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Everything posted by roymbrog

  1. Synthia shrugged. “Yeah, sure,” she told agreed with Veronika.
  2. Angelica’s last words rankled Kamal. She didn’t know his situation, and he wasn’t about to explain it to her, but it bothered him to no end to be grouped with the kind of people who’d normally be after his head. “If that’s what you want to think, fine, but I never wanted to work with them.” With that he gave a sharp wave and started his horse moving again. “Thanks again for taking the dog,” he called back. --- Lagar had turned his face so he could at least glare up at the man holding him down. “Get your wrathdamn foot off me, I know when I’ve been beaten.” Gregory ignored him, which set the bandit off cursing again. He ignored that too as he considered the wagon situation. They would be able to move it, if they replaced wheels from their own cart, but it’d really just be a waste in the end anyway. “You know the garrison’s just gonna take everything if we bring this stuff back. We don’t even know who this wagon belonged to,” he called over to Charles. “And what they do with it is none of our business,” Charles called back. When he looked back at the group in front of him and saw Greta’s pale, troubled expression, however, his brows knit together in concern. “Are you alright, miss?”
  3. “Totally worth,” Kat said before shoving more food in her mouth. Her plate was almost clear by this point. “I guess, but… I hope not. Or at least hope they’ll leave me out of it. I’m still not feeling the best right now.” --- Synthia nodded. “Yes, I’d ask Raquel first if it were on a permanent basis. Since we’ve leaving without her, though, it’s probably up to you who’s your second in command in Ursentius.” Perhaps the group was small enough now for Veronika to manage by herself, but Synthia didn’t think it was the best idea to overburden the swordswoman. And if something happened to her the whole couldn’t fall into disarray. “Anyway,” she continued, and spun her tome around for Veronika to see. “Here are some of the question types I was considering. Since we’re eventually heading to Neviskotia, and you and several others are from the country, it’d probably be unwise to hire anyone with certain prejudices. We should also ask if they’re partial to the Order of Wrath in case their loyalty to the order supersedes our contract.” Several other topics were listed, including pay rates (with a note next to them that Synthia would handle it), the prospective employee’s skillsets, and Gytha’s suggestions about previous work experience and locations.
  4. roymbrog

    Roy's Art

    Thanks! I'm glad you like them :3 And I've got another new thing I finished about a week ago. I was looking for a creature to draw and really liked Kog'maw's new splash art so I attempted to draw a version based off that. [spoiler=Kog'maw]
  5. Over half the posts in Flight aren't relevant to Bert atm, if you want to come back to them after catching up on his end. I'll wait a bit on the next bandit/wagon update.
  6. Smells Like Wet Dog “Hey, I am not a bounty hunter. My employers are, yeah, but I’m just working as a mercenary. I don’t give two shits if you’re wanted or not,” Kamal told Angelica. If he sounded offended, it was because he was. He had chosen to work with them, but not because he wanted to. He watched Elrey follow Jamila around the wagon. “You’ve done me a favor by taking that dog anyway,” he added. Something was tugging at the back of his mind, that he had heard something familiar, but he wasn't quite sure what. Maybe it was time to leave... The aforementioned dog jumped up in the back of said wagon and wagged his tail. Elliot nearly bolted from his place next to Kimiko to start petting it. Once he'd began scratching its head though, he scrunched his nose up. "He's kinda smelly," the avian noted. Stick Fight “Well if it’s any consolation, he’s likely to meet the gallows regardless,” Charles told Alphonse. He then turned his attention to Greta and nodded. “We are headed in that direction. Their garrison is the one that requested our services, and also where you should probably go to give an account.” Lagar was conscious enough to struggle against his bindings, which he did with no shortage of slurred curses. Gregory used his foot to roll him onto his stomach with his face in the dirt, and stepped on his back to hold him down. “Just tell ‘em the Bloodwraith sent you, ey?” he called over. “Do not do that,” Charles said immediately. “They’ll have no idea what you’re talking about.” It wasn’t even a title he’d given himself, it was what he’d named his wrathdamn bow. “Charles Chandler sent you.” Valter could’ve sworn that name sounded vaguely familiar, but he was quite sure he had no reason to know of bounty hunters. By now the two remaining bandits were out of range, and he sighed. He wouldn’t have caught up to them with a passenger in the first place, but it just seemed… wrong, to let them go. Pulling his attention back to the scene around them, however, gave him an idea. “What are you planning to do with the wagon and the bandits' horses?” he asked. That earned him a suspicious glare from Charles. “And what business of that is yours?” Well, perhaps that hadn’t come out as innocently as he’d thought. “Er, we were running low on water. I was going to ask if we could have theirs, instead of letting it go to waste should the wagon be left here,” he explained. “Water, perhaps, but I will not allow you to take the posessions of the dead,” the other man replied tersely.
