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Posts posted by ruadath

  1. This discussion is becoming rather pointless lol, but I think what you actually might have forgot in that case is Cordelia's weapon rank bonus. She doesn't get enough EXP before the cav (33 from each kill)

    9 (Base Str) + 2 (Energy Drop) + 2 (Tonic) + 1 (Weapon Rank) + 7 (+5 Mt Javelin) + 3 (Panne) = 24 Atk

    24 is an important number, because then 24-6=18, which means she 2HKOs the Dark Mages and can thus reliably ORKO them without any reliance on DS.

  2. Thanks for the info. I think I was just planning on Robin getting a Str proc from killing something before the fighter attacked her. One contingency plan for something else I just thought of (that improves the odds a little bit):

    It's OK if Cordelia doesn't kill the cav that attacks her on the first turn (i.e. if Panne doesn't proc a DS), because after transferring Gaius to Cordelia, Sumia can switch to Panne who can deal the finishing blow on the EP then if necessary (she can tank a hit).

  3. Bumping this thread because the Citra made an official release with some of the custom stuff people like me have been playing around with for a while, but haven't been in the master branch; the biggest merge is the audio. There still is a lot of customization that haven't been merged into the main branch just yet (most importantly, the one that gets rid of the graphical glitches in Fates and Awakening), and the newest custom builds run super fast (because the JIT shader has finally been fixed)! I'm talking like 3/4 to full speed depending on the power of your machine!

    I can post a video if people want to see, although like I said earlier I don't have Shadowplay so I experience a slowdown when recording.

  4. Sorry, busy day yesterday. Here's what I'm currently thinking:

    Lissa!Chrom goes for fighter #1 on the north end with a Steel Sword. He won't kill him, but I think he 3HKO's, has like a 50% dodge chance, and can tank a hit. Lonqu!Ricken with the Killing Edge takes care of the myrmidon in the manner you described; on the enemy phase, if the Nos mage goes for the person with least resistance, as you said, he should go for Chrom. Then when Ricken visits the village, if we load up his inventory he can convoy Lonqu's Killing Edge, which Chrom can then use to murder the mage (and then finish the fighter without a crit on the EP).

    Gaius!Sumia with a +3 Mt Beast Killer forge takes out the cav (without a DS), while Panne!Cordelia with a +5 Mt Javelin goes to the good spot, where she reliably kills the mages, and takes out the fighter and other cav with a Panne DS. Sumia can transfer Gaius over on turn 2, and then Cordelia can go visit the Master Seal village; IIRC, with a +3 Mt Iron Sword forge on Gaius (and a Str proc for Cordelia on the level she gets on the first turn), she can kill the strongest enemies there with a single DS from Gaius.

    and then Robin and Fred do the usual stuff. I'll have a calculation of the odds done at some point today, which I imagine are now significantly better, but I don't plan to start running this until at least after the weekend. Let me know if I'm overlooking something.

    EDIT: A very rough estimate shows that the total odds for the stuff that Robin and Fred don't do is roughly 1 million, which is a significant improvement over what I had before (where it was over 1 million only for Cordelia's stuff), if necessary I might be able to improve this further by crit-forging Cordelia's Javelin, although I think the difference is marginal (it's only 9% crit) and I probably don't have enough money to do it regardless if I am forging up the Beast Killer and the Iron Sword.

  5. Can't respond in full detail right now (will edit soon) as I'm trying to get something done within the hour, but:

    Bookmarks would only help you if RNs changed every bookmark. They don't. They remain the same every time you load the map. Funnily enough, no one knows how to burn RNs in Awakening. I just googled this: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=49848

    You're misunderstanding what I'm saying. It's pointless and inefficient (and probably not even possible) to have a script run the whole map at once if the strat has a reasonably likely chance of failing on the first turn. Thus the more sensible thing to do is to run the turn 1 (or whatever) script many times, generate a ton of bookmarks at the start of turn 2 (where the first turn has been cleared successfully), and then iterate from there.

  6. This is an awesome idea! I haven't done any math on this whatsoever, but can I get rid of the Miriel DS by giving Sumia a pair up like Vaike, a Str Tonic, and possibly forging the Beast Killer?

