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Everything posted by Krad

  1. Let's see... UNIT Hawkeye Elika Marcus Level(1,NPC,False) [12,6] [12,6] [WoDao,Vulnerary] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00] Is Elika defined anywhere? That could be a problem. UNIT Rebecca Elika Eliwood Level(1,Ally,False) [11,9] [11,9] [ironSword,Vulnerary] NoAI Same here. Unless you add a definition text file that includes that one, then the assembler won't recognise it. Ending_event: MoveToChapter(0x01) Needs an ENDA after it to end the event.
  2. Probably it's the fact that it isn't [NoAI], but NoAI. Something like this: UNIT 0xC0 Mercenary Erik Level(13,Enemy,True) [5,17] [5,17] [KillingEdge,DoorKey] NoAI is the way you use it. Also, you're missing ENUNs after the LOU1s in the Opening Event. Remember to always have one following either a LOU1 code or a MOVE code.
  3. In addition to all that has been mentioned, in all your Talk conversations (Talk1, Talk2, etc), you are missing an ENUN code after the LOU1, which won't appear as an error in the assembler, but will cause problems upon playing.
  4. Woohoo, I can finally update this! Here's a small teaser for Chapter 6. And also, the things that happen when you are betatesting. [spoiler=kempf.mp4] Sorry for not answering earlier, since it is just a thing of mine not to post without an update of some sort. But yes, if you could do that hack for me, it would be greatly appreciated. I'm using only the children characters. Sorry.
  5. I managed to get the prep screen to work, through not by the means I expected. Changed the Chapter 5 events to send the player to Chapter 7 instead of Chapter 6, then changed the Map, Mapchanges, and Events pointers in the Chapter 7 screen to direct to the Chapter 6 ones. Then I tried, and it worked. From comparing the Nightmare screen for Chapter 7 to the Chapter 6 one, the only real difference I can see (aside from the status text pointers that I've to change), is the Byte 150 one. Maybe the whole "prep screen not working in C6" is linked to that, since otherwise it doesn't really make much sense. Anyway, thanks to the people who offered help.
  6. Tried all of those, both combinated and by themselves, but all failed.
  7. Chapter 5? Sure, but it's a long one. [spoiler=Chapter 5 Events] #define DISABLE_TUTORIALS #include EAstdlib.event EventPointerTable(0x21,Pointers) org 0xD83190 Pointers: POIN Turn_events POIN Character_events POIN Location_events POIN Misc_events POIN BallistaData BallistaData POIN Bad Bad Bad Bad POIN Good Good Good Good POIN Opening_event Ending_event Bad: UNIT Heintz Monk 0x00 Level(7,Enemy,False) [36,33] [36,33] [Fimbulvetr] GuardTile UNIT Yogi Sage Heintz Level(6,Enemy,False) [2,34] [2,34] [Thunder] GuardTile UNIT Boies General Heintz Level(6,Enemy,False) [2,2] [2,2] [HorseSlayer] GuardTile //Uses ID 0x0F, 0x10 and 0x11 UNIT Groznyi NomadTrooper Heintz Level(6,Enemy,False) [2,3] [2,3] [silverSword,SteelBow] NoAI //Uses ID 0x09 and 0x0A, 0x0C UNIT Wire Sniper Heintz Level(6,Enemy,False) [36,28] [36,28] [steelBow,Longbow] NoAI //Uses ID 0x0B UNIT Guy Cavalier Heintz Level(13,Enemy,False) [1,3] [1,3] [steelSword,IronSpear,Vulnerary] NoAI UNIT Zagan Sage_F Heintz Level(6,Enemy,False) [3,29] [3,29] [Elfire] AttackInRange UNIT 0xB9 Cavalier Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [1,4] [1,4] [ironSword] NoAI UNIT 0xB9 Cavalier Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [2,4] [2,4] [steelSword] NoAI UNIT 0xB9 Cavalier Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [1,5] [1,5] [ironSpear] NoAI UNIT 0xB9 Cavalier Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [2,5] [2,5] [steelSpear] NoAI UNIT 0xB9 Cavalier Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [1,6] [1,6] [ironAxe] NoAI UNIT 0xB9 Cavalier Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [2,6] [2,6] [steelAxe] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Knight Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [36,25] [36,25] [ironSpear] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Knight Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [37,25] [37,25] [Javelin] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Knight Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [36,26] [36,26] [steelSpear] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Knight Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [37,26] [37,26] [KillerLance] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Myrmidon Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [36,27] [36,27] [steelSword] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Myrmidon Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [37,27] [37,27] [Armourslayer] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Troubadour Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [37,28] [37,28] [Heal,Vulnerary] NoAI