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Posts posted by HTakara82

  1. Idk, from a voice actor's perspective, I wouldn't be surprised if the voice actors/actresses just weren't comfortable with recording these types of lines. I mean, they can tone down the lines to make it less suggestive sure, but the prospect of voicing characters reacting to being touched/strokes might be off-putting to some of them.

    Like, if Matthew Mercer was embarrassed about voicing one confession line, I doubt he would be able to voice MULTIPLE lines in reaction to his character being touched.

    If it makes people uncomfortable, I'm not going to blame the voice actors and I'd rather not get anything than have them put themselves through some awkward/uncomfortable situations.

    I'm just guessing though - I could be completely wrong.

    Actors should be able to act anything, if they're uncomfortable, than they have no right to be called a professional. Anyway the English VAs are garbage anyway, I wouldn't call them professional regardless.

  2. So Nathan, I banged Zoe Quinn and caused GamerGate, tried emailing someone to try and substantiate his claim... Except that he emailed an Ex-IGN employee Richard George, Yes its the same Richard from IGN, but he doesn't work for Nintendo. He works for Golin, a PR firm that has a contract with Nintendo. In other words, Richard knows dick.

    Because no bothered to read my comment.

  3. Nintendo already explicitly said that all 3 paths are on the cart for the special edition, taken from the nintendo website:

    • Also featuring the Revelation path, all on a single game card, included exclusively in this special edition.
    • 80 page art book with previously unreleased sketches, concept drawings, and more.
    • Beautifully illustrated carrying pouch for your Nintendo 3DSXL system.
  4. That's been discussed already. It's an old screenshot, and it's still unknown if that exclamation point is still in the game or not, and if it's in the game, it is unknown if it still means skinship.

    old as in 4 weeks old... that's not that old.

    but yeah, it's still possible that they could replace skinship with something else. As Skinship events was the only thing that prompts for the exclamation mark.

  5. that is literally the same article

    It is, this is the lines that was used in both the kotaku article and the polygon article

    ("You might have heard somewhat misinterpreted or exaggerated information about the Japanese original game," a representative for Nintendo told Polygon, "but even in the Japanese original version, we have not included any features which are considered inappropriate in Japan.

    "Having said that, however, making changes are not unusual when we localize games, and we have indeed made changes in these games.")

    But replace "told polygon" with "told me" in the kotaku article.

  6. There are at least 7-8 different major review sites that now all use Kotaku's article to claim that the mini-game is completely removed from the game. Does anyone do their own research in this industry anymore or does everyone just ride the coattails of everyone else?

    Yes, I know every industry does it

    Because this:


















    Is a credible site, how can you argue it?

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