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Posts posted by HTakara82

  1. Nah, there are a bunch of weapons as well as skills like Swallow Strike that make it easier for units to double. Also Anna has a speed mod of -1 while plenty of children (and Kamui) are capable of having +4 or higher speed mods. It might not necessarily be "common", but you'll see it happen.

    Also if we're assuming units have capped defensive stats, believe it or not, Res caps are slightly higher on average than Def caps across all classes in this game. Mindblowing I know.

    That is true, RES caps are higher this time around vs DEF, but most people won't even reach it without a ton of work though. too many units require like level 80+ just to hit their res caps. The same can be said about def too. And most units that do have reasonably good Res, have slow speed, meaning Anna can double with the Shining bow against them. Let's say her setup is with as mentioned above, 60 base MT targeting Res, and someone has 30 to 35 RES, she'll still 1RKO, if their speed is insufficient.

    Swallow strike is indeed an amazing skill, but I wouldn't rely on the weapons too much, they act as a double edge blade, as the weapons that give +5 to doubles gives the opponent +5 as well, making them able to double you too. So you better hope you have better accuracy and can finish them off first.

    Or you can just run a Defensive Formation/Pavise/Axebreaker/Sol/Strength Seal General with a Reverse Katana and say fuck it.

    lol, so true. Just wall them the crap out lol.

  2. On a funny note, for Sorcs, even with +5 doubling mod for Excalibur, they still can't double a good chunk of units, and they'll end up giving +5 speed mod to someone with higher speed making them double them instead, lol. DON'T use excalibur in PvP, lol.

  3. Regarding Anna,

    Just keep in mind that Berserkers cap out a 33 SPD (if you're considering stuff like PvP), so you need 38 speed (or things that boost your doubling ability so that your speed + doubling bonus equals 38) in order to double them.

    But yes, they have at most 25 RES, so 60 Might gives you 35 damage…. if you could double them, you would deal 35 x 2 = 70 damage and thus kill them. The only trick is getting up that high…. maybe Guard Stance with a Speed boosting partner would help…

    Well was referring to her as an Adventurer, but 38spd? wha? considering the class with the highest speed are Elite Ninja's and True Blades with a cap of 35, and the majority of classes have somewhere between 27-30 speed cap. You don't need to have that kind of speed. The only way you can rely on doubling in PvP against 31+ speed classes is to use brave weapons. Or pairing up to get a speed boost. You can't rely on doubling, you need to rather rely on efficiency.

  4. Yeah, I think Bowman might do wonders for Anna. Lucky Seven, Raven Strike and Soar give her +90 hit against fliers, and Bowfaire helps her to deal more damage with the Shining Bow. She's a really solid unit, unlike her Awakening version.

    Yeah if you wanna keep her purely on bows, getting her the archer line is a good way to go. Her magic cap as an Adventurer is good too, @ 32 with her cap modifier. meaning her base attack with the Shining Bow is 45, and then you just +5 with Bowfaire, and +10 with extravagance, and her base attack sky rockets to 60 MT a shot!, if that isn't beast, I don't know what is. Especially when most things have really low res, she can 1RKO units like Berserkers, Generals, and Great Knights with ease.

    And just throwing in her ability to gain Copy Kat innately as well, that's just OP.

  5. Not that it really matters, but has anyone found a way to recruit Anna yet?

    Not yet sadly

    Anna is bestest waifu once again. And this time, since the children are tied to the fathers, I won't feel especially suboptimal for not marrying a character with a child of their own, (even with the presence of Aqua). Still would be nice to see an Anna child one of these days. Lil' Mini Anna!

    It's actually less optimal to marry her, cause there's less females to go around this time, the only way to get all the kids is to marry Anna, lol

  6. Little offtopic but you can build a Resturant in my Castle and apparently Anna is one of the best cooks! f**k yeah.


    That looks rly good! i will definitely give her a try as a witch

    Anna can cook?! Best Waifu confirmed! lmao

    Okay here's some information overload, I've put together a spreadsheet outlining her average stat growths as a fighter > berserker, assuming that you S rank her and parallel asap. Of course there'd be some stat differences if you wait longer to parallel, but it's easier this way to remove that variable


    A quick summary:

    Berserker 20/1

    HP: 41

    STR: 25

    MAG: 15

    SKL: 18.5

    SPD: 20.5

    LCK: 23

    DEF: 11.5

    RES: 16.5

    Berserker 20/20

    HP: 54.5

    STR: 36

    MAG: 26

    SKL: 27.5

    SPD: 31.5

    LCK: 27

    DEF: 15.5

    RES: 25.5

    Best Zerker confirmed? lol

    As a comparison, here's Charlotte's level 20/20 average stat as a zerker

    HP: 59.55

    STR 43

    MAG 0

    SKL: 26.5

    SPD: 34

    LCK: 22.5

    DEF: 14.8

    RES: 6.45

    Anyway just for a little fun, let's see what levels she'd be to max each of her stats

    HP: level 20/44

    STR: level 20/26

    MAG: Already Maxed

    SKL: level 20/30

    SPD: level 20/21

    LCK: Already Maxed

    DEF: 20/99 >_> I wouldn't try

    RES: 20/24

    So on average it wouldn't take too much work to get most of her stats maxed.

    I'll see if I can put together a spreadsheet for her other classes as well, when I'm able to.

