of you.
    ASUGI: Welcome back. I got some candy flowers for you to try!
    SELKIE: Oh, good! You're here! I got you flowers, and I couldn't wait for you to see them!
    HISAME: Welcome back. Please accept these flowers as a token of my appreciation.
    MITAMA: Each chance that I get, / I want to say, "I love you." / Today...it's flowers.
    CAELDORI: Welcome home. I got you these flowers as a symbol of our flourishing love...
    RHAJAT: Welcome back. These flowers may fade, but my love for you will never die.
    SHIGURE: I came across these flowers, and they reminded me of you. Aren't they pretty?
    DWYER: Welcome back. It was a lot of work picking these flowers. I thought you'd like them.
    SOPHIE: Welcome back! These are for you! With lots and lots of my love!
    MIDORI: Welcome back. I picked some flowers to give to you.
    SIEGBERT: Welcome back. I picked some flowers befitting my lovely wife.
    FORREST: Welcome back. These petals are as lovely as your face. They're for you.
    IGNATIUS: Welcome back. I got you some flowers. That's what husbands do...right?
    VELOURIA: Welcome back. The colors in this bouquet represent my feelings for you. Cool, huh?
    PERCY: Hey! Welcome back. Ace and I picked some flowers for you.
    OPHELIA: Here! I saw these flowers glinting in the moonlight and knew they were for you.
    SOLEIL: You're back. Aren't these the cutest flowers ever? I hope you like them!
    NINA: Welcome back. Aren't these flowers dreamy? I picked them especially for you.
    YUKIMURA: Welcome back. I wanted to show how much I appreciate you, so I got you flowers.
    IZANA: I had a suspicion you might need a little pick-me-up. How about some flowers?
    SHURA: Hey! You're home. I got you these flowers. You deserve something beautiful.
    FUGA: I got you some flowers. Are you surprised? ...Me too.
    GUNTER: Welcome back. Hmm? Oh, I bought these flowers for you...
    SCARLET: Hey! I was picking flowers, and I thought you might like some too.
    RINKAH: Welcome back. These flowers are pretty, right? I thought of you when I saw them.
    ANNA: Welcome home. Remember these flowers? I got a group discount on a bunch!
    FLORA: Welcome home. I thought I'd tell you how much I care for you with these flowers...

    [spoiler=Spouse after bath]
    RYOMA: Welcome back, Corrin. Sometimes I wish I could steam all day...
    TAKUMI: Welcome back, Corrin. My face is red because I just got out of the bath, OK?
    SAIZOU: Corrin...you're home? I just took a scalding-hot bath.
    KADEN: Oh! Welcome back. That bath was SO relaxing, but drying my fur is such a pain!
    HINATA: Oh! Welcome back, Corrin! I'm so warm after getting out of the bath...
    AZAMA: Ah, welcome back. I apologize for my flushed demeanor... I was in the bath.
    SUBAKI: Welcome back. I just got out of the hottest bath anyone has ever taken. Feel my face!
    HAYATO: You're home early, Corrin. I'm still beet red from the bath.
    JAKOB: Welcome back, Corrin. I apologize. I am still a little dizzy from my bath.
    SILAS: Welcome home, Corrin. The water was just right at the bath today...
    KAZE: Ah, you're home and right on time. I just got out of the bath...
    XANDER: Hello, Corrin. This hot spring sure is relaxing, eh? I'm a bit overheated though...
    LEO: Welcome home. That bath was so hot, I'm sweating. I should probably bathe again!
    BENNY: Corrin, welcome back... I'm still a little dizzy from the bath...
    KEATON: What have I been up to...? Nothing! My cheeks are always this pink after my bath.
    ARTHUR: Welcome home, Corrin! My brain is foggy from being in the bath too long...
    ODIN: Uh...hello. I just submerged my body into scalding-hot water. You should try it.
    LAZLOW: Ah, welcome home, Corrin. My face is flushed from sitting in the bath too long.
    NILES: Well, well. Perfect timing. I took a bath hot enough to melt flesh—just the way I like it.
    HINOKA: Welcome home, Corrin. I think I'm still a bit light headed from the heat...
    SAKURA: Oh. Welcome home, Corrin. My bath was so hot, I'm a little dizzy...
    OROCHI: Corrin? You're back? Let me tell you... That bath water was WAY too hot.
    KAGERO: Oh dear... You're back earlier than I expected. I just finished with my bath.
    HANA: Ah, Corrin, welcome home. I'm all warm from my bath!
    SETSUNA: Welcome home... Oh, I must have spaced out in the bath—look at my fingers...
    REINA: Welcome home, Corrin. I just finished a bath.
    OBORO: Welcome home. That bath was SO nice. I could have stayed in there all day.
    FELICIA: Welcome home. I don't think I'll ever get used to the warm baths here...
    AZURA: Ah, welcome back. What's that? I am NOT blushing! I'm just flushed from the heat...
    MOZU: Welcome home. I love taking a hot bath, but I wish I didn't turn into a tomato.
    CAMILLA: Welcome home. ...What's that? ...My face? That bath got me a little overheated...
    ELISE: Welcome home! Heehee, I bet I look all red, don't I? I just had the YUMMIEST bath!
    CHARLOTTE: Well, hello! ...What's that?! I look hot? Of course I do! I just got out of the bath...
    EFFIE: Whew! I think I stayed in the bath too long! My head's a little woozy.
    PERI: Welcome home! My face feels so warm from that bath. I need to cool down!
    BERUKA: Welcome home. The bath left me a bit light headed.
    SELENA: Welcome home. ...Stop it. I'm not blushing! It's my bath, stupid. It turned me all red.
    NYX: Welcome home. I think I stayed in the bath too long. I thought I saw a wrinkle.
    SHIRO: Hey there, Corrin. That bath is hot, and I mean HOT.
    KISARAGI: Welcome home! There's nothing like a hot bath to warm you up—head to toe!
    ASUGI: Welcome home. I ended up staying in the bath a bit too long...
    SELKIE: Welcome home! After my hot bath, this room's freezing! I've got goose bumps!
    HISAME: Welcome back, Corrin. The bath turned my whole body the color of crimson.
    MITAMA: I welcome you home... / Cheeks all pink... but it's the bath. / It's not what you think!
    CAELDORI: Welcome back. My cheeks got a little pink after my bath. Whew!
    RHAJAT: Welcome home. The bath was hotter than I expected. Heh.
    SHIGURE: There you are! I just got out of the bath. My skin is still steaming!
    DWYER: Welcome home. I just took the longest bath...ever. Go ahead. Congratulate me.
    SOPHIE: Welcome home, Corrin! I took a bath earlier, so my face is still hot...
    MIDORI: Welcome home. I just took a bath with some herbal soaps. They smelled SO good!
    SIEGBERT: Welcome home. I apologize for how I look. My face is still hot from my bath.
    FORREST: Welcome home! That bath was delightful, but it frizzed all my curls!
    IGNATIUS: Oh, hello. I just took a hot bath. Next time, you should join me. ...Errr...not like that!
    VELOURIA: Welcome home. Do I smell all fresh and clean? I just took a bath.
    PERCY: Welcome home. Wow! They really cranked up the heat in the baths today! Watch out!
    OPHELIA: Welcome home! I just took a dip in the bath to purify myself. Ah! I feel so clean!
    SOLEIL: Welcome home! I just got out of the bath. Wanna help me cool off?
    NINA: Welcome home. ...My bath felt SO nice. I love it when it's hot enough to burn.
    YUKIMURA: Welcome back home. I'm afraid my cheeks are still flushed from my bath...
    IZANA: Welcome home, Corrin! My, do they keep that bath water piping hot!
    SHURA: Welcome home, Corrin. I'll never tire of soaking my bones in a hot bath. Ahhh...
    FUGA: Pardon me, Corrin. I'm just flushed from the bath.
    GUNTER: Ah, welcome home, Corrin. My face is a bit flushed from the bath...
    SCARLET: Welcome home! I know my skin is still red from my bath, but please—no Scarlet jokes!
    RINKAH: Ah, you're back? I took a long bath. It's great how hot the water is!
    ANNA: Oh, welcome back. Best thing after a hot bath is moisturizer, and I happen to sell it!
    FLORA: Welcome home... I took a bath earlier, but my body is still so warm...

    [spoiler=Standard 3DS minigame]
    RYOMA: Ah, there's nothing like a little breeze after a good, hot bath.
    TAKUMI: What are you trying to do? Cool me off? You're such a goofball!
    SAIZOU: ...That feels better. Thanks!
    KADEN: Hooya! Trying to cool me down, eh? That actually felt really nice!
    HINATA: Oh wow, a cool breeze after a bath feels pretty wonderful.
    AZAMA: Ah...nothing like a cool breeze at a time like this. Like the breath of the gods...
    SUBAKI: Ah...that's better. My body has returned to its ideal temperature. Perfect!
    HAYATO: ...That feels good. Thanks for taking such good care of me.
    JAKOB: Oh, Corrin, I hate to put you to such work, but you have my thanks.
    SILAS: Hmm...that breeze feels so nice—the perfect way to cool down after a bath!
    KAZE: ...And now you take the trouble to cool me off? How did I get to be so lucky?
    XANDER: I feel much better now, thanks to you. You know...you really are quite adorable.
    LEO: Ah! I feel much better now, Corrin. Promise me I can return the favor.
    BENNY: Ahhh, that was really nice. I feel a bit cooler now.
    KEATON: Wow. One minute I'm burning hot, and the next minute I'm freezing cold. I need a nap!
    ARTHUR: I accidentally slipped in the bath and hurt my elbow. That cool breeze helps the pain!
    ODIN: ...And now the evening breeze cools the raging inferno of my soul. How unexpected!
    LAZLOW: Oh...Corrin! That was...amazing. Will you let me try that on you sometime?
    NILES: I feel much cooler now. How very inventive of you! You know I like a little creativity.
    HINOKA: Heehee... It feels good to cool off with a light breeze, but that tickles!
    SAKURA: I'm not sure which I like better—warming up or cooling down!
    OROCHI: Mmm... That is SO much better. Thank you!
    KAGERO: Hmm... A cool breeze feels nice. I think I'm blushing less now...
    HANA: Aww, thanks. It feels pretty good to cool off...
    SETSUNA: That breeze felt really good... Do it again sometime...
    REINA: It feels good to cool off after a nice hot bath.
    OBORO: Thanks for cooling me off! I really need to go shopping for a lighter robe!
    FELICIA: Oh, thank you! If you ever need to cool off, I'll use my ice magic to help you.
    AZURA: That was delightful... Thank you, Corrin.
    MOZU: Aww... That breeze feels so soothing. I could fall asleep right now.
    CAMILLA: Well, Corrin...I don't know what to say. Thank you. That was VERY refreshing.
    ELISE: Thanks SO much—that felt amazing! I have the sweetest, smartest hubby ever!
    CHARLOTTE: Ah, how refreshing! If I only had something cold to drink, my life would be perfect.
    EFFIE: Thank you, dear. The sound of that breeze was music to my ears.
    PERI: Hahaha! That feels awesome! I'm not even remotely hot anymore!
    BERUKA: Ahh, much colder. Thank you.
    SELENA: Heehee! Thanks. I'm not sure why you're being so nice to me all the sudden...
    NYX: That was like an invigorating tonic. Thank you! I'm getting delicate in my old age.
    SHIRO: Ah...I feel much better now. Wow. A hot bath can really put a spring in your step.
    KISARAGI: Ah...that feels GOOD. It doesn't get much better than a cool breeze after a hot bath.
    ASUGI: Ah, that's nice. How thoughtful of you. Want to get some ice cream?
    SELKIE: Hahaha! Yikes...that's cold. That's COLD! Thank you, Corrin.
    HISAME: That was just what I needed—a cooling breeze and a little extra time with you.
    MITAMA: I'm in ecstasy! / That gentle breeze caresses. / What magic is this?
    CAELDORI: Heehee... Thanks. That was...interesting.
    RHAJAT: Were you trying to cool me off? Impossible! I'm always on fire when you're around...
    SHIGURE: Thank you! I haven't felt a breeze that nice since my last ride through the skies...
    DWYER: Corrin...did you make that breeze? That seems like a lot of work. Thanks.
    SOPHIE: That breeze felt really nice! Thank you for that!
    MIDORI: Aww... I feel cooler, but now I'm getting sleepy...
    SIEGBERT: What a pleasant breeze! I feel cooler now. Please accept my thanks.
    FORREST: ...Thank you. I feel more myself now. All my ringlets are back in place!
    IGNATIUS: Corrin, I'm shocked. I have no idea how you did that, but it sure felt good.
    VELOURIA: That breeze is so relaxing. Even my fur is nice and dry now...
    PERCY: Was that a cooling breeze? How lucky!
    OPHELIA: Oh! A chilly wind just blew through here. Did you feel it? The spirits are everywhere!
    SOLEIL: Whoa. That felt AMAZING. You're so good to me.
    NINA: Oh...thank you. Next time, I'll try to make you blush.
    YUKIMURA: Hmm... That was the perfect follow-up to my hot bath.
    IZANA: Heehee! How divine! I feel like I just took an ice-cold plunge.
    SHURA: You're adorable. You know that? You always have the craziest ideas, but hey—it worked!
    FUGA: Corrin, that felt divine. If I had a cool beverage, my life would be complete.
    GUNTER: Hmm... A cool breeze is a pleasant thing.
    SCARLET: Haha! That was chilly! I love unwinding after a hot bath. I feel like a new person!
    RINKAH: Were you trying to cool me down, Corrin? ...Thank you.
    ANNA: Oooooooh, yeah! That felt amazing! I bet there's a market for breeze machines...
    FLORA: Thank you so much... I was beginning to think I might melt away...