UNIT 0xBC Warrior Heintz Level(1,Enemy,True) [2,29] [2,29] [steelAxe,Vulnerary] AttackInRange UNIT 0xBB Mage Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [1,29] [1,29] [Fire] AttackInRange UNIT 0xBB Mage Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [4,29] [4,29] [Thunder] AttackInRange UNIT 0xBB Knight Heintz Level(10,Enemy,True) [0,28] [0,28] [Javelin] AttackInRange UNIT 0xBB Knight Heintz Level(10,Enemy,True) [5,28] [5,28] [steelSpear] AttackInRange UNIT 0xBB Archer Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [6,27] [6,27] [KillerBow] AttackInRange UNIT 0xBB Archer Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [0,31] [0,31] [ironBow] AttackInRange UNIT 0xBB Archer Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [4,31] [4,31] [ironBow] AttackInRange UNIT 0xB9 Knight Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [5,7] [5,7] [steelSpear,Vulnerary] GuardTile UNIT 0xB9 Fighter Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [4,10] [4,10] [steelAxe,Vulnerary] AttackInRange UNIT 0xB9 Myrmidon Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [1,11] [1,11] [KillingEdge] AttackInRange UNIT 0xB9 Archer Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [3,12] [3,12] [Longbow] NoAI UNIT 0xB9 Mercenary Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [2,14] [2,14] [steelSword] AttackInRange UNIT 0xB9 Mercenary Heintz Level(15,Enemy,True) [0,10] [0,10] [steelSword,IronSword,Vulnerary] AttackInRange UNIT 0xB9 Archer Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [24,3] [24,3] [ironBow] AttackInRange UNIT 0xB9 Archer Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [20,7] [20,7] [ironBow] AttackInRange UNIT 0xBA Cavalier Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [35,27] [35,27] [ironSword,SteelSpear] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Cavalier Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [38,27] [38,27] [ironSpear,SteelAxe] NoAI UNIT 0xB9 Soldier Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [5,14] [5,14] [ironSpear,Javelin,Vulnerary] AttackInRange UNIT 0xB9 Soldier Heintz Level(10,Enemy,True) [2,16] [2,16] [steelSpear] AttackInRange UNIT 0xBA Soldier Heintz Level(10,Enemy,True) [35,26] [35,26] [ironSpear] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Soldier Heintz Level(10,Enemy,True) [38,26] [38,26] [Javelin] NoAI UNIT 0xB9 Archer Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [1,18] [1,18] [steelBow] NoAI UNIT 0xB9 Fighter Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [5,17] [5,17] [HandAxe,IronAxe] AttackInRange UNIT 0xBA Archer Heintz Level(12,Enemy,True) [34,30] [34,30] [ironBow] AttackInRange UNIT 0xBA Archer Heintz Level(12,Enemy,True) [38,30] [38,30] [steelBow] AttackInRange UNIT 0xB9 Fighter Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [0,13] [0,13] [ironAxe,HandAxe] AttackInRange UNIT 0xB9 Archer Heintz Level(10,Enemy,True) [8,14] [8,14] [ironBow] AttackInRange UNIT 0xBD Thief Heintz Level(20,Enemy,True) [8,9] [8,9] [LightBrand,Vulnerary] GuardTile UNIT 0xB9 Brigand Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [3,19] [3,19] [steelAxe,HandAxe,Vulnerary] AttackInRange UNIT Empty MyUnit: UNIT Wil Knight_F Lyn_t Level(12,Ally,False) [37,10] [37,11] [steelSpear,KillerLance,Vulnerary] NoAI UNIT Empty FinCut: UNIT Raven Cavalier Heath Level(12,Ally,False) [39,14] [40,3] [steelSpear,IronSword,Vulnerary] NoAI UNIT Empty LeafNannaCut: UNIT Heath HectorLord 0x00 Level(7,Ally,False) [40,3] [40,3] [LightBrand,SteelSword,Vulnerary] NoAI UNIT Priscilla Troubadour Heath Level(5,Ally,False) [40,3] [39,4] [Heal,Mend,Elixir,DoorKey] NoAI UNIT Lucius Mage Lyn_t Level(6,Ally,False) [40,3] [40,5] [Thunder,Vulnerary] NoAI UNIT Empty BlumeCut: UNIT Lundgren General Heintz Level(15,Enemy,False) [36,33] [36,34] [silverSpear] NoAI UNIT Empty KempfCut: UNIT Heintz Monk 0x00 Level(7,Enemy,False) [36,33] [36,33] [Fimbulvetr] GuardTile UNIT Empty BaratCut: UNIT Wire Sniper Heintz Level(6,Enemy,False) [36,33] [36,28] [steelBow,Longbow] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Knight Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [36,33] [36,25] [ironSpear] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Knight Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [36,33] [37,25] [Javelin] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Knight Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [36,33] [36,26] [steelSpear] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Knight Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [36,33] [37,26] [KillerLance] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Myrmidon Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [36,33] [36,27] [steelSword] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Myrmidon Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [36,33] [37,27] [steelSword] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Troubadour Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [36,33] [37,28] [Heal,Vulnerary] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Cavalier Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [36,33] [35,27] [steelSword,SteelSpear] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Cavalier Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [36,33] [38,27] [steelSpear,SteelAxe] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Soldier