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Everything posted by Zephrion

  1. And attempted murders... *coughfiremancough* Anyway... Would you care for one final dance before we leave?
  2. Well, I gotta say, this has been quite the...interesting night... It was still a lot of fun though.
  3. Then to the both of us, for being bad dancers... It seems things are quieting down a bit... *takes a sip of the water*
  4. Hah, Suit yourself. How about a toast? *holds up glass* To you, for going to this ball with someone as crazy as I am.
  5. Here you go... A cupcake and a glass of water. *hands them to Des, and takes a bit of his own cupcake* Mmm... Delicious. Hey... If I suddenly fall over, think you could call poison control for me?
  6. Okay, a cupcake it is! I hope you understand if I don't trust the Pepsi or the Punch... *glares at Fireman for a moment* I'll grab a couple glasses of water... If you want anything else, feel free to let me know. *Walks over to the snack table, and takes two cupcakes and two glasses of water*
  7. Hah, thanks... Now if I can get through the night without injuring anyone, I'll be happy. *Spins Des around twice, then continues the same routine, but slightly slower* Would you like anything to eat or drink after this song is over?
  8. You'll have to excuse me if I end up doing something wrong... I only know basic dance moves. *steps forward, and back to the beat of the music*
  9. I'll lead then. or at least try to *holds Des in the Waltz stance and steps forward, then right* You know, I've never been all that fond of dancing, but this is surprisingly fun...
  10. Cool. What sort of dance would you like?
  11. Hey Des, sorry I had to step out a minute... Fireman tried to kill me or something. ._. Would you like another dance?
  12. You know... This has turned too much into a reanactment of the final episode of Death Note... I'm gonna step out for a while. Be back later.
  13. Actually, it wasn't. Until you tried to kill me. Now I'm mad. :o Of course I didn't bring it here... I have it in a super secret place where no one will be able to find it.
  14. Angel gave me the Death Note to kill the Nintendo Execs (and Sakurai)... The one in your possession... IS FAKE. :o
  15. You're the only dance partner for me. I can wait. ...So Fireman... What exactly did you do to the Pepsi? I'm not gonna die, am I?
  16. ...Fine. But only so it doesn't fall into the wrong hands...
  17. What did you do...? *gets ready to call poison control* That's a nice thing to say. ._.
  18. ._. Uh...sure...no problem... Fireman, if anything happens, you're dead.
  19. *toasts as well* To Fireman, for hopefully not doing anything to the Pepsi. ._. *takes a sip*
  20. I would hope so... Cool. *Goes to get two glasses of Pepsi, hands one to Des* Sorry about the inconvinience. Cheers.
  21. ._. *Does the same* Uh... How about a Pepsi instead then? Unless Fireman did something to that as well...
  22. Alright, great! *runs off the the snack table and gets Des and himself a glass of Coke, then returns.* Here you are. Enjoy. *hands glass to Des*
  23. Hah. Is water fine then? Or would you like a soft drink?
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