  7. Yes.

    Interestingly, even for games with set promotion paths, class base stats are often used for determining promotion gains. From my recollection it's FE3, FE4, FE5, FE6, and FE9 that use that system in addition to FE11, FE12, FE13, and FE14 that have to use it. There's some different weird use for base stats in FE1 and FE2 promotions while FE7, FE8, and FE10 just use arbitrary numbers. Also some games make exceptions for stats like HP or Luck.

    Thanks a bunch, this is very helpful!

  8. Anyone know how viable Tsubaki!Shigure is as a rod knight vs. falcon warrior vs golden kite warrior ?

    I usually like sticking units with their original line (Pegasus Warrior) but I already have Hinoka and Matoi as Falcon Warriors, and I probably plan on promoting Setsuna to Golden Kite Warrior; I don't have any rod knights at all ~

    Dump him on the side lines, he's pretty useless. His stat growths are just crap.

  9. Anna has great growths and decent modifiers, that's true. She also has access to both Strategist and Puppeteer.

    But we still don't know if she can marry only with the Avatar and if she even has any A+ support. Given that she has 3 classes, she might have poor S and A+ choiches, and I don't want to marry her just to give her Golden Kite Warrior. If she by chance gets an A+ support with Yuugiri, than I'm more than happy and I'll use her. But I still want to know who she can support with before saying that you're right.

    Anna is pretty much the best, highest growth totals in the game, and great secondary class choices. All she need really is one class through M!Kamui's secondary through marriage. She can be successful in every job you give her. She can even be an amazing berserker too, oddly enough, if you want another damage dealer. There's a reason why she's the only spotpass character, lol.

  10. Some skill setup Ideas for Anna as a Zerker and Sorceror


    Axefaire: for more damage

    Copy Kat: cause, two Annas are better than one!

    Extravagance: doing +10 damage and taking -10 damage is too OP

    Lucky 7: Having that +20 to Hit and Avoid, is always good, especially to offset the nature of low hit rates in this game.

    Sol: for survivability!

    Preferred Weapons:

    Killer Axe: due to her ridiculous Lck Growth, and Zerkers innate high crit, this will have criting more times than not!

    Bolt Axe: For some range coverage, and her high magic growth will ensure that she'll make great use of this weapon!

    notes: Her res growths and +2 stat mod, means she can still take magic hits like a boss, unlike other zerkers who have really low RES growths like Charlottes 5%... So she doesn't need to make use of tomebreaker to combat magic weakness. Stat wise, she'll be extremely well rounded as a zerker. She'll have no weaknesses. Her base growths will offset the Zerkers natural weaknesses, using extravagance can easily offset her lower strength growth in comparison to someone like Charlotte (Anna: 55, Charlotte: 80), at the very least Anna will crit more, so in a sense do more damage, as well as have higher survivability.


    Copy Kat: 2 Annas

    Extravagance: same as above~

    Bow Breaker: cause enemy Bows are too OP

    Lucky 7: same as above

    Life taker or Vengence: one for either more survivability, or the other for more boom.

    Preferred Weapon:

    No explanation really

    Mjolnir: to take advantage of her high luck

    Excalibur: for damage

    Nosferatu: for when things get dangerous.

    She's pretty straight forward as a sorc, her natural classes gives great support to the sorc class. And her stat growths just makes her perform extraordinarily well as one too. She's guaranteed to max out most of her stats as a sorc. So you really can't go wrong as one.

    If there's anything you guys wanna add or change, or any comments on these skills/item setups. I'd be happy to listen. I wanted to add Household cure in there somewhere, since it's a pretty neat skill, to be able to use a healing item and then perform an action right afterwards.

  11. But you can use Midoriko as a money-maker since her personal skill boosts the Easy Life and Smithy skills, and she can get both easily, and with puppeteer she could also make a double of herself to grind more gold. Even though Anna can get both Easy Life and Copycat, a 20% activation bonus is something to value heavily, since we don't know how much money Anna would get upon beating an enemy, and nabbing Smithy for her would be costly since likely only the Avatar could pass it to her.

    But of course, like I said, there are other ways of getting money, but that's a lot of work to make sure the character can bring in cash, but Anna gives you money the second she joins, with no extra effort.

  12. Shit. I meant HP.

    Oh lol, yeah it's only 35 base, but that's not surprising, HP growths as a whole is a lot lower, across the board, but HP caps area also a lot lower too. Like the average HP growth rate is between 30 and 40... Only a few people have higher than that. And only a few classes gives mods to HP growths too.

    Anyway was doing some minor calculations. If you just keep her as an Adventurer, with capped magic (32 with stat mod, which she'll get with her growths), and equipped with a shining bow, and add extravagance into the mix ( +10 damage consuming one gold coin ) she'll do 55 raw magic damage! before accounting for opponent res that is! But with even res in the equation, she can 1RKO difficult enemies that normally have low res such as Generals and Berserkers! By either doubling or Copy Kat.

    I did some calculation how she'd go against popular characters such as Effie and Charlotte, and Effie, only has 13 res at level 20/20 (average), Anna would just double and kill her. Charlotte has enough speed to prevent doubling but Anna can Copy Kat for double Anna gangbang her to death doing a staggering 52 damage a hit! due to Charlottes piss poor Res growth of 5% and base of 2. The results are pretty much the same across the board against most physical units. I think Anna can easily take top tier in PvP.

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