Heintz Level(10,Enemy,True) [36,33] [35,26] [ironSpear] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Soldier Heintz Level(10,Enemy,True) [36,33] [38,26] [Javelin] NoAI UNIT Empty LevinCut: UNIT Lyn_t EliwoodLord 0x00 Level(1,Ally,False) [16,0] [15,1] [Rapier,IronSword,Vulnerary] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00] UNIT Marcus Paladin Lyn_t Level(5,Ally,False) [16,0] [16,1] [steelSword,IronSpear] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00] UNIT Athos Sage Lyn_t Level(20,NPC,False) [16,0] [15,2] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00] NoAI UNIT Empty LensterAlly: UNIT 0xE6 Knight Lyn_t Level(10,NPC,True) [41,8] [41,8] [steelSpear,Vulnerary] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00] UNIT 0xE6 Knight Lyn_t Level(10,NPC,True) [42,7] [42,7] [steelSpear,Vulnerary] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00] UNIT 0xE6 Knight Lyn_t Level(10,NPC,True) [40,7] [40,7] [steelSpear,Vulnerary] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00] UNIT 0xE6 Fighter Lyn_t Level(10,NPC,True) [39,7] [39,7] [KillerAxe,Vulnerary] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00] UNIT Empty LensterNPCut: UNIT 0xE6 Knight Lyn_t Level(10,NPC,True) [40,3] [41,8] [steelSpear,Vulnerary] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00] UNIT 0xE6 Knight Lyn_t Level(10,NPC,True) [40,3] [42,7] [steelSpear,Vulnerary] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00] UNIT 0xE6 Knight Lyn_t Level(10,NPC,True) [40,3] [40,7] [steelSpear,Vulnerary] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00] UNIT 0xE6 Fighter Lyn_t Level(10,NPC,True) [40,3] [39,7] [KillerAxe,Vulnerary] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00] UNIT Empty AlessCut: UNIT Guy Cavalier Heintz Level(13,Enemy,False) [2,2] [1,3] [steelSword,IronSpear,Vulnerary] NoAI UNIT Groznyi NomadTrooper Heintz Level(6,Enemy,False) [2,2] [2,3] [silverSword,SteelBow] NoAI UNIT Empty LeenRein: UNIT Ninian Dancer Lyn_t Level(1,Ally,False) [2,2] [2,3] [Talisman,Vulnerary] NoAI UNIT Empty DarnaRein: UNIT 0xB9 Fighter Heintz Level(12,Enemy,True) [0,8] [0,8] [steelAxe] NoAI UNIT 0xB9 Archer Heintz Level(12,Enemy,True) [1,8] [1,8] [steelBow,Vulnerary] NoAI UNIT 0xB9 Mercenary Heintz Level(12,Enemy,True) [2,8] [2,8] [steelSword] NoAI UNIT Empty MelReinforcements: UNIT 0xBB Mage Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [0,27] [0,25] [Thunder] NoAI UNIT 0xBB Mage Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [0,27] [1,25] [Fire,Vulnerary] NoAI UNIT 0xBB Soldier Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [2,28] [2,24] [steelSpear] NoAI UNIT 0xBB Soldier Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [3,28] [3,24] [ironSpear,Javelin,Vulnerary] NoAI UNIT 0xBB Fighter Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [5,27] [4,25] [steelAxe] NoAI UNIT 0xBB Fighter Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [5,27] [5,25] [ironAxe,HandAxe,Vulnerary] NoAI UNIT Empty MelCastleRein: UNIT 0xBB Mage Heintz Level(10,Enemy,True) [1,28] [1,28] [Fire] NoAI UNIT 0xBB Fighter Heintz Level(10,Enemy,True) [2,28] [2,28] [steelAxe] NoAI UNIT 0xBB Myrmidon Heintz Level(10,Enemy,True) [3,28] [3,28] [steelSword] NoAI UNIT 0xBB Archer Heintz Level(10,Enemy,True) [4,28] [4,28] [ironBow] NoAI UNIT Empty BaratRein: UNIT 0xBA Fighter Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [36,28] [36,26] [steelAxe,Vulnerary] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Fighter Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [37,28] [37,26] [steelAxe] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Cavalier Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [36,28] [36,28] [steelSword,IronSpear] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Cavalier Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [37,28] [37,28] [steelSword,Javelin] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Soldier Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [36,28] [36,27] [steelSpear] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Soldier Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [37,28] [37,27] [steelSpear,Vulnerary] NoAI UNIT Empty AlsterMages: UNIT Rebecca Mage_F Heintz Level(9,Enemy,False) [36,33] [29,31] [Thunder,DragonShield,Vulnerary] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Mage