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Everything posted by Krad

  1. Time to reply: The palettes seem so dark since I took the colors from some FE5 mugs. They may look better once I also change the generic enemies palette. If they don't, I'll lighten them up until they work. I'll see what I can do about this. I don't know how to change the palettes for the backgrounds, but I guess it is done with a similar process to the palettes of the units. Thanks about the maps. It took me a while to get them looking good (from this to this). Lakche, Skasaha, Ayra and Holyn were all swordfighters in FE4. It wasn't until FE6 where Myrmidons and Mercenarys were really split up. I'll probably keep him as a Myrm that promotes to Hero, while Lakche promotes to Swordmaster. Shanan will still be a SM. Do not feed. I'll change the map sprites as soon as I learn how to. I've been looking for a tutorial on map sprite changing but haven't found one yet. And now to stop this wall of text, here's a video of the Prologue, showing the Beta Lakche portrait, and the new portraits for Batta and Glass. Things to add to the prologue: Death quotes for the playable units Battle quotes for Batta and Glass Fix the pirate reinforcements (they are supposed to appear from turn 1 to 10, but instead never stop appearing) Change the map sprites for Celice and Lana If you spot any mispelled words please say so.
  2. Hey. [spoiler=Chapter 8 to Chapter 15]Chapter 8 I used Caesar as my shopping slave for this chapter. Marth and company rush, while Caeda flies to recuit Roger. Barst smashes the boss into pieces. Turns: 5 Character LVL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Marth 9 24 11 0 6 13 11 8 0 Cain 11 26 11 0 11 14 7 10 0 Jagen 6 26 9 1 12 9 2 9 6 Barst 11 30 14 0 8 11 8 8 0 Wolf 5 28 8 0 11 14 7 8 1 Sedgar 2 22 3 3 3 4 2 5 5 Vyland 3 19 0 3 3 4 2 2 3 Roger 5 22 7 0 3 5 2 13 0 Chapter 9 Reclass: Roger to Mercenary. Marth opens the door on turn 1. Vyland then gets me a bullion while everyone else gets some exp while they rush towards the throne. Jagen with the Silver Lance and Cain with a Steel Sword take down the boss. Turns: 5 Character LVL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Marth 10 25 12 0 7 13 12 8 0 Cain 12 27 11 0 11 14 8 11 0 Jagen 6 26 9 1 12 9 2 9 6 Barst 11 30 14 0 8 11 8 8 0 Wolf 5 28 8 0 11 14 7 8 1 Sedgar 3 24 4 3 4 5 2 5 5 Vyland 3 19 0 3 3 4 2 2 3 Roger 5 20 5 0 9 15 2 7 0 Chapter 10 Reclass: Roger to Fighter. Marth using his max movement every turn leaves him just 1 tile away from the seize spot, so I have to finish this in 8 turns. Cain finally got C swords, and made use of it by ORKOing the boss with the Armorslayer. Wolf also got D axes. Now if only Roger could get D axes... Turns: 8 Character LVL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Marth 10 25 12 0 7 13 12 8 0 Cain 14 29 12 0 13 15 9 11 0 Jagen 7 27 9 1 12 9 3 10 6 Barst 13 32 16 0 9 11 10 8 0 Wolf 5 28 8 0 11 14 7 8 1 Sedgar 3 24 4 3 4 5 2 5 5 Vyland 4 19 0 4 3 5 2 2 3 Roger 7 25 8 0 3 14 4 5 0 Chapter 11 Once again, Marth rushes blindly to