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Posts posted by HTakara82

  1. The Anna map is out, and anna seems scale with chapter progress as well. She's a lvl 18 adventurer with all stats caps at endgame.

    Edit: It's only for the map though, when you recruit her, she's at her base stats.

    I was thinking, if the level scaling is based off of growths, its pretty crazy that her stats are all capped, even if only temporary. She probably slaughtered everyone.

  2. aaah I bought my 3ds too much in a rush for FE:if to come out so I don't have a capture card // proper set up or anything

    so it'd probably be all shaky and whatnot

    my sister has a great camera though cause she's a photographer so the quality would be okay i guess xD

    i might try testing it out later if the dlc comes out ~

    Haha it's alright, I'm sure someone like Omega on youtube, are going to post it, just gotta be patient, lol

  3. I always post screenshots of the DLC maps when they come out, so I'll do that for this one too ~

    Wait, didn't silver week end yesterday ? I think one of my cousins or someone mentioned it lasted until the 23rd in Japan ?

    also the release date still says the 24th, so I'm pretty sure the devs took that into consideration when they out the dates for the maps ~

    otherwise I'll be extremely sad xD

    screw pics, gimme vidyas! lol

  4. >Japan

    >Hakama's existence


    Pretty much every article I had on the history of pants had them linked directly to the advent of cavalry dominance so uh

    uhhhhh... the Hakama was originally worn by women of the court and temple maidens during the Heian era, it was later adopted by high ranking military officials. And is now a formal wear of martial artists. It wasn't invented for horse back riding.

  5. The still adopted it because it was superior

    Look if a culture notorious for hating pants still ended up wearing pants for this thing, maybe you'd think that wearing pants provides a serious boon for doing the thing

    They started adopting to pants cause they started expanding north where the climates were colder and they were forced to do so. But that's pretty much the start of the fall of the empire, maybe pants was responsible for that, lol (a joke if some of you didn't catch it)

    What's the context of this photo? If this is a tribe that uses its horse primarily for hunting then it makes sense since they likely don't ride their horses over long distances or for war purposes.

    They weren't as famous as the pants-wearing Huns or Goths, which defeated the Romans. Not to mention that the Romans had less access to much of the resources Medieval Europe had, nor the knowledge. Also you ignored much of Thor's post.


    The context? he asked for proof of natives/tribes riding horses without pants, and I showed proof. What else is there?

    Better option for what? it's only because the expansion up north forced them to start wearing pants

    Also, most of Asia such as southern asia and Japan didn't wear pants for a very long time. Hell even to this day many of southern Asian don't wear pants.

  6. Did you literally just cherry pick specific parts of Thor's argument that only agree with the nonsensical bullshit your spweing. Thor said that they ended adopting pants for mounted uses in spite of their hatred for them

    The word is EVENTUALLY, numbnuts, and thanks for ignoring the rest of my posts.

    They didn't wear pants for hundreds of years, they didn't start to wear pants until the end of the Roman era.

  7. Maybe they just didn't call it pants

    Even the romans ended up adopting pants for their mounted uses and they hated pants, they think pants are for barbarians but you know sometimes being a barbarian is better getting your thighs chafed off


    That's true Romans didn't war pants either, and they were famous for their cavalry, aside from their phalanx. And neither did the Greeks

  8. What natives are you talking about? Most horse riding tribes (in Europe, Asia and America) wore pants before or invented them to deal with the pain of riding a horse in inappropriate wear.

    Most tribal people throughout the world never had access to horses, unless you can provide examples, this point is moot.

    The amount of mobility gained from wearing shorts is negligible. Many people in the medieval times didn't know the advantages to these types of clothing anyways. The protection gained from armour is much more important, and even just pants serve a purpose. If you've ever hiked in a rough trail, you'd know that pants are ideal, especially over long distances. Getting bruised by rocks, stung by insects, catching disease, and coming into contact with plants like poison ivy isn't really practical.