  7. “Don’t worry, you’ll be safe with me.” Though she meant it, Kat retained her previous grin. It did morph into something less suspicious when she answered his question, though. “I was going to get my things together and nap on Volga outside until we leave. I don’t really have anything I need to do, though.” --- “Well… there have been in the past,” Synthia stated. “To prevent future issues, I think we need to make sure everyone knows who’s in charge, and enforce it. It would probably only apply to people on the payroll unless we made people agree to the terms to travel with us… That may not be the best idea. “Anyway, I wanted to ask your opinion on whether Blake should be given some form of authority. He’s been planning our combat formations for a while now, and most of the group respects him. Technically you’re in charge at the moment, so… it’s really up to you,” she said. The mage’s tome was already open, so she just flipped it to the first relevant page for her next topic. “With Gytha’s help, I also wrote down some questions for potential hires. Between the trouble in Ursentius and Neviskotia it’s likely we’ll end up hiring a few more people.”
  8. “Heheh.” Katrina wasn’t even trying to hide the toothy grin that spread across her face. Between freefall, barrel rolls, and spins, Erion was going to have a great time. “Yeah I fight on her, but she’s a pretty good fighter herself. I use axes, mostly. Dad taught me since I was little.” --- “Yeah, two things actually,” Synthia replied. “I think we need an interview procedure for new hires, and… probably fix our chain of command issues. It might be better if you come sit down; I’ve written some things I’d like your opinion on.”
  9. Well the avian told him where they were going, but not why. “Kigen, eh? Quite an odd assortment you’ve got here, though.” And then one of the girls let slip something the others clearly didn’t want him to know. Well, well, wasn’t that an interesting bit of info. “So you’re fugitives, ey?” he said, grinning. The smack of Angelica’s hand brought his attention to her, and he grinned even wider, especially after her excuses for Tia. Once she was out of the wagon and staring down the small girl, though, his expression became slightly more nervous. “Yeesh, you don’t have to terrify the poor girl.” Or Kamal either, really. “There’s something to be said for honesty, here.”
  10. “Ehehe, there’s no comparison,” Kat said. Flying was so much more enjoyable than riding a sweaty, bumpy animal, in her opinion. “If you’d ever like to find out, just let me know. Volga needs exercise anyway.” She took another bit of her sausage before responding to Erion’s next question. “Well she was actually a gift, but she was bred in Makarov. It’s where they get a lot of their military mounts. One of my guild members has a few connections up there and he negotiated to have her bought and sent south.”
  11. “The bounty hunters down the hill,” Kamal answered simply. There was no one else around here, right? Seemed pretty obvious to him, but… For the first time the Rexian took a good long look at the wagon and those in it. Between at least one Avian, a couple Rexians, a kid, and the armed group now down by his bosses, this was an odd assortment of individuals to be traveling together. He was quite sure they weren’t merchants. “Since you asked me first, it’s only fair. Why are you all here?” he asked Liam.