    Out-of-context Highlights:
    RYOMA: I wish I could stay a little longer. But heavy lies the royal chin armor...
    SOLEIL: Whoa. That felt AMAZING. You're so good to me.
    AZURA: Ah, welcome back. What's that? I am NOT blushing! I'm just flushed from the heat...
    AZAMA: Welcome back! I brought you these flowers as a reminder of our beautiful mortality
    SCARLET: Wow, Corrin! You're rough, aren't ya? I thought we were having an earthquake!
    SAKURA: HIYAH! ...Oh! You scared me. I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to punch you.
    DWYER: Ah, Corrin. You have a gentle touch... like being awakened by baby kittens.

    tl;dr Standard dribbly mush

    Male Corrin wakes their spouse roughly by shaking them. Female Corrin apparently decks them in the face. Except for the children, weirdly. Both genders deck them in the face. I don't know what to read into that.

    Also Sakura is apparently wound up tighter than a coiled spring damn

  7. Oh thank you for that. It was probably the first one I'd do.

    Oh, I forgot to add -

    MID_支援_プレイヤー女_レオン_C_PCF1: $a$t1$Wmレオン|7$Wmusername|3$w0| CORRIN SEZaLeo, could I borrow you for a moment? $Wsレオン|$WaCertainly. What do you need? CORRIN SEZa$E笑,|I was hoping you could help me study. $Wsレオン|$Wa$Eキメ,|You? Wish to study? In the middle of a war? I'm happy to help, but why are you suddenly so serious about your education? CORRIN SEZa$E怒,|I thought broadening my horizons might help me protect everyone... Now that we're at war, I can practice what I learn right away in a real battle. $Wsレオン|$Wa$E怒,|The battlefield is not so kind, nor so simple. I'm sure you've learned that by now. Haven't you, Corrin? CORRIN SEZa$E苦,汗|Well, yes, but... $Wsレオン|$Wa$E通常,|However! I do think intellectual pursuits play a key role in keeping a mind sharp. That can make all the difference in the heat of battle. If you truly desire it, I will teach you anything you wish to know. CORRIN SEZa$E笑,|Thank you, Leo! $Wsレオン|$Wa$E怒,|But don't expect me to go easy on you. You know how strict I am about my studies. CORRIN SEZa$E苦,汗|Um, I know, but maybe...you could lighten up just a little? $Wsレオン|$Wa$E笑,|You ask the impossible. I will be as strict as I need to be to help your mind grow. Don't forget, you're the one who sought this out! CORRIN SEZa$Eキメ,汗|I suppose that's true... I'll do whatever you ask of me without complaint. $Wsレオン|$WaSpoken like a model pupil. Now, let us begin!

    MID_支援_プレイヤー女_レオン_B_PCF1: $a$t1$Wmレオン|7$Wmusername|3$w0| CORRIN SEZaLeo! I finished the assignment you gave me on battle tactics. $Wsレオン|$WaAh, excellent. Hand it over; I'll take a look. CORRIN SEZa$E怒,|So, um...what do you think? $Wsレオン|$Wa$E怒,|This is...rubbish. If you positioned your units this way, they'd all be massacred! CORRIN SEZa$E苦,汗|What?! No way! $Wsレオン|$WaYou're focusing too much on the enemies right in front of you. Rookie mistake. Do that, and you open the door for them to overtake you from behind. In this situation, try using a small, select group of soldiers to scout ahead. Guide them through here while keeping close watch on their formation. $E通常,|If you successfully reposition them like so, see how your battle options increase? You could even sneak around here and take out their commander with ease. CORRIN SEZa$Eキメ,|Wow... That's amazing. You're so clever, Leo. $Wsレオン|$Wa$Eキメ,|Not really. This is the most basic of the basics. Honestly, it's a miracle you've survived this long. CORRIN SEZa$E怒,汗|Yeah...I know. I certainly couldn't have made it so far alone. *sigh* $Wsレオン|$Wa$E通常,|... CORRIN SEZa$E通常,|What's wrong, Leo? $Wsレオン|$WaCorrin...you know how, on the battlefield, we all look out for you? Why do you think that is? CORRIN SEZa$E怒,汗|Probably because...I'm so new to all this. $Wsレオン|$WaPrecisely. I'm glad you realized as much on your own. $E怒,|That's why Xander and Camilla have always paid more attention to you... CORRIN SEZa$E怒,|Oh, Leo, I wouldn't say— $Wsレオン|$WaNo, it's fine. The strong are always alone because no one thinks they need any help. But that's not true at all. There have been many times when I wished... that I had someone at my side, someone to help guide me through tough situations. $E苦,汗|But I'm no longer a child, and I can't get away with saying such selfish things. All I'm trying to say is that you should enjoy where you are in the growth process. CORRIN SEZa$E苦,汗|Leo...I'm so sorry. It's all my fault you feel so hurt, isn't it? The others have always doted on me so... $Wsレオン|$Wa$E怒,|... CORRIN SEZa$E怒,|You're so talented, Leo. We're all so very impressed by you. We hold you up on a pedestal of sorts... but I can see how that might be lonely. $E苦,汗|But you should know that I would trade minds with you in a moment if I could. I'm trying so hard, but I never feel like I'm quite good enough to lead us... $Wsレオン|$Wa$E苦,|...Forgive me, Sister. I said too much. We are family, first and foremost. All that matters is we have each other's backs. Forgive my moment of weakness. CORRIN SEZa$E通常,|It's OK, Leo. I know I'm not as strong or wise as I should be. But that's why I need your help. I hope you will consent to keep tutoring me... $Wsレオン|$Wa$E通常,|Of course, Corrin. It would be my great honor.
    MID_支援_プレイヤー女_レオン_A_PCF1: $a$t1$Wmレオン|7$Wmusername|3$w0| CORRIN SEZaHey, Leo! I completed your latest battle tactics assignment. $Wsレオン|$WaOh? Let's have a look. $E怒,|... CORRIN SEZa$E怒,|...So? How did I do this time? $Wsレオン|$Wa$E笑,|This is...really good, actually. Much better than the last one. Your units actually have a decent chance of survival. CORRIN SEZa$E笑,|You think so? Phew! That's a relief. $Wsレオン|$Wa$Eキメ,|Of course, there's always room for improvement. Still, you did well. CORRIN SEZaIt's all thanks to you, Leo. I couldn't have improved so quickly without your help. $Wsレオン|$WaToo true. In fact, showing a bit more gratitude wouldn't be out of line. CORRIN SEZaLeo! You're the worst, haha. Is that really something a teacher should be saying? $Wsレオン|$Wa$E笑,|Haha, my apologies. I tend to let my sharp tongue get carried away from time to time. Honestly, when you first asked for my help, I didn't think you'd be so dedicated. CORRIN SEZaIt's only because you're such a great teacher. $Wsレオン|$Wa$E通常,|No, that's not it at all. CORRIN SEZa$E通常,|It's...not? $Wsレオン|$WaI always had a theory about why Camilla lavishes attention on you... But now I've finally confirmed my suspicions. $E笑,|It's your kind heart. Being near you has a sort of unexplainable soothing effect. Additionally, you're so kind and eager to learn, it makes teaching you a great joy. CORRIN SEZa$Eキメ,汗|Really? You mean it? $Wsレオン|$WaI do. Something about you just draws people in and makes them trust you. That's why, despite your lack of experience, you're such a natural leader. $E通常,|I thought the weak attracted the attention of others while the strong stood alone... But I see now that was a misunderstanding born of my own arrogance. CORRIN SEZa$E通常,|Leo... $Wsレオン|$Wa$E笑,|Thank you for helping me realize that, Corrin. CORRIN SEZaDon't thank me. I didn't actually do anything... $Wsレオン|$Wa$Eキメ,|Enough talk. I intend to polish you into the finest strategist Nohr has ever known. Scream and cry all you want, but I won't let you off the hook until you're perfect. CORRIN SEZa$E怒,汗|Um, OK...just don't go TOO hard on me. Promise? ...Leo?! $Wsレオン|$WaHmm. Well, just give me your best and we'll see what happens.

    MID_支援_プレイヤー女_レオン_S_PCF1: $a$t1$Wmレオン|7$Wmusername|3$w0|$Wsレオン|$Wa$E怒,|... CORRIN SEZaWhat's wrong, Leo? You look so sad... $Wsレオン|$WaNot now, Corrin. CORRIN SEZa$E怒,|What's the matter? I know you too well, Leo. You can't keep anything from me. Come on now, tell me what's bothering you. $Wsレオン|$Wa...Could you please just leave me alone for a while? CORRIN SEZa$E通常,|You don't mean that...right? $Wsレオン|$Wa$E苦,汗|Sorry, it's just... You're the last person I want to see me like this. CORRIN SEZa$E笑,|Oh, don't be silly. Being sad is nothing to be embarrassed about. $Wsレオン|$WaYou don't understand. You couldn't. Please, just go. CORRIN SEZa$E通常,|There's really nothing I can do to help you? Nothing at all? $Wsレオン|$Wa$E怒,|... CORRIN SEZa$E怒,|Very well. If you don't want me around, I'll leave you to your solitude. $E通常,|Just know that I'm here for you. If you need anything at all, please let me know. $Wsレオン|$Wa...Forgive me, Corrin. Perhaps you can help after all. Will you hear me out? CORRIN SEZa$E笑,|I thought you'd never ask. $Wsレオン|$Wa$E苦,汗|I have a problem, and for the life of me I can't figure out a solution. CORRIN SEZa$E通常,|There's something even the great Leo can't figure out?! What could it be? $Wsレオン|$WaThere's something I want very badly, but I don't know how to go about obtaining it. This has never happened. I've never had a problem I couldn't think my way out of. I know it would be foolish to act without proper planning... And yet, I don't think I can hold myself back any longer. CORRIN SEZa$Eキメ,|Leo... If it means that much to you, you have to go for it! What is it you want? $Wsレオン|$Wa$E通常,|Perhaps this will make things clear. CORRIN SEZa$E通常,|Wait...this is a ring! $Wsレオン|$WaKeen as ever. But as you might have surmised, this isn't just any ring... This is the ring you give to one special person whom you vow to love for eternity. When I bought this ring for you, for the first time in my life, I felt... $E笑,|happy. Pure happiness, like everything finally made sense in my life. I've been battling these emotions since I first learned we aren't blood related... But as I said, I cannot hold them back any longer. CORRIN SEZa$E苦,汗照|You don't mean... $Wsレオン|$WaDear Corrin... It seems I've fallen madly in love with you. Would you do me the honor of accepting this ring? CORRIN SEZaLeo! I don't know what to say... $Wsレオン|$Wa$Eキメ,|I know—it's just... You're all I ever think about. I love you so much, I'm in agony! CORRIN SEZa$E通常,照|... $Wsレオン|$Wa$E通常,|I'm sorry... I know this is probably the last thing you expected me to say. But now that it's out there, I must know... Do you feel the same? CORRIN SEZaLeo... $E笑,|Thank you. I happily accept this beautiful ring. $Wsレオン|$Wa$E通常,汗照|R-really?! CORRIN SEZaYes. I feel the same as you. These feelings are unexpected, but also...beautiful. I'm glad you said something. I don't think I ever would have had the courage to. I know I still have much to learn, but I promise to try my hardest for you! I want nothing more than to be worthy of your love. $Wsレオン|$Wa$E笑,|You are perfectly splendid just as you are, Corrin. Together, I'm certain we will both continue to grow as warriors and as people. CORRIN SEZaHeehee, I look forward to it! $Wsレオン|$Wa$Eキメ,|Thank you for your hand, Corrin. I swear to devote my life to your happiness. CORRIN SEZaOh, Leo... I promise the same. $Sbs4000|$Fw3000|$Wsレオン|$Wd CORRIN SEZd$w0|$lレオン|$w0|$Fi1000|$w0|

    The above is the raw text I had for F!CorrinxLeo after Ctrl+H editing. Feel free to use it if you want.

  8. (but I really wanna do Leo x Femui myself if possible).

