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Posts posted by GermanTacos

  1. Just wanted to note this: I have Lucina without a shield on my special edition thanks to some save editing, she has no supports and cannot be recruited after a castle battle.

    Additionally, I had Hinoka in my conquest save without a shield, she also had no supports. I didn't check if she could be recruited. (I changed her to Lucina)

    How do you mean no supports? Is she absent from the supports list, or just grayed out due to lack of supports?

  2. How is "Or you could just be happy with the fact that there's already LGBT relationships in the game?" related in any way to hacking?

    Anyway, I'm going to drop it, as I don't want to derail this thread further, but you should really take some time to reflect on what you've said here, and why people would find it offensive.

    On topic - I have a question regarding support editing hacks. I know that if you load the game without applying the hack, the supports will change to whatever support they were originally mapped to. I'm curious if anyone knows what people see online, through checking S-Ranks on your game card? Curious as to what exactly the server is doing as the middleman, whether it's passing along actual detail (hacked game 1 said character A and B, so everyone sees A and B) or if it's just passing some ID that the game interprets based on its data files? (hacked game 1 said A and B, but the underlying IDs match to Y and Z, so everyone sees Y and Z)

    I'm planning on testing it myself but wanted to know if anyone had done so. Thanks!

    You can continue being an ass all you'd like, but I don't really care, so if you could stop, that'd be nice.

    Anyway, is that Robin over the Corrin in the picture? Or somebody else?

  3. Glad this topic could get back on track.

    But yeah. This is a hacking topic and only a hacking topic.

    I was discussing something related to hacking, however for some reason it was derailed by some people who had to interject their opinions.

    But anyway, how far are we in terms of file replacement hacks? For example, replacing someone's portrait with another, or just adding new ones in?

  4. I don't care about kids, I totally accept that it's a biological impossibility, that it's a world with magic is whatever, I don't care about kids. I just want to be able to experience more of the game's content, especially given how much effort they put into this area, while still playing as myself (because it halfway defeats the purpose of the system otherwise) I have zero interest in Rhajat--the experience would still not be what it was intended to be if I can't stand my partner.

    (combining my previous points, yes, Kanna is content, but I'm already getting other kids, so I'm basically missing one chapter, that's not a big deal by comparison)

    Besides that, whether or not it's even a good idea to do from a gameplay standpoint, this is the FE:if Hacking Topic, the point is to hack FE:if, and this is a proposed hack to FE:if. If you're against working with the game and seeking out knowledge about its hacking-ness, why are you here? It's cheating to RAMhack the entire convoy to have 99 of every item, but the ability to do that can lead to other important discoveries, never mind the people who are okay with cheating within their own games (of which there are many)

    I tried to find a point to this post and I seriously, honestly couldn't.

  5. Wow.. Homophobic much?

    This is a thread about hacking the game.

    They did not provide sufficient support for gay marriage in this game, hence why people are seeking ways to properly hack it into the game.

    Could you please keep your bigotry out of this thread? Thank you.

    1. I am not homophobic. I never mentioned anything about being against gay people in this thread or even on this entire website. I'm saying having something that is physically impossible and avoiding a core feature of the game is cheating. I'm not a bigot, you're an ass.

  6. lol what.

    how is that cheating in any way shape or form.

    furthermore I don't really see how gay marriage is a gamble either.

    Gamble was the wrong word, sorry. More like 'that's what you sign up for'.

    The point of a GAY RELATIONSHIP is that you DON'T HAVE KIDS because it's PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE.

  7. yeah, and you get screwed out of kids.

    which is fine since m!kana sucks, but the loss of nina is a tragedy.

    e: also there's no such thing as too much gay

    You don't get screwed out of kids, that's what you sign up for. I absolutely hate the people that try to add kids for gay relationships, it's cheating.

  8. So uh obviously the easiest way to hack more gay Kamui options is ROMhacking their support data. Problem being, if you then run the game without homebrew, I'm pretty sure it demotes you to A (it did in Awakening)

    So what about a way to make, for example, a male Kamui to marry a female unit, but with RAMhacking change Kamui's graphics/sound to be female? Or am I just stupid-dreaming...

    Or you could just be happy with the fact that there's already LGBT relationships in the game?

  9. I've seen somewhere a hack that added two Morgans to the paralogue where you recruit him/her. I can't remember if it was a RAM hack or a ROM hack, but I'd definitely like to be able to use it alongside the Philia hack to have a larger endgame team, if possible.

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