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Everything posted by Zephrion

  1. Oh well. There goes my 5 Star Rating streak... XD
  2. *sigh* I'll try my best not to fail...

  3. Hah. Sometimes I wish we had good beaches here. That's one thing you have over me.

    And sure... I'll take a picture of that... I suppose. lol. You show me a sandcastle though. :P

  4. I tried that before... One time I linked some friends to Far From the Forest. We never spoke to each other again.
  5. Yeah, I suppose you could put it that way. At least I get to talk to you guys. xD

  6. I have before, as a kid. I don't really do it now, since I need snowpants and I don't wear them anymore. xD

    Do they have sandangels in California? *shot*

  7. Yeah...but still... ._. I've never liked homework. It's just way too boring, and there are so many better things I could be doing. (Though I wouldn't exactly consider being on the computer all day a better thing. ._.)

  8. :O Cool. Send them to me plz kthxbai. xD

    Uh sure, new topic. You start. xD I don't want to have to ask how the weather is again. =P (thoughyoucantellmeanyway)

  9. Maybe if I offer Tormod as tribute Thunder Magic won't suck in the next game... Awesome drawing though.
  10. So, are you gonna go out and get drunk with your friends?
  11. Lol... I just don't really see the point in Homework... >_< I end up just blowing it off and my grades suffer for it. D:

  12. Nah, they were recently put up, I believe...

    Wow, I just realized... Of all things we're talking about curtains. XD You know, you should get some less plain ones. :o

  13. Yep, blue.

    And Spongebob is awesome. :O At least I watch it more than Lion King. xD

  14. Yeah, blue Spongebob curtains...

    Perhaps I should trade with her...

  15. Ah... Yeah, they're green with white polka dots and characters on them. xD

    Still want to trade? =P

  16. Meh... I'd probably fail the AP classes. I'm smart, (at least that's what all the tests say. >_>) but I procrastinate on homework, which kills me.

  17. Good thing I'm not taking AP then. ._. I really should though... ;_;

    And yeah, only 400 characters allowed. =P

  18. ... They are. ._.

    You're not stalking me, are you?

  20. Gah, 3 hours? You're really giving me a lot to look forward to. xD

  21. Lol, no. I'm a terrible procrastinater... Something I need to try and work on this year. =/

  22. Do you have any Pet Rocks? I've always wanted a Pet Rock...
  23. Gah, I'm a huge procrastinater as well... There's no way I would survive AP. ;_;

  24. Hmm... That never occured to me. :o Meh, it'd be easier to just keep thes curtains up instead of getting new ones. xD

  25. I'm just taking regular English 11. ._. I'm too stupid for AP classes.

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