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Posts posted by Gerome

  1. There's no official announcement on if the Cipher cards will be translated and released in other countries, and honestly, I doubt it will. Fire Emblem certainly saw a rise in popularity after Awakening, but I don't think it's high enough for them to consider releasing the card game overseas.

    Aha, no! I meant, would the bundle with the artbook be released overseas? I can read Japanese and have been considering getting a JP region 3DS, since it seems to overall be a better choice than waiting six months or so for the game release /sweats/

  2. [this is my first post - I apologise if anything is misplaced, double topic etc!]

    Will they be restocking the bundle with both games and the artbook? Things sell out so fast on amiami ;;^;;

    Also, what is the probability that the bundle with artbook / cipher card be available outside of Japan upon release?

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