the throne. Cain solos most of the map, and Roger tries to kill a few Mercs. Turns: 9 Character LVL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Marth 10 25 12 0 7 13 12 8 0 Cain 15 30 13 0 14 15 9 11 0 Jagen 7 27 9 1 12 9 3 10 6 Barst 13 32 16 0 9 11 10 8 0 Wolf 6 30 9 0 12 14 7 9 1 Sedgar 4 26 4 4 5 6 2 6 5 Vyland 4 19 0 4 3 5 2 2 3 Roger 8 26 9 0 3 14 4 5 0 Chapter 12 Dolph, Mac and Boah tank hits in the cell while Midia and Tomas hide in the middle. I could've seized on turn 6, but since I wanted the boots, I had to wait until turn 8. Cain promoted midway through the chapter at level 17. Roger also got D axes. Boah died but who cares. Turns: 8 Character LVL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Marth 10 25 12 0 7 13 12 8 0 Cain 1 36 15 1 18 17 9 13 6 Jagen 8 27 9 1 12 9 3 10 6 Barst 14 33 16 0 9 11 10 8 0 Wolf 6 30 9 0 12 14 7 9 1 Sedgar 4 26 4 4 5 6 2 6 5 Vyland 5 20 0 5 3 6 2 2 3 Roger 10 28 11 0 4 14 6 5 0 Midia 1 24 7 1 11 9 7 9 6 Chapter 13 Reclass: Midia to Sniper. I give the boots to Marth. The top group consists of Wolf, Sedgar and Vyland. The middle one of Marth, Cain, Jagen and Midia. And the bottom one of Barst and Roger. Marth walks to the boss while everyone tries to get kills while surviving. I recruit Astram since Midia is too weak to kill him. A combination of Jagen with the Silver Lance and Cain with a Steel Lance was enough to bring the boss down. Astram goes shopping. Turns: 3 Character LVL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Marth 10 25 12 0 7 13 12 8 0 Cain 1 36 15 1 18 17 9 13 6 Jagen 8 27 9 1 12 9 3 10 6 Barst 14 33 16 0 9 11 10 8 0 Wolf 7 32 10 0 13 14 8 10 1 Sedgar 4 26 4 4 5 6 2 6 5 Vyland 5 20 0 5 3 6 2 2 3 Roger 10 28 11 0 4 14 6 5 0 Midia 1 26 7 1 14 11 7 8 3 Chapter 14 Reclass: Jagen to Draco, Cain to Draco. Marth crosses the river and then rushes to the throne, followed by Wolf, Cain, Jagen and Midia. Since Roger can't cross the river, he doesn't get any combat at all. Barst also promotes at level 15. Jiol falls to the hand of Cain, who also finally got B lances. Turns: 6 Character LVL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Marth 10 25 12 0 7 13 12 8 0 Cain 3 36 17 1 20 19 10 15 3 Jagen 8 25 10 1 12 9 3 12 3 Barst 1 40 19 0 11 13 10 10 1 Wolf 7 32 10 0 13 14 8 10 1 Sedgar 5 27 5 4 6 7 2 6 5 Vyland 5 20 0 5 3 6 2 2 3 Roger 10 28 11 0 4 14 6 5 0 Midia 1 26 7 1 14 11 7 8 3 Chapter 15 Reclass: Barst to Hero Marth walks to the castle, while Cain flies around the desert killing everything (dracoknights with javelins do 0 damage to him). Barst fights some enemies then absors a hit from Gharnef so the rest of my team doesn't die. Jagen goes shopping. Turns: 5 Character LVL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Marth 10 25 12 0 7 13 12 8 0 Cain 4 37 18 1 20 20 10 15 3 Jagen 9 25 10 1 12 9 4 12 3 Barst 2 36 18 0 19 17 11 12 1 Wolf 8 34 11 0 14 14 8 11 1 Sedgar 5 27 5 4 6 7 2 6 5 Vyland 5 20 0 5 3 6 2 2 3 Roger 10 28 11 0 4 14 6 5 0 Midia 1 26 7 1 14 11 7 8 3 So far the only casualty has been TyraniBOAH. May he rest in peace. 86 turns at the moment.
