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Posts posted by Robird

  1. So I'm not really sure where to ask this, but...

    Are Corrin and Azura still cousins by blood in the localization? I'm kinda curious to see how Treehouse handled that.

    Can someone either confirm or deconfirm this or link me to a thread where this has already been discussed? Many thanks!

    Edit: nvm found a thread already, hehe

  2. The one thing I don't understand is why IS feels the need to make every character able to support every character of the opposite sex. Sure, it allows for more customization of pairings for each playthrough, but in a lot of cases, these characters have nothing in common or have no reason whatsoever to interact, and because of that, a lot of these characters' defining traits get milked way more than they should. Take Felicia, for example. Being a clumsy maid is cute and all, but it starts to get annoying when it's the main topic of almost all (over 20!) of her conversations. I can see why Kamui would be able to support with everyone, but not so much for the rest of the cast.

    IS really should just have limited supports between opposite sexes to around four to six or something, only having characters with similarties or history together being able to support with one another (Kagerou only being able to support with Suzukaze, Kamui, Saizou and Ryouma for example, pretty much no one is planning to pair her up with Tsukuyomi or something from what I've seen so far). I'd rather have a smaller amount of well-written and interesting conversations than a crapload of rushed conversations that all revolve around the exact same topic.

    Also, less incest in the localization would be appreciated, heheh. Making Mikoto and Shinmei childhood friends / very distantly related instead of being siblings would be a good start.

  3. Wasn't that poll done before they confirmed the 2nd batch of DLC, which only existed due to the sales of the 1st one? I think they used the poll results, but the poll itself wasn't made for it - consider how the Robins were in the polls, but they wouldn't be able to make pictures for them even if they had won.

    Really? Welp, I wasn't aware of that. I stand corrected.

  4. You're just simply assuming that. I'd wait until the results are actually out before you go calling any winners by default.

    I mean, I'm sure you're quite upset over the obvious Awakening reskins, but don't use your emotions as a basis to assume that Japan would think one way or another.

    I'm not upset about the Awakening reskins, why would you assume that? The point was that I don't think there will be a popularity poll like Awakening's, that's all. The bit about the kids and reincarnations was not meant to be taken seriously anyway.

  5. When do you think they'll hold a character popularity poll for the game in Japan? I'm interested in seeing the results.

    Don't really see that happening to be honest. The Awakening poll was to decide what characters would get special scenes in the Scramble DLC chapters, and we already have screenshots of all the royal siblings in swimwear for this game's version of Summer Scramble. I could be wrong, but I just don't see it happening.


    the Awakening kids + reincarnations would most likely get the most votes in Fates' poll as well.

  6. I love how it is pretty much impossible to not end with at least one incest pairing if you want to pair up as many units as possible. Like, pretty much the entire cast ends up being related to you one way or another.

    Can't wait to see if and/or how much the localization team will change this.

    Aqua and Kamui being direct cousins was extremely unnecessary.

  7. Same. I didn't have any issues with her design personally when she was revealed, but her personality blurb didn't exactly jump out at me either. Now that I've read some of her supports though I love her, among my favourite characters in all. Between the revelation that she acts the way she does because people would dislike her rather than just in an attempt to manipulate people, and the fact that when men do give her money and stuff she uses it to support her family, she's actually a really great and lovable character. And she's just fun, too, in a general sense, I can't point at any one thing to explain what I mean but her supports are just more fun to read than some other characters.

    And besides, who doesn't love a woman who can break a tree in half with her bare hands?

    It's funny how at the time Rinka and Charlotte were first revealed everyone pretty much fawned over Rinka because of her design while Charlotte was downright hated because of her design, but ever since the game has been released Rinka went from loved to disliked and Charlotte went from hated to loved.

  8. Thanks! :D

    I know right? The S supports are good but since they only get to build the relationship through C-A it comes out as rushed. In many cases it feels like this to me:

    Another character: I discovered I'm in love with you after you did this for me! But you must be really surprised and don't share the same feelings I have for you...

    Kamui: Oh no, I love you as well because otherwise we would need another S-support and there is no such thing!

    xD Haha, I still love many supports despite the rushness. F!Kamui/Flannel was really cute! I loved how he wagged his tail xD I also loved F!Kamui's romantic supports with Nishiki, Leon, Hinata and Joker.

    And I agree, all the family supports are super heart-warming <3

    Aaaaah, Kisaragi's and Shinonome's support is so adorable!!! BEST COUSINS EVER.

