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Posts posted by ruadath

  1. OK, this should be my last post here before getting the next video up. I've made significant improvements to the clear, with better levels for all and more EXP too (and for important units like Lowen/Florina/Eliwood)! The only thing I can't seem to fix is the Marcus level. I have two choices, a (Skl, Res) level or a Spd level. The latter sounds slightly better to me, but it foregoes roughly ~25 EXP for Florina and ~20 EXP for Erk. It might be the case that these losses don't matter anyway since both of them are going to promote soon, but Florina at 8.76 has a chance of hitting level 12 at the end of the next chapter, which I'm not sure she does at 8.50, while it's much easier for me to envision training Erk at 9.46 to level 10 in the next chapter than getting him there at 9.26 (which probably necessitates some EP action).

    Thoughts on which Marcus level I should go for? I'm thinking the Skl,Res one because of the EXP gains for everyone else, and the fact that the extra point of Spd doesn't let him double anything extra in Chapter 20. The new version of the clear is pretty exciting, and it gets all the droppable items too, so I'm excited to share!

  2. I think most people have seen that if you leave Uhai alive with low HP in Chapter 18/19 (depending on what mode you are playing in), he will try and run away from your characters toward the forts. Most of the time, blocking off his escape route makes him attack you as you would want. However, I have noticed that occasionally he will instead respond to such encroachment by just skipping his turn and staying in his starting spot.

    From testing, it seems to me like the times when this occurs are related to whether or not the nomads above and to the left of him have moved, but it would be great if someone who has extensive knowledge about the AI (Gryz?) could confirm this for me.

  3. - Nyx

    I gave her the Excaliber tome at the end of my Conquest play-through and she destroyed EVERYTHING. I also really like her character design and I S-supported her on a whim. No regrets.

    I don't actually have a good idea of the community's opinions on various characters, but I think Nyx is pretty great too, and experienced similar awesomeness with her during my playthrough. I heard she has major problems in Revelations though (haven't played) and maybe that's why people don't like her? Mounted magic units are great in this game thanks to the major nerfs Hand Axes and Javelins got, so yeah I definitely agree with you here.

  4. On a somewhat related note (I don't know if people already know this), any uses of Jakob's heal staff in Chapter 2 and 3 will get replenished once you get him back in Chapter 6. This includes breaking the heal staff too.

  5. Yeah, I tried this too a while ago and it doesn't work, sadly. You can give Kaze's Vulnerary to Corrin and it will stay with him/her. He/she can also keep the Goddess Icon from the village and the HP Tonic that drops in Chapter 5.

    Don't know about Mozu.

  6. I was planning on getting a clear up today, but believe it or not, in the process of streamlining the clear for real time controls (I try to make these videos as aesthetically pleasing as dondon's though I'm not sure I quite succeed in that) I may have actually found room for improvement!

    Unfortunately, this means that I will be taking more time on this chapter, and probably won't get a video up for another couple of days.

  7. OK, I got a clear, but I'm not terribly happy with it, primarily because of Marcus' terrible level (Skl, Res). Lowen missed a Str proc (again) and Erk missed a Mag proc (not too important). I also wasn't able to get a couple of the Torch drops (though I did get the Torch staff). Obviously, Fiora was recruited. I'll try to look for something better before I upload a video.

    EDIT: I modified the clear to get one more of the Torch drops. The Marcus level still sucks though.

    EDIT 2: I modified the same clear to change Marcus level. It still sucks (it's only Spd), but I figure that it's better than whatever I had before. Raven gets a kind of sucky level instead of a good one, but I don't think it particularly matters

  8. I've gone a long time without posting here, but I was inspired to take a look at this again by the fact that there is a good position (in the RNG) for Marcus to crit Uhai and gain a pretty decent level in the 1500s. I planned out the first turn (at least temporarily), and by the start of PP2 the RNG was at around 1000... so I don't think I will quite make it, sadly, and Marcus may have to settle for a subpar level up unless I figure something out. There's still hope though because a lot of my units were unable to reach the enemies on the first turn so I may be able to burn more RNs than expected.