  3. Hey, progress. [spoiler=Prologue 1 to Chapter 7]Prologue 1 Simple stuff. Turns: 5 Character LVL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Marth 2 19 6 0 3 8 7 7 0 Prologue 2 Frey gives his Iron Sword and Vulnerary to Marth, then hides with Abel in a corner. Marth rambos his way to the finish line. Turns: 4 Character LVL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Marth 3 20 7 0 4 9 7 7 0 Prologue 3 More mad rush but now with Cain and Jagen. Turns: 7 Character LVL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Marth 4 20 8 0 5 10 7 7 0 Cain 2 21 7 0 6 7 4 8 0 Jagen 1 22 7 1 10 8 1 9 6 Prologue 4 Cain killed Gordin and got a ridiculous level up by doing so. ilu Cain. Turns: 7 Character LVL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Marth 5 21 9 0 5 11 8 7 0 Cain 4 22 9 0 7 8 5 9 0 Jagen 1 22 7 1 10 8 1 9 6 Chapter 1 Marth rush. Didn't get the 10000g, since I can't forge. Jagen killed the boss and got a pretty cool SPD level up. Cain worked on his lance rank. Turns: 5 Character LVL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Marth 6 22 10 0 5 11 8 7 0 Cain 5 23 9 0 7 9 5 9 0 Jagen 2 23 7 1 10 9 1 9 6 Chapter 2 Marth, Cain and Jagen rush towards the throne, while Barst solos the northern island. An incredibly lucky crit by Cain on the boss allowed me to seize on turn 4. Caeda does some shopping. Turns: 4 Character LVL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Marth 7 22 11 0 5 12 9 7 0 Cain 6 24 10 0 7 10 5 10 0 Jagen 2 23 7 1 10 9 1 9 6 Barst 4 25 11 0 6 9 6 7 0 Chapter 3 IS trolls me by putting all my draftees at the far back. Anyway, Marth, Cain and Jagen rush to the boss while Barst takes on Navarre and friends. Jagen's HP level up in Chapter 1 proves to be crucial as he ends up the stage clinging to his 1 remaining HP. Barst likes gaining only HP. Turns: 6 Character LVL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Marth 8 23 11 0 5 13 10 8 0 Cain 7 25 10 0 8 11 6 10 0 Jagen 2 23 7 1 10 9 1 9 6 Barst 6 27 11 0 6 9 6 7 0 Chapter 4 I deploy Caeda for shopping. Marth, Cain, Jagen and Barst all rush to the boss, kicking names and taking ass. A combination of Cain with the Javelin and Jagen with the Silver Lance brings the boss down easily. Turns: 6 Character LVL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Marth 8 23 11 0 5 13 10 8 0 Cain 8 25 11 0 9 12 6 10 0 Jagen 3 24 7 1 11 9 1 9 6 Barst 8 28 13 0 8 9 7 8 0 Chapter 5 Reclass: Jagen to Dracoknight I give the ridersbane to Jagen and he flies over to save my 3 new units. Marth, Cain and Barst rush to the gate. Vyland proves his worth by taking 0 damage from a thief. Barst reached C axes just in time to give the boss a chockful of Hammer. Turns: 4 Character LVL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Marth 8 23 11 0 5 13 10 8 0 Cain 8 25 11 0 9 12 6 10 0 Jagen 4 23 9 1 11 9 2 11 3 Barst 8 28 13 0 8 9 7 8 0 Wolf 3 22 6 0 6 8 5 6 1 Sedgar 1 20 6 1 6 7 2 6 2 Vyland 1 20 5 0 3 6 2 7 0 Chapter 6 Reclass: Jagen to Paladin, Wolf to Hero, Sedgar to Sorcerer, Vyland to Mage. I deploy Caeda once again for shopping. Everyone else rushes to the boss, with Sedgar as a backup healer. Barst finally got speed as he showed his hammer to the boss. Turns: 6 Character LVL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Marth 9 24 11 0 6 13 11 8 0 Cain 9 25 11 0 9 13 6 10 0 Jagen 4 23 9 1 11 9 2 9 3 Barst 10 29 14 0 8 11 7 8 0 Wolf 3 24 6 0 10 12 5 7 1 Sedgar 1 22 2 3 2 3 2 4 5 Vyland 2 18 0 3 2 4 2 2 3 Chapter 7 Once again Caeda appears to buy me stuff. The cavalry + Barst and Wolf rush down, while Sedgar and Vyland take turns chipping at Minerva (she uses the Hauteclere to heal). Only managed to kill Est, but whatever. Barst tried to Hammertime the boss, missed 4 times in a row. Jagen managed to save this with an incredibly lucky Silver Lance crit, then Cain finished the boss with the Steel Lance. Turns: 6 Character LVL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Marth 9 24 11 0 6 13 11 8 0 Cain 11 26 11 0 11 14 7 10 0 Jagen 5 25 9 1 12 9 2 9 3 Barst 10 29 14 0 8 11 7 8 0 Wolf 4 26 7 0 10 13 6 8 1 Sedgar 2 22 3 3 3 4 2 5 5 Vyland 3 19 0 3 3 4 2 2 3 Without counting Prologue, my total is 37 turns at the moment. Also, the shopping unit is a single one for the entire game, or can I change it from chapter to chapter (Caeda one chapter, Abel another, etc)?