  12. Katrina had nodded when he questioned her name, but her further silence was due to stuffing food in her mouth more than anything else. She did smile, though. When he continued speaking, she nodded in agreement before swallowing. “I plan to stop home too, if I can,” she said, now that she could speak. “And yeah, the food’s great. Guild back home probably’d be jealous if they knew I was eating this well.” Actually… It was completely unrelated, but somehow that brought Kat a thought. “Hey, have you ever rode a Wyvern?” --- Well Veronika didn’t seem to be speaking with Zach anymore… Synthia didn’t think the conversation with Robin was particularly important, so she felt less bad about interrupting it. “Veronika, could I speak with you for a moment?” she called over from her seat. As something of an afterthought, she also called over to Erica, “I’ll have what they already prepared.”
  13. Dogs Oh My “You should not all be leaving the wagon…” Kimiko muttered. After Tia’s invitation, Elliot had been glancing between the wagon opening and his teacher, and she sighed. “No, Elliot. We do not know who he is, or if it is still dangerous outside. If the dog comes with us you can pet him afterward.” When the wagon stopped and Jam hopped down, Elrey was estatic, his whole body wiggling with the force he wagged his tail. He ran over to her and attempted to lick her face both before and after she started hugging him. Tia was going to get the same treatment, if she got close enough. Well his question hadn’t been answered verbally, but the wagon had stopped and the girl jumped out to hug the dog. Kamal was going to assume it was hers for the moment. He was quite fine with leaving the mutt behind, and was about to continue on his way before someone in the wagon questioned him. “I was following my employers, but they seem to have things handled without me,” he answered back. There was a hint of bitterness in his tone if you listened for it, but he did a pretty good job of sounding disinterested. Angelica pretty much confirmed Elrey was theirs, but Kamal shrugged in response to her question. “I found him south of Ursaea. Offered him food once; big mistake. Couldn't get him to leave me alone. You can go ahead and take him.” At Least Three Sticks in the Mud “Curious or not, we don’t need civilians involved,” Charles muttered. They hadn’t stopped approaching either, though they had slowed. Both redheads gave an explanation for their arrival, though he considered the second more complete. So this was some sort of vengeance party, then. “Something like that,” he said in response to Al’s question. Actually, this could present an opportunity. “You said you’ve been attacked by this man before. Would you be willing to give testimony to that effect?” There hadn’t been many living witnesses of Lagar’s crimes. “Aww, come on Charles, why does that matter? We’re gonna get paid either way,” Gregory called over. “…Shit.” Lagar groaned as he started to come back to consciousness, and the bowman went back to tying his ankles.
  14. *looks at ask chart* whoops my hand slipped
  15. Dogs are Great In the back of the wagon Elliot’s ears perked up when Tia mentioned a dog. “There’s a dog? Where?” “Stay here, Elliot. This is not a good time,” Kimiko said. “Aww. I just wanna see the dog…” Dogs Are Still Great Kamal waved back at Tia, but after Jamila called over his wide grin melted into a blank look. Had that girl mistaken him for someone else? It wasn’t till the dog barked and ran off to jump around the front of the wagon that he realized what probably should’ve been obvious. He wasn’t really in a rush anymore, so slowed down to keep pace in front of the wagon as he called back, “Is that your dog?” Nearly On Scene “Of course,” Valter replied. He hadn’t expected Nadya to say any different. As they drew closer to the scene, Charles took notice of them. He had finally gotten hold of the pegasus’s bridle, though it was refusing to move, so he wasn’t quite able to meet them partway. Instead he called over, “Halt! What’s your business here?” The second pegasus rider they’d seen earlier was with them, so he wasn’t sure if they were hostile. Bert could’ve been with the bandits, after all. Hearing Charles, Gregory looked over from where he was currently binding Lagar’s arms. “They’re probably just curious,” he said from the other side of the wagon. Valter didn’t answer immediately, but he did slow Phyllis down. “We heard a wagon had been attacked and came to see what happened,” he answered simply. Meanwhile the mage had clambered on his horse and he and the remaining horseman were trying to make a break for it. Gregory glanced at them disinterestedly, but Valter had half a mind to send several arrows their way before they got out of range.