    The only big note I have to make from the first turn is that Florina's survival is extremely sucky. Without LHM training or the Seraph Robe, she gets one-shotted by all of the nomads and two-shotted by everything else. Thankfully her Avo is pretty high (and dodge tanking is a viable strat in this game, unlike the more recent ones) so with some effort I can occasionally find setups that let her dodge almost everything that hits her.

  9. There not being an option to grind makes players feel more inclined to overcome the challenges with what they have, instead of using the easy way out when they're lazy. That's the whole point.

    And uh, to be honest most players know better how to distribute experience. It's a skill you need to make FE easier for yourself, and as the version that is supposed to challenge the player the most and is there to appeal to experts, Conquest challenges this skill with a combination of no grinding and making lowmanning a bad idea (or so I heard, I haven't played it yet).

    Based on my experiences so far, low-manning is still a pretty viable option, it's just that the EXP curve is so steep that you can't really get your characters more than 4 or 5 levels ahead of the enemies (except for maybe Corrin because of Nobility). With the right combination of units and skills, you don't really need to be much above that though (in my casual playthrough, Avatar+ Jakob, Silas, Camilla, Nyx, Beruka, and Severa have made for a pretty competent team).

    I haven't checked this out yet, but I heard the EXP curve in Lunatic is even steeper, so I guess I'll see what happens when I try that out.

  10. Sorry I didn't see this until now because topics move off the front page so quickly on this sub.

    The legitimate way to use My Castle by building support points is to wait several days. You can't just do DLC maps or edit some hexes to get My Castle conversations which is probably what you did given that you said you tested it out after only 2 days! It takes days to test it out, so obviously you did something wrong. It would at least take 2 weeks to marry Corrin and Jakob if you had an average of one conversation a day.

    I just changed the clock time on my computer since I'm running this in Citra.

  11. Um no, lol. You don't understand my argument. In Awakening, you HAVE TO script run the whole map at once because the RNs in Awakening stay the same if you bookmark. You CANNOT change the RN of a map by making a bookmark and reloading it. You HAVE TO script run the whole map at once.

    Exactly my point. That's why you start off by doing turn 1 many times (each from a different reset), and then take a bookmark from each one. Then when you go on to do turn 2 (for the sake of argument, often it's convenient to split one turn into multiple phases but whatever), if a particular bookmark doesn't give you the desired result you want, you discard it and move on to the next one. This is an algorithmic equivalent of just resetting from scratch each time, it's just significantly easier to code and runs faster because you're not wasting time doing pointless stuff.

    Further, you refuse to give me a printscreen of your tool, which makes it even more obvious that you're lying. Your run is not only illegimate as a proper LTC run because it uses tools to begin with, but it's also even more illegitimate since you won't tell us what tools you are actually using. My guess is you use the Awakening save editor to hack your unit's stats to make RNG abusing a lot easier. Given your previous history of lying (I looked into this), and the ease with which you can get 1/100000 clears, I'm surprised anyone takes any of your runs seriously at this point.

    I can give screenshots if you want, but what do you want to see? Like I said, I haven't packaged the thing, so there isn't any interface. All I can give you is screenshots of code and/or make a gif of the memory changing really fast (viewed in a memory watching program like CheatEngine; it actually is kind of fun to watch lol), neither of which are particularly enlightening. I'm not sure what the Awakening save editor is, though I can tell you that it's unnecessary to edit the save files (I've been hacking in the Renown items as I need them since I was too lazy to do a casual playthrough first and unlock everything).

    Also regarding the RD incident you linked to, yes I did hack stats (really just one stat, because all of the dodges I needed to occur except one occurred) there, and that was when I did all my resetting by hand and needed to get a 1 in 10,000 odd clear. After that happened, I took a break (for a couple of months? I don't remember the length) from the playthrough to develop these tools so that I wouldn't have to resort to doing anything like that again.