    Was about to start transcribing this, glad I checked this thread again


    Corrin: Hm? Was that a whinny just now? Oh, I think I see Hinoka. It must be her pegasus I heard...
    Hinoka: There you go... Feels good, doesn't it?
    Oh, don't get your feathers all ruffled! It just makes it harder to brush you...
    We've been partners for a while; it was so long ago that I chose to be a sky knight...
    Corrin: Oh, sorry, Hinoka. I didn't mean to interrupt you...
    Hinoka: Hi, Corrin. It's not a problem at all. What can I do for you?
    Corrin: Well, I overheard you talking about when you decided to become a sky knight...
    I'm actually curious why you did it.
    Hinoka: I don't know if it's a story I should tell you.
    No, that's wrong. Now that we're reunited, I can share it with you.
    After you were kidnapped, I was so mad, I didn't know what to do with myself.
    On several occasions, I snuck out of the castle, thinking I could come save you.
    Corrin: Really?!
    Hinoka: But I was always stopped, either by castle staff, Ryoma, or even Mother herself.
    I was just so angry that those Nohrians had stolen you away from us...
    And I was mad at myself for not being able to do anything about it.
    Corrin: Hinoka...
    Hinoka: As I got older, I realized that I was trying to do the impossible.
    I was so young; there was no way I could walk through all of Nohr and save you.
    And then one day I saw a pegasus flying...
    Corrin: So that was when you decided to become a sky knight?
    Hinoka: Indeed. That decision has driven almost everything I've done since then.
    It's really made me into the person I am today—much stronger and determined.
    I suppose I should thank you, Corrin, even though I wish you'd been spared it.
    Corrin: I'm the one who should be thanking you.
    If things hadn't turned out exactly as they did, I'd have needed you to save me!
    Thank you, Hinoka.
    Corrin: Hello there, Hinoka. Tending to your pegasus again?
    Hinoka: Indeed. He's always been my partner on the battlefield, after all.
    It's important that I show him my appreciation whenever I can.
    Corrin: You were still quite young when you decided to become a sky knight, right?
    It's obviously a dangerous job... Did anyone try to talk you out of it?
    Hinoka: Oh, definitely. Many people did. Your mother more than most.
    Corrin: What? Even my mother?
    She was worried for your safety, even though you weren't related?
    Hinoka: Indeed. It even surprised me how strongly opposed to the idea she was.
    She tried all manner of things to convince me to change my mind.
    Begging, bribing...
    Corrin: How did you respond?
    Hinoka: Well, I was still a very young girl...
    Ryoma and the others accepted her as Father's wife and our new mother, but I...
    I didn't do that very easily.
    As a result, I was cruel to her—more cruel than she could ever deserve.
    Corrin: Oh, no! What happened? What did you do?
    Hinoka: I told her that she wasn't my mother and had no place ordering me around.
    Of course, I apologized later, but it's impossible to take back what was said.
    I still remember how her face changed right as the words left my mouth.
    I'll probably regret having said that for the rest of my life...
    Corrin: That was years ago, though! I'm sure she forgave you long ago.
    You were young and didn't know any better.
    I think you can forgive yourself...
    Hinoka: No, it's better that I continue to carry this burden with me as a reminder, I think.
    Corrin: Hinoka...
    Corrin: Is that Hinoka's pegasus over there?
    Hey there. You're a lucky one. You probably know this, but Hinoka is pretty great.
    She's strong and she's brave...and she's really determined.
    At the same time she's so kind and caring. You couldn't have asked for a better rider.
    Hinoka: Corrin? What are you doing here?
    Corrin: Gah! H-hello, Hinoka! I didn't see you...
    Hinoka: You jumped a foot in the air, Corrin. Why were you so startled?
    Corrin: No reason! No reason... I'm fine, I just wasn't expecting you to be there.
    I was...wrapped up in talking to your pegasus about you.
    Hinoka: You were? What were you saying to him?
    Corrin: I was telling him how lucky he was to have someone who cares so much.
    Even though becoming a sky knight has really defined who you are...
    you were just as caring a person before.
    Hinoka: ...
    Corrin: I'm incredibly grateful for how much you've cared for me.
    I feel like I need to give a little back, too.
    Hinoka: Corrin...
    Corrin: You've worked so hard to support me.
    I want to be able to support you too.
    Hinoka: Heehee... When did you learn to be so direct in your words?
    Corrin: D-don't tease me! I'm serious!
    Hinoka: I know, Corrin, I know.
    Thank you. I'm blessed to be your sister.
    Corrin: And I'm thankful to be your brother. I hope that you'll lean on me for help whenever you need it.
    Hinoka: Of course.
    Hinoka: You know, Corrin showered me with all those nice words, but...
    I don't think I'm as wonderful a person as he seems to believe...
    [horse whinny]
    Hinoka: Remember how angry I was after he was kidnapped?
    It's impossible to deny—even you wouldn't obey me back then...
    They say pegasi only listen to people with pure hearts...
    I can't even count the number of times you threw me as I was learning to ride.
    Heehee... Even then I had probably fallen for him and just not realized it.
    I can be pretty scary when I lose something I love...
    Corrin: H-Hinoka...
    Hinoka: What the—?!
    Corrin: Were you talking about...me, just now?
    Hinoka: I...um... You were listening?
    It doesn't matter! Just...forget everything you heard, OK? That wasn't meant for you!
    Corrin: No. I don't think I can forget that.
    Hinoka: But why...
    Corrin: Because hearing it... It made me really happy to hear you say that.
    Hinoka: What?!
    Corrin: Never in my wildest dreams did I think that you felt that way about me.
    And while I am glad to know it... no matter how much we care about each other, we're siblings.
    It would be best if we just buried these feelings and never let them out.
    Hinoka: I didn't think you shared the same feelings, which is why I didn't tell you...
    Well, forgive me for not sharing this truth with you before now.
    Corrin: What are you talking about?
    Hinoka: The truth is...you're not my brother. My blood brother, anyway.
    Corrin: Huh?! What do you mean?
    Hinoka: After you returned to Hoshido, Mother... Queen Mikoto gave me this letter.
    She told me to read it if—in light of your return—I ever worried about who I loved.
    I didn't know what she meant then, but a few days ago I realized she meant you.
    In the letter, Mother writes that you aren't Father...King Sumeragi's child.
    Since we also have different mothers...
    Corrin: This is...a lot to take in all at once...
    Hinoka: Thinking back, we all knew that Mother had prophetic powers.
    She must have given me the letter because she knew I would fall in love with you.
    The letter also talked a bit about her and Father's relationship...
    Corrin: What did it say?
    Hinoka: Mother wrote that she came to Hoshido after asking my father for help.
    When she arrived, she had a baby with her. He had been born in her homeland.
    That baby was you, Corrin.
    Father knew that you weren't his child, and yet he raised you as his own...
    Such was his love for Mother... Your mother, that is.
    Corrin: Even knowing the truth, I can't think of him as anyone other than my father.
    This begs the question, though... Who is my father by blood?
    Hinoka: I can't help you there. Mother didn't say anything about him in her letter.
    Corrin: I see... Still, this means that you're not actually my sister...
    Hinoka: I'm sorry, Corrin. Maybe I shouldn't have told you...
    Corrin: No, I'm glad you did! I'm shocked, to be sure, but now that I know the truth, I can be honest, too.
    Hinoka... I love you. I love you more than anyone else in the world.
    Hinoka: Really? Are you certain? If you are... Well, there is no one I would rather be with than you.
    Corrin: I am. And I feel exactly the same way.
    Hinoka: Corrin... I never dreamed this would happen.
    It makes all those days I spent planning how to rescue you all the more meaningful.
    I'm so glad that we feel the same...
    Corrin: We'll never be separated again. Ever. I'll always be by your side.
    Hinoka: Me too. I promise to always protect you.

    tl;dr Actually we're not siblings let's bang
    Scarlet: One more whack oughtta do it... HEAVE— $Wmusername|3$w0|
    Corrin: Scarlet, what's all this racket?
    Scarlet: Hey, Corrin! What's it look like? I'm busting up rocks.
    Corrin: You're breaking rocks? For fun, or...?
    Scarlet: Yep! Come in closer and I'll show ya.
    You see those sparkly bits mixed in with all the dirt and rubble?
    Corrin: They look like jewels...
    Scarlet: I'm smashing these rocks apart to get at the good stuff inside.
    Corrin: You make your own jewelry? Interesting.
    Scarlet: Hah! You think I turn these little gems into a necklace or what have you?
    Have you MET me? That's not my style at all, Corrin.
    Corrin: Oh! I see now. These are the rocks you use to decorate your weapon.
    Scarlet: Give the man a prize!
    I'd show you how it works, but...I'm out of the most important material.
    Corrin: What's that, if I might ask?
    Scarlet: My magic gunk. It sticks to anything!
    Too bad. It'd be fun to give you a demonstration.
    Corrin: "Magic gunk," eh...
    Corrin: Scarlet!
    Scarlet: Hey, if it ain't Corrin!
    Corrin: That magic gunk you mentioned... Is this it?
    Scarlet: It sure is!
    But how'd you know? And where'd you get some?
    Corrin: The shop in town had some. I picked it up while I was running errands.
    Scarlet: I owe ya one. Thanks.
    How about a live demonstration for your troubles? I've got some rocks all set to go.
    Corrin: There are so many tiny fragments here...
    Scarlet: Amazing, aren't they? They shine like tiny stars.
    OK, first we set the weapon down here. Then we slather on some of that gunk.
    Once it's fully coated, we stick on a bunch of those shiny rocks.
    The gal who taught me the technique called it mosaic. It's probably my favorite hobby.
    Corrin: Is there an outline of some sort near the hilt? It's faint, but I can just barely see...
    Scarlet: That's my rough sketch.
    Corrin: You sketch it out beforehand?
    Scarlet: Yep. It helps to lay down a design first before you fill it in with the rocks.
    Makes it look like a painting, huh?
    Corrin: It's exquisite!
    Scarlet: You have to be reaaaaal patient...
    Place each rock slowly...
    And you're done!
    Corrin: This design... Did you...?!
    Scarlet: Yep! It's your face!
    Corrin: That's a stunning likeness.
    You're very skilled to get it so lifelike. I wouldn't have guessed it of you, Scarlet.
    Scarlet: Haha, right? Came out pretty fine, if I do say so myself.
    Corrin: Hmm?
    Scarlet: It's nice to hear someone else appreciate it, too.
    Corrin: Why, Scarlet...I didn't think you were the type to blush.
    Scarlet: Heh, I surprised you once today already. Why not twice?
    Corrin: Did you call for me, Scarlet?
    Scarlet: Yep! I thought we could take a few minutes to spruce up your weapon today.
    Corrin: Huh? I...don't quite see the point...
    Scarlet: What, you don't like my mosaics?
    Corrin: Oh, no—I mean, yes, I do.
    I'm just not sure a sparkly weapon is my style...
    It doesn't really instill fear in one's enemies, does it?
    Scarlet: Yeah...makes sense. All right, we'll go with my other idea then.
    Lie down over there.
    Corrin: Sorry?
    Scarlet: If I can't pretty up your weapon, I'll sparklize your outfit instead.
    Corrin: What?!
    Scarlet: Oh, relax. It's not like I'm fastening this stuff to your bare skin.
    It's just some clothes. This won't hurt a bit.
    Corrin: B-but why me...?
    Scarlet: 'Cause I like ya, I guess.
    So I wanna see you sparkle!
    Corrin: That's very kind of you, but—
    Scarlet: Hurry up and lie down. Don't make me knock you flat.
    Corrin: All right! All right! Just promise you'll keep it small and tasteful.
    Scarlet: How small are you thinking?
    Corrin: Maybe you can keep it to the wrist of my sleeve.
    Scarlet: Oooh... That'd make it look like a bracelet, kinda.
    Not a bad idea! Let's get started.
    [stuff happens]
    Scarlet: How do you like that? I went with a color that I thought would go good with your eyes.
    Corrin: I thought when I asked you to keep it small that it would be easily hidden...
    But this is actually very nice.
    Scarlet: Didn't quite catch that. Care to repeat it?
    Corrin: N-no, it's fine!
    Scarlet: Take good care of that, OK? It's got sentimental value.
    Corrin: That it does. Thank you, Scarlet.
    Scarlet: There's that smile I love to see.
    Say, what would you think of a matching design on the other wrist?
    Corrin: Oh, er, one is enough. But I appreciate the thought.
    Scarlet: You wanted to talk, Corrin?
    Corrin: I called you out here... to see if you would decorate me.
    Scarlet: Finally getting into the spirit of it, huh?
    Just so happens I have a fresh pile of rocks here, so let's—
    Corrin: W-wait.
    Scarlet: Chickening out already?
    Corrin: I wasn't clear. Let me start over.
    Scarlet: Huh...?
    Corrin: Scarlet, I want you to decorate me... with your love...
    Scarlet: ...
    ...What? What does that even mean?
    Corrin: I'm asking if you'll marry me.
    Scarlet: Seriously?
    Corrin: Completely. I don't think I can live without you.
    Scarlet: ...
    No, wait, go back to the "decorate me with your love" part.
    How long did you spend coming up with that?
    Corrin: *sigh* You're so cool about everything that I worried I wouldn't measure up.
    So I thought long and hard...and tried to come up with something cool sounding...
    Scarlet: ...
    Corrin: Was it really that bad? I meant it seriously!
    Scarlet: Haha, sorry. It's just...you had that long, and that's the best you could do?
    Corrin: Fine. I'm no poet—I admit it.
    Scarlet: Hey, I didn't say I hated it. I mean, at least you tried!
    If anybody else tried a line like that on me, they'd probably get a slapping.
    But you? I'll let it slide.
    Corrin: Really? Does that mean...
    Scarlet: Yeah, I think you know what it means.
    You and me go together like sparkly rocks and sticky gunk.
    Corrin: I'm tempted to ask which of us is which in the relationship...
    But I've learned by now to keep my mouth shut and appreciate what I have.

