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Everything posted by roymbrog

  1. OoC: I've got to get some stuff done today so I will (hopefully) be scarce. I'll try to pop in and post thing though instead of disappearing for two days. Synthia nodded and walked closer to show what she had written down. “May I have some tea? I lost my voice.” --- Valter only shook his head. He was merely here as an escort, and beyond getting out of the rain, hadn’t planned to impose on Glen’s hospitality. It was part of the reason he hadn’t bothered introducing himself, though he was starting to get the feeling his presence in general was making this visit a little awkward.
  2. Valter followed inside and took in his new surroundings. There were a couple of books scattered around, but not anything he considered unusual. An academic, perhaps? His musing was cut short as Joanna’s attention turned to him. She looked rather guilty, but for what he had no idea. When at Glen’s prompting she finally did voice what was on her mind, the horseman’s curious expression shifted to an amused smile. That was just like her, to be worried about Phyllis. “My horse will be fine,” he assured. “She doesn’t mind the rain.” Well, as long as it didn’t progress into a full on thunderstorm at least. --- After passing some of Nadya’s bag handlers, Synthia headed for the manor’s kitchen. At the very least, she was hoping a warm cup of tea would help with her voice issues. As she entered the dining she noticed Tia and one of the fighters who'd come with them to the cathedral, but ignored them in favor of retrieving her hot drink. Tome in hand, which a written explanation of what she wanted and why, she knocked on the wall by the kitchen entrance to get one of the cooks' attention. --- Kat had jogged most of the way to the stables and arrived just as the first drops of rain began to hit. She wasn’t at all surprised to find Volga near where she’d left her, sprawled out against the side of the building. When her rider approached the wyvern lifted her head and bellowed cheerily, but didn’t move from her spot. She was rather comfortable right where she was.
  3. Katrina had eventually decided to ride on the wagon’s roof, which gave her a great view of the incoming rainclouds. When they reached the estate she hopped off and stretched before beginning to make her way towards the stables. She wanted to check in on Volga before the downpour started. --- When the wagon rolled to a stop, Synthia climbed out and headed towards the manor, intending to find something to help her throat or at least something more convenient to write on than her tome. --- Ah, so this was Joanna’s friend. Maybe a bit more than that, based on his reaction, but who was Valter to judge? (He was judging. Silently.) The horseman mentally chastised himself for that. Glen had lost friends last night, and did not deserve to have things though about him by someone who was clearly not jealous. The rest of the conversation was filled with sentiments Valter shared, though he would probably place the blame more on Weyland and Steinn than royalty. While the two were speaking Valter looked away to the sky, partly because he felt a bit uncomfortable here and partly because of the storm clouds gathered overhead. There was no way he was going to escape that rainstorm between now and returning to Weyland’s. And seemingly on cue, he could feel the first drops beginning to fall. He wanted to interrupt their conversation, but this probably warranted notice. “It’s starting to rain. Do you mind if we come inside?”
  4. Raquel was clearly agitated, and Synthia could understand why, but she was also pretty sure this wasn’t the best way to move the crowd. Aside from the guards possibly getting the wrong idea about the unfamiliar golden magic, if anyone in the area knew what emblem magic looked like it would probably tip them off. And considering that Sardis was likely in the city… They needed an alternative method however, and the mage looked around briefly hoping to come up with something. Faatina riding over caught her eye, along with the newcomers with her, but the way Sharif parted the crowd was really what she was after. And the paladin was wanting coming to talk to Raquel, which made this easier. It took a moment to write it all out, but eventually Synthia held out a page reading, “Emblem magic is a bad idea, too flashy, guards and Sardis. Get Tina to ride in front or I can move them.” --- “Oh, um.” Kat was surprised by Gwyn’s song and dance, but definitely more by the glowing light that surrounded her afterward. Was this some kind of light magic? It made her feel all warm and fuzzy though, so it couldn’t have been anything bad. This, along with figure out the group dynamics of the newcomers, was what she pondered the rest of the way to the wagon. Once they arrived and the others set about talking about potential hiring, she tried to decide whether to sit on the roof or just climb inside. The roof was looking pretty crowded at the moment…
