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Posts posted by Nukemind

  1. I think Engage would legitimately be a better Warriors game than a regular Fire Emblem (though I don’t like engage in general). Even the story sounds almost like Hyrule Warriors 1.


    Ever since my first Warriors game- SamWar2, Empires- I’ve wanted to play Ephraim as a warrior. Please give me that opportunity was cheated in the first one and he didn’t even get to speak in Engage.


    I’d say give 2-3 people from each universe, plus like one or two from each Elyos nation.


    Since they already have models it shouldn’t be (as) hard, and a lot of move sets could be shared, even if I don’t like that, to help the bloated roster.

  2. 28 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

    Do you think we could get additional content/ QoL updates down the line, paid or otherwise?

    Highly unlikely. There hasn't been a season 2 of DLC since either Awakening or Fates. They may do a final patch for fix some things, and Lord I hope they change the prices for Mage Cannons, but more than likely the focus is on the (rumored admittedly) FE4 remake. Engage was already delayed and they cut corners on the most recent DLC I'd say they are probably done with the game. Doesn't help that it sold overall less than 3H.


    Personally now that it is such a big series, not like in the old days, I am surprised they don't have two teams working, one for remakes one for new games, or even just extra manpower to pump out DLC and games. Many series have moved to a long term DLC model but FE does 1 set and done.

  3. 13 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:
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    Wait, are you saying it wasn't bleak enough!?


    I’d argue no. The ending 


    Felt like a soap opera, and then everything was wrapped up neatly with resurrection magic or whatever. Seriously if everyone can come back to life this many times what are we even doing? Let’s just wait 1,000 years for Lumera to pop back up or even just raise her as a “good” corrupted. The ending of “I’m bad, I’m good, I’m bad, I’m good, I was mind controlled, I’m not your brother just identical, I will die for you not my brother!” It just felt so soap opera ish.


  4. FE8 would be Ephraim, but alas he’s already on another. L’Rachel or Joshua would be the most fun lore wise (and are their own lords), or maybe even Cormag, but I feel like Seth was THE unit from FE8 so he deserves it.

    Lyon would also be fun as said. Give him the ability to summon phantoms like he could in Lagdou, a weaker version of Vero’s but more numerous.

    FE2… I guess Alm?


    FE3 could be Caeda, give me the Wing Spear!


    4 and 5 I don’t really have a preference.


    10 let’s go with another villain: Black Knight. Simply because we don’t have many armored ones and I’d love to see Ike and BK talk in the after life. Could also do Malakov or Oliver for the lolz.

  5. 10 hours ago, ciphertul said:

    It does feel weird that the Mage Cannon is an Armored type as it doesn’t do anything for them. 

    IMO I think it’s more to make them vulnerable, especially on the Xenologues. It means anyone with a rapier can quickly one round them which, amusingly enough, makes them more vulnerable as opposed to stronger when someone gets near.

  6. 8 hours ago, Anathaco said:

    I’m beginning to see why they added a separate difficulty setting for it. I doubt anybody will want to play Maddening more than once, if they even play it at all. But even on Normal this seems like it’ll be such a pain.

    I did it on hard at after Chapter 6 with no DLC rings.


    I will never do that again. Some of the maps were worse than Maddening/Lunatic.


    I’m most salty on maps 5 and 6. Map 5 is just such a slog, and Map 6 with it’s 


    Insta death mechanic they give you one single turn of forewarning about. Like seriously, had Alear on the east side. Suddenly, I had to move all the way to the west and didn’t have a rescue staff. Game over due to insta death.

    I never want to do the Fell Xenologue again. Which is a shame because I almost feel like I need to do a new game if I want to get the DLC emblems before Solm considering they are now all level 17 and growing while my main army has two promotes.


    One thing I will say is I want to change Blue Marnie into another class. But I don’t want to lose her outfit. It just looks way too good. Shame we can’t change combat models in this one.


    One thing I REALLY wanted to do was make an army of 12 cannon boys and just pelt Sombrero to death. Unfortunately, that cost for them is a bit steep…

  7. On 3/27/2023 at 4:25 AM, ciphertul said:

    Sadly no one, this has been the worse FE in terms of characters I have liked. I know it’s bad when I got the oath ring and never even took it from the drawer you put it it.

    I have been having fun with Berserker Citrinne just because. I found it weird she had better Spd and Def over Panette.

     Can’t agree enough. I thought Zephia might be an interesting villain… but no. Marnie and Griss got all their characterization in like a single scene. As for our allies… each of them has a very short time because they join in groups of three.


    The story was also rather nonsensical at many parts. Usually I play a Fire Emblem game multiple times in the first month, only this and Fates have I only cleared it once.

  8. Spoiler

    Is it bad I want Mauvier to become a traitor? Make this truly inverted? Can’t wait to play as Zephia. Guess I’ll headcanon that they reincarnated or something. While Zephia was absolutely horrible I nonetheless do feel bad for all the hounds and want them to have some kind of redemption.

    Really hope they have supports with the main cast.

  9. 5 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

    After Diamant, I assume?

    After Kagerasu. Though I forgot about Diamant as I have him using axes more than swords in his promoted class!


    5 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

    You're not the first person to suggest this! May I ask what it is about Warrior Etie that makes her so good, please?

    I actually don’t use Etie much, but Alcryst has better stats across the board than her, plus Luna. 

