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Posts posted by Dahveed

  1. Actually, the mercenary line has potentially unlimited promotions.

    I believe it goes mercenary - > sword master - > magic knight - > villager - > one of four promotions, one of which is mercenary - > repeat cycle as much as you like.

    I also believe cavaliers (who are simply called knights in the J2E translation) have two more promotions. I believe it goes knight - > paladin - > gold knight.

    A villager can promote to either a mercenary, knight, archer or soldier (not sure I remember which), or a magician. Like I stated above, the mercenary path has unlimited promotions.

  2. FE 2 does indeed have a secret easy mode. I believe you hold down select at the game file select screen while you are selecting your file.

    Alm in FE 2 rocks. He has high HP, pretty good defense, reasonable speed, and good power. He is pretty much your best fighter, at least in the early phases of the game. He still rocks later in the game. I guess his only weakness is he only promotes once, as opposed to the villagers, who can potentially promote several times.

  3. and Azel shouldn't be getting attacked anyway

    I'm not too deep into the game, but I've seen packs of archers and bandits with hand axes in extremely large numbers. I don't see how you could position Azel wtihout getting counterattacked. It's almost impossible, unless you let him hit the last unit in the bunch.

    And I agree that his low movement should be a severe penalty due to the size of the chapters.

    This is coming from a guy who loves magic users, but even I gotta agree that Azel is lower mid.

  4. I don't think it's worth it. For one, like others said, you could get as much if not more exp from killing enemies. Second, you'd miss out on treasure. I don't recall anything too useful from that chapter, but I like plundering the chests anyway. Put those lazy thieves to work.

  5. Hello, my name is Dahveed. I've been a fan of the series ever since Blazing Sword hit U.S. shores. I collect all the games and as much paraphernalia as I can get my paws on. I've played 1-9, but haven't played 10 because I don't have a Wii yet. I've also finished 7-9.

    Besides Fire Emlbem, I uhhh..... there are things to do besides play Fire Emblem?

    Just kidding. I also enjoy reading, fishing, chess, and Texas hold em poker.

    I look forward to getting to know you all and talking about this great series.

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