  16. LE GASP I updated my art topic Most people have probably seen everything anyway but if you haven't it's there now
  17. roymbrog

    Roy's Art

    Hello and welcome to my old as hell and super out of date topic! Today I remembered it existed and I have a huge amount of things I've drawn since last updating. I've also got a tumblr now with an art blog here. It's where I normally update things atm (kinda stopped using DA so much). WIPs of some of the stuff here (mostly the sculptures) can be found there under my tags. I'm gonna try to go in chonological order for this stuff within categories, so if you'd just like to see the most recent things I'd skip to the bottom of sections. [spoiler=Sculptures] [spoiler=Ragi the dragon] [spoiler=Huey the dragon] [spoiler=Komali] [spoiler= Cho'gath Redesigned] I did this during the summer based off a couple drawing I did (that will be below). I used a couple different dinosaurs, his current model, and lobsters for reference. [spoiler=Drawings (non-copics)] [spoiler=I really don't remember what the context of this was but it was dumb] [spoiler=Bravely Default Dragons] [spoiler=Redesigned Volga (old now)] [spoiler=Cyrus who never got finished] [spoiler=Raena] [spoiler=Ace Attorney things] [spoiler=Isabella] [spoiler=Tia] [spoiler=Copics] [spoiler=Greores] [spoiler=Cho'gath Redesign] More info about it is above in sculpture tab [spoiler=Tairi] [spoiler=Face things (I like the left one)] [spoiler=Kimiko and Elliot] [spoiler=Valter] [spoiler=Synthia] [spoiler=Kamal] [spoiler=Katrina] [spoiler=Raquel] [spoiler=Joanna] [spoiler=Old Spice Parody (Valter's on a horse)] If you go back to the wee early days of this topic this joke makes more sense [spoiler=Volga (current design)] [spoiler=Alphonse] [spoiler=Various Horses] Phyllis Harrison Betsy [spoiler=Sasha the wyvern] [spoiler=Gnar!] And RP-wise here's a height chart that's too long to link here (and has some stuff I didn't include mostly because it wasn't uploaded in convenient places already) http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/293/f/c/rote_height_chart_by_roymbrog-d83lkhv.png [spoiler=Misc arty things] [spoiler=Kog'maw Mask] This was a mask that won the League of Legends's New Years mask contest earlier this year. I've got WIPs too. [spoiler=Lizard Eye print (don't click if scared of holes, can't remember phobia name atm)] [spoiler=Mango the Dog print] [spoiler=My Dragon Icon]
  18. Oh wow, that was a long time. That put her around his age, then. When Kat was twelve she probably spent more time playing in mud than trying to earn money. “So you’re a thief turned mercenary, huh? You might get along with someone else I know,” Kat said, chuckling. Her father’s right hand woman had a similar past, so the revelation wasn’t fazing her much. That and she was just naturally trusting of people. “So what part of Neviskotia are you from? I’m from Lukin port,” she said, before a minor realization. Her expression became a bit sheepish. “I know I sort of met you yesterday morning with Eva, but I don’t think I’ve caught your name.”
  19. “Yeah, born and raised there. Technically this is my first time out of the country but it’s been about two months now, so…” Katrina said. It would be nice to head home again, though. Even if the reason was to warn about demon attacks. She took a few bites of food before continuing to speak. “Wow, you’ve been away from home a while, then. You been sending money home that long?” However long that was. How old was he even?
  20. Fucks Given “Er…” Valter wouldn’t say he started this group, so much as he didn’t mind tagalongs. Granted there were some holes in Alphonse’s plan but that didn’t automatically put the horseman in charge. Really no one here was. “I don’t see the point of sending someone in on foot when we have a better chance of escaping them – if they turn out to be hostile – the way we are. In fact, it would make more sense for Al and Greta to stay behind while the rest of us approached,” he said eventually. “However, I don’t think either of them would approve of that. You can stay back if you’d like, though, Nadya,” That said, he had taken his bow off his quiver and was loosely holding an arrow on it as they approached. Best to be prepared. No Fucks Given Oh, so now that wagon decided to slow down? Too late! Kamal had already decided he was doing absolutely nothing to help down by the ruined wagon and continued on his merry way, giving those in the wagon an overly cheery smile and mock salute as he rode by.
