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Everything posted by Medeus

  1. Honestly, her death in Nohr made me feel worse then anything else that has happened so far (I'm on Chapter 19). All she wanted to do was lead a rebellion for Cheve's benefit, yet not only is she brutally murdered (and left to our imagination on how), Cheve gets brutalized and razed just by proxy. What happens to her mechanic-wise and in Revelations just makes it far worse for me.
  2. When I got to that point, I had to stop and count out all of the things wrong with that as I was just completely baffled.
  3. I'm only halfway through the localized game, but based on that and what I've read on the Japanese version, Garon, Iago and Hanz. All three are generic villains with no motivation that just exist to do eat babies and twirl their mustache, and considering they make up most of the main villains in the game, they really bog down the story (especially in Conquest).
  4. I wish I saw this thread earlier. Welcome to the Forest Ms. Strober, I'm really glad to hear that the comments made here made you happy. I know that some people in this fanbase can be brutal, especially since some fans can be ridiculously harsh in their words, but there are many of us that do appreciate what you did for this game and I'm really happy with how you brought the character of Azura to the English audience. I appreciate your work and I hope you keep going no matter what. Thanks again, and I look forward to hearing your songs when I pick up the game tomorrow!
  5. I did not expect Keaton to sound like that, but I'm not complaining at all, he sounds so good and attractive. Beruka is another voice I didn't expect to sound like she does, but she also pulls it off well. Kaden sounds exactly like what I expected him to sound like, so I'm really pleased with him as well. Rhajat's voice changed a bit, but I think it's fine. Asugi's going to take some getting used to though since it's pretty different from his Awakening counterpart. Azura's voice is great, I love Rena Strober's interpretation of the character. Shigure's also nice, though I'm curious why they didn't have him sing the confession. Izana is ridiculously silly and I love him for it. Arthur's confession was hilarious. Selena I wish was a bit more 'dere', but at least she's improved somewhat from Awakening, so I can't complain too much. Effie, I agree with Thor Odinson, it sounds fine on its own, but it doesn't fit the character that well I feel. So far, I'm pretty happy with what I'm hearing. There are still a few more I want to check out once I get some sleep, but I'm pleased with how most of the characters have been handled.
  6. Was Mire in the unused data for the Japanese version of Fates? That could explain why that appears here. Having said that, if it is in fact added into the game, that gives Dark Mages more of a use then before. Having a long range tome gives a lot of flexibility and will allow for different strategies when tackling the chapters. It'll particularly be a good asset to have since both 1st gen examples of Dark Mages are rather mediocre in Conquest (and Wendy tier in Revelations).
  7. So basically, the general plot progression of the support was kept, but they removed the drugging implication (instead, it's using blindfolds with her consent) and the S support has Soleil say "lets take it slow since I've thought of you as someone else and we need to get to know each other outside of that." Overall, I'd personally say it's definitely improved over the Japanese version. There are still a few quirks I don't like with the support (such as where the issue came from as Soleil seemed fine in other supports), but at least things like the drug part are gone.
  8. Nome that I can find, you're probably thinking of the Legend of Zelda Keatons (or Kittans in Japan) as that's the only place the name's connected to foxes.
  9. Except the change has more gameplay implications for Foleo. Remember that he can be married and thus can father Kanna, support female children, and marry them. Changing his gender changes all of that and it may be more of a technical hassle then it's worth.
  10. A friend just pointed it out to me, but apparently Keaton is actually a type of fabric, it's used in things like curtains.As for the name, I prefer Flannel, but I'm OK with it. I think it fits a cute puppy like him.
  11. Kaden's voice is awesome, he fits him perfectly and the laugh just solidifies it as my favorite. I'm guessing he's either Vic Mignogna or Bryce Papenbrook. As for the others, they sound OK to good outside of Felicia's, who while I'd still take over the Japanese voice, I wish she'd emote a bit more since she does sound acted in a few lines.
  12. Unless I missed another site reporting on this, I'm going to take a wait and see approach. The quote Kotaku gave didn't directly say it was gone, so I'm skeptical considering I don't have much trust in that site.