    tl;dr ok sacre merde Scarlet/Crimson is so adorable my god
    Also there is so much innuendo in this but I don't care it's beautiful
    Corrin: Hmm, this is unusual. I've actually done everything on my list for today.
    Maybe I'll sit back and have a cup of tea before I turn in.
    There is that book I've been meaning to finish, too...
    Oboro: Lord Corrin! What are you doing in here?
    Corrin: Wh—Oboro?! Why are you up so late?
    Oboro: I'm cleaning. Couldn't you tell by my mop and broom?
    Corrin: In the dead of night, though?
    Oboro: Afraid so. I have my duties and training to attend to during the day.
    So this is really the only chance I get.
    Now stop loafing around, Lord Corrin. You're in the way.
    Don't you leave that book there! Take it with you!
    Corrin: Urgh...so much for a relaxing evening...
    I suppose the chores must be done, even if it is nearly midnight.
    Is there anything I can do to help you?
    Oboro: ...
    Corrin: Oboro...? Did you hear the question?
    Oboro: Hm? Oh, uh, yeah.
    Corrin: Really? You seemed anguished over something.
    Oboro: F-forget it... Now shoo! I've still gotta sweep in here!
    Corrin: I'm going, I'm going...
    Corrin: Whew... What an exhausting day. And I still haven't had dinner yet.
    I wonder if there's anything in the kitchen I can take back to my room...
    Oboro: ...
    Corrin: Is there someone in here?
    Oboro: ...
    Corrin: Help! S-s-someone! It's a demon!
    Oboro: Oh... Lord Corrin.
    Corrin: Huh? Oh...it's only you. Whew.
    I must admit, it's a little creepy to see you in a dark room with only a single candle.
    Oboro: S-sorry...
    Corrin: Oboro...is everything OK? You were staring off into the woods for a moment.
    Oboro: Yeah. Everything's fine.
    Corrin: I'm not convinced. Your attention was wandering last time, too.
    Is something bothering you?
    Oboro: Nothing that Lord Corrin should concern himself with.
    Corrin: Don't worry about that.
    You shouldn't keep your troubles bottled up inside. I don't mind listening, at least.
    Oboro: ...All right, since you insist.
    It's not a problem so much as a bad memory.
    When I was a kid, my parents ran a clothing shop in our village.
    We were out trading in Nohr when bandits attacked and killed them both.
    I hid in the wagon, and fortunately the bandits didn't notice me.
    Corrin: I never knew...
    Oboro: It all happened on a moonless night, just like this one.
    I can't help but remember when the sky gets black.
    Corrin: Which explains why your face was so stormy.
    I'm sorry, Oboro.
    Here I am, notionally a Nohrian, asking you to open up to me. It was insensitive.
    Oboro: N-not at all! You have nothing to feel guilty for, Lord Corrin.
    It's the bandits who are to blame. They're fiends in human shape...
    Corrin: Oboro...
    Oboro: Oh, um—sorry. I got kind of carried away there, I guess.
    I'll, uh...show myself out.
    Corrin: That poor girl...
    Oboro: Midnight cleaning time! Let's do this!
    Corrin: More late-night cleaning, Oboro?
    Oboro: Yes. Sorry to disturb you at this hour, but I'd appreciate your help.
    Corrin: A couple nights ago it was repairing weapons and armor.
    Last night, you took inventory of the whole storeroom.
    Oboro: Well, better safe than sorry, they say.
    Come on, Lord Corrin, don't just stand there. Help or get out of the way!
    Corrin: I know what you're doing, Oboro.
    You're staying busy to pretend that nothing bothers you during the night, aren't you?
    Oboro: ...
    Corrin: Is it because spending a quiet night alone reminds you of the night your parents died?
    Oboro: D-don't be silly!
    There are all kinds of reasons a girl would spend every night doing chores.
    Corrin: But I've noticed you tend to glance grimly out at the forest while you do these chores.
    Oboro: Th-that's because...um...
    Corrin: Sorry. I wasn't trying to overstep my boundaries.
    But you seem desperate somehow, and it makes my heart ache to see.
    Oboro: Hrgh...
    Corrin: You don't need to try so hard. It won't bring your parents back...
    You have your master, and me, and all the others here to help you.
    Oboro: Haha... You saw right through me, Lord Corrin.
    No matter how hard I try not to be, I'm a mess.
    I put up a front so I don't fall apart, and I keep people away with my stare...
    But it was never going to work forever. I just can't do it.
    Corrin: Oboro... No one cares if you're a mess!
    We all have problems. We'll all help you through yours.
    Oboro: Lord Corrin...
    Corrin: If you're scared to fight on the front lines, there's plenty to contribute in back.
    If you really want, you can just stay here and do the chores.
    Everyone knows you as a kind person who always looks out for her comrades.
    So let us look out for you. Come to us anytime you want.
    Oboro: Lord Corrin... You think they'll help me if I ask?
    Corrin: I know they will. An army is founded on people not having to struggle alone.
    Oboro: ...I never saw it like that before.
    Thank you...so much. I think I was shutting myself out for no reason.
    I feel a little better now.
    Corrin: Good. You shouldn't hesitate to show your vulnerable side around your friends.
    Oboro: Hahaha. What about my scary side?
    Corrin: You mean that face you're always making? Maybe keep that to yourself...
    Oboro: Um... Lord Corrin?
    Corrin: Hi, Oboro. Doing some late-night chores?
    Oboro: No...my past hasn't bothered me as much lately. So no cleaning tonight.
    Corrin: That's good. It shows you're growing.
    Oboro: Well, I still make that scowl sometimes. I see a Nohrian and can't help myself.
    Corrin: Hmm...well, just be aware that not everyone in Nohr is a villain.
    And I'm not saying that in self-defense.
    Oboro: Yeah, I know.
    Corrin: I think we should judge people by what's in their hearts, not where they're from.
    As Hoshidan royalty raised in Nohr, I hope to prove that to you.
    Oboro: Mind proving that to me up close, Lord Corrin?
    It would be easier to see if I could stay at your side from now on...
    Corrin: If that will help, then of course.
    Oboro: ...
    Corrin: Um...?
    Oboro: You can be so thick sometimes, Lord Corrin.
    When I say "up close" and "by your side," I mean...
    Corrin: Wait... Oboro, are you saying...
    Oboro: You're just getting it now?
    I love you, Lord Corrin.
    You've always watched over me and helped me when I needed it.
    Now that I've put the traumas of my past behind me...
    I want to help you as you've helped me, Lord Corrin.
    Corrin: Oboro...
    Oboro: Or maybe you don't want someone as fussy and difficult as me...
    Corrin: No, don't be silly! I love you too.
    I love the way you're always thinking about the best way to help other people.
    That's why I wanted to help you—to repay all the kindness you've shown!
    Oboro: Lord Corrin...
    Corrin: I promise to make this world a place you can feel safe at night—or any other time.
    Until I do, I hope you'll stay at my side and come to me for whatever you need.
    Oboro: I'd be delighted to, Lord Corrin.
    And I'm great at taking care of people— you know that by now!
    Corrin: Then I'll be at your side, counting on you as well.

    tl;dr Oboro is adorable and deep, nothing new to see here
    Corrin: Rinkah? Over here.
    Rinkah: Did you need something done?
    Corrin: Sort of. I'd like to ask your opinion on something. Take a look at this map.
    If we are positioned here, and the enemy attacks from here... what should we do?
    Rinkah: ...
    Corrin: If a unit detached and came at them from the river... do you think they'd cluster?
    If so, we could hit them with a volley...but if we fail, the attacking force might rout.
    Rinkah: ...
    Corrin: Rinkah? Are you listening to me?
    Rinkah: You know as well as I that I am not a tactician. Why are you here?
    Hoping to make friends? I'm sorry to disappoint you.
    I'm just here to carry out orders. Nothing more. Farewell.
    Corrin: Hey! Hey, wait! I'm not done talking yet!
    Rinkah: I have nothing to discuss with you. Leave me alone.
    Corrin: You know I can't do that. We're allies! I have to be able to communicate with you.
    Rinkah: That's not what I meant. I will still listen to and follow any orders you want to give.
    But otherwise, do not speak to me!
    Corrin: What is wrong with you?
    Rinkah: *sigh* My apologies. Perhaps I went too far. That is no way to talk to one's superior.
    I am grateful you spared my life when I was your prisoner.
    And I will follow you wherever you decide to lead us.
    However I neither need nor desire your attention. Please leave me alone.
    Corrin: Hm...
    Corrin: Hey! Rinkah!
    Rinkah: ...
    Corrin: Rinkah! Did you hear me?
    Rinkah: What is it this time? I told you to leave me alone.
    Corrin: I wanted to ask you why you insist so much on remaining aloof.
    Rinkah: If I do, will you leave me be?
    Corrin: I...I guess I can do that.
    Rinkah: *sigh* Very well. I keep my distance because it is the law of the Flame Tribe.
    As you know, we worship the God of the Flame.
    To honor our God, we keep a fire in the village burning at all times.
    This is a challenge, and so in order to keep it burning we have effected many laws.
    One such law directs us to avoid contact with outsiders as much as possible.
    This is why we live in isolation—and why I would prefer you quit prying.
    Corrin: How does living in isolation keep the flame burning?
    Rinkah: It's always an outsider that extinguishes the flame of life.
    They don't respect it, and so foolishly they run headlong into taboo acts.
    Corrin: Like putting out the flame?
    Rinkah: That is one of them, yes. And it has terrible consequences for the transgressor.
    Once, a long time ago, the sacred flame was extinguished by an enemy tribe.
    They only wished to cause us harm, but they angered the God of the Flame.
    The holy mountain then erupted, and fire fell from the sky.
    Lava decimated the enemy tribe, and by the end of it, there was no trace of them left.
    The stories say our own tribe suffered greatly as well, however.
    Corrin: I see. But then why were you siding with Hoshido against Nohr?
    Rinkah: Because our chief—my father—decided we should cooperate with Hoshido.
    A fighter should fully commit themselves to every battle, it's true.
    But to be honest, I had grave misgivings about this whole venture. Bad omens.
    And those feelings turned out to be well- founded. As you know, I was taken captive.
    Corrin: I see. You must feel very vindicated.
    Rinkah: I feel the same as I did before.
    So. Now you understand. I expect you will stick to your end of the bargain. Farewell.
    Corrin: Rinkah... There must be something I can do.
    Corrin: Rinkah.
    Rinkah: Heh. Lord Corrin. You really don't know how to take a hint, do you?
    I'm starting to lose count of all the times I told you to stay away.
    Corrin: Er. Sorry.
    Rinkah: Well? What is it this time?
    Corrin: Is there no way I can convince you to be a little more friendly with the others?
    Rinkah: Why?
    Corrin: When we spoke of your capture at Nohr's hands...you seemed angry.
    Do you hate having been caught so much?
    Rinkah: Of course I do. Being captured is far more shameful a fate than death to a warrior.
    I wish I had perished that day. I would have retained my dignity, at least.
    Corrin: But if you'd died, we'd never have met and worked together.
    Rinkah: What?
    Corrin: We're at war. Nothing is certain. One day we celebrate, the next we may be mourning.
    But I have to believe there's some kind of order to things.
    And so I think we were fated to meet as we did, and that we should be grateful for it.
    Rinkah: I see. I AM grateful we met. But I still feel regret and anger at my capture.
    It is difficult to be grateful for a misfortune, is it not?
    Corrin: But in the end it wasn't a misfortune, right? It all worked out.
    We should thank fate for that—for all the ways it sees fit to connect us. All of us.
    And I think fate has given you a unique and incredible opportunity.
    Rinkah: How so?
    Corrin: It's rare the Flame Tribe interacts with outsiders, right?
    Then perhaps you should take advantage of this chance to learn about the world.
    About other people, other cultures, lands, arts, history, technologies...
    Your people may not have an opportunity like this again for a long, long time.
    And I think it would be a terrible shame were you to let it slip past you.
    But...I admit I may feel this way because I spent my entire life trapped in isolation.
    So the choice is yours. I won't press you further.
    Rinkah: I see. Very well. I will have to think on it, but your argument has a certain weight.
    I'll...do my best to try to warm up to the others. All right?
    Corrin: Thank you, Rinkah!
    Rinkah: No. Thank you.
    Rinkah: Corrin. I've been looking for you.
    Corrin: Oh! I've been looking for you too! I hear you've been warming up to everyone.
    I'm know it couldn't have been easy for you. Thank you.
    Rinkah: S-sure. No problem.
    Corrin: So, you had something you wanted to talk to me about?
    Rinkah: No, never mind. It's not important.
    Corrin: Are you sure?
    Rinkah: Maybe we can talk some other time.
    Corrin: W-wait! Rinkah! What's wrong? You can tell me.
    You've finally started to open up. Don't close yourself off now! Please. Let's talk.
    Rinkah: Hmph.
    Corrin: Huh? Are you all right? Your face is burning up!
    Do you have a fever? Are you sick? Let me get you a healer!
    Rinkah: N-no!
    Corrin: Are you sure? You're sweating a lot too...
    Rinkah: I wanted to tell you...
    Corrin: Yes? Go on.
    Rinkah: I'm sorry. My pride prevented me from telling you before. I swore I'd never do this.
    Every time I saw you, I felt ashamed. You were a reminder of my capture.
    A reminder of my weakness.
    Corrin: I'm so sorry.
    Rinkah: But over time, the shame over my capture has weakened, and been replaced.
    I began to wrestle not with my weakness, but with a new feeling.
    Corrin: A new feeling?
    Rinkah: Yes. Love.
    Corrin: Love?!
    Rinkah: I could not accept that I had feelings for you.
    You are a foreigner, an outsider—and a constant reminder of my capture.
    Corrin: I see. Well, the truth is, I have had feelings for you too. Ever since the day I saw you.
    Rinkah: Huh?!
    Corrin: I made excuses to myself, saying I just wanted you to make friends and learn.
    But the truth is, I really only wanted to get closer to you, Rinkah.
    Rinkah: Corrin...
    Corrin: Hahaha. When you think about it, we really met in the worst possible way, didn't we?
    Rinkah: Don't say that!
    From now on, I will remember it as one of the happiest days of my life.
    As you said, we should be grateful for everything fate did to connect us.
    Corrin: Haha. Yes. Thank you, Rinkah.
    Rinkah: There is no need to thank me. I should be the one thanking you—for saving my life.
    And for igniting this fire in my heart.