Heintz Level(10,Enemy,True) [36,33] [26,31] [Fire] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Mage Heintz Level(10,Enemy,True) [36,33] [26,32] [Fire] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Mage Heintz Level(10,Enemy,True) [36,33] [27,31] [Thunder] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Mage Heintz Level(10,Enemy,True) [36,33] [27,32] [Thunder] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Mage Heintz Level(10,Enemy,True) [36,33] [28,31] [Fire] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Mage Heintz Level(10,Enemy,True) [36,33] [28,32] [Fire] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Mage Heintz Level(10,Enemy,True) [36,33] [29,32] [Thunder,Vulnerary] NoAI UNIT Empty LensterArmors: UNIT 0xBA Knight Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [36,33] [36,25] [ironSpear] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Knight Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [36,33] [37,25] [Javelin,Vulnerary] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Knight Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [36,33] [36,26] [steelSpear] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Knight Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [36,33] [37,26] [KillerLance] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Knight Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [36,33] [36,27] [ironSpear] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Knight Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [36,33] [37,27] [Javelin] NoAI UNIT 0xBF General Heintz Level(1,Enemy,True) [36,33] [36,28] [steelSpear,SteelAxe,Vulnerary] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Mage Heintz Level(11,Enemy,True) [36,33] [37,28] [Thunder] NoAI UNIT Empty AlsterUnits: UNIT 0xBA Cavalier Heintz Level(12,Enemy,True) [29,32] [29,32] [steelSword,SteelAxe] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Nomad Heintz Level(12,Enemy,True) [29,31] [29,31] [steelBow,Vulnerary] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Soldier Heintz Level(12,Enemy,True) [36,28] [36,28] [steelSpear,Javelin] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Fighter Heintz Level(12,Enemy,True) [37,28] [37,28] [steelAxe,Vulnerary] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Archer Heintz Level(12,Enemy,True) [41,31] [41,31] [steelBow,Longbow] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Mage Heintz Level(12,Enemy,True) [41,32] [41,32] [Thunder,Vulnerary] NoAI UNIT Empty ScaredSoldiers: UNIT 0xBA Warrior Heintz Level(1,Enemy,True) [36,33] [36,33] [KillerAxe,KillerBow,Vulnerary] GuardTile UNIT 0xBF NomadTrooper Heintz Level(1,Enemy,True) [36,33] [37,34] [steelSword,SteelBow,Vulnerary] AttackInRange UNIT 0xBF NomadTrooper Heintz Level(1,Enemy,True) [36,33] [35,34] [steelSword,SteelBow,Vulnerary] AttackInRange UNIT Empty GladeUnit: UNIT 0xBA Paladin 0x00 Level(1,NPC,True) [37,19] [36,33] [silverSpear] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Cavalier 0x00 Level(1,NPC,True) [37,18] [35,34] [silverSword] NoAI UNIT 0xBA Cavalier 0x00 Level(1,NPC,True) [37,17] [36,34] [silverSpear] NoAI UNIT 0xBA NomadTrooper 0x00 Level(1,NPC,True) [37,16] [37,34] [silverBow] NoAI UNIT Good: UNIT Lyn_t EliwoodLord 0x00 Level(1,Ally,False) [13,2] [13,2] [Rapier,IronSword,Vulnerary] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00] UNIT Heath HectorLord 0x00 Level(7,Ally,False) [40,3] [40,3] [LightBrand,SteelSword,Vulnerary] NoAI UNIT Raven Cavalier Heath Level(12,Ally,False) [41,4] [41,4] [steelSpear,IronSword,Vulnerary] NoAI UNIT Priscilla Troubadour Heath Level(5,Ally,False) [39,4] [39,4] [Heal,Mend,Elixir,DoorKey] NoAI UNIT Lucius Mage Lyn_t Level(6,Ally,False) [40,5] [40,5] [Thunder,Vulnerary] NoAI UNIT Marcus Paladin Lyn_t Level(5,NPC,False) [12,1] [12,1] [steelSword,IronSpear] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00] UNIT Sain Myrmidon_F Lyn_t Level(1,NPC,False) [11,0] [11,0] [ironSword,Vulnerary] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00] UNIT Serra Cleric Lyn_t Level(1,NPC,False) [13,0] [13,0] [Heal,Vulnerary] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00] UNIT Kent Myrmidon Lyn_t Level(1,NPC,False) [14,1] [14,1] [ironSword,Vulnerary] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00] UNIT Lowen Cavalier Lyn_t Level(3,NPC,False) [15,2] [15,2] [ironSword,Vulnerary] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00] UNIT Rath Nomad Lyn_t Level(3,NPC,False) [14,3] [14,3] [ironBow,Vulnerary] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00] UNIT Bartre Fighter Zugu Level(10,NPC,False) [16,1] [16,1] [ironAxe,HandAxe,Vulnerary] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00] UNIT Nino Mage_F Elbert Level(1,NPC,False) [15,0] [15,0] [Lightning] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00] UNIT