  13. And that's the thing: It doesn't suit their interests to keep it. Jynx's controversy did cause quite a stink, so making the change was more beneficial then leaving it as is from a business perspective. With Soleil's supports, there's also nothing gained in keeping it as leaving it as is you get A) the gay conversion misconception, B) the drugging implication, C) a poorly written support that's inconsistent character-wise for Soleil, and D) a lot of negative media and fan attention, which can hurt their bottom line. Dealing with all of that isn't really worth keeping a support around as is, and there is more benefits in changing it into something more palatable then not. So in this case, I don't see the point in not going for localizing the support, what is gained for the company's interest outweighs what is lost, especially when most fans' reactions seem to either be "OK" or "good riddance".
  14. Just as long as it doesn't stick out of the text, I don't really mind. I didn't notice many of Awakening's references, I only recognized SMTIV's "don't taze me bro!" reference because I remembered that meme and it otherwise fit completely in the context of the character, and I didn't even notice FFV's TMNT reference when I first played it. As long as it's natural, it's fine, and I'm not too concerned about it. I will concede that Triforce Heroes' Doge meme reference stuck out like a sore thumb, though as said before, the game is silly in tone anyway and I doubt they'd go for something as blatant as that in a more serious game.
  15. Hmm... I thought for sure it was mentioned in Chapter 6, but I guess it was just an interpretation of the line. I do remember it popping up in one of the later chapters, but I don't remember which route I saw it in. As mentioned before though, within the context the line is in, it's not as damaging to the character as I think you're getting at, it just seems like she's embittered towards the people that have caused her pain and she's telling them to back off of her brother/sister. If it becomes more prominent in lines and plot points then before, then we can be concerned, but as it is now, it's not too indicative of what the plan is for her character.
  16. I haven't watched the full video yet, but Hinoka does call the Nohr siblings scum in the Japanese version as well according to the videos and transcripts posted here: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/114533-fire-emblem-fates-conquest/73040522
  17. This is getting into territory that we probably should avoid, so lets go back to the interview and not touch that subject. Honestly, I'm glad Team A won, the mode is already awkward enough as is, I'd hate to have those features that Team B wanted present in the game as it would've made the mode more disturbing. ​A few developers make cow jokes with Camilla in the "Making of FE" Book, I honestly could believe that some of their staff is made up of perverts.
  18. Sakurai did say that CERO was pretty stingy about panty shots, so I honestly wouldn't be surprised if what happened was that to meet their standards, he had to edit Corrin's exposed thighs.
  19. On that note, were there any other major line changes between the two trailers? It sounds like everyone is at least somewhat in line with their characterization in the Japanese version, but I want to see if there were any other notable differences to note between them.
  20. Elise's voice acting gives me Smash!Lucina vibes, in that she's acted in a way that comes off a lot worse then what the interpretation should be. Considering the script we saw at E3 as well as the line we do hear from her in the trailer, I personally think she's not supposed to be that bratty, but rather the trailer just poorly conveyed what the character should be like. As for the others, they vary from OK to great for me just going by tone, so I'm fine with them.
  21. I have to agree, when it comes to the FE characters, voice acting in Smash tends to be hit or miss. Along with Robin, we have Lucina being way too condescending in her victory quotes to Marth/Ike despite being softer in Awakening, and Ike sounding very off in his role even when compared to PoR/RD's dubbing. I feel that the best thing to do is wait and see how the actors work in the proper setting, as they may be a lot better in Fates then what we're hearing in Smash. This is especially the case when we consider that in the E3 trailer, there was a lot more positivity towards the voice acting overall (aside from maybe Corrin).
  22. Yeah, Sakurai said she won in Europe while being #5 in the US, so she's probably the "Ballot Winner" in this case.
  23. Those Pegasi will be as high as a kite as soon as they're done eating.
  24. Finally, lets see how the characters I liked did: -Flannel and Nishiki being #22 and 24 is a bit disappointing. -Benoit being #13 is nice! -Flora being #8 is really good, especially considering she's limited in her supports. -I'm surprised Belka did pretty well. -I'm glad that Oboro did well on the poll, she's really one of the best characters in the game.
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