    tl;dr Amazon taming get. Corrin slightly more persuasive in English.
    Selena: Grr! Where did it go?
    Why am I the most cursed person in the entire world? Ughhh!
    Corrin: Selena? I heard shouting... Is everything OK?
    Selena: Um, obviously not!
    I can't find my yukata!
    Corrin: Oh no!
    Wait, what's a yukata?
    Selena: You don't even know what a yukata is?
    Well, for your information, it's a super-cute dress-type thing from Hoshido.
    Corrin: Oh. But aren't you from Nohr?
    Selena: What does that have to do with it? And who said I was from Nohr?
    Corrin: Sorry, I'm confused—
    Selena: Why does it matter where I'm from? I can wear whatever I want.
    Corrin: No argument here. If the shoe fits...
    Selena: I thought I told you it was a dress, not a shoe.
    And OF COURSE it fits—I looked fabulous!
    But now I CAN'T FIND IT.
    Corrin: No need to shout... I'm sure it's around here somewhere...
    Selena: Don't you know anything? I was fishing for a compliment there. Jeez!
    Corrin: I'm sorry?
    Selena: Whatever. Are you going to help me find my yukata or not?
    Corrin: Well, it doesn't sound like I have a choice.
    Selena: Not if you want to remain my third-best friend, mister.
    Now, c'mon, let's find that thing!
    Corrin: OK, sounds good.
    Wait, THIRD best? Who are numbers one and—?
    Selena: Oh, don't you worry your pretty little head off about them.
    Selena: Hey, Corrin! Didja find my yukata yet?
    Corrin: Sorry, I haven't.
    But, to be honest, after we spent so much time looking the other day...
    I sort of assumed it was gone forever. So I haven't been looking very hard.
    Selena: Ugh! You give up too easily.
    Corrin: Well, I did look all around the castle, and I asked a few people about it.
    Selena: Well, you feel that you tried your best. I guess that's good enough for some people.
    Corrin: *sigh*
    Selena: You're sighing? It's like you don't even WANT to find my yukata.
    Corrin: Selena, I would truly like to help you find it, if only for my own personal relief.
    Maybe you could tell me a bit more about the garment...
    Selena: All right... It's burgundy with a tiny cherry blossom pattern.
    It's the same color my mother used to wear a lot.
    But it probably looked better on her, of course...
    Corrin: Why would you say that?
    Selena: Well, she was perfect and she had perfect taste. Kinda hard to live up to that.
    Not that I don't come pretty darn close!
    Corrin: She "was" perfect? Did she pass away?
    Selena: Yeah, but whatever. I'm over it.
    Anyway, we're talking about my yukata here. You got the details memorized?
    Corrin: Er, yes. Burgundy with cherry blossoms.
    Oh, one other thing. What size was it?
    Selena: What SIZE?
    Corrin: Er, yes?
    Selena: That's kind of personal, don't you think?
    What if I asked you what color of underwear you were wearing, huh?
    Corrin: Um...
    Selena: Oh, great. Now you're probably thinking about MY underwear.
    You're so nosy, you know that?
    Corrin: Selena, please listen! I wasn't thinking anything like that!
    I just want to help you find your yukata.
    I thought it might be helpful to know the size.
    Selena: All right, fine. It's a regular size yukata. Not large, not small. REGULAR. Got it?
    Corrin: Regular-sized. Got it.
    Selena: Now, are you done interrogating me? Will you hurry up and start searching?
    Corrin: Yes, I will be glad to take my leave of you at this point.
    Selena: Wait, what do you mean by THAT?
    Selena: Hey, Corrin! Did you find my yukata yet or what?
    Corrin: Well...
    Selena: *sigh* Don't bother answering. I can tell by the look on your face.
    Whatever. It doesn't matter anymore.
    Corrin: What do you mean?
    Selena: I mean...we've both looked all over for the darn thing, and it's just gone.
    I'm sorry I wasted your time. I know you've got a lot of important stuff going on.
    Corrin: Selena...
    Selena: Just so we're clear, I'm not grateful.
    Corrin: Well, I'm glad you could clear that up.
    Selena: I guess I'll just have to make a new yukata.
    It'll probably be challenging, but with my level of talent, I'm sure it will turn out.
    Corrin: I think that's a good idea, Selena. Camilla is always saying how talented you are.
    Selena: She...she is?
    I mean... Of course she is.
    By the way, what's your size?
    Corrin: My size? You got so upset when I asked about your size the other day.
    Selena: Ughhh. This is for a gift so it's TOTALLY DIFFERENT, duh.
    Corrin: Fair enough. I was just teasing!
    But you don't need to get me a gift.
    Selena: Well don't worry. It's not like it's a good gift or anything.
    I just thought that if I had some leftover scraps of material...
    Maybe, if I had time, I could sew them together into a yukata for you.
    Whatever! I probably won't have enough material or I'll forget or something.
    Corrin: I see. Well, it's the thought that counts.
    Selena: Great. So now we just need to go find some cute fabric. Ready to go?
    Corrin: Um...
    Selena: What do you mean, "um"? Are you ready or not?
    Most people would BEG for a chance to go shopping with me.
    Corrin: I'm sure I'll be begging for something by the end of the trip...
    Selena: Ha, ha. C'mon, let's go! This is going to be fun. Hurry up!
    Corrin: And there she goes.
    Wait, I never told her what size I am!
    Corrin: Selena, how are you doing today?
    Selena: Fine, fine. But what's going on? I was in the middle of something.
    Corrin: Oh, I'm sorry to have interrupted you. What were you doing?
    Selena: If you must know, I was packing.
    Remember how we couldn't find any decent fabric the other day?
    Well, I've got a lead on some premium silk, but I have to go pick it up.
    It's...a bit of a hike from here.
    Corrin: Well, I'm glad I caught you. Because there's no need for you to go.
    Here, take this.
    Selena: This fabric... It's the same as my missing yukata!
    Corrin: Indeed! I found a place that was willing to make a custom order for you.
    Selena: Oh, gods... I don't deserve this. I've been so awful to you.
    To everyone...
    Corrin: No! Don't say that.
    I mean, sure, you've been prickly, but that's just who you are.
    Y'know, it's funny. I've actually grown somewhat fond of being belittled—
    Selena: Then marry me.
    Corrin: What?!
    Selena: You heard me. Grow up and marry me, Corrin!
    Or are you a scared little baby? Waaah! Waaah!
    Corrin: I...no. Wait. What?!
    Selena: Look. I've got important things to do. I can't just sit around waiting for a proposal.
    So are you gonna marry me or what?
    Most people would kill for this opportunity, just so you know.
    Corrin: Against all better judgment...I will.
    I will marry you, Selena!
    Selena: Well, good!
    And you better make me the happiest woman in the world while you're at it!
    Corrin: Does this count as the start of our honeymoon?

    tl;dr Corrin is surprisingly well written in this
    For once he is actually coming close to an appropriate level of dispassionate snarkery
    Some of the lines in this are gold though, in all seriousness
    [spoiler=M!Corrin x F!Frederick]
    Flora: Lord Corrin! Where are Jakob and Felicia? Should you be unguarded like this?
    Corrin: It's quite all right, Flora. I dismissed both of them for the day.
    They'd work themselves to death if I allowed it.
    I have to make sure they get some free time every now and then, just like the rest of us.
    Flora: You're so kind! Well, if that's the case, please allow me to assist you in their stead.
    Let's see here. Your hair looks a bit messy today.
    Corrin: Huh? It does?
    Flora: You can't go around performing your duties with messy hair!
    A man's appearance is the mark of his character, after all!
    There, much better.
    Corrin: Thanks!
    Flora: Ah! There's a leaf stuck to your cape.
    Just a minute, and I'll get it right off you!
    Corrin: OK.
    Flora: There, much better.
    Oh my, your boots are so scuffed! Luckily, I've got some boot polish handy right here.
    Corrin: A-all right...
    Flora: There! Much better.
    Corrin: Thank you. You know, sometimes I forget how unlike Felicia and Jakob you are.
    Flora: Thank you very much!
    Ooh! Dust on your shoulder. I'll take care of that. *wap* *wap* *wap*
    Corrin: Th-thanks...
    Flora: *sigh*
    Corrin: Flora? What are you doing slumped against the wall like that?
    Flora: Lord Corrin! I apologize for letting you see me in such a disgraceful state.
    Corrin: Is something bothering you? You can always talk to me, you know.
    Flora: Well...as you know, I'm a maid. It is my duty to never miss a single detail.
    Even the smallest lapse could cause embarrassment or discomfort to my master.
    Yet there is so much work to be done that I must also be very efficient with my time.
    Corrin: Yes, and I think on both counts you're exemplary. So what's the issue?
    Flora: Thank you, milord. The compliment means a lot coming from you.
    However, there are times where my duties make me feel so...exhausted.
    Er, but, ah— M-my apologies. I shouldn't be complaining like this to you, milord.
    I'm sure my problems are nothing compared to everyone else's.
    They all work so hard without complaint, and yet here I am, moping and whining.
    Corrin: No, it's all right. I'm glad you opened up and let me know how you really feel.
    Flora: Huh?
    Corrin: You're a very talented maid, and you never seem to take a break.
    I had almost begun to wonder whether or not you were really human.
    But hearing your concerns just now has proven it to me.
    And...it's nice feeling closer to you.
    Flora: Lord Corrin...
    Corrin: Anyway, you're done for the day. Go get some rest. OK?
    And know that you can always take a break whenever you feel you need it.
    It won't do to have you exhausted all the time from overwork.
    Flora: Thank you, Lord Corrin.
    But, before I go, can I adjust your hair really quickly? Just a little bit!
    Corrin: No way! Break time starts now.
    Flora: Fine, fine...
    Flora: Lord Corrin!
    Corrin: Someone's looking peppy today.
    Flora: I took your advice, and I've been resting a lot more lately.
    And as you can see, it's already paying off! I feel so much better now!
    Corrin: I'm glad to hear it. Now you just have to make sure to keep it up!
    Flora: Of course! Thank you so much. You're far too kind.
    Corrin: Hey now, none of that. Just seeing you happy again is plenty thanks for me.
    Flora: Lord Corrin...
    [sFX: Wind]
    Oh no!
    Corrin: F-Flora?! Where did this snowstorm come from?
    Flora: My apologies, milord. Your kindness just moved me so.
    I might be able to stop it right away...but would you mind if I let it go a little longer?
    Corrin: Huh?
    Flora: My emotions are running too hot. I'd like to use this draft to help me cool down.
    Corrin: Oh. Um. All right.
    Flora: ...
    Corrin: ...Not done yet?
    Flora: I'm sorry. Just a bit more...
    Corrin: C-could we speed this up? I can't feel my hands! Th-th-they're turning b-blue...
    [sFX: Wind]
    Flora: |There we are. I feel better now.
    Corrin: Thank the gods. Any longer and I might have lost a limb...
    Flora: My apologies, Lord Corrin. I keep behaving most shamefully.
    Corrin: No, don't worry about it. If anything, I want to see more of this side of you.
    Not the maid-you, but the real you.
    Flora: Oh. You're so kind, milord. It's so touching. I-I don't think I can control—
    [sFX: Wind]
    Oh no!
    Corrin: N-n-not again!
    Flora: Lord Corrin. You called for me?
    Corrin: Yes. Thank you for coming. There is something I wished to speak to you about.
    Flora: Of course! But before we get started, would you like anything to drink?
    Corrin: No, thank you. I'm fine. What I wanted to talk to you about is—
    Flora: Oh dear, your hair is all out of sorts again. There we go. Much better.
    Corrin: Ah. Thanks.
    Flora: Ack! You've got little hairs on your cape! Have you been around any dogs today?
    This won't do. Here, let me get all of that off for you.
    *brush* *brush* So, what did you wish to discuss with me? *brush* *brush*
    Corrin: C-could you stop that?
    Flora: Hm? *brush* *brush*
    Stop what? *brush* *brush*
    Corrin: Stop being a maid.
    Flora: What?! But why?! How can I help you if I can't even perform any maidly duties?
    I'm not skilled on the battlefield. All I know is how to take care of others!
    D-do you no longer want me to serve you?
    [sFX: Wind]
    Oh, my cold, desolate heart...
    Corrin: Uh...F-Flora? I-i-i-it's getting a little chilly in here.
    Flora: *sob* If I stopped being a maid...what would I even have to live for?
    Corrin: Wait, Flora! You misunderstand! I just wanted you to stop for a moment!
    Because it was difficult trying to tell you how I felt while you were brushing me!
    I...I love you, Flora!
    [sFX: Wind]
    Flora: Huh?
    Corrin: I love you. Please, will you be with me? Here, I have something for you.
    Flora: A ring?
    Corrin: Yes. I want you to have it.
    Flora: Ohhh. Oh, Corrin!
    [sFX: Ice]
    [sFX: Wind]
    Corrin: F-Flora! The wind is picking up again!
    Flora: I'm sorry! I'm just so happy! It's too much for me to handle! I can't stop it!
    Corrin: So you mean—
    Flora: Yes! Of course I'll accept your ring! I love you too!
    Corrin: Oh. W-w-well good, then. I'm glad!
    Flora: I'll do my best to be the perfect wife for you! My very, very best! I swear it!
    Corrin: A-am I imagining things or...is the wind g-g-g-getting even stronger?
    I'm...so cold...can't...see...
    But...so happy.
    Flora: Me too!
    [sFX: Wind]

    tl;dr Flora is cute and flanderised beyond belief
    Also I am starting to suspect that the different paths had different localisation teams
    [going to bed now]
  9. OK I did Corrin x Azura (all routes) because high priority