    Boom muthablugger

  9. Olympic runners and Military Personnel are two extremely different types of people

    Keep moving the goal post why don't you? You asked why having no pants over with pants makes a difference. No pants allows for wider range of movement. Pants are constricting and lowers your agility. Agility is important for both combat and sports. Even in the US military they are researching skin type Kevlar uniforms to allow better mobility for soldiers. Some Military units are already deploying such BTUs, such as seals.

    wrt sales figures and character design alone: tbh a pretty bad way of doing things considering how much things there's going on in a game, so maybe people actually like another style of design best but everything else about the game-gameplay, mostly, but there's also the effort put into marketing, as well; Character design isn't the only thing about a game

    and increased sales figure tells them that they're definitely doing something right, but what exactly is the things they're doing right, is not answered by sales figures alone

    I mean I go around pixiv occasionally for my Ryoumarx needs and I've seen a couple of comics making fun FeMui's panties outfit so inb4 "oh but Japan is cool with this" there's evidence that at least some artists in Japan who also think it's pretty ridiculous so I mean

    Anyway wrt designs themselves, neither extravagant nor subtle are superior, and both have their ups and downs, but it is definitely easy to make extravagant designs that don't look ridiculous, considering how great the Hero class looks in general with both genders--and a thing with the older FEs is that, and if you've been around the forums long enough you probably have heard my beef with the lack of pants in the older FEs anyway, but I digress, but the armor designs themselves are far less all-covering than Paladin, Great Knight, and General. Compare Isadora's armor to Marx, for example, and Isadora's far less covered in metal in general (and that actually also goes for other cavs like Marcus and Lowen but their armor pieces don't quite cover their entire torso and their entire arm isn't covered in metal either etc etc, like Marx is just A LOT more armored in general

    And then when you have someone literally covered in that much metal (GK Pieri tcg, for example), but then there's just, a fucking panty in the middle of tons and tons of armor and metal, that creates a much stronger visual dissonance than someone like Isadora who's honestly not covered by that much metal anyway and can probably pull off a Judgral Swordmaster.

    Something like Sorc isn't too bad because it's mostly cloth and the class design doesn't even try to be something that it's not; it's fanservice the class design and it's honest and up front about it. Paladin/GK/General? It's literally full on armor and not even trying to be sexy (unless you're me and find cool armor sexy in which case showing more skin is gonna just detract from it anyway), but with panties. Other than looking utterly ridiculous I don't see the point at all; DLC witch is also a good example of a sexy but not ridiculous and actually visually coherent design in FEF.

    Horses weren't even in North America before the colonial age so uh


    uhhhhh, they still rode without pants, and natives isn't exclusive to native americans. Tribal people from across the world rode horses without pants

  10. brb gotta go drown myself in vodka seeing that somebody said this and actually believes it.

    Yes, pants aren't practical on a battlefield. Which is why nearly EVERY MILITARY IN THE WORLD HAS LONG TROUSERS AS STANDARD UNIFORM AND COMBAT GEAR. It's also why Men-at-arms wore long trousers back in the old medieval times.

    Seriously, what the fuck were you thinking when you wrote this. No pants means your more exposed to the elements as well as insects and bacteria.

    A largely negligible advantage especially if your shivering from the cold or suffering from an infection, which you wouldn't have gotten if you had worn some damn trousers.

    >gives no example of how they can get in the way.

    Olympic runners wear fufu shorts "extremely short shorts that looks basically like underwear" for a reason you know?

  11. Thing is, proper pants and long sleeves (naming these because of designs such as Crimson's) will protect you from the friction of riding a horse and from the scratches that riding a goddamn wyvern will surely produce, and also your own armor.

    Edit: Also elements as has been mentioned multiple times.

    Now, not every arrow is made to pierce armor, and a proper chainmail (namely a riveted mail of good quality) should be able to protect from a good number of arrows or at the very least stop it's momentum enough for something like a paded gambeson (which is something good to wear) to stop the arrow from causing a serious injury if any, it also depends of obvious factors such as the weight of the bow along the distance at which the arrow was fired to be sure of how much momentum it would carry.

    Natives and other tribals have rode mounts long before pants was invented, that's a terrible excuse.

  12. This is Setsuna's skinship subbed - thanks for linking me BTW.

    This is clearly a S-rank/lovers convo, how come in the middle of it Sestina suddenly asks "Can you be my friend?" Error in translation or...?

    The 2nd to last dialogue about being friends is the A+ for FeMUI

  13. really cool Kamui you made!

    haha, thanks, I need my avatar to be as manly as I am, *cough* lol

    Whenever I see this hairstyle used I get a strong urge to take a comb to it. He looks good but I just... it's the mother in me I dunno. I'm not even a mother. I'm not even a woman

    I have very basic personalities for my avatars, but nothing in depth. Like 'the serious one' and 'the silly one', stuff like that.

    haha I can understand that, people have their own little quirks, haha.

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