  21. 2 context issues in Flight right now 1. Kamal isn't driving a wagon, it's just a cart. It can't really obscure that much. 2. He's on the opposite side of Amon and co as Al and co [horses] [destroyed wagon] [kamal] [amon wagon] [al and peeps] 3. Not an issue but it's relevant and I never made it clear before. Jam and Angelica probably recognize dog.
  22. “How tricky you can be, huh?” Kat said, a faint smile returning to her face. It soon disappeared at the mention of Schwartz’s attack, however. That was when Marella had died. “I… didn’t see the dragon thing, but I wish I had been there…” she said, eyes downcast. Katrina looked back over at Erion when she dropped the topic. “Yeah, I can understand that. I’m here for similar reasons, actually. The guild back home was having some financial trouble, so I started taking jobs aboard ships.” Only one, actually, but that wasn't important. “Ran into these guys in the islands south of Skotia. …It’s been a long trip,” she finished with a mild chuckle. --- “Well, it might help if someone they actually respect is in charge,” Synthia noted. She couldn’t think of anyone who clearly disliked Blake, so that was already one point in his favor over her. The mage was definitely getting ahead of herself here, though. All the relevant parties needed to be asked about this first. Veronika had returned to the dining hall, but was currently in conversation. “I’ll ask Veronika about it when she’s done over there.”
  23. Synthia’s frown deepened as she considered what Gytha had said. They didn’t really have a chain of command; at least not one people actively listened to. Her solution to the issue may not have been what the mariner would have suggested though. “Then perhaps we should give Blake an actual position, something like a staff officer. He’s already taken it upon himself to strategize for us. May as well make it official.” --- “Ah, but surely you’re more tricky than a tree. A couch in disguise though, I could understand that,” Katrina said, though her sagely nod was somewhat ruined by the smirk she still wore. One of the kitchen workers had thrown a plate together, and she took it with a nod of thanks before following Erion to the dining hall. She set her plate across from him and sat down, with the slightest of frowns beginning to form once he’d asked his question. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to answer, just that thinking about it reminded her of things she’d rather not think about. “Sure, though… It’s not the best of stories,” she said. “I’m just here as a mercenary, really.”
  24. Synthia had been frowning at the table, but looked at Gytha questioningly after the mariner’s reaction. “Because he’s got a good head on his shoulders and he’s proven himself trustworthy, at least I think so,” she answered. She hadn’t really considered his lack of authority primarily because she was planning to ask for advice rather than an enforcement of her decisions. Though, the latter might also be an issue… “Technically I have more authority than him in matters, but more people will listen if concerns come from him rather than me,” the mage added. --- Katrina’s smirk grew quite a bit. “Oooh, defeated by a tree. Yeah, that definitely evens us out,” she said, chuckling. When she got her food, she’d go sit with him, Kat decided. They could be headache buddies. Or, well… maybe she should ask first. “Mind if I come sit with you? Suffering’s better done in company.”
  25. “Hmm… I guess that’s relevant.” Synthia wrote Gytha’s suggestions down. “…I’ll probably talk over pay with them as well,” she said, and sighed. She would really rather not go through any of this if they could help it. It was true some of their most loyal group members were mercenaries, but the mage attributed that more to luck than the profession itself. “I really hope we don’t have to hire anyone,” she said, breaking her short, self-imposed silence. “I get the feeling no one’s going to listen to my concerns on candidates. Maybe I should talk to Veronika and Blake about this.” --- Well she had come for just water, but if the food was ready there was no way Katrina was turning that down. “Yeah, a plate would be great,” she started to say before Erion came over, but ended up saying it after due to… minor distractions. A good chunk of which that she was being spoken to. “Oh trust me, I know about hangovers. It’s just been a while,” she told him, then smirked slightly. “I take it you’re in the same situation I am?” When Erica returned with the water, Katrina took the glass with a quick ‘thanks’ and downed half of it. “…Yeah, I definitely needed that. Hey, can I have a plate of what he’s having, too?” she asked, jerking a thumb at Erion.
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