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Everything posted by Ebony

  1. i had a dream last night where i bit into a snickers bar it was filled with organs and was beating i kept eating it until i got to the last bite and offered it to a guy next to me, who refused it due to the fact he "doesn't want to turn gay"
  2. I voted M!Morgan and Noire. My momma bias I guess. And Noire is just adorable.
  3. i dont know how to feel when ill be sitting in my chair in silence and the first thing that comes to mind is the wind blows hard in december-
  4. serenes stop reposting everything i say
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZvmY_O2GM4&feature=youtu.be
  6. oh fuck i remember being a little baby (okay not literally) and listening to that song i still kinda remember the lyrics and i havent listened to it in upwards of 7 years notto bad
  7. its okay ill confess something too to help you i have had a babymetal song on repeat for the past 3 hours
  8. surprisingly i was never much into dark souls, i wouldn't have tried bloodborne if it weren't for the horror elements and the weapons in it that and the fact its less defensive then dark souls and faster paced, i'm use to faster games (ie dmc, bayonetta) so i can enjoy bloodborne more then dark souls
  9. but i am hooman and i enjoy doing hooman things
  10. yeah i figured, thing is it keeps happening only when i'm trying to change my rank and it usually won't let me even after i confirm i'm a bot
  11. i can't even change my rank because i keep getting messages asking me if im a bot @Jyosua i need ur halp, persona-
  12. it'll probably be alright playing bloodborne again i forgot how fun this game can be when i'm not hating myself due to a single boss
  13. yep the wheel was a thing in berserk im 99% sure
  14. honestly i don't know if i can say i have an "ideal husbando" my boyfriend is the closest thing to it /trying not to be sappy also since i havent been here in a while, fuck mercury
  15. its alright we all have our husbandos/waifus that no one understands
  16. whos the dad/other mom is it gawain i havent played either tbh, but i guess ill throw in my 2 cents for smt4a
  17. i got rama later and then raised bedi so it was fine
  18. the best part about this game is i can kill eldritch gods with a wooden wheel
  19. did i ever tell you how the first camelot roll i got 2 lancelots on my first roll
  20. its already ended here day was fine though i ended up sleeping a bunch due to not sleeping the night before played bloodborne so today was already a step above average
  21. Aesthetically? Hmm... Ryoma, Niles, and Laslow. That's my final answer and I'm locking in. Ryoma has a pleasant voice, really wicked armor, and I think his hair color (and mane in general) are all pleasing. Niles is Niles. Laslow has an accent and in general his personality, now that it's matured, is adorable. Shigure I'd say but honestly now I find him less "attractive" and more "incredibly huggable." As for the girls, that'd be Oboro, Selena, and Beruka. Oboro has that lovely blue hair and really good outfit coordination as befitting her character. Honestly I think even her scary face is kinda adorable. Selena is a case in that I really didn't care for Severa even design wise, but I adore Selena. The mercenary armor in this game is stellar, her red hair is gorgeous, and her personality has mellowed out enough she's enjoyable. Beruka... is possibly a guilty pleasure? I think design wise she's simple, but it works really well. Her voice is surprisingly soft, it's kind of something I didn't see coming but didn't hate the end result of, her hair color is lovely, and I love the whole assassin-but-a-wyvern-rider thing she has going on. Something something, Solid Snake. Sakura and Elise are good too, but more in a way that I want to hug and protect them both for being adorable.
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