    [spoiler=Birthright: F!Corrin x Azura]
    Azura: Hello, Corrin. What brings you here?
    Corrin: I decided to take a little stroll. This breeze feels so heavenly!
    Azura: Mmm. Yes! All of that sunshine filtering through the leaves reminds me of Castle Shirasagi.
    Corrin: Haha! I envy you. In Nohr, we didn't have days filled with sunshine!
    Azura: Oh, Corrin. How stupid of me!
    Corrin: Huh?
    Azura: That was thoughtless of me. I never should have brought that up!
    It should've been you in Hoshido all those years—basking in the sunlight!
    Corrin: There's no need to feel bad. It's not like you kidnapped me and took me to Nohr!
    Azura: I know, but I still feel guilty.
    I lived with the royal family and received all the love that should have been yours.
    Corrin: Please, Azura, you shouldn't worry. My life hasn't been as hard as you think.
    Azura: But I lived in Nohr! I know what that was like. It's a cruel place to grow up.
    Corrin: That's true. Nohr can be a harsh place, but I have happy memories there too.
    Azura: Really?
    Corrin: Of course! I was just remembering this one time...
    Oh, no! I'm late for a meeting! I'm sorry. We'll have to continue this later!
    Azura: Yes, I'd like that!
    Azura: Corrin! I hoped to run into you. I'd like to hear more about your time in Nohr.
    Corrin: Of course! Well, let's see... I lived in the Northern Fortress. It was pretty remote.
    Hmm... I wasn't allowed to go outside or have any friends.
    Azura: That sounds terrible!
    Corrin: Thinking back, it was hard. However, at the time, I never felt lonely.
    The servants were like family, and my brothers and sisters visited all the time.
    Elise came by to hang out every single day.
    Azura: How sweet of her!
    Corrin: ...And there was a huge library! You'd never run out of books to read in Nohr!
    Felicia, Jakob, and I even had a little book club. You see? I was too busy to feel alone.
    Azura: Hmm. The Nohr you describe is so different from the one I remember.
    Corrin: Well, I spent a lot of time there. It still feels like a part of me...like home.
    Azura: It almost sounds like you miss it.
    Corrin: I do. I miss the Northern Fortress. I even miss Castle Krakenburg.
    Azura: One day, I'm sure you'll get to go back there.
    Corrin: I hope so, but first, we have to defeat King Garon and end this war for good!
    Azura: Corrin, you're always outside, aren't you?
    Corrin: Haha! I came out here to unwind, but it's so windy!
    Azura: Yes. I think a storm is coming.
    Corrin: I haven't seen such a dark cloud since I left Nohr.
    Azura: You must be thinking about how much you miss it. I see that wistful look on your face.
    It's hard to believe we lived in the same country. Our experiences were so different.
    I've listened to your stories, but it's hard to picture anything good happening there.
    Corrin: I think many Hoshidans feel that way.
    Azura: That's why we must bridge the gap. We must work together to end this war.
    Corrin: I agree with you completely. We can't call one place good and another bad.
    Azura: You and I are linked by fate. It's no coincidence that we're both here.
    If you and I work as a team, surely we can bring about peace.
    Corrin: You know I'd do anything to make that happen! We're in this together, Azura.

    [spoiler=Birthright: M!Corrin x Azura]
    Azura: Hello, Corrin. What brings you here?
    Corrin: I decided to take a little stroll. This breeze feels so heavenly!
    Azura: Mmm. Yes! All of that sunshine filtering through the leaves reminds me of Hoshido.
    Corrin: Haha! I envy you. In Nohr, we didn't have days filled with sunshine!
    Azura: Oh, Corrin. How stupid of me!
    Corrin: Huh?
    Azura: That was thoughtless of me. I never should have brought that up!
    It should've been you in Hoshido all those years—basking in the sunlight!
    Corrin: There's no need to feel bad. It's not like you kidnapped me and took me to Nohr!
    Azura: I know, but I still feel guilty.
    I lived with the royal family and received all the love that should have been yours.
    Corrin: Please, Azura, you shouldn't worry. My life hasn't been as hard as you think.
    Azura: But I lived in Nohr! I know what that was like. It's a cruel place to grow up.
    Corrin: That's true. Nohr can be a harsh place, but I have happy memories there too.
    Azura: Really?
    Corrin: Of course! I was just remembering this one time...
    Oh, no! I'm late for a meeting! I'm sorry. We'll have to continue this later!
    Azura: Yes, I'd like that!
    Azura: Corrin! I hoped to run into you. I'd like to hear more about your time in Nohr.
    Corrin: Of course! Well, let's see... I lived in the Northern Fortress. It was pretty remote.
    Hmm... I wasn't allowed to go outside or have any friends.
    Azura: That sounds terrible!
    Corrin: Thinking back, it was hard. However, at the time, I never felt lonely.
    The servants were like family, and my brothers and sisters visited all the time.
    Elise came by to hang out every single day.
    Azura: How sweet of her!
    Corrin: ...And there was a huge library! You'd never run out of books to read in Nohr!
    Felicia, Jakob, and I even had a little book club. You see? I was too busy to feel alone.
    Azura: Hmm. The Nohr you describe is so different from the one I remember.
    Corrin: Well, I spent a lot of time there. It still feels like a part of me...like home.
    Azura: It almost sounds like you miss it.
    Corrin: I do. I miss the Northern Fortress. I even miss Castle Krakenburg.
    Azura: One day, I'm sure you'll get to go back there.
    Corrin: I hope so, but first, we have to defeat King Garon and end this war for good!
    Azura: Corrin, you're always outside, aren't you?
    Corrin: Haha! I came out here to unwind, but it's so windy!
    Azura: Yes. I think a storm is coming.
    Corrin: I haven't seen such a dark cloud since I left Nohr.
    Azura: You must be thinking about how much you miss it. I see that wistful look on your face.
    It's hard to believe we lived in the same country. Our experiences were so different.
    I've listened to your stories, but it's hard to picture anything good happening there.
    Corrin: I think many Hoshidans feel that way.
    Azura: That's why we must bridge the gap. We must work together to end this war.
    Corrin: I agree with you completely. We can't call one place good and another bad.
    Azura: You and I are linked by fate. It's no coincidence that we're both here.
    If you and I work as a team, surely we can bring about peace.
    Corrin: You know I'd do anything to make that happen! We're in this together, Azura.
    Corrin: Hello, Azura. Thanks for meeting me here.
    Azura: This is becoming your favorite spot, isn't it?
    Corrin: Yes. It seemed like a fitting place to discuss something...uh...important.
    Azura: Oh, my. You have a serious look on your face. Is everything all right?
    Corrin: Yes, I'm fine. I've just been thinking about our conversations about Nohr.
    Even after our talks, I haven't changed your mind about Nohr, have I?
    Azura: Well, not exactly...
    Corrin: I realized all of my good memories of Nohr are thanks to a handful of kind people.
    Without Jakob and Felicia and my brothers and sisters, I would have been miserable.
    Azura: So you do understand what I'm talking about after all. Nohr can be a cruel place!
    Corrin: Yes, but no matter what, there are good people in this world who want to help.
    There are people who will love you no matter what it may cost them.
    There are people—right here, right now— who want to stand beside you.
    Azura: Corrin, what are you saying?
    Corrin: I want to be that person for you!
    They could throw us in a dark pit, and we'd be fine as long as we're together.
    I know it.
    Azura: Corrin, I'm so happy to hear you say that.
    Corrin: Really?
    Azura: Yes! Our fates have been intertwined since the beginning.
    I believe we were always meant to walk through this life together.
    Corrin: And now the path is bringing us to a peaceful place! I know it is!
    Azura: I'm sure there will be plenty of sunshine when we get there.

    [spoiler=Conquest: F!Corrin x Azura]
    <glass breaking>
    Corrin: Oh, no! Ugh!
    Azura: Corrin? Is that you? What's going on?
    Corrin: I'm fine! I was getting some water, and I dropped the glass.
    Be careful! There are broken shards everywhere!
    Azura: What are you doing up at this hour? You look like you've seen a ghost!
    Corrin: I-I'm all right. Really. It was just a bad dream.
    Azura: Goodness! You must have been thrashing about. You're dripping sweat!
    Poor thing. Here, I'll get you a fresh glass of water.
    Corrin: *gulp* *gulp* ...Ahhh! Thank you, Azura.
    Azura: Did you want to talk about it? Your nightmare, I mean...
    Corrin: Nah. It's no big deal.
    Azura: Hmm. Your decision to side with Nohr is really troubling you, isn't it?
    Corrin: Seriously, Azura? How do you figure this stuff out? I can't hide anything from you!
    Azura: Well, I've suspected this for a few days now. You've been looking dejected. Also...
    There's the hand-wringing and the sighing and that pouty thing you do with your lips.
    Corrin: All right. All right. I get it! ...The thing is, I know I made the right decision.
    I put a lot of thought into it. I really believe this is the best way to bring about peace.
    ...But I have nightmares every night about the Hoshidans I've killed!
    Azura: Corrin, you knew this path wouldn't be easy when you chose it, right?
    Corrin: Yes, that's true.
    Azura: If you believe this path leads to peace, then you have to keep walking down that road.
    Corrin: You're right. I can't give up just because it's hard. Thanks, Azura.
    Corrin: Phew! My patrol is almost done for the night, and everything's nice and quiet.
    ...Hold up! Did that shadow just move?!
    <Enemy appears>
    Corrin: *gasp* It's an enemy soldier!
    Enemy: There you are, Corrin... Princess of Nohr! I'll kill you where you stand! GAAH!
    Corrin: Ha! Nice try, but I'm not going down without a fight!
    [shanking ensues]
    Enemy: Ugh! ARGH!
    Corrin: *pant* *pant*
    Azura: Corrin! What's going on?! ...Oh, my! Is that a soldier from Hoshido?!
    Corrin: He slipped through our defenses somehow. Don't worry. He won't be getting back up.
    I didn't want to kill him, but I had no choice!
    Enemy: ...Y-you killed my whole family! You and the rest of Nohr! I-I'll never forgive you!
    Enjoy your life while it lasts! Death and punishment are coming for you! Just wait!
    Gahaha... Gufffpphh...!
    Azura: Corrin? Are you all right?
    Corrin: Yes, I'm fine. I escaped without a scratch.
    Azura: No, I mean—are YOU all right? That was hard to hear.
    Corrin: I feel terrible. I robbed him of justice! I didn't want to kill him, but I had no choice.
    Azura: He doesn't know why you sided with Nohr! Give up, and his death will be meaningless.
    Corrin: It's easy for you to say that. You didn't kill him! Now he'll never avenge his family!
    Azura: Hmm. I see. In that case, you SHOULD feel terrible.
    Corrin: Wow. Thanks a lot, Azura.
    Azura: No, listen... Just because you've chosen this path doesn't mean you have to like it.
    Get upset. Throw a fit. Cry into your pillow! I'd be worried if his death didn't upset you.
    Corrin: You're right. All we can do is keep pressing on. This won't be the last soldier who dies.
    That's why we have to end this thing!
    Azura: Exactly! Just remember, Corrin... No matter what, I'm right here with you.
    Whenever you feel lost, I'll try to help you find your way again.
    Corrin: Thank you, Azura. I don't know what I'd do without you.
    Azura: Corrin! *gasp* Oh, thank goodness! I found you!
    Corrin: Azura? What's wrong? ...And why are you so out of breath?
    Azura: I came to warn you! There's been a breach! Another Hoshidan infiltrated our camp!
    Corrin: What?!
    <Enemy appears>
    Enemy: You're that princess from Nohr, aren't you?
    Azura: Oh, no! He's already here!
    Enemy: I'm here to avenge my friends! DIE!
    Corrin: Uh...
    Azura: Corrin! What's wrong with you?! He's drawing his weapon! Snap out of it!
    Corrin: B-but...!
    Azura: Corrin? ...Fine! You leave me no choice. I'll fight him for you!
    [offscreen disembowelment]
    Enemy: ...Huh? She got me...?! N-no!
    Corrin: Azura, are you all right?! $SbpSTRM_EVT_SERIOUS_E1|0|$Wmアクア|7$w0|
    Azura: Now that he's finished, I'm perfectly fine. The question is—Corrin, are you all right?
    Corrin: Yeah. I don't know what happened. I just froze! I'm so sorry.
    I put both of our lives in danger. I can't believe I'm so pathetic!
    Azura: You're not pathetic! You're human—like the rest of us. You care about people!
    I know you're tired of having blood on your hands. I won't let you do it alone anymore.
    Now my hands are just as stained as yours. When you can't go on, I'll fight for you.
    Corrin: Do you really mean that?
    Azura: Absolutely! We're going to walk this bloodstained path until we reach the end.
    Corrin: All right. I won't hesitate next time. If we're going down, we'll go together.
    Azura: I'll be by your side every step of the way. I promise.