  12. Nowi can attack at 2-range? For some reason I assumed that she couldn't lol. OK, that's definitely good to know. She does 15 damage, so critting would immediately kill the Dark Mage. Gregor in a pair up attack does 16 damage (with the Steel Sword), which is 5 short of what it needs to be. He can actually be ferried (and has a turn free to use, unlike Nowi since she has to drop Robin South) a Str Tonic, which puts him 3 damage short. So with a +3 Mt forge to the Steel Sword, this becomes significantly more reliable, although this is another 2.5k (closer to 3 with the Tonic) that I have to shell out. Odds of success for that are roughly 30%, which isn't so bad (actually it's less because Nowi can miss, but let's overlook that for now).

    I'm trying to think of ways to make the NE corner less RNG-reliant but I can't think of anything that's not expensive. The best idea I've come up with so far is to replace Lonqu with Sully; if you give Ricken a Mag Tonic and Sully a Str Tonic (and the Steel Lance), they are 5 short of ORKOing the myrmidon without a crit; so if you're willing to distribute +5 in forges among both weapons you could increase the reliability of the strategy by about 4x, but I think the cost of that is somewhere around 5k... (in which case you might as well just forge up the Beast Killer).

  13. This would be an excellent idea if it wasn't for the fact that swapping Gregor and Nowi puts Gregor out of attack range (Robin ends up on the spot just above Nowi's deployment square), so the mage will probably just do the same thing but attack Nowi. I don't think it actually makes things terribly dangerous for Fred because he has a high dodge rate (outdoor fighter is awesome), and he can still easily kill him with the Hand Axe.

    Maybe I'm overlooking something silly though and the the other one (of Gregor and Nowi) is still in the mage's attack range, but I don't think so.

  14. I'm certain I've seen the Dark Mage move to the west spot at some point, but after doing ~20 test resets (by hand), he doesn't seem to want to move away from the southern spot as things currently stand. And sadly, the game pairs up Gregor with Nowi when the mage attacks, so Robin can't kill on the DS...

    Fortunately, all hope might not be lost. Since Gregor is next to Robin, he gets a 10% crit boost from her (for a 10% crit rate). If we give him a +2 Mt forged Levin Sword, then a crit (21 damage) + a DS from Nowi (15 damage) takes care of the mage. But this is like a ~2% total chance of happening, and the strain on both my pocket and ability to RNG-abuse might be getting to the point where it is too much to handle...

  15. Took a look at this briefly and noticed that we're spending more money than we have. After selling the 2 bullions, buying 5 Str Tonics, forging the Javelin and the Iron Sword, and buying 2 more Javelins and a Hand Axe, I'm down to 450G (with potentially another 1250 from the Secret Book). After that, we have to sell weapons to make cash, and a +3 Mt forge on the Beast Killer is nearly 5k gold. I suppose this could be remedied by just pulling the Large Bullion out of Renown (or selling other Renown items), but do you have any better ideas?

    Note that one possibility is to give the Beast Killer a +1 Mt forge (~750G) and then rig a Gaius DS when attacking the cav. Sumia will dish out 30 of the 36 damage, and Gaius will do 7+8+2-8-1=8 damage to finish him off.

  16. Speaking as someone who has only started playing both games in the last month or so, I'll say the following.

    I haven't gotten particularly far in either one, but so far Awakening seems much better to me in terms of story. I've heard people say plenty of bad things about the story, and I imagine I'll experience them soon enough, but as of the end of Chapter 9, everything seems perfectly reasonable for a Fire Emblem game; sure, the weird gimmicks like Vaike forgetting his Axe and Kellam not being noticed by anyone were kind of silly, but I don't think they were so bad. On the other hand, I'm about halfway through Conquest, and Corrin seems like a clueless idiot to me for the obvious reasons.

    On the other hand, Fates (imo) destroys Awakening in terms of gameplay. The variety of objectives (at least in Conquest) is kind of refreshing after playing through 10 straight rout maps. I kind of like the new weapon triangle implementation, and all of the nerfs they made to 1-2 ranged weapons, etc. It makes for an interesting new challenge.

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