  5. Apologies for my absence, some things came up (bad things). I'll be able to reply to stuff tomorrow night.
  6. I’m sorry!” Kat repeated, a bit more forcefully this time, and holding up her hands in a placating gesture. Sure it would’ve been unpleasant to be run into like that, but with the size of this crowd, should this girl really be that startled? Katrina didn’t think so, and didn’t appreciate the following advice nor the tone it was given in. “I’ll be more careful next time,” she assured, despite how she felt. There wasn’t much point to getting in a confrontation with a stranger right now so she wasn’t going to bother arguing. And then Faatina turned in her saddle, and Kat realized the person she’d nearly bowled over had been following her as well. Ooooh. Appearing slightly irked, but forcing a grin, Katrina gave a small wave to the three of them in greeting. --- It took time to make the rest of the way to the wagon, but Synthia spotted Raquel’s lightshow before making it fully through the crowd. What on saridius was the girl doing? There were soldiers everywhere, and she knew the golden light wasn’t harmful, the mage wasn’t sure the king’s guard did. By the time Synthia actually reached the wagon the merchant had cleared out a wide enough area for it to start moving. She hadn’t heard any yelling guardsmen either, so that was probably a good sign. Sparing a glance for those on the roof, Synthia strode round the side of the wagon and made a beeline for Raquel and tapped the girl on the shoulder to get her attention. If she turned around she’d find the mage staring disapprovingly and holding out her tome with the word “stop” scrawled across one page.
  7. Not being particuarly inclined towards shoving people out of the way left Kat making slow progress. She had made it halfway to the wagon, however, when suddenly people began pushing past her, leaving her at the edge of clear area. She was about to take a step through it when Sharif stepped in front of her, and she looked up to see Tina still ferrying Shadrak. Katrina could just follow her horse through the crowd, perfect! As Sharif passed by she slipped in behind him, but had failed to notice there were other people following before doing so and nearly ran into Gwyn. "Sorry!" she yelped.
  8. Sighing, Synthia began attempting to make her way to the parked wagon. She was slightly startled when Angelica launched herself onto the roof, but that surprise funneled into mild envy. What she wouldn't give to bypass this crowd like that... --- Katrina also eventually followed Raquel's path to the wagon, though with much less aggression. Perhaps that wasn't for the better. She wasn't making the best progress at the moment. OoC: Probably gonna ditch Kimiko and Elliot, dunno what to do with them and don't really want to right now
  9. My psych teacher just said chameleons are amphibians I'm crying
  10. With Shadrak taken from her, and the group moving out, Katrina followed behind Faatina. Her eyes widened upon arrival at the plaza. “There weren’t this many people when we came in!” How were they supposed to leave with a group this size and the wagon immobilized? Raquel rushed off ahead and shoved through the crowd, but Kat was hesitant to follow on her own. --- Synthia wasn’t pleased at the delay either, but wasn’t about to chase after her employer just yet. If something was going on here, shouldn’t they wait to see what it was? She had a feeling it was going to be important. --- After traversing the cathedral for a time, Kimiko and Elliot neared one of the entrances to find a large number of the civilians heading outside. The alchemist assumed the clear to leave had been given while they were away, but on walking outside she was met with a huge crowd outside. She was somewhat confused about why there were so many people milling about, but intended to make her way through the throng regardless. “Elliot, stay close to me so you don’t get lost,” she said, though she doubted it would help much, and began making her way through the mass of people. The avian nodded and followed. Predictably, it didn’t take long for him to them to become separated. They were both short and not particularly built for shoving people out of the way. Elliot knew his teacher would make her way to the edge of the crowd, and he needed to do the same if he wanted to take off to find her. However, it was becoming increasingly difficult to squeeze his way back towards the cathedral steps. Maybe climbing this wagon would work…?
  11. Both. Though I would be fine with a setting without a system as well. If one or the other doesn't interest me though, I see no point in joining that. I'll dislike half the RP.
