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Everything posted by Ebony

  1. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE now i have to listen to that song again
  2. WHAT DOES THIS SAY monsoon? is that you?
  3. All of my humor revolves around self depreciation so I'm worried about the day I stop being depressed I won't be funny anymore.
  4. I like to think I have a good sense of humor. Then I realize I watch Nostalgia Critic.
  5. I'd describe it as "I can't dress the way i want to because money."
  6. All I mentally hear when I see your icon is this
  7. want a burger? you can have onions on it
  8. I thought that said hitting on him and I can't tell which is worse.
  9. I'm disappointed Rhajat wasn't the number one for Forrest. I didn't expect to like it, but it ended up being cute. And kinda funny, they both had pink hair. (Sakura!Forrest and Felicia!Rhajat.)
  10. yeah i think i'll play kingdom hearts 2 in a bit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2e7bX2oVlQ the best
  11. i liked most of the bosses ;w; at least in the sequel
  12. best touhou fangame is touhouvania maybe not the best but my favorite also holy cow my interest in fef was murdered along with kaze now i have nothing to play i have like 16 video games but NOTHING TO PLAY
  13. i forgot to a rank kaze on birthright and i'm about to cry i have to restart well i am glad you laughed
  14. hey man onions on burgers are amazing
  15. interesting read but i'm still going to have to debate with myself after i'm done eating this burger with onion i like onion but only on burgers...
  16. well i'm not gonna just not vote tbh, as easy as it'd be it doesn't feel right might as well read this while i have time on my hands and basically nothing but time i don't really have hope any of this will change, but i've always been in the downer state of mind
  17. tbh i'm more interested in just blocking trump from presidency then anything else, but that is just me is this aimed at "does one vote even matter, so don't vote" or am i reading it wrong? i know, it was kinda a joke, it's pretty cringy as hell though
  18. i would love to but the alternatives are third party who won't get enough votes to matter or trump
  19. please... stop making it hard to vote for you... please...
  20. Soleil x Forrest huh? protect that poor boy at least its better then the jp version...
  21. I mean... I know... I'm still gonna do it because I personally enjoy it...
  22. Honestly my favorite super was one of Squiggly's. It was the one with the coffin. I like it mostly because the lines they say during it are sick.
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