Oswin Cavalier Carjiga Level(12,NPC,False) [16,3] [16,3] [steelAxe,Vulnerary] GuardTile UNIT Karel Swordmaster 0x00 Level(2,Ally,False) [17,2] [17,2] [steelSword,Vulnerary] NoAI UNIT Empty Turn_events: TurnEventPlayer(0x00,Fadeout,1) TurnEventPlayer(0x00,TactAppear,2) TurnEventPlayer(0x00,AlsterRein1,5) TurnEventPlayer(0x00,DarnaReinforcements,5) TurnEventPlayer(0x00,DarnaReinforcements,6) TurnEventPlayer(0x00,DarnaReinforcements,7) TurnEventPlayer(0x00,DarnaReinforcements,8) TurnEventPlayer(0x00,MelgenRein2,3,99) TurnEventPlayer(0x22,SoldiersFreakOut,1,99) TurnEventPlayer(0x00,AlsterRein2,6,99) TURN Character_events: CharacterEvent(0x08,CeliceAless,Lyn_t,Guy) CharacterEventBothWays(0x0E,AlessLeen,Guy,Ninian) CharacterEvent(0x23,ArthurTinny,Erk,Rebecca) CharacterEvent(0x25,CeliceLeaf,Lyn_t,Heath) CHAR Location_events: Village(0x07,TactVillage,37,10) Armory(ArmoryData1,10,4) Vendor(VendorData1,9,5) Seize(0x0D,DarnaSeize,2,2) Armory(ArmoryData2,4,0) Vendor(VendorData2,5,0) Village(0x15,Village2,33,13) Village(0x16,Village3,29,14) Village(0x17,Village4,25,17) Village(0x18,Village5,41,21) Seize(0x19,MelgenSeize,2,34) Armory(ArmoryData3,35,15) Vendor(VendorData3,34,15) Seize(0x27,Ending_event,36,33) House(0x28,House1,15,3) House(0x29,House2,8,16) House(0x2A,House3,10,23) House(0x2B,House4,4,30) House(0x2C,House5,28,4) House(0x2D,House6,36,14) House(0x2E,House7,20,15) House(0x2F,House8,37,19) House(0x30,House9,27,24) LOCA Misc_events: CauseGameOverIfLordDies AREA 0x12 MelgenRein [0,19] [12,35] AFEV 0x21 TinnyAppears 0x19 AFEV Opening_event: CAM1 [35,5] CMOF OOBB LOU1 FinCut ENUN CURF [40,3] FADI 10 BACG 0x14 FADU 10 TEX1 0x868 REMA MOVE [40,3] [41,4] ENUN LOU1 LeafNannaCut LensterNPCut ENUN CURF Heath TEX1 0x869 REMA CAM1 [35,31] MUS1 0x0050 CURF [36,33] FADI 10 BACG 0x14 FADU 10 TEX1 0x86A REMA LOU1 BaratCut ENUN LOU1 BlumeCut ENUN WarpOut(Lundgren) LOU1 KempfCut ENUN CMON CURF Heintz TEX1 0x86B REMA FADI 10 CAM1 [6,31] FADU 10 CURF [2,34] FADI 10 BACG 0x10 FADU 10 TEX1 0x86C REMA FADI 10 CAM1 [7,5] FADU 10 CURF [2,2] FADI 10 BACG 0x36 FADU 10 TEX1 0x86D REMA LOU1 AlessCut ENUN CURF Groznyi TEX1 0x86E REMA MUS1 0x0057 LOU1 LevinCut ENUN CURF Lyn_t FADI 10 BACG 0x1C FADU 10 TEX1 0x871 REMA ENDB Ending_event: MUS1 0x0039 FADI 10 CAM1 [35,31] UnitClear REMA FADU 10 CURF [36,33] FADI 10 BACG 0x14 FADU 10 TEX1 0x88E REMA CMOF LOU1 GladeUnit ENUN CURF [36,33] MUS1 0x0043 FADI 10 BACG 0x14 FADU 10 TEX1 0x88F REMA ITGC Heath EarthSeal MNCH 0x06 STAL 1 _0x1 ENDA Fadeout: CMOF LOU1 LensterAlly ENUN OOBB ENDA TactAppear: CAM1 [35,10] CURF [37,10] MUS1 0x0033 FADI 10 BACG 0x02 FADU 10 TEX1 0x86F REMA ENDA TactVillage: MUS2 0x0042 FADI 10 BACG 0x02 FADU 10 TEX1 0x870 REMA LOU1 MyUnit ENUN MURE 5 ENDA CeliceAless: MUS2 0x0042 TEX1 0x875 REMA TurnAlly(Guy) MURE 5 ENDA DarnaSeize: MUS2 0x003C FADI 10 BACG 0x10 FADU 10 TEX1 0x876 FADI 10 BACG 0x1B FADU 10 TEX1 0x877 REMA LOU1 LeenRein ENUN MURE 5 ENDA AlessLeen: TEX1 0x87A REMA ITGC Guy KillingEdge ENDA DarnaReinforcements: IFET 0x01 0x0D LOU1 DarnaRein ENUN ELSE 0x02 ENIF 0x01 ENIF 0x02 ENDA MelgenRein: CAM1 Zagan MUS2 0x0053 CURF Zagan TEX1 0x87B REMA CMOF LOU1 MelReinforcements ENUN CMON MURE 5 ENDA MelgenRein2: IFEF 0x06 0x12 IFET 0x08 0x19 LOU1 MelCastleRein ENUN ELSE 0x09 ENIF 0x08 ENIF 0x09 ELSE 0x07 ENIF 0x06 ENIF 0x07 ENDA Village2: MUS2 0x006A FADI 10 BACG 0x02 FADU 10 TEX1 0x0882 REMA ITGV Physic MURE 5 ENDA Village3: FADI 10 BACG 0x02 FADU 10 TEX1 0x0883 REMA ITGV KillerAxe ENDA Village4: IFET 0x04 0x67 FADI 10 BACG 0x02 FADU 10 TEX1 0x0884 REMA ITGV EarthSeal ELSE 0x05 ENIF 0x04 TEX1 0x886 REMA ENIF 0x05 ENDA Village5: FADI 10 BACG 0x02 FADU 10 TEX1 0x0885 REMA ITGV AngelicRobe ENDA MelgenSeize: MUS2 0x0039 FADI 10 BACG 0x10 FADU 10 TEX1 0x888 REMA MURE 5 ENDA TinnyAppears: IFET 0x10 0x20 MUS2 0x0053 CAM1 Heintz CURF Heintz FADI 10 BACG 0x14 FADU 10 TEX1 0x889 REMA LOU1 AlsterMages ENUN LOU1 LensterArmors ENUN MOVE [36,33] [30,31] ENUN CHAI Heintz NoAI MURE 5 ELSE 0x11 ENIF 0x10 ENIF 0x11 ENDA AlsterRein1: IFET 0x0C 0x0B LOU1 BaratRein ENUN ELSE 0x0D ENIF 0x0C ENIF 0x0D ENDA AlsterRein2: IFEF 0x12 0x21 LOU1 AlsterUnits ENUN ELSE 0x13 ENIF 0x12 ENIF 0x13 ENDA SoldiersFreakOut: IFEF 0x14 0x21 MUS2 0x0032 CAM1 [35,31] CURF [36,33] FADI 10 BACG 0x14 FADU 10 TEX1 0x88A REMA LOU1 ScaredSoldiers ENUN MURE 5 ELSE 0x15 ENIF 0x14 ENUF 0x22 ENIF 0x15 ENDA ArthurTinny: MUS2 0x0042 TEX1 0x88B REMA TurnAlly(Rebecca) MURE 5 ENDA CeliceLeaf: MUS2 0x0043 TEX1 0x88C REMA MURE 5 ENDA House1: FADI 10 BACG 0x01 FADU 10 TEX1 0x892 REMA ENUF 0x28 ENDA House2: FADI 10 BACG 0x01 FADU 10 TEX1 0x893 REMA ENUF 0x29 ENDA House3: FADI 10 BACG 0x01 FADU 10 TEX1 0x894 REMA ENUF 0x2A ENDA House4: FADI 10 BACG 0x01 FADU 10 TEX1 0x895 REMA ENUF 0x2B ENDA House5: FADI 10 BACG 0x01 FADU 10 TEX1 0x896 REMA ENUF 0x2C ENDA House6: FADI 10 BACG 0x01 FADU 10 TEX1 