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Posts posted by wvype

  1. I have tons and tons of HC's. Here are some I posted before (pre-localization, so they use the original names):

    • Sakura's dolls (from her Suzukaze supports) are repaired both by her and Hinoka. Suzukaze says that the dolls look somewhat familiar, but he can't immediately see that they're based off the Hoshido royals, only able to tell who they are by their hair color. So when they got all ratty and scuffed, Hinoka offered to repair them when she saw how upset Sakura was about them. Unfortunately, as seen from her Camilla supports, Hinoka isn't very good at sewing, so they ended up a little mangled. Sakura finishes the repairs but she keeps Hinoka's little 'artistic touches' because she's ecstatic that Hinoka offered in the first place.
    • Marx ran away from home briefly as a young teenager. Maybe for a few weeks? (Also maybe to a farming village? Could explain his fascination with carrots.) Either way, it contributed heavily to Camilla's attachment issues because one of the only siblings who's actually nice to her suddenly disappears for no reason? Yeah, not fun. Also Garon was very disappointed in him, which, along with Marx's own memories of Garon as a loving father, is part of why Marx is so willing to endure so much to avoid risking disappointing his father again.
    • Saizou has a goddamn dog whistle. Kamui just uses it to summon him for makeouts and sex when she gets in the mood. Kagerou and/or Suzukaze once responded to it on accident, thinking they were being called. Saizou snaps the flute in half and can't look either of his fellow ninja in the eye for weeks.
    • Saizou and Suzukaze are beyond intimidated by Kagerou's brother, for some completely inexplicable reason.

    Unabashed Ryouma/Elise and Marx/Sakura hc's based on letter writing, because letter writing is apparently a Hoshido family thing (Shiro's mom supports, Hinoka/Kaze and Hinoka/Saizo supports):

    • Ryouma sends letters to Elise the most often- he's usually the one without the liberty to leave Hoshido, so he sends them as much as he is able. They're not always long, but every single one of them is filled to the brim with his love her for. It's always different each time too; sometimes they're compliments so outlandish that Elise rolls her eyes at them, but in private she'll read them over and over again blushing, because it always makes her feel better to know that he's thinking of her so much. Sometimes, he stops by the markets and encloses sheets of colorful paper in his messages, that make pictures and patterns when they're folded into paper planes.
    • Elise hates hates hates going to all her lessons, penmanship among them, but she'll spend hours writing pages upon pages to send Ryouma the perfect letter; Leon sometimes jokingly complains that she's using as much parchment as he does when devising strategy and policies. Sometimes she sends pressed flowers too, little previews of the flower crowns she's going to make for him when she can visit next. Her letters read more like diary entries than anything, and almost every third paragraph is saying the same thing over and over again about how much she misses him, but he treasures each of the ones she sends him as much as she does the ones he sends her.
    • Sakura sends elegant scrolls to Marx telling him all about these little things that's been happening to her, places she's found or people she's met. She starts each one describing the flowers in the area, their own little inside joke. Her words on the page are more eloquence and elegance than those she can currently express in speaking, but that's okay, because Marx can't yet get the hang of writing that isn't combat reports or court speeches. His writing comes off as stiff and awkward, paragraphs beginning where they shouldn't and sentences trailing off into nothingness when he realizes he's run out of words to continue since he's spilled all his emotions already, but that's okay too.

    And a couple more I have lurking about in mind for some fics that I'm writing (backstory stuff, some spoilers for Revelation)

    • Sumeragi and Ikona were an arranged marriage and they are very close friends. No resentment about the whole thing, so she doesn't mind when he falls in love with Mikoto and he doesn't mind when she starts spending a lot of time with Reina. In fact, Ikona is absolutely charmed by Mikoto too, and the two of them are great friends.
    • Alternatively, straight up Sumeragi/Mikoto/Ikona polyamory. Hey, Garon had concubines. And cheating doesn't sit well with me.
    • Garon and Sumeragi were childhood penpals. Long distance friends, basically. That's why Sumeragi was willing to go meet with Garon in Cheve.
    • Sumeragi was a reckless as hell teenager and accidentally fell into Valla one day. Valla is extremely distrustful of outsiders, so when Mikoto found him unconscious, she hid him away and helped him recover and eventually get back out. He spent a few years thinking it was just a weird fever dream until Mikoto showed up again with Corrin.

    And finally, some non-spoilery miscellaneous ones:

    • Peri is distantly related to Azura. This one is a huge stretch, but basically in Greek mythology, Arete's great-grandmother is named Periboea. It'd explain the blue hair.
    • The royals won't be able to turn into dragons ever, but they do get rashes and blisters if they have to handle wyrmslayers for a long period of time (like a nickel allergy, basically)
    • Yay for unrequited love. Corrin's childhood goes Corrin -> Flora -> Jakob -> Corrin, and poor Felicia is stuck in the middle of this whole mess as everyone vents to her and tries not to take a side.
    • Not really headcanons, but my crack pairings: Camilla/Subaki, Xander/Flora, Hinoka/Selena, Niles/Kaze. Don't ask why, I wouldn't be able to answer either.
  2. I'm looking forward to it, Neko-senpai. If your story is as amusing as your posts tend to be here, then I'll definitely enjoy reading it.

    But yes, something a bit more political would be nice - again, I don't mind smut or sex, but considering all those tags, that seemed to be the focus, which, again, wasn't what I had in mind.