  4. I'm trying to sprite as many as I can into the FE5 style. So far I've only finished Lakche (and Fee technically).
  5. I'll probably have both recruitable, due to the lack of axe users in FE4. Having them recruitable in two different chapters isn't an issue, however. I can set it so that making Lakche talk to Johalva in a chapter disallow the talking option for Johan in another.
  6. Yes, I haven't gotten around to change the bosses' mugs. I have most of them ripped, but I've yet to get the talking frames for them.
  7. Fire Emblem Forever What this is This is a hack for FE7 that is a "remake" of the second generation of FE4. It changes many things from the original game (for example, splitting up the original maps into smaller ones) to hopefully feel like a new experience. What the current patch (v2.2) includes 33 playable units 15 chapters total (11 main ones and 4 sidequests) Two difficulties What's planned for the future v2.3 ??????????? v3.0 and on 41+ playable units A total of approximately 20 main chapters and 7 sidequests Supports Different final chapters depending on the difficulty chosen Screenshots Most recent patch Download here! (v2.2) [spoiler=Changelog from v2.1] Fixed some name errors (Seliph/Celice, Ced/Sety, etc) Changed names to their new localized versions (Eltshan/Eldigan, Trabant/Travant, etc) Fixed text boxes switching in the Leif/Glade conversation in Chapter 6 The "world map" text in many chapters should no longer crash the game if skipped (since it can't be skipped anymore) Fixed Syn's enemy palette and Johan's NPC palette Lowered the difficulty of Chapter 1 and Chapter 1x by changing enemy AI and changing enemy weapons to weaker ones Fixed Sif's spawn point in Chapter 1. He will now appear the Player Phase after you kill Syn Delmud's portrait has been updated The shaman from chapter 7x has a new portrait Bow Knights get C swords upon promotiong Mage Knights now have 8 move Fighters now move 2 tiles in desert Replaced the Arch Knight's previous description Added a hint on getting the Hero Axe in Chapter 4 Salem now moves towards the player in Chapter 5 The house that gived a Blue Gem in Chapter 6 should now give only one Ishtar's AI has been changed Eyvel should no longer be deployable in Chapter 10 The "One Year Later" CG in Chapter 10 should no longer appear IMPORTANT: Ares, Faval and Ced now can properly use their holy weapons (please read below) About the holy weapons This really sucks and I just noticed it while fixing other stuff. In the previous release, I forgot to make Ares, Faval and Ced able to use their holy weapons. While I have fixed this in v2.2, people who were played the previous version won't be able to use them (since I can't modify character data after a unit is recruited). If you have a savefile before or at Chapter 6, as long as you restart that chapter, you shouldn't have any problems. For those who no longer have a save at that chapter, I'm really sorry for not noticing this before. This is all really important if you plan to use the same savefile in v3.0. If you plan on restaring again on that version, then don't worry about this. Savefiles from v2.0 and v2.1 should work with this one as long as you restart the last chapter you were in; previous ones DO NOT work. Enjoy! Tier List lol (contains spoilers) F.A.Q. Official reviews "10/10 could be better" - IGN "9/10 my wallet feels really heavy!" - Gamespot "9.5/10 Krad really paid off this time! - GameTrailers
  8. Bantu. I won't recruit him but whatever.
  9. I'll join. What are the "generic rules" for SD? NM? H1? Free characters somewhere? Be more specific.
  10. It's not Astrid. This character has a canon pairing. This character is playable in more than one game. This character mains "bows". This character is male.
  11. Marth was already mentioned, and neither Barte or Jill is. This character has a canon pairing. This character is playable in more than one game. This character mains "bows".
  12. None yet. This character has a canon pairing. This character is playable in more than one game.
  13. Ok, so This character has a canon pairing.
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