0x897 REMA ENUF 0x2D ENDA House7: FADI 10 BACG 0x01 FADU 10 TEX1 0x898 REMA ENUF 0x2E ENDA House8: FADI 10 BACG 0x01 FADU 10 TEX1 0x899 REMA ENUF 0x2F ENDA House9: FADI 10 BACG 0x01 FADU 10 TEX1 0x89A REMA ENUF 0x30 ENDA ArmoryData1: SHLI IronSword IronSpear IronAxe IronBow ALIGN 4 CODE $00 VendorData1: SHLI Fire Lightning Heal Vulnerary ALIGN 4 CODE $00 ArmoryData2: SHLI SteelSword Armourslayer HeavySpear Javelin HandAxe SteelBow ALIGN 4 CODE $00 VendorData2: SHLI Thunder Flux Mend Vulnerary PureWater ALIGN 4 CODE $00 ArmoryData3: SHLI SteelSword SteelSpear Javelin SteelAxe HandAxe SteelBow ALIGN 4 CODE $00 VendorData3: SHLI Fire Thunder Lightning Flux Heal Mend Vulnerary PureWater ALIGN 4 CODE $00 BallistaData: BLST [0,31] 0x34 BLST [4,31] 0x34 BLST [24,3] 0x34 BLST [20,7] 0x34 BLST [34,30] 0x34 BLST [38,30] 0x34 BLST [8,14] 0x34 BLST ALIGN 4 CODE $00 MESSAGE Events end at offset currentOffset //The map for this chapter is at offset: ???????? [spoiler=Nightmare] There were a few things in the Chapter 5 script I took out before posting, but it were only talk convos and a village.
  8. Sure. [spoiler=Events] #define DISABLE_TUTORIALS #include EAstdlib.event EventPointerTable(0x25,Pointers) org 0xD84900 Pointers: POIN Turn_events POIN Character_events POIN Location_events POIN Misc_events POIN BallistaData BallistaData POIN Bad Bad Bad Bad POIN Good Good Good Good POIN Opening_event Ending_event Bad: UNIT Erik General_F 0x00 Level(9,Enemy,False) [14,29] [14,29] [silverAxe,HandAxe,Elixir] AttackInRange UNIT GladeUnit: UNIT 0x7A Paladin 0x00 Level(10,NPC,False) [19,5] [19,5] [silverSpear,Javelin,Vulnerary] AttackInRange UNIT OifeyCut: UNIT Marcus Paladin Lyn_t Level(5,Ally,False) [19,19] [19,10] [steelSword,IronSpear] NoAI UNIT DonarCut: UNIT Erik General_F 0x00 Level(9,NPC,False) [19,18] [19,10] [silverAxe,HandAxe,Elixir] AttackInRange UNIT CelCut: UNIT Lyn_t EliwoodLord 0x00 Level(1,Ally,False) [19,9] [19,9] [Rapier,IronSword,Vulnerary] NoAI UNIT 0x7A Sage 0x00 Level(1,NPC,False) [20,9] [20,9] [Fire] NoAI UNIT Heath HectorLord Lyn_t Level(7,Ally,False) [18,9] [18,9] [LightBrand,SteelSword,Vulnerary] NoAI UNIT Good: UNIT Lyn_t EliwoodLord 0x00 Level(1,Ally,False) [19,3] [19,3] [Rapier,IronSword,Vulnerary] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00] UNIT Heath HectorLord 0x00 Level(7,Ally,False) [18,4] [18,4] [LightBrand,SteelSword,Vulnerary] NoAI UNIT Raven Cavalier Heath Level(12,Ally,False) [19,5] [19,5] [steelSpear,IronSword,Vulnerary] NoAI UNIT Priscilla Troubadour Heath Level(5,Ally,False) [18,11] [18,11] [Heal,Mend,Elixir,DoorKey] NoAI UNIT Lucius Mage Lyn_t Level(6,Ally,False) [20,12] [20,12] [Thunder,Vulnerary] NoAI UNIT Marcus Paladin Lyn_t Level(5,Ally,False) [19,14] [19,14] [steelSword,IronSpear] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00] UNIT Sain Myrmidon_F Lyn_t Level(1,Ally,False) [24,15] [24,15] [ironSword,Vulnerary] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00] UNIT Serra Cleric Lyn_t Level(1,Ally,False) [23,9] [23,9] [Heal,Vulnerary] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00] UNIT Kent Myrmidon Lyn_t Level(1,Ally,False) [27,6] [27,6] [ironSword,Vulnerary] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00] UNIT Lowen Cavalier Lyn_t Level(3,Ally,False) [13,11] [13,11] [ironSword,Vulnerary] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00] UNIT Rath Nomad Lyn_t Level(3,Ally,False) [7,8] [7,8] [ironBow,Vulnerary] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00] UNIT Bartre Fighter Zugu Level(10,Ally,False) [5,10] [5,10] [ironAxe,HandAxe,Vulnerary] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00] UNIT Nino Mage_F Elbert Level(1,Ally,False) [2,12] [2,12] [Lightning] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00] UNIT Oswin Cavalier Carjiga Level(12,Ally,False) [18,16] [18,16] [steelAxe,Vulnerary] GuardTile UNIT Karel Swordmaster 0x00 Level(2,Ally,False) [8,9] [8,9] [steelSword,Vulnerary] NoAI UNIT Turn_events: TurnEventPlayer(0x00,Fadeout,1) TURN Character_events: CHAR Location_events: LOCA Misc_events: CauseGameOverIfLordDies AFEV Opening_event: LOU1 CelCut ENUN CAM1 [19,11] CMOF OOBB CURF [19,9] FADI 10 BACG 0x10 FADU 10 TEX1 0x89D REMA LOU1 OifeyCut ENUN CURF [19,10] FADI 10 BACG 0x10 FADU 10 TEX1 0x89E REMA MOVE [19,10] [19,19] ENUN LOU1 DonarCut MOVE [19,19] [19,11] ENUN CURF [19,10] FADI 10 BACG 0x10 FADU 10 TEX1 0x89F REMA TurnEnemy(Erik) TEX1 0x8A0 REMA MOVE Erik [19,19] ENUN ENDB Fadeout: CMOF LOU1 GladeUnit ENUN OOBB ENDA Ending_event: //MNCH 0x?? //STAL 1 //_0x1 ENDA BallistaData: BLST MESSAGE Events end at offset currentOffset //The map for this chapter is at offset: ???????? [spoiler=Nightmare] Most things in Nightmare I haven't changed yet, and the events are obviously incomplete since I was only testing a barebones opening event (that is also incomplete).