    I mean, unless it's about Ophelia or Velour, obviously.

    The main fic of Dameceles's universe, Into a Walled Garden, is pretty much exactly what you're looking for. Very political, and amazing character explorations, especially for Marx/Xander and Hinoka. The side stories are where the smut happens, and even then they have very good characterization and lots of interesting worldbuilding. I highly recommend the AMOS series, even if you only read Into a Walled Garden.

  3. 5 possible situations result in you not being able to obtain all children:

    1. Play as M!Corrin. Marry any first gen mother who can S-rank other first gen fathers (anyone except Flora, Scarlet, Reina, Anna). Even if everyone else is married off, this leaves 1 first gen father unpaired, and thus his kid cannot be recruited. This applies to all routes.

    2. Play as F!Corrin. Marry any first gen father who can S-rank other first gen mothers (anyone except Gunter, Yukimura, Fuga, Shura, Izana). Marry off all the other first gen mothers except Azura. Azura will not have anyone to marry, thus Shigure cannot be recruited. This applies to all routes.

    3. Play as M!Corrin and marry Niles. Nina and Kana cannot be recruited.

    4. Play as F!Corrin and marry Rhajat. Kana cannot be recruited.

    5. You planned your pairings poorly, and the only eligible parents left are siblings (ex. Ryoma and Hinoka, or Leo and Camilla).

    Edit: Actually, there are 6. Spoilers for the final one:

    6. Play Birthright. Marry Kaze to someone, and do not have Corrin achieve A support with him before chapter 15. Midori's paralogue will not be unlocked and she cannot be recruited.

  4. Reina might have once been intended to be able to support other characters and Rinkah might have been intended to be Avatar-only. In the files where lines are listed for all units, Reina's lines are often grouped with the other Hoshido women and Rinkah's are often with the Avatar-only supports (Flora, Yukimura, Fuga, etc)

  5. I am interested in Failed Revolution but oh man, I really wonder what that's going to do to the plot of this game. Future Past had a reasonable justification for existing but I don't quite see one for this case. Either way, the conversations between parent units and children should make for interesting stuff. Hopefully it can give some of the kids more depth to their personalities. (please make the mother/child conversations variable like in future past's father/child conversations)

    Also Ryoma/Scarlet and Camilla/Azura conversations hell yes

  6. wth is a corrinsexual? and i know nothing about these kids so that tells me nothing. care to be more specific?

    Corrinsexual is a term used to refer to characters that can only support Corrin. If you're playing Birthright with M!Corrin, your options are Reina and Scarlet. You're recommended to marry either a Corrinsexual character or a second gen unit because you will not be able to obtain all of the children if you don't. There's a design oversight where there are exactly enough first gen males and females that if you choose to marry one of the other eligible first gen women, there is one father who will not be able to marry anyone and thus you will miss out on his kid.

    Edit: This happens on all routes, not just Birthright. Technically you could run into a similar problem with Azura and missing out on Shigure, but only if you choose to play as F!Corrin, marry a first gen non-Corrinsexual, and then marry everyone off except Azura.

  7. Thanks for the advice about forges!

    I had a couple of the first gen units that I wasn't planning on using endgame trained up to pass on skills to their kids (Hayato, Silas, Hana), so that may be why some of my main units (~7 or so out of the 10) are a bit behind. I'm planning on swapping out a couple of parents for their kids once I recruit them but I don't expect they'll be too far behind; I just recruited Kiragi last chapter and his Offspring seal got him to level 4, which more or less on par with everyone else. The paralogues themselves are going to be pretty decent exp anyway.

  8. I just finished chapter 20 of Birthright which was no problem (literally the only ones the enemies could deal damage to were my Corrin who has 10 def with pairup and a slightly underleveled Shigure) but when I finished one of the resulting Challenges I noticed the enemies were starting to carry +4 forged weapons, and were also a higher level than I am- I think the challenge was promoted enemies of level 8 and 9, and I currently only have 4 units at around that level. Everyone else is still around promoted 3-6 and I'm challenging myself to not use the Scout option. I'm just wondering if anyone found it necessary to use forged weapons? I have a couple of +1s but those are all E-ranks anyway, and I haven't run into any trouble yet.

  9. I have to see a localization worse than Azure Striker Gunvolt's before I call it bad.

    I was under the impression that while Fates had some large cuts and changes along with a scattering of small ones, Awakening had consistent "moderate" changes that almost entirely changed the tone of the game (I've seen it said that the Japanese version took itself seriously, while 8-4 injected a bunch of Whedon-esque snark into the localization and lampshaded a bunch of stuff; while it's there, snark appears much less in Fates' localization).

    Hmm, I have to say that tonally, I don't really feel that much of a difference between Awakening and Fates. That may be because I've only really looked at Birthright's script- perhaps Conquest has a darker tone.

    Awakening is more snarky, but I think that most of it is in the supports. I guess that's where I feel the most similarity; I get the feeling that a lot of the supports in Fates have been tweaked to be more humorous.

  10. Fates is really not an example of terrible localization. There are really only two decisions that I dislike (Beruka/Saizo C support and Hisame- and even then I do understand how some people view Hisame's change as for the better) and the rest has mostly been on par with Awakening's. Direct translation does not make for good localization.

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