    [spoiler=Conquest: M!Corrin x Azura]
    <glass breaking>
    Corrin: Oh, no! Ugh!
    Azura: Corrin? Is that you? What's going on?
    Corrin: I'm fine! I was getting some water, and I dropped the glass.
    Be careful! There are broken shards everywhere!
    Azura: What are you doing up at this hour? You look like you've seen a ghost!
    Corrin: I-I'm all right. Really. It was just a bad dream.
    Azura: Goodness! You must have been thrashing about. You're dripping sweat!
    Poor thing. Here, I'll get you a fresh glass of water.
    Corrin: *gulp* *gulp* ...Ahhh! Thank you, Azura.
    Azura: Did you want to talk about it? Your nightmare, I mean...
    Corrin: Nah. It's no big deal.
    Azura: Hmm. Your decision to side with Nohr is really troubling you, isn't it?
    Corrin: Seriously, Azura? How do you figure this stuff out? I can't hide anything from you!
    Azura: Well, I've suspected this for a few days now. You've been looking dejected. Also...
    There's the hand-wringing and the sighing and that pouty thing you do with your lips.
    Corrin: All right. All right. I get it! ...The thing is, I know I made the right decision.
    I put a lot of thought into it. I really believe this is the best way to bring about peace.
    ...But I have nightmares every night about the Hoshidans I've killed!
    Azura: Corrin, you knew this path wouldn't be easy when you chose it, right?
    Corrin: Yes, that's true.
    Azura: If you believe this path leads to peace, then you have to keep walking down that road.
    Corrin: You're right. I can't give up just because it's hard. Thanks, Azura.
    Corrin: Phew! My patrol is almost done for the night, and everything's nice and quiet.
    ...Hold up! Did that shadow just move?!
    <Enemy appears>
    Corrin: *gasp* It's an enemy soldier!
    Enemy: There you are, Corrin... Prince of Nohr! I'll kill you where you stand! GAAH!
    Corrin: Ha! Nice try, but I'm not going down without a fight!
    [shanking ensues]
    Enemy: Ugh! ARGH!
    Corrin: *pant* *pant*
    Azura: Corrin! What's going on?! ...Oh, my! Is that a soldier from Hoshido?!
    Corrin: He slipped through our defenses somehow. Don't worry. He won't be getting back up.
    I didn't want to kill him, but I had no choice!
    Enemy: ...Y-you killed my whole family! You and the rest of Nohr! I-I'll never forgive you!
    Enjoy your life while it lasts! Death and punishment are coming for you! Just wait!
    Gahaha... Gufffpphh...!
    Azura: Corrin? Are you all right?
    Corrin: Yes, I'm fine. I escaped without a scratch.
    Azura: No, I mean—are YOU all right? That was hard to hear.
    Corrin: I feel terrible. I robbed him of justice! I didn't want to kill him, but I had no choice.
    Azura: He doesn't know why you sided with Nohr! Give up, and his death will be meaningless.
    Corrin: It's easy for you to say that. You didn't kill him! Now he'll never avenge his family!
    Azura: Hmm. I see. In that case, you SHOULD feel terrible.
    Corrin: Wow. Thanks a lot, Azura.
    Azura: No, listen... Just because you've chosen this path doesn't mean you have to like it.
    Get upset. Throw a fit. Cry into your pillow! I'd be worried if his death didn't upset you.
    Corrin: You're right. All we can do is keep pressing on. This won't be the last soldier who dies.
    That's why we have to end this thing!
    Azura: Exactly! Just remember, Corrin... No matter what, I'm right here with you.
    Whenever you feel lost, I'll try to help you find your way again.
    Corrin: Thank you, Azura. I don't know what I'd do without you.
    Azura: Corrin! *gasp* Oh, thank goodness! I found you!
    Corrin: Azura? What's wrong? ...And why are you so out of breath?
    Azura: I came to warn you! There's been a breach! Another Hoshidan infiltrated our camp!
    Corrin: What?!
    <Enemy appears>
    Enemy: You're that prince from Nohr, aren't you?
    Azura: Oh, no! He's already here!
    Enemy: I'm here to avenge my friends! DIE!
    Corrin: Uh...
    Azura: Corrin! What's wrong with you?! He's drawing his weapon! Snap out of it!
    Corrin: B-but...!
    Azura: Corrin? ...Fine! You leave me no choice. I'll fight him for you!
    [offscreen disembowelment]
    Enemy: ...Huh? She got me...?! N-no!
    Corrin: Azura, are you all right?! $SbpSTRM_EVT_SERIOUS_E1|0|$Wmアクア|7$w0|
    Azura: Now that he's finished, I'm perfectly fine. The question is—Corrin, are you all right?
    Corrin: Yeah. I don't know what happened. I just froze! I'm so sorry.
    I put both of our lives in danger. I can't believe I'm so pathetic!
    Azura: You're not pathetic! You're human—like the rest of us. You care about people!
    I know you're tired of having blood on your hands. I won't let you do it alone anymore.
    Now my hands are just as stained as yours. When you can't go on, I'll fight for you.
    Corrin: Do you really mean that?
    Azura: Absolutely! We're going to walk this bloodstained path until we reach the end.
    Corrin: All right. I won't hesitate next time. If we're going down, we'll go together.
    Azura: I'll be by your side every step of the way. I promise.
    Corrin: Azura, do you have a minute?
    Azura: Of course, but it's so late! You didn't have another nightmare, did you?
    Corrin: No. I haven't had another nightmare since we talked. I'm doing much better now.
    Azura: You are better, aren't you?
    Corrin: Thanks to you. That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about.
    Azura: Oh?
    Corrin: The other day, you promised to be by my side. That made such a difference to me.
    Now, I know that I'm not in this alone anymore.
    Azura: Well, it's true. You're not alone.
    Corrin: ...But the thing is, I don't want blood on your hands either!
    Azura: Oh, my! Corrin, that was just a metaphor.
    Corrin: I know! But I care about you! ...And not just as an ally or a friend...
    Azura, I love you. I would do anything to protect you.
    Azura: What?!
    Corrin: I can't bear the thought of dragging you down with me!
    I'd rather know you were unburdened by guilt than have you by my side, suffering.
    Azura: Corrin, you have a kind heart. I'm not surprised you feel that way.
    What if things didn't have to end so badly? Let's make a new promise!
    What if we keep walking this road until we end up someplace full of hope?
    Corrin: Do you really think that's possible?
    Azura: Yes! Corrin, I love you! Let's keep pressing on until we find peace!

    [spoiler=Revelations: F!Corrin x Azura]
    Corrin: A small lake in the middle of the woods... Reminds me of where I once met Azura.
    [sFX: Youuu are a whaaale etc]
    Azura: Oh, hello, Corrin. What brings you out here?
    Corrin: I was looking for you, in fact. I apologize if I interrupted your singing.
    Azura: It's no trouble. Is there something I can help you with today?
    Corrin: I actually wanted to talk with you about something I realized.
    I believe that you and I are in a unique position regarding Nohr and Hoshido.
    I'm a princess of Hoshido who was raised in Nohr, and...
    You're a princess of Nohr who was raised in Hoshido.
    Azura: Ahhh, I see what you mean. I agree that we're pretty unique.
    Corrin: Because of this background, I think we may have interesting views on the countries.
    I wanted to talk with you and compare what we each believed.
    Azura: That is quite interesting...
    Corrin: We could start with Hoshido. From my perspective, it seems so warm and bright.
    The land is fertile, and it seems like no one is ever wanting for anything.
    Azura: A valid observation. This bountifulness makes everyone amiable and respectful.
    Corrin: And yet, they always have the threat of a Nohrian invasion hanging over them.
    Azura: Indeed. Which is quite unfair; Nohr is always the aggressor, and without reason.
    Corrin: That does seem to be the case, but... What if you considered the Nohrian side?
    Can you try to imagine how the people in Nohr view Hoshido?
    Azura: I suppose the carefree attitude of Hoshido might look like indifference to others.
    It could give people the impression that Hoshidans are very self-centered.
    So long as there is peace, the people in Hoshido seem uninterested in the world.
    Corrin: I hadn't ever heard that opinion before, but I think it could have some merit.
    It could be one of the reasons that Nohr dislikes Hoshido so much.
    Azura: I'm glad to be able to look at this situation with a new perspective.
    I'm sure we'd benefit from continuing this conversation...
    Corrin: I agree, though we'll have to continue at another time.
    The day has only just started, and there is a lot to do.
    Until next time, Azura!
    Azura: Hello, Corrin. You've come calling again?
    Corrin: Indeed. I was hoping we could continue the conversation we were having the other day.
    Azura: Of course. We were going to talk about Nohr, were we not?
    Corrin: Yes. I spent most of my life in Nohr, and I can safely say it was always gloomy.
    Besides the dark forests, there was very little plant life among the rocky terrain.
    From what I've read, most of the land is tundra and bad for farming...
    Azura: I've always heard that the people of Nohr are especially cold to outsiders.
    It's almost like the world they live in has deeply influenced their mentalities.
    Corrin: You can dismiss that thinking, though. I know many Nohrians who are kindhearted.
    Just look at our allies from Nohr if you want proof that that is a misconception.
    Azura: Interesting. Like with Hoshido, if we look at Nohr with a different perspective...
    we both learn a bit more. Nohr has invaded other regions many times over the years, but talking about it now...
    It could be that their biggest motivation has been jealousy or feeling alienated.
    After all, anyone would get upset if they were often made to feel inferior.
    Corrin: And if that's how Hoshido made Nohrians feel, even accidentally, it's good to know.
    It doesn't excuse Nohrian actions, but it does help understand them.
    Azura: And by understanding, we might be a step closer to bringing peace to the world.
    If we can find a way to ease the tensions that both nations feel...
    Corrin: First, we have to eliminate the evil that is getting in the way.
    But that's for another time, I think. There are many things to do today.
    Azura: You're right. I'd be glad to continue this conversation later.
    Azura: Hi, Corrin. Are you here to continue with our chat from the other day?
    Corrin: Indeed I am! We've already covered Nohr and Hoshido, so we should talk about—
    Azura: NO!! Sorry, I mean... You know how it works.
    You can't say anything here...
    I can take us there through the lake, and then we can talk.
    Corrin: Oh, of course. What was I thinking?
    Azura: We'll be there in just another few moments.
    Azura: And here we are. Easy enough.
    Corrin: It's still so strange to see this place. It's unlike anything in Hoshido or Nohr.
    Azura: Now that we're in Valla, we can safely talk about it.
    It...is what you wanted to talk about, right?
    Corrin: Yes. I don't know why the curse slipped my mind.
    Azura: You know, Corrin, it isn't really the Kingdom of Valla that is a problem.
    The entire conflict is a result of the will of Anankos.
    Corrin: That's right... Anankos, the King of Valla.
    I was only able to find the occasional mention of him in ancient texts.
    Usually he was referred to as a sort of god, right?
    Azura: Whether he is a demon or a god, I am not sure, but he possesses incredible power.
    I've heard a legend about how, long ago, a powerful entity gave humans great power.
    In return, he required their faithfulness.
    Though this alliance was meant to last for all time, the humans did not honor it.
    Over time they discovered and acquired power from other sources.
    As they did this, they slowly abandoned the entity that had aided them.
    Insulted by this betrayal, the being went berserk.
    Corrin: And that being... It was Anankos?
    Azura: There is no way to know for sure, sadly.
    It would explain why he's out to destroy Nohr and Hoshido, though.
    Corrin: What a sad story.
    Azura: Indeed. But it also teaches us an important lesson, I think.
    We've talked about the conflict between Nohr and Hoshido...
    This story teaches us what can result from holding a grudge for too long.
    Corrin: I agree. We have to focus on what we can do to improve the world...
    It may mean that we sometimes have to fight, but it doesn't always have to.
    Anytime we can turn an enemy into an ally, we should at least try.
    Azura: Indeed. But we've drifted from our topic...
    We should head back. It's dangerous to be here by ourselves.
    Corrin: Very well.
    Azura: Thanks for the conversation, Corrin.
    Time flies, and I feel like we grow a lot each time we talk.
    Corrin: I feel the same. I think we've discovered a special connection between us.
    I'll always cherish this special friendship.
    Azura: Likewise. Until next time, Corrin.
    I will do the same. Looking forward to spending more time with you, Corrin.