  9. //Go to preparations screen #ifdef _FE7_ #define GotoPrepScreen "ENDB" #endif ENDB and GotoPrepScreen are the same thing. So that's not the solution.
  10. Small question, but could anyone tell me why the prep screen isn't working on this chapter? In the events, I have this: [spoiler=Event] Opening_event: LOU1 CelCut ENUN CAM1 [19,11] CMOF OOBB CURF [19,9] FADI 10 BACG 0x10 FADU 10 TEX1 0x89D REMA LOU1 OifeyCut ENUN CURF [19,10] FADI 10 BACG 0x10 FADU 10 TEX1 0x89E REMA MOVE [19,10] [19,19] ENUN LOU1 DonarCut MOVE [19,19] [19,11] ENUN CURF [19,10] FADI 10 BACG 0x10 FADU 10 TEX1 0x89F REMA TurnEnemy(Erik) TEX1 0x8A0 REMA MOVE Erik [19,19] ENUN ENDB While on Nightmare, I have the preparation screen enabled. This is strange since I've done the same exact thing for every one of the previous chapters, but had no trouble at all until this one. When I play, the opening event goes all right until after Erik moves, at which the screen fades out like it's going into the prep screen, yet it remains black and doesn't progress any further. Any reason for why this is happening?
  11. Marcia's recruitment in C3 depends on the mode: IIRC correctly on NM she costs 1 turn, but on HM she doesn't (due to the boss's Hand Axe), but maybe there's a 2 turn strat for HM. Then there's C9, which with a Titania only team can be done in 5 turns in NM, and I think the same in HM. Marcia's recruitment means a seize on turn 7/8 (I'm quite sure it can be done in 7, but every playlog that rercuits Marcia that I checked gets 8 or more). Then in C11, Jill requires waiting until turn 5, which on a Titania only team means no cost, while having someone else (Oscar, Mordecai, Lethe IIRC) means an earlier arriving is possible. Marcia can also get you 4 turns here if BEXP is allowed, and maybe if it isn't (not sure here). But in the end, they are quite even. It ends up on whether there's BEXP restrictions: if there aren't, Marcia can give you back every turn she took plus a few more, but if they exist, then it's much closer and both are about equally good.
  12. Well, it depends on how you take the meaning of the thread. I saw it as "If I was the first one to choose, who should I get?", and then the comparison I made is correct: choosing Jill means getting a difference between 0 and 6 turns in C12 if compared to choosing Marcia. Even if BEXP is restricted, Marcia still gets you a few turns off C12 compared to what Jill requires (for example, she could lure the boss so Titania can face it earlier, or something like that). But like I said, it's very close between them, and in my opinion Marcia does end up edging out due to her earlygame advantages.
  13. 9 is Marcia, since the turns Marcia costs to recruit (0 or 1 in C3, 3 in C9) are less than the ones Jill takes (1 or 2 in C11, 6 in C12), while providing pretty much the same combat parameters for the rest of the game (Jill eventually becomes slightly better due to highter STR plus forged Hand Axes allow for more ORKOs on tougher enemies).
  14. I'm not sure on this since I haven't played SS in a long time, but couldn't you get a Berserk staff, cast it on a Gorgon that has Stone, make it cast it on an enemy, and then use Eclipse on it? Again, I'm not sure if this would work since maybe berserked enemies don't use Stone or some other weird thing could happen.
  15. Managed to get it right by fiddling around with Nightmare, by making most of the pointers the same as the Paladin's ones. Though that Nintenlord patch seems interesting, I'll definetely look into it. Anyway, thanks.
  16. Thanks a lot, it worked. Oh yes, another thing that came to my mind: What controls exactly the sound the unit makes upon moving?
  17. Ok, so I've never had (much) problems inserting FE8 map sprites into FE7, but today I think I've met my enemy. I was trying to get the FE8 GK into FE7, and everything works so far, except for the animation that plays when you select a unit with the cursor. Rather than looking ok, the character is off center and there's some small graphical glitches, as seen in the next pic. This only happens for that specific animation, as all the moving around animations play normally without any graphical errors. The image I imported is the next one, in which I can't see any reason for it to behave like this: [spoiler=Pic] So, does anyone know why this is happening, and what I need to do to fix it?