    Alternatively, since the village is only 15 and not 16 spaces away, perhaps I can have Sumia's pair up partner be Gaius; then Cordelia can take Panne for the Str/Spd bonus (I think with a maxed forged Javelin this lets her reliably ORKO the mages!), and Sumia can transfer Gaius over on the next turn (although this assumes that Chrom's DS crit ends up working out in our favor). I'll have to think on this

    does Chrom have the Killing Edge? It'd be preferred here, although the Rapier might be okay... the Dark Mage should target him over Sumia.

    yes and yes to both of these.

    (also, with the way you described your tools, dealing with these fringe case might not be worth the effort?). With DF!Robin coming into play next chapter, this may be negligible, though.

    Maybe, we'll see. I generally run the thing in phases, so I get a bunch of bookmarks at the end of turn 1, and then proceed to do turn 2, etc. It probably won't be too much effort to automatically sort these into the two cases depending on whether or not the mage died, but even if it is I'll deal with that stuff on my end.

    Really appreciate your help on this. There was one last potential issue with this strat that I didn't mention last time (I had not and still haven't investigated it enough). The myrmidon #12 is blocking Robin's path to the boss. Thankfully, Robin gets dropped far enough south that she aggros him on the enemy phase. However, Gregor (one space north of Robin) is in range on the dark mage (#11) and he can attack from either west or south of Robin. If he attacks from the south, it blocks the myrmidon's path to Robin, and the clear doesn't work, but if he attacks from the west everything is fine.

    From black box testing (i.e. moving only Robin and Fred, and not the rest of the team), the square from which he attacks seems to be random. However, I am slightly concerned (have not done any testing) that Cordelia's position will make the mage prefer the south spot since I think the west spot is in her range, while the south spot is not. If you have any idea how the AI works here, I'd be glad to know. I should note that with the new strategy you have given me, the south spot is now in range of Sumia, so hopefully it will just be random again.

  7. One possible alternative that might work is to replace Gaius with Fred as Cordelia's problem (makes her Spd worse but gives her effective DS as compensation, and greatly increases odds of survival). The Robin needs Gaius to give her a move boost, but Gaius!Gregor can't do Fred's job (at least I don't think so, I haven't checked), so we'll have to have Sumia!Chrom fly down and take care of stuff there. I haven't done any calculations regarding whether or not this improves the odds (because while Cordelia's stuff becomes far more reliable, Chrom and Sumia aren't exactly tanks themselves, and Panne!Lonqu now has to do some annoying stuff), but I expect it will probably be at least slightly better.

    Whether or not this will make a difference (or even works at all) remains to be seen (feel free to do some calculations for me, I probably won't for a few days because I have a busy weekend), but (ignoring RNG stuff) it might be less optimal as a clear because it hinders Fred and Cordelia's EXP gain (and I imagine the latter may be especially important for Chapter 9). On the other hand, if we are going to bench those guys anyway, then maybe it's a good thing that Chrom gets a few additional kills.

  8. It's a shame Cordelia needs Gaius's +1 Move (I'm assuming you're going for the Master Seal villager with her), because otherwise, Panne provides +3 Str and Spd (compared to Gaius's +2 Spd), while having comparable DS power. Lon'qu would provide +5 Spd and with the C7 Steel Sword forged to +3 Mt, he'd have the same power.

    I know right? it's quite upsetting lol.


    Frederick!Robin moves south to "rescue-chain" Robin further south through Gregor and Nowi. This puts her in range to attack the boss on PP2 (with Nowi for support) while Gregor!Frederick cleans up the eastern side of the map. Combined, those two teams easily take care of enemies 12-23 on that map.

    Chrom and Sumia fly toward the NE village and kill the merc (#2) with a crit (switch to Chrom). They actually wont make it to the village after switching to Chrom, but that's OK because Ricken can run there in 2 turns and tank a hit from the Nos mage; in fact, Ricken deals enough damage on the counter that Chrom can reliably kill the mage (Falchion double, no crits) on turn 2 PP! Panne and Lonqu take care of the fighter (#1)

    That leaves enemies 4-11 for Cordelia to deal with as she flies to the Master Seal village. If she could fly over the village, the 2 cavs (who she can't double) would get aggrod toward Chrom and Frederick, respectively, but since she has to fly east of it (and thus in their range) they attack her, which is really problematic not only because of dodging trouble, but the fact that she can't double them, so she has no choice but to crit...