    However, Warrior Etie can get amazing strength growths. This allows her to ORKO, or rather OHKO, with longbow even if she isn’t as useful on the frontline as Al.

    7 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

    I'm also quite curious who else starts as a physical class but is better in magic and vice versa. I think I've seen people using mage Chloe too?

    Honestly not many others. I kept Chloe as a gryphon but her healing is on point. Anna is great but with Warrior I got her strength pretty damn high and she can use hurricane axe too (though she has to go second). I believe I’ve heard Yunaka is a good mage but I definitely wouldn’t reclass her, covert is too good for her. 

    Really, sadly, this game doesn’t have *too* many magically gifted units. But that’s okay, as the enemy is rarely blessed with good Res so even if they are mediocre compared to Str they can still make major dents.

  10. I didn’t mind the lack of armies because we see them a couple of times.


    I did mind (Chapter 14ish spoilers) 


    Solm point blank says they have spies everywhere and knew what was going down in Elusia.


    I get defending your own land but WHY wouldn’t you warn everyone else? A lot of lives could have been saved if you had told the other nations to be on the look out for Elusians and Fell Worshippers. That took me out of the story how stupid it was that the knew, hunkered down, and just waited for the dragon to reach them. What if he died in Elusia?


  11. For some reason the villains appear to me.


    Lyon, and his father Vigarde, from FE8. Lyon pulls off the “quiet kid in the back of the class” look well. When he’s possessed he pulls that off well as well. But Vigarde man… the look of a noble and wise emperor- and that’s what he was- but then you realize that by the time you kill him its *only* the look. He never expressed emotion or anything else. Easily a fav.


    Zephia and Marni from the new one. The former for the asymmetrical horns, the later because she just absolutely stomped me in a map and she kinda reminds me of CoCo with her stats flipped.


    I only played FE7 once, far preferred FE8 in my youth, but I enjoyed the look of the homunculus women or whatever they were. They managed to convey, despite being a GBA cart, an almost other worldly beauty- one that shouldn’t be and was dangerous.


    And now for something completely different, honorable mentions to Riev and Valter. Valter just has that maniac “look” to him despite the fact he was likely regular before taking the cursed weapon. He has the same haughty look of, say, Virion but with just a few pixels they conveyed a complete story of a deranged and dangerous man. Riev? He just looks like a cult leader. You know he’s bad news even if he was the nicest man in the neighborhood.

  12. 5 hours ago, WindSentinel said:

    I'm intrigued by a few aspects of the worldbuilding and characters I'm seeing here, but not the whole universe. With Fodlan I can at least say I'm interested in the setting, even if we're leaving it behind.

    This is actually one of my biggest frustrations with Fire Emblem. I LOVE the series- have for a long long time. And yes, it's not fun when every year the world faces a world ending threat.


    But I want to know more about Magvel. It's been almost two decades since we last visited it- what happened to Grado, what happened to Renais? I know there can't be a fully canon end due to marriages, but look at Binding and Blazing Blade. There's so much that could be done!

    What about Jugdral? What about Arachnea (sp?) The "1,000 years later we still have swords and what not" was kinda weird.

    What about Tellius? We got hints beyond the desert.

    Fateslandia? Fodlan?

    By their nature Fire Emblem games don't work with sequels too well- otherwise it isn't a happily ever after and the end cards aren't as true. At the same time, I really wish we visited each continent three or four times so we could know more about their worlds. As is we are left with a taste and curiosity, a good bit of theorycrafting... and that's it because it's on to the next continent.

  13. *sigh* Without looking at any other spoilers if 


    Zephia isn't recruitable... that's like the third or fourth mainline game in a row where a character that I want, with a good design, isn't recruitable. Scarlet (why?!) and Lilith, Kronya (post betrayal of her, would be a token villain), and many more.

    Granted, I'm a sucker for redeemed villains in general. Here's to hoping for spotpass like characters.

  14. 20 hours ago, kienquocsi said:

    I'm assuming you're talking about Zephia? zephia-profile.jpg

    If so, we have no confirmation yet

    You are correct, and that is a shame. Hopefully at the very least she will end up being an Aversa and come in post game.


    Of course I say that with no knowledge of the story and just the character art. It's a great design and I would hate to see her just killed off and never get to use her. That's why I like Lyon post game too (and he's my fav villain).

  15. Just now, Crubat said:

    there's tempest trials potentially, online co-op mode, the map builder. Idk if I'm forgetting anything else though

    Gotcha thank you!


    and yes meant I missed having a postgame. Sacred Stones was my first game and frankly I find I spend as much time post game as during the regular game sometimes. Pushing characters to the limit and doing harder challenges (to this day the final floor of Lagdou is a pain) is just fun to me. Being able to get everyone to 20/20 if I want… it’s weird but it’s what I enjoy.

  16. I "fell for it" the first time in that I was expecting it but wanted to see what would happen.

    Actually followed her advice all three times expecting a backstab. Was getting rather disappointed, but nothing like a huge explosion and all but one of my units to 1HP to have a good time. Wasn't expecting it to be THAT bad. And as my last move I had opened the door... Restart Level. Again- was expecting something, wanted a challenge, but even I was suprised by how brutal it was.

    In an era where lots of stuff can be cheesed, IT. WAS. AWESOME.

    Felt like trying to recruit Amelia or Joshua for the first time.

    Edit- Ephraim route Amelia of course.

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