  18. [spoiler=English version]What you need to do is add a command that triggers an event ID after each version of the village visit. Something like this. VillaLilina: MUS2 FE46Theme FADI 16 HIDEMAP BACG 0x2 FADU 16 SHOWMAP IFCA 0x0 0x01 Hector TEX1 0xB18 ELSE 0x02 ENIF 0x01 IFCA 0x0 0x03 Eliwood TEX1 0xB13 ENUT EventID //The event ID required to be able to activate the character event ENIF 0x02 ELSE 0x04 ENIF 0x03 IFCA 0x0 0x05 Florina TEX1 0xAFF ENUT EventID //The event ID required to be able to activate the character event ENIF 0x04 ELSE 0x06 ENIF 0x05 IFCA 0x0 0x07 Roy TEX1 0xB0B ENUT EventID //The event ID required to be able to activate the character event ENIF 0x06 ELSE 0x08 ENIF 0x07 TEX1 0xB00 ENUT EventID //The event ID required to be able to activate the character event ENIF 0x08 REMA MUNO LOU1 Lilina_U ENUN ENDA As you can see, that Event ID isn't present in the Hector version of the village, so him visiting stops the player from using the talk command for that conversation. Then, for the conversation between both characters, you add the condition. CHAR EventID HectorLilina Hector Lilina EventID(the one triggered with the ENUT command) Which would make the talk option only available if the character who visited the village wasn't Hector. Also note that depending on the version of the Event Assembler you're using, instead of ENUT you may need to use ENUF. If one doesn't work, just try the other. [spoiler=Spanish version]Lo que tienes que hacer es agregar el comando que hace que se active el ID de algun event, y que la conversación de Hector y Lilina esté ligada a ese ID. Algo como: VillaLilina: MUS2 FE46Theme FADI 16 HIDEMAP BACG 0x2 FADU 16 SHOWMAP IFCA 0x0 0x01 Hector TEX1 0xB18 ELSE 0x02 ENIF 0x01 IFCA 0x0 0x03 Eliwood TEX1 0xB13 ENUT EventID //La ID que se necesita para ver la conversación. ENIF 0x02 ELSE 0x04 ENIF 0x03 IFCA 0x0 0x05 Florina TEX1 0xAFF ENUT EventID //La ID que se necesita para ver la conversación. ENIF 0x04 ELSE 0x06 ENIF 0x05 IFCA 0x0 0x07 Roy TEX1 0xB0B ENUT EventID //La ID que se necesita para ver la conversación. ENIF 0x06 ELSE 0x08 ENIF 0x07 TEX1 0xB00 ENUT EventID //La ID que se necesita para ver la conversación. ENIF 0x08 REMA MUNO LOU1 Lilina_U ENUN ENDA Para la versión de Hector no se pone el comando y la ID para que si él entrara, no se viera la conversación. Y despues, en el evento de la conversación: CHAR EventID HectorLilina Hector Lilina ID(la activada con ENUT) Con eso queda de que esta conversación sólo esta disponible si fue alguien distinto a Hector quien entró en la villa. También, dependiendo de la versión del Event Assembler que estes usando, puede que en vez de ENUT tengas que usar ENUF. Si una no funciona, simplemente usa la otra.
  19. It's not hard. For all the village conversations barring Hector's, make it so an event ID is triggered after it's finished. Then add a character event that is only available if that certain ID is triggered, that way you will ensure that it won't appear if Hector does the visiting. I could explain it in spanish in needed.
  20. Yeah, I'm not very happy with those doors either. While the roof option doesn't look good, I tried using the stairs while also trying changing them to small doors. Which one of these looks the best?
  21. This is an idea I got after playing FE5 again. [spoiler=Tilechanges] As a concept, it is played by an army split in three parts. In the middle section of the map, you have the captain of the army plus some NPCs, while in the other two corridors you have groups of about 4 or 5 units each, with no interaction with eachother until near the end of the map. As for the objective, the NPC army moves towards the center, unitl they reach the two doors, each guarded by a boss. Killing both of them results in the walls next to the throne coming down, allowing an attack on the real boss. Meanwhile, the other two teams try to get to the top while being chased by reinforcements, more if they start opening doors.
  22. Did you download the ones on this thread? Because I just checked and it's there. FE7 Nightmare Modules -> Event Modules -> FE7 Event References.nmm
  23. Thanks. It's just the normal nomad sprite. Probably looks like that due to my poor palette choice with Lester (I'll change it sometime). Thanks. The mage sisters aren't in this chapter so I don't overload the player (You're already fighting about 6 bosses). However, this doesn't mean they won't appear at all. Remember that in the original FE4 they appeared in 2 chapters. About the HP cap, I don't know if that is possible right now, but if it is, I'll add it. And just for shits and giggles. inb4 why is tinny pink Oh yes, I forgot. I'm in need of people who can make mugs in the FE5 style. If you can help, please say so.
  24. Hi. After much time where I either didn't work on this due to other doing other things, or just not wanting to work on it, I finished Chapter 5. A few pics to tease. It was a complete hell getting it done, but at the very least you can get an hour at the very least of gameplay on this single chapter (and that's the time I take, people who aren't aware of reinforcements or other things can take even longer). Now to move on to the next chapters, which are thankfully much shorter, which means they won't take MONTHS to get done (sure, I could have finished this much earlier, but I'm lazy).
  25. Confirmed by Nintendo. I wasn't able to get any ingame screenshots since I didn't react fast enough. Guess Fire Emblem isn't dead after all.
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