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Everything posted by wvype

  1. Oh yes, Hinata and Odin absolutely get along well. Their supports are pretty funny.
  2. And Hinata/Hisame! This should be the last child/tied parent support. Awwww. I didn't expect to like Hisame so much but he's really adorable.
  3. This is interesting. There's a question about the marriage system with interesting options. In order, they are: 1. I like thinking of who to pair together 2. I like thinking about how skills and other things are inherited 3. Being able to fight with the children is fun 4. I prefer the second gen system from Genealogy 5. I like the support system but I'd be all right if children weren't involved I'm definitely picking 1 and 5.
  4. I sat down for a while and did nothing but Kanna/Parent supports so there are a lot of them coming up on my blog in the next couple of hours. Right now I have M!Kanna's supports with Asura and Shigure, but if you keep an eye on my Kanna tag, Aqua, Eponine, Takumi, and Grey's should also appear by tomorrow.
  5. For favorite Hoshido, I voted Samurai and Falcon Warrior. Love the headband and light armor on Samurai, and those feathers on Falcon Warrior look really nice. Least favorite was Great Merchant. The hat is a little goofy. For Nohr, favorites are Revenant Knight and Hero. Revenant Knight looks like Death himself is coming to collect, and Hero is awesome. Least favorite is Berserker mostly because I don't get the helmet. It was really tough to pick. The generics are really nice looking this time around, and my least favorites aren't by much. I tried to limit myself so I wouldn't go crazy with the selections.
  6. Ah, okay. So the 3 I've posted are for honorifics, and your actual voices in-game are the pitch (the audio files have labels for N/Y/O for normal/younger/older) so they're independent of each other to a certain extent. Looks like it doesn't let you use the Older voice with PCF2 or the Younger voice with PCF3, for instance.
  7. I can't say anything about gameplay yet but here's some stuff I like from what I know: I adore the characters. They've got some more diversity in personality compared to Awakening. Also a lot of their designs are nice. Some can be rather weird, but I like them. Have to put in more votes for the music. It's great. I've been on YT listening to all of the Ablaze map themes nonstop. (A4 and B4 are the absolute best, Hitori Omou is amazing, and the boss themes are awesome.) And My Castle too. I'm a sucker for slice of life and it's really cute (and I get way too absorbed into Animal Crossing so this is ideal). Plus the idea of an accessory shop is too tempting for me. And the resource harvesting for cooking/forging/other stuff is nice. Lilith is also interesting. The Avatar class system is way better now! I'll probably miss not having access to all classes, but that was way too broken, and anyway it's not practical now that infinite leveling isn't normally available. Marriage/buddy seals sound fun, and makes it more important to plan out who's going to be supporting with who. I like it.
  8. Kind of. There are 3 options for M!Kamui and F!Kamui both. They'll all say the same thing but the words they use make them sound older/younger or more formal/informal. PCM1 = More boyish. Uses 'boku', no honorifics for peers+subordinates. Kind of similar to how Leon and Takumi speak. PCM2 = Sounds older and tougher. Uses 'ore', more informal, no honorifics for peers+subordinates. More like Ryouma and Zero. PMC3 = More formal. Uses 'watashi', speaks identically to PCF1, uses honorifics with everyone. Speaks more like Marx and Suzukaze. PCF1 = Standard politeness. Uses 'watashi', honorifics for everyone. Calls their older siblings 'nii-san' and 'nee-san'. PCF2 = Younger, more girly. Uses 'atashi', no honorifics for peers+subordinates. Uses '-chan' with older siblings (e.g. onii-chan, onee-chan). Similar to Elise. PCF3 = More feminine. Uses 'atashi', no honorifics for peers+subordinates, but more mature sounding than 2. Also there are slight differences between M!Kamui and F!Kamui no matter which voice option you choose. M!Kamui calls Mikoto 'haha-ue' while F!Kamui calls her 'okaa-sama'. It's the same for Garon (chichi-ue vs. otou-sama).
  9. If I'm going +Mag/-Lck M!Kamui with Lance Fighter secondary and marrying Aqua, would Shigure perform well in Dark Falcon? What skills would work best for him? Eastern Heart goes well with his personal, and I'm probably passing down Voice of Peace from Aqua. Unsure about Kamui- maybe Breaking Sky? Should I take him through Holy Lancer for Lancefaire, and also Defence Seal from Lance Fighter?
  10. Here's Hinata/Sakura! Sakura trying to sound tough is the most adorable thing I've ever read in my life.
  11. I guess the main issue with Hinata is that he has pretty weird growths for a Samurai. His Skl/Spd are 25% and 15% respectively. His higher growths are HP, and then Def and Lck, so that's going to clash with most people's choice of Asset and Flaw (though it's not entirely clear yet how growths are inherited). He also gives negative mods to Skl/Spd (-1 and -2) so there's also that to consider. I guess you could make Kanna really bulky (+1 HP, +2 Def) and tank pretty much anything with a Dragonstone, but that imposes further penalties on Skl/Spd.
  12. The 1/2/3 are the dialogue options for the Kamuis, not for the routes. For instance, PCM1 is the default male voice, PCM2 is 'rougher', and PCM3 is very formal. Things like that. They're not for the routes.
  13. I just realize now that a different interpretation of that could be that those are Marx's socks which have just been washed by somebody else, but that still brings up the question of why Marx's socks are lying around.
  14. There's only one file for all the female player/Sophie supports. It's the case with everything except for Kamui/Aqua. Nothing else changes based on the route.
  15. These might work? They're more compilations of information rather than explanations, though. If there are any formulae on there I haven't managed to find them, but they do have details about weapons+effects, the My Castle buildings, terrain bonuses and effects, and things like that. http://www2.pegasusknight.com/wiki/fe14/ http://toragame.com/feif/ http://ds-can.com/fe-if/
  16. Yup, they're just washed. The original word is 洗いたて, where the -たて means that something has recently been done.
  17. There's a typo in cell D27. I think the index on the VLOOKUP is supposed to be 4, not 3.
  18. There are no supports for A+. Once two people reach A rank, you get an option to A+ one of them to the other so you can buddy seal. There's just a box that pops up to explain what it does, and that's it.
  19. Here are F!Kamui's supports with Midoriko and Sophie! Aww they're adorable. But I'm confused as to how Sophie's support is supposed to work on the Hoshido route. Marx isn't there, and he's definitely not washing any socks. Oh well.
  20. Yep, B and A are totally incorrect. In B Asura just says that even if he rebuilds his country, it's pointless if the people are gone, but even if he can't fulfill his dream he'll stay with Kamui anyway. No mention of kidnapping royalty. And then Asura's the one who leaves to avoid talking about the topic any more. And for A, Kamui's just reassuring Asura that though the country no longer exists, he carries the will of Kouga within him, so the country isn't entirely destroyed, and encourages Asura not to give up on his dream and says that he'll help as well. No documents mentioned at all- I don't even see Nohr being mentioned once.
  21. Welp, time for me to go to sleep, but at least I finished some translations. Silas/Pieri Silas/Kagerou Benoit/Felicia
  22. How important is it to use rally skills? I've only ever played Awakening up to Hard where there's no need to use them since your units are just plain overpowered anyway, so if they're pretty important in Fates I might have to start getting used to using them.
  23. I tried Ryouma/Saizou. Emphasis on 'tried'. I still struggle a lot with formal speech and Saizou's sudden monologue doesn't help things.
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