  12. So far Katrina had made a couple braids in the longer sections of Shadrak’s bangs. The rest was too short to do anything quite as spectacular with, but was pretty mussed up from running her fingers through it. When Eva came over with her question, Kat smiled and stopped messing with his hair for the moment. “Probably not, but I’ll fix it back for him. I’m just anxious. Need something to do with my hands, you know?” --- Sardis was in Europa? Well wasn't that just their luck. To be honest, Synthia would rather head back to Weyland's than go looking for him though. Not being able to speak was becoming increasingly frustrating the more things she wanted to say.
  13. Synthia had written some more in her tome, but with the proceedings in front of her she had gotten distracted. Everyone was hovering around Shadrak now, and she was a bit peeved she couldn’t just tell Raquel she’d already tried healing him. Thankfully, she didn’t have to because Katrina spoke up. The wyvern rider hadn’t been sure if she should let the older man jab Shadrak in the side, but she hadn’t stopped him either. Kat wasn’t particularly surprised when the shaman didn’t wake from it. “Shadrak just collapsed out of nowhere. We already tried healing him,” she confirmed for Raquel. Meanwhile Synthia presented Veronika with her writings. “Do you remember the avian that arrived with your group last night? I think that was her. Valter should be able to contact her, if anyone knows where he is.” --- It hadn’t taken long for Elliot to become fidgety, and so Kimiko elected to take him on a walk through the Cathedral. As long as they were permitted inside, it would be a waste not to admire the rest of the building.
  14. Along with Lumi, it seemed someone else decided to shoulder the blame for Synthia’s injury. The mage glanced at Faatina, looking skeptical. The girl hadn’t been anywhere close enough to block that knight in time. Unfortunately she couldn’t express that thought without writing it out, and she was getting a bit tired of doing that unless necessary, so she hoped a nod and her calm expression would suffice. Her message for Veronika, though, couldn’t be conveyed so easily. She stood with her tome and scrawled out a few sentences before presenting it to the swordswoman. “That would be lovely. More importantly, I might know how to find the winged cleric. Lumi told me she has information on the emblem piece.” --- Kat determined not to say anything else, lest she bumble her words again. Instead she started playing with Shadrak’s hair. It was clearly payment for getting to use her lap as a pillow while he was out.
  15. Shadrak’s head met the ground, right after assuring her that yes, he was ok… Katrina cycled between being worried and upset about the situation. As Veronika enlisted help from Synthia, she knelt down by the fallen shaman and moved his head into her lap. She wasn’t about to leave him on the floor like that. --- Winged cleric? As a title it didn’t sound familiar to Synthia, but as a description it did. There couldn’t be too many clerics with wings who happened to be in the Cathedral just then. The mage was about to start writing again, when the thud of Shadrak’s face meeting floor interrupted her, followed by Veronika asking for assistance. Abandoning her reply to Lumi for the moment, she nodded in answer and made to stand. Though somewhat dizzy, she walked the few feet to the shaman without incident and knelt down next to Katrina. Aside from burns left by dark thunder, there were no apparent wounds that would cause him to pass out like that. Perhaps it was aftereffects of shock. She went over his injuries with her staff regardless. Kat watched quietly as the healer did her thing, but by the end of it the girl had run out of patience and asked, “What’s wrong with him?” Her question was met with a shrug. “Is he going to be alright?” Another shrug. “Come ooon, tell me something.” Synthia sighed. Had the wyvern rider not picked up on it already? She attempted to mouth out ‘I can’t speak’. Katrina responded with an immensely confused expression. Well, apparently that didn’t work. She scribbled a line of explanation in her tome and showed it to Kat, whose face lit up in understanding. “Oooh… I just… Sorry. That’s not permanent, is it? Would be awful if you could never talk again.” Her face pinked in embarrassment, and only reddened further after being met with Synthia’s cool stare, and the realization of what she’d just said. “S-Sorry!”
  16. Cynthia, can I talk with you and/or Phee when you guys get on? It's not complaining about this I just need advice on a couple things.