    What would make S-supports a lot better in general (and flow better into from C to A) is that the characters in question started dating each other / being together instead of marrying right off the bat. We have unique endings for most of the pairs anyway, and it would make the confessions a bit more sincere and less desperate.

    Also, do we have any support translations from Asama, like, at all? I feel like he's the only playable character we barely know anything about, and I'm really getting curious as to what his personality is like. ...His character portrait reminds me way too much of Danny Sexbang.

  9. Hm... is there translation on Soliel's paralogue? I am curious of what is said because of the "controversy" that happened a few days ago; aka people on the internet overblowing misinformation.

    It's best to stay away from the controversy, because it will most likely dehype the game for you more than anything (I know it has for me, at least). While I do think the drugging is a bit sketchy, people are blowing this way out of proportion. The biggest issue is that people are mistaking Kamui's intention for drugging her (not fainting in the middle of the battlefield =/= turning her straight). There's also some complaints about the S-support, but most S-supports are usually rushed anyway, so it's unfair to make that big of a deal of that in this case.

    ...Like I said, try to stay away from it. I'm pretty sure the localization team will make this topic a lot less controversial, anyway.

  10. This probably has been discussed already but is there any way to raise supports between units that are not your avatar in the My Caste? If no then I suspect one will not be able to see most of the children in the Nohr side, let alone use it.

    Also do we know what exactly the "Child Proof/Seal" does? From what I hear it gives mad steroids to your children.

    Even though streetpass battles (and other skirmishes in my castle) don't give any experience in the Nohr path, they still raise support between units.

  11. Do we already know if not!Tharja, not!Gaius and not!Cordelia are exact replicas (reincarnations) of their original selves?

    Gaius would make sense to be the exact same, but what about Cordelia and Tharja? Their biggest character trait in Awakening was that they were obsessed with a certain lord and a very certain tactician, but who are they obsessed with in the world of Fates? Or is that trait removed altogether?

  12. Not being able to get all kids in all three paths without marrying male Kamui to a Mamui-sexual character or another kid annoys me more than it should. Really hoping that IS will somehow fix this in the future, but I doubt it.

  13. First of all, we don't know who can support with who. The support page is woefully incomplete right now. Secondly, even if that is the case, I'm not sure what your point is: do characters not count as first gen just because they only support with one unit or?

    As I said in my very first comment and I'll say it again: it is impossible to obtain all 13 children in either route if you have a male Kamui that marries a female first gen that also has possible S-supports with other male units.

  14. I already have, but I'll repost.

    Taking Nohr as an example:

    Silas X Flora

    Kaze X Luna

    Jakob X Elise

    Leon X Charlotte

    Marx X Nyx

    Lazward X Camilla

    Odin X Elise

    Zero X Belka

    Flannel X Mozume

    Benoit X Felicia

    Arthur X Effie

    Kamui X Azura

    There. All 13 kids. If Flora really can't Support with anyone but Kamui, then just swap Aqua to Silas and Flora to Kamui. Done. I highly doubt that Flora only supports with Kamui though.

    Flora is listed with the other leftover units like Anna and Izana. She has two other reclass options instead of one, just like they do.

    ''Swapping Aqua for Flora'' exactly proves my point that not all child units can be recruited if Kamui marries a female first gen.

  15. I already have, but I'll repost.

    Taking Nohr as an example:

    Silas X Flora

    Kaze X Luna

    Jakob X Elise

    Leon X Charlotte

    Marx X Nyx

    Lazward X Camilla

    Odin X Elise

    Zero X Belka

    Flannel X Mozume

    Benoit X Felicia

    Arthur X Effie

    Kamui X Azura

    There. All 13 kids.

    Flora doesn't have supports with anyone beside Kamui. Also, you mentioned Elise twice.

    ...Also, ''swapping Flora for Aqua'' proves my point, as Flora is not an unit that can support with anyone beside Kamui. I was never wrong to begin with.

  16. Wrong

    There are 13 children, but 1 is from Aqua and another Kamui. Every route has eleven other men with children and eleven girls who can support among them. If Kamui marries Aqua, that's all children produced.

    If Kamui marries Aqua, that leaves 11 males and 10 females in both routes. Prove me wrong.

    *Edit: Flora has not yet been proven to have supports with anyone besides Kamui. She's listed with the other 'leftover' units, like Izana and Anna.

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