    [spoiler=Revelations: M!Corrin x Azura]
    Corrin: A small lake in the middle of the woods... Reminds me of where I once met Azura.
    [sFX: Lost in thoughts etc]
    Azura: Oh, hello, Corrin. What brings you out here?
    Corrin: I was looking for you, in fact. I apologize if I interrupted your singing.
    Azura: It's no trouble. Is there something I can help you with today?
    Corrin: I actually wanted to talk with you about something I realized.
    I believe that you and I are in a unique position regarding Nohr and Hoshido.
    I'm a princess of Hoshido who was raised in Nohr, and...
    You're a princess of Nohr who was raised in Hoshido.
    Azura: Ahhh, I see what you mean. I agree that we're pretty unique.
    Corrin: Because of this background, I think we may have interesting views on the countries.
    I wanted to talk with you and compare what we each believed.
    Azura: That is quite interesting...
    Corrin: We could start with Hoshido. From my perspective, it seems so warm and bright.
    The land is fertile, and it seems like no one is ever wanting for anything.
    Azura: A valid observation. This bountifulness makes everyone amiable and respectful.
    Corrin: And yet, they always have the threat of a Nohrian invasion hanging over them.
    Azura: Indeed. Which is quite unfair; Nohr is always the aggressor, and without reason.
    Corrin: That does seem to be the case, but... What if you considered the Nohrian side?
    Can you try to imagine how the people in Nohr view Hoshido?
    Azura: I suppose the carefree attitude of Hoshido might look like indifference to others.
    It could give people the impression that Hoshidans are very self-centered.
    So long as there is peace, the people in Hoshido seem uninterested in the world.
    Corrin: I hadn't ever heard that opinion before, but I think it could have some merit.
    It could be one of the reasons that Nohr dislikes Hoshido so much.
    Azura: I'm glad to be able to look at this situation with a new perspective.
    I'm sure we'd benefit from continuing this conversation...
    Corrin: I agree, though we'll have to continue at another time.
    The day has only just started, and there is a lot to do.
    Until next time, Azura!
    Azura: Hello, Corrin. You've come calling again?
    Corrin: Indeed. I was hoping we could continue the conversation we were having the other day.
    Azura: Of course. We were going to talk about Nohr, were we not?
    Corrin: Yes. I spent most of my life in Nohr, and I can safely say it was always gloomy.
    Besides the dark forests, there was very little plant life among the rocky terrain.
    From what I've read, most of the land is tundra and bad for farming...
    Azura: I've always heard that the people of Nohr are especially cold to outsiders.
    It's almost like the world they live in has deeply influenced their mentalities.
    Corrin: You can dismiss that thinking, though. I know many Nohrians who are kindhearted.
    Just look at our allies from Nohr if you want proof that that is a misconception.
    Azura: Interesting. Like with Hoshido, if we look at Nohr with a different perspective...
    we both learn a bit more. Nohr has invaded other regions many times over the years, but talking about it now...
    It could be that their biggest motivation has been jealousy or feeling alienated.
    After all, anyone would get upset if they were often made to feel inferior.
    Corrin: And if that's how Hoshido made Nohrians feel, even accidentally, it's good to know.
    It doesn't excuse Nohrian actions, but it does help understand them.
    Azura: And by understanding, we might be a step closer to bringing peace to the world.
    If we can find a way to ease the tensions that both nations feel...
    Corrin: First, we have to eliminate the evil that is getting in the way.
    But that's for another time, I think. There are many things to do today.
    Azura: You're right. I'd be glad to continue this conversation later.
    Azura: Hi, Corrin. Are you here to continue with our chat from the other day?
    Corrin: Indeed I am! We've already covered Nohr and Hoshido, so we should talk about—
    Azura: NO!! Sorry, I mean... You know how it works.
    You can't say anything here...
    I can take us there through the lake, and then we can talk.
    Corrin: Oh, of course. What was I thinking?
    Azura: We'll be there in just another few moments.
    Azura: And here we are. Easy enough.
    Corrin: It's still so strange to see this place. It's unlike anything in Hoshido or Nohr.
    Azura: Now that we're in Valla, we can safely talk about it.
    It...is what you wanted to talk about, right?
    Corrin: Yes. I don't know why the curse slipped my mind.
    Azura: You know, Corrin, it isn't really the Kingdom of Valla that is a problem.
    The entire conflict is a result of the will of Anankos.
    Corrin: That's right... Anankos, the King of Valla.
    I was only able to find the occasional mention of him in ancient texts.
    Usually he was referred to as a sort of god, right?
    Azura: Whether he is a demon or a god, I am not sure, but he possesses incredible power.
    I've heard a legend about how, long ago, a powerful entity gave humans great power.
    In return, he required their faithfulness.
    Though this alliance was meant to last for all time, the humans did not honor it.
    Over time they discovered and acquired power from other sources.
    As they did this, they slowly abandoned the entity that had aided them.
    Insulted by this betrayal, the being went berserk.
    Corrin: And that being... It was Anankos?
    Azura: There is no way to know for sure, sadly.
    It would explain why he's out to destroy Nohr and Hoshido, though.
    Corrin: What a sad story.
    Azura: Indeed. But it also teaches us an important lesson, I think.
    We've talked about the conflict between Nohr and Hoshido...
    This story teaches us what can result from holding a grudge for too long.
    Corrin: I agree. We have to focus on what we can do to improve the world...
    It may mean that we sometimes have to fight, but it doesn't always have to.
    Anytime we can turn an enemy into an ally, we should at least try.
    Azura: Indeed. But we've drifted from our topic...
    We should head back. It's dangerous to be here by ourselves.
    Corrin: Very well.
    Azura: Thanks for the conversation, Corrin.
    Time flies, and I feel like we grow a lot each time we talk.
    Corrin: I feel the same. I think we've discovered a special connection between us.
    I'll always cherish this special friendship.
    Azura: Likewise. Until next time, Corrin.
    I will do the same. Looking forward to spending more time with you, Corrin.
    Corrin: I wonder if I'll find Azura by that lake again. Can't hurt to check...
    Is that a shadow over there? I think so... It must be her!
    Azura: ...
    Corrin: Oh. Oh! I'm sorry!
    Azura: What?! Who's over there?!
    Corrin: It's me! I'm sorry, Azura! I didn't realize that you'd be bathing...
    Azura: Corrin... Could you turn around? I need to dress.
    Corrin: O-of course! I'm sorry...
    [sFX: fwip]
    Azura: OK, you can turn around.
    Corrin: I can't stop apologizing, Azura. I was coming here to talk to you, and...
    I didn't see anything, I swear!
    Azura: Nothing at all? I had a feeling someone was around for a bit before you spoke up...
    Corrin: Well... OK, maybe I saw your back. But only for a moment!
    Azura: ...
    Corrin: You're a beautiful woman, Azura! I couldn't look away.
    Azura: But peeping on someone who is bathing? That's just...ugh.
    I'm a bit upset, but I'll forgive you this one time.
    Corrin: Thank you, Azura. I promise to be more aware and more careful.
    I wouldn't want to end up on your bad side. Especially now that, well...
    Azura: Pardon me? You kind of trailed off there, Corrin.
    Corrin: I've been thinking, since we had our last conversation...
    Talking about the major kingdoms, and the reasons for this war we fight...
    All the mysteries that surround things in the world just didn't seem as important.
    Azura: What are you talking about?
    Corrin: We could have been talking about the shade of the color of the sky...
    What was important was being able to spend that time with you.
    Azura: Oh, Corrin...
    Honestly, I've been trying to find a way to tell you that I feel exactly the same.
    Corrin: What...?
    Azura: I also really, really enjoyed just talking with you all that time.
    I want to believe it was fate that you and I came together.
    Two people like us, with pasts so similar to each other...
    It could only have been meant to be.
    Corrin: I think so, too.
    Azura: Whatever happens in the world...
    I believe that you and I are tied together, and what binds us is stronger than all else.
    Corrin: I'll stay by your side, Azura. We can take on the entire world if we have to!
    Azura: We'll always be together!

    Corrin is still a prannet
    Azura is just a tiny bit more snarky
    No major changes anywhere really
    Conquest still the best, Revelations still indescribably disappointing
    EDIT: May try finding some other CorrinxSpousu supports now
  10. ... I wouldn't take issue with "Beruka" but surely somebody at some point must have said the name out loud and said "Hang on, this sounds just a little bit like a slightly racist transliteration of "Verruca"...

    I mean maybe that's what they were going for? Oh well

  11. I did a bit of research on historical figures that have the name Llewellyn. I'm way to obsessed with this

    Most of Llewellyns that I found were members of Welsh royalty that weren't particulary memorable, however there is one thing that I've noticed that was quite interesting, the name Owain came up a lot when I was researching Welsh royalty.

    But that aside, I think we can safely assume that the Llewellyn of Fates wasn't named after anyone famous.

    This gonna keep bothering me until we find something, I just know it.



    Llywelyn I the Great. First king of a united Wales.

    Nearly every generation of Welsh royalty up until its conquest by Edward I had at least one Llywelyn in it. He established a dynasty that lasted centuries and one of his granddaughters married Robert the Bruce; consequently, he is a direct ancestor of the

    Also Gruffydd ap Llywelyn, who extended Wales' borders to the furthest they have ever been.

    In short, Llywelyn is /the/ name for Welsh royalty (Well, that and possibly Rhodri), as well as one of my favourite names ever.

    EDIT: Oh and as the name is quintessentially regal and radiates power, it's likely to be one of the royals, or at the very least someone of importance; if it was not already localised I would have been convinced it was Leon. Still, may end up being Lazward or something, or as someone said previously, may be Owain/Odin's moniker.

  12. Oh huh this thing got revived

    If anyone feels like tinkering with the sheet, feel free to go ahead; I'm not updating it and haven't really found the inclination to do so given that there seems to still be a ton of confusion over class sets, particularly for the kids, as well as the MC statues.

    Is this still being worked on? Because I found a bug where I pair Fem!Kamiu with anyone(I'll use Arthur for example) and Kamiu Spouse's kid gets #N/A on all there max stats except for HP. Kanna doesn't seems to suffer from this.

    I should also add that "Kirin5" have all there classes available, but not Kirin1-4

    AstraSage appears to have modified the sheet in accordance with their outlined method; I imagine they would have more an idea of what was causing this than I would at this juncture

  13. From the site:

    "Warp - Select the “Warp” command to instantly move adjacent to an ally and perform another action"

    If I'm interpreting this correctly and the Witch class works as advertised, I cannot see any possible reason to forgo the opportunity to use a Dancer that can also instantly warp to wherever the recipient is irrespective of their starting position. Opportunity costs being what they are, I don't see Azura having any other role of even vaguely comparative utility, especially as her base class sets are so restricted and arguably don't come with any decent offensive skills as-is.

  14. I've been trying to see how Kanna's modifiers would be if I married a Mag/Str Avatar to an Elise!Ophelia and nothing's coming up. I tried to do something earlier with a Str/Mag Avatar married to a Charlotte!Velour but Velour's not even an option for the Avatar on the spreadsheet. I wanted to see if Kanna's modifiers work just like a 3rd generation Morgan's modifiers does from Fire Emblem: Awakening (i.e., no +1 stat modifier boosts). Sine I can't really seem to see that either way, can someone tell me if this is still the case?

    Yeah, I tried to implement some fixes yesterday (ie. moving all characters to same page) and it ended up breaking 2nd Gen!Kanna completely and the Avatar's Marriage Sets. I tried it just now after tweaking and it seems to be working again.

    Also, I currently have Kanna set up so her mods would not discriminate between parent generation, so all stats of a 2nd Gen!Kanna would be +1 more than they should be (assuming the same stat inheritance as Morgan); will try to fix that asap

  15. Speaking of max stat modifiers…

    I and another user on GameFAQs, Dlordflash, have been comparing the max stats they got on their children units compared to the stats listed for their classes on SerenesForest and the modifiers for their parents and have found a strange discrepancy.

    Everything seems to match the Awakening formal so far in both examples we've tried so far… EXCEPT that both times STR has been three larger than it should have been, and MAG has been one larger than it should have been.

    Does anyone have any idea why?

    How bizarre... are the discrepancies the same for the values given in the spreadsheet? I'd appreciate knowing what your achieved stat caps were (plus a link to the GameFAQs discussion, if possible

    EDIT: Oh nvm I just saw your other thread

    Minor quip, could you possibly put an online version of it, since I can't open it on my computer?

    That's not really possible with google docs, but...


    This should be a protected copy which can be freely edited. Note though that anybody can edit it, so you'd probably be better off making your own copy of it.

  16. Download Link Here

    EDIT: Online version for easier access via Google Docs

    The Character caps page for Awakening was a pretty useful tool and I relied on it quite a lot, but seeing that the equivalent for FE14 probably won't come around for a while I built a simple version in Excel for personal use; if anyone feels it would facilitate their feverish search for the perfect pairings, by all means feel free to use it.

    Things it does:

    - View modifiers and maximum stats for every character in every class they obtain naturally plus their spouse's base class and Scroll classes. These can be selected via the drop-down menus in the same manner as on the FE13 page.

    - Children characters can also be viewed; they will require a spouse to be selected for the corresponding father, and their class set will update automatically.

    - Modifiers based on what is currently up on Serenes Forest

    - Amiibo and captured bosses also included.

    Things it doesn't do:

    - It can't distinguish between Mountain Priest and War Priestess, so you may need to fiddle with that manually

    - It doesn't factor sibling relationships into possible pairings - note that Kirin!Shigure x Azura!Kanna is possible here but not in the game

    - I haven't added the A+ bond options to the support pool as I have no idea what they are

    - I don't know what the class sets are for Amiibos, nor if Amiibos/captured units can use class Scrolls

    - Apparently My Castle messes with stat caps so yeah that's a thing

    - Tell the time

    - Make toast

    - Offer emotional support

    - Cure cancer

    - Solve the Dirac equation

    - Stop people complaining about character designs like some colony of Puritan howler monkeys


    Please do say if you spot an error (other than those listed above) or can fill in the gaps in my knowledge. I'm going to try to make a similar spreadsheet for Skills, too; I'll add it to the OP after it's finished.

  17. Are we just not going to mention that pretty blatantly fanservice-y scene with Camilla? No? Because that is definitely something you may want to take into consideration for mature content.

    There's an oft-forgotten line in the sand that exists between eye candy and pornography. One involves copulation, the other does not.

    I don't know the specifics of the OP's situation, but I would presume he is old enough and mature enough not to giggle like a schoolgirl at a second and a half of gratuitous undergarment shots. What you describe above is not "explicit sex scenes" by any definition this side of an Amish reservation, and while you are perfectly entitled to dislike the playing up of secondary sexual characteristics on 99% of the characters in this game, please don't drag such opinions into unrelated threads.

    To answer the OP's question, "marriage" in this game consists of a selection of conversations between units that spend long periods of time next to one another and no further elaboration beyond a short "and thus they got married and had a child and put said child into a dimensional rift". The Player Character is also capable of rubbing the faces of playable units, which is extremely bizarre but never visually outgoing. There are risque lines attributed to the player's spouse when this face-rubbing involves them, but these are likely to be toned down for any Western releases and are only really particularly objectionable if you assume the worst-case interpretation.

  18. I apologize as English isn't my first language but "love" is very powerful word is it not?

    I believe we have the source of the problem here.

    English is a language full of subtleties and nuances that no non-native speaker and usually most of the native speakers themselves rarely understand. In addition to having far too many words for "person", each applicable in different situations, the word "love" is translated very differently in different contexts.

    Short answer is this. If I say "I love you" to my little brother - which I often do - I don't mean it in the same way I say "I love you" to my pet rabbit, or a romantic interest, or when describing a particular hobby. There is nothing in the above support that does not indicate that Leon just wants his kind older sibling's attention, and probably affection; something that doubtless he lacked from his birth parents.

    Please don't blow this out of proportion. There is absolutely nothing in that support to indicate that the inferred meaning is romantic rather than fraternal.

  19. While these supports are admittedly very little more than incomprehensible gibberish...

    Kamui: Aqua … or usual or if you go to that fountain meet …? There, I do not see a figure. I’m sure it’s Aqua …

    Aqua: …………

    Kamui: Well … Tsu was the … gone! !

    Aqua: I …………, who …? Are you there! ?

    Kamui: A … Aqua! ! Sorry, it’s me! ! In most, really sorry …! ! No way is not believed to have a bathing …! ! We had as always casually come …

    Aqua: Kamui … is because wear clothes now … to have a little waiting.

    God damnit I think FeMU x Chrom has struck again

  20. Interesting. According to currently known information, S-supporting with a spouse adds that character's base class to one's reclass options via the Buddy Seal iirc, and leveling up in a promoted class also gives access to the base class' skills, one per level. Presumably the explanation lies somewhere in there.

    From what I can tell, there aren't any individual class overlaps in the known class sets for individual units, either.

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