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Posts posted by Pitchkart

  1. 13 hours ago, Thane said:

    Honestly, the worst part isn't how Celica comes across as stupid, but rather uncaring to her allies. She doesn't tell them anything, yet asks them to follow her to the edge of the continent through some really damn dangerous territory.

    Honestly, based on this observation and what little I've seen of Celica in previews, she ultimately comes across as clinically depressed. :( 

  2. I'd like to add my two cents to this conversation. 

    Faye's problem has never been that she has a thing for Alm (though with Clair in the story, it's pretty redundant). It's that it's the *only* thing she has going for her. 

    I understand that with Echoes the developers wanted to appeal to older fans' nostalgia of the series, but I don't have a fondness for a time when the sole defining factor of a woman is how her world revolves around a man in writing.

    I'm not saying every woman needs to be STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMAN WHO NEEDS NO STINKIN MAN, but it would be nice if there was a little more to Faye than being thirsty for Alm.

  3. I liked that line, but Effie just...isnt like that. She just isnt. So im sad they changed her. Im really sad because i loved her Japanese character a lot.

    Ahh, I understand. I never really got attached to the cast pre-localization to avoid spoilers, so it'd definitely be a culture shock.

  4. I was still able to change mine, for $12. So if you guys want to do that, do it quick. me and my anxious ass started crying when i saw that you said it wouldnt ship til the 24th so i just. changed it without asking my mom. ill pay her back

    Yeah I think I actually screamed a little when I noticed that. XD; I was like NO!! I warned my boyfriend too because that would've been terrible if I got to play it and he didn't.

  5. For users using Best Buy to preorder, make sure it's set to expedited shipping -- for some reason by default it gives you the free shipping option, which is all well and good until you realize your game won't ship until the 24th, and fuck that noise. I ended up having to change it a couple days ago (for 11 dollars of course). Hopefully it's not too late for changes at this point.

  6. Take it easy, man. Ya gotta be zen if ya wanna play this game. Keep a cool head, clear, calm mind, and you'll make good decisions that will lead you to victory. If you get stuck on a particular map/section, set the game down and take a break, and often the answers will come to you better that way. Either way, you keep playing, and you'll keep learning. Nobody here was born a tactical genius; it's only been through grinding gaining experience playing that we've gotten as good as we are.

  7. I actually joined this forum a long time ago, I'm just an on-again, off-again lurker like I was back on Velthomer :P

    Decided to pop my head out for the Rena appreciation thread on the Fates subforum. Very hype about the game, not so hype about how much flak Rena's been getting, hence my emergence from the shadows.

    Favorite series aside from FE are Golden Sun, Tales of, Legend of Zelda, Metroid Prime, Final Fantasy before they got Square Enix got so far lodged up its own ass they could see their lunch, Banjo-Kazooie, and Nier, just to name a few.

    I'll be good I promise. :) Nice to meet you all!

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