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Posts posted by Pikappa93

  1. 10 minutes ago, Cat Villager said:

    This one is much more unlikely but knowing IS and their weird decisions it's not impossible. They are bringing back time traveling children and this guy is Celica's son. Doesn't help that "masked child from the future protects her relatives" was already in Awakening. Another worrying thing is that both time traveling portals in Awakening (rewatch Cataclysm) and Mila's turnwheel use Zodiac signs... but so did Starsphere Shards in Mystery.  I hope I'm just being paranoid.

    I actually thought of this and keep telling myself this is not possible... is it? Please.

    I think the first option is the most plausible and intriguing plotwise.

  2. 3 hours ago, Harvey said:

    What about Camilla? As poor of a character she is, her character design is likable. So art comes to part of the character design as well.

    I wouldn't say Camilla was a poor character, rather she is a victim of Fates bad writing which gave more focus on her Corrin obsession and fanservice in general.

    3 hours ago, Harvey said:

    Also, RD added supports but bombed harder than SD so what's your excuse to the former game? Lack of marketing? Yeah maybe...but I can tell that its more than just that.

    Radiant Dawn supports were criticized for how they were extremely generic and did not add any character development. Moreover, RD was a sequel to a title which did have supports the way we know now, so it's only natural it was seen as a stepdown.

    Anyway, back in topic, despite all arumentations I really can't see how adding supports in Echoes would be a bad thing. It's not they're removing anything, they're just adding things to give a proper development to characters that in the original Gaiden had one line of dialogue at most.

  3. 4 minutes ago, The DanMan said:

    My thoughts then: "Yeah Catria!/10"

    Exactly my thoughts.

    4 minutes ago, The DanMan said:

    What is the piece that plays at the start of the trailer?
    The piece that kicks in after about a minute sounds like a late-game theme for Alm's side (haven't heard much of Gaiden's OST, but it sounds like a weary, desperate remix of Alm's earlier battle theme coupled with his late-game map theme)


    1 minute ago, unique said:

    alm's maps only have two songs, the regular one and the one when you've almost won, which is basically just the regular one in a different key

    that song is probably an original one

    I may be wrong, but I think it's a heavily remixed version of Alm Map 2. Later you can hear the Encounter theme and what seems to be an amazingly rearranged version of Celica Map 2.

  4. Guys, I think we should stop worrying about Zeke not being in the game or similar stuff. The fact he wasn't shown in the trailer doesn't mean he won't be there (also, the Whitewings are present, so why not Zeke). I think we have enough proof they're not removing anything or anyone, just adding when needed.

    And I'm ok with every design choice we've seen so far. Really looking forward to this game.

  5. 1 hour ago, Thane said:

    I really, really hope they fix the map design and summoning system. Aside from not including supports which are now confirmed, those are my biggest concerns and they've yet to be addressed.

    Every map we've seen so far seems to be pretty much identical to the original Gaiden I'm afraid (those who played the demo also confirmed this). I've already kind of accepted this, though I'm personally hoping they're adding new maps to the already existing ones.

    As for summoning, if I remember correctly, the description of Genny's Invoke spell said it could summon up to 8 soldiers, so... yeah, I think that's going to be the same too.

  6. 13 hours ago, Leif said:

    What a shame! This would have been the perfect game to add portrait changes since the cast is so small and reclassing isn't a thing. I just don't get why the art team can't take a unit's base portrait and modify it to match the unit's new outfit. Ugh.

    I looked carefully at both Leon's portraits though (artwork and screenshot) and still think the outfit is different. It's true that we only see Leon in a side angle, but in the screenshot from Nintendo Dream he also has an armor on his chest (which would be the Sniper outfit, also seen in PAX footage) that doesn't seem to be there in his official artwork. Furthermore, his official artwork outfit resembles very closley that of the base Archer class (that we saw on Tobin being reclassed as an Archer), which is also Leon's starting class in the original Gaiden.

  7. 49 minutes ago, NeonZ said:

    I feared that they might not have added past-character DLC to Fates due to the upcoming mobile game, and I guess this pretty much confirms it, considering how even the Amiibo functionality has been compromised. They make full models and partial artwork for them just for one turn npc summons...

    Even though I like crossovers I couldn't get into Heroes, so this is pretty disappointing.

    I don't think past-character DLC had to be a thing in Fates. They were in Awakening because they wanted to celebrate the whole series (believing it would be the last title). There was no point in replicating this in Fates. I agree with you that the problem with Fates DLC is that they clearly left things unfinished (unreleased skills, no Apotheosis-like map, etc.) to focus on upcoming games, but not in the sense past-character DLC had to be there.

  8. I'm letting myself hope they're adding some extra chapters other than a prologue, either DLC or something similar (we already know Alm and Celica amiibos unlock at least two special dungeons).

    Even if they don't, I actually spent a decent amount of time playing Gaiden. Each chapter has several battles and you control two distinct armies. I also liked optimizing characters through grinding (a feature that was very innovative considering we're talking about a 1992 NES game) and thus did a lot of skirmishes in dungeons. Yeah, despite its flaws, I enjoyed Gaiden quite a lot.

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