  17. I probably have the least legitimacy to protest this considering my actions (or lack thereof), but I do think forced missing battle averages for specific characters is a bit... iffy. I don't like it. I'm ok with them not being able to participate in battles but then you get cases like Snowy and Toogee right now where perhaps some PCs are in places where things just aren't happening, and the RP is moving like molasses. I don't like posting for the sake of posting if there's nothing for the PC to do or no reason to update their location. It just feels really forced.
  18. Hey Toogee, if Eli's going to where there are survivors mind if I throw some Kimiko and Elliot at him?
  19. Synthia remained silent (not that she had a choice) as she took in the information presented to her. She’d missed a lot, it seemed. The name Nyx was familiar, even if she couldn’t remember all the details. The goddess was associated with the moon, she recalled. The mage glanced briefly at Shadrak before deciding he was someone else’s problem and began writing in her tome again. When she held it up to Lumi the new line read, “I suppose we did not find the emblem piece. Was there one to begin with or was it a failure to negotiate?” After thinking for a moment, Synthia wrote one more thing. “Was she erasing memories or just reading them?” --- Though she hadn’t been addressed directly, Katrina picked up the gist of what had happened from what others said. Her eyes widened as she realized the shaman could’ve easily died, if it really was a goddess that attacked him. “S-Shadrak! Are you ok? How badly were you hurt?” Did someone already heal him? Her eyes rested on Synthia for a moment before darting back to him as she waited for an answer.
  20. Well we don't have to do anything : <
  21. As Lumi placed the ice on her head, Synthia sighed in relief. Yes, that was numbing the pain nicely. She also accepted the ice chips, though she wasn’t sure how much they would help. Turning her tome to one of the blank pages in the back, the mage wrote “Thank you” before holding it up for Lumi to see. Movement by the archive’s door caught Synthia’s eye, and she watched as Veronika dragged Shadrak near where she was sitting. The shaman appeared slightly charred. She pulled her book back to write, “What happened to him?” before showing it to Lumi again. --- Katrina was prompted to stop brooding by the wall by the appearance of Shadrak and Veronika. She didn’t remember her friend looking as if he’d been electrocuted before he went into the archives. Pushing herself off the wall, she approached the two a bit uncertain about what to say. “Um… There wasn’t fighting in there, was there?” If so, deciding to sit outside was definitely an addition to Kat’s ‘list of things I wish I hadn’t done today’.
  22. We should do something for April Fools I was a part of a forum group once that would RP each others characters (though everything posted was non-canon) We could all post in pig latin Every post could reference Robin
  23. It appeared most of Raquel’s group had entered the archives already. If it weren’t for the fact she’d almost died, Synthia would’ve been somewhat bitter about that. As things stood she was more grateful that someone had stayed behind to look after her. Once Lumi realized she was awake, the girl began apologizing and asked about ice for her head. The mage frowned briefly. There wasn’t much the girl could’ve done against automaton knights with superhuman speed and strength. An ice pack for her head sounded lovely however. Synthia opened her mouth to say as much, but though she was pretty sure she was speaking, she could barely hear herself. The mage’s expression swapped from confusion to dread as a hand went to her throat. Her neck was definitely sore, and she remembered being grabbed and shoved into the ground, but hadn’t expected to have lost her voice from it. Rather than straining herself further and probably still not being understood, she nodded at Lumi and began digging through her bag for her tome and pencil.
  24. After quite a while of unconsiousness, Synthia finally began to stir. She stared at the ceiling for a good few seconds before attempting to sit up and wincing. Her head and side still ached, but at the moment she was more concerned with what had happened while she was out. The knights had been defeated, by the looks of things. Katrina hadn't entered the archives with the others; she wouldn't have been much help in securing an emblem piece (unless there were more fighting, which didn't seem to be the case), and she felt somewhat guilty about the mage's injury. If Synthia hadn't gone out of her way to heal her, and if Kat hadn't run off alone, perhaps that wouldn't have happened. The wyvern rider sat against the chamber wall, uncharacteristically brooding. OoC: apologies, just need to get something out no matter how bad it is so I will stop being inactive. inactive is bad
  25. I was just giving advice based on my experience with this topic, but it was just a suggestion and you don't have to listen if you don't want to. If you do manage to get through to him though, you'll be my hero. Good luck.
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