  9. Using an emulator allows you to disable the CPU intensive graphical rendering features and turbo the game so that you can run it faster; that's the whole point of using the emulator (well that and automation via scripting), since under normal conditions Citra isn't fast enough to even run the games at a full 60 FPS.

    The 1 in 100,000 odds is also an overestimate. The actual odds are somewhere between 10,000 and 100,000 (logarithmically, which imo is the correct scale to compare RNG abuse) and the above screenshot was obtained without concern for Robin's levels since as I said, I'm not planning on working on this any further.

    If you want proof that the clears are being done legitimately, I can just send you (again meaning anyone) the bookmark save file. You can import it into either Citra or a 3DS that has been hacked to a sufficient degree (I don't own one so I can't help you with that), and run the save file and you'll see that it works.

    Would really love to see some videos of these maps working.

    The Citra developers are getting close to making an official release with audio, filtering, and all the other stuff soon so I'm hopeful that we can get some videos soon too! Right now there are lots of issues with recording the videos properly (the most annoying being the dramatic slowdown from recording since I don't think any of my computers have a graphics card that supports NVIDIA Shadowplay), but also problems with crashing and audio desync, etc.

  10. While being sad about getting stuck in the Lunatic run, I realized the 2-turn Prologue actually had significantly better odds than I was expecting due to me failing to account for stuff, so not counting Robin's 2 levels, the odds for success are roughly 1 in 100,000, which is very doable.


    Not planning on pursuing this any further for the moment, however.

  11. A 2-turn clear for Chapter 8 is plausible, and certainly possible on HM, but I think that Cordelia sucks too much on LM for it to be feasible. I originally thought I had things planned out to work, since if I could fly over the village, then Cordelia only has to fight 5-6 enemies, 3-4 of which are mages (who she can tank hits from with a Res Tonic), which means that her odds of survival are actually reasonable. However, not being able to fly over the village means that I have to aggro the cavs as well, which spells trouble for Cordelia, not only because she can't dodge them properly, but also because she can't double them (without a Speedwing) and therefore has to rely on crits to take care of them...

    Wondering if you guys have any ideas on how to fix this? Maybe I should give Cordelia the Speedwing (in addition to the Energy Drop). Then with a +5 Mt forged Javelin and a +5 Mt forged Iron Sword for Gaius everything can be killed with one DS proc, which gives Cordelia odds of roughly 1 in 1500 for killing everything (not counting her own survival). Accounting for her survival (which is pretty bad), probably takes the odds up to ~1 million (maybe a bit worse), which is very difficult but not impossible; thankfully, the rest of the map is pretty reliable, as Robin and Fred can kill everything else without any problems (except I suppose, Fred potentially missing a swordie with his Hand Axe), and Chrom only needs one Killing Edge crit, and has no chance of dying. But this would still probably take a while to get done (if at all), and doesn't account for level ups, so if you guys have ideas to make the clear more reliable somehow, I'd love to hear them.

    EDIT: Another possible method of dealing with this would be to rig a "surge" bonus for Cordelia in Spd/Def or something like that in the barracks, though I'm not sure I want to do that...

  12. Thanks for the feedback once again. One more question though: how bad of a thing will it be if I spend all (or most) of my money this chapter? Cordelia is going to get a (+4 Mt, +12 Crit) Javelin forge, which is already 7k gold, and then I need to buy some Javelins and a Hand Axe, and some Tonics, so I'll likely be down to ~1k gold after selling both M bullions.

    Should I be more frugal or is this OK? Any estimates on what I'll need to for Rescues/Seals later on in the game, and how much I will get just from drops?

  13. How do you guys feel about using the Renown Energy Drop on Cordelia? I think it will dramatically improve the reliability of the next couple Chapters (along with a couple of Str Tonics and a +5Mt forged Javelin...)

    some Speedwings would be even better

  14. To add to this discussion, I'll just note that if you have a good reason to necropost, you can usually just PM one of the mods and ask them if it's OK... and assuming your reason is legitimate they'll just be like "sure, whatever" or offer an alternative suggestion and you can do that.

  15. Citra doesn't have save states, but you can use the bookmarks effectively as save states. I tried implementing an alpha-version of actual save states into Citra to speed up the process, but they weren't stable enough to be effective (they crash every now and then)

    With regard to the tools I use, it's basically similar to the stuff I use for the RD playthrough: automated scripting for resets. I can't properly share the stuff because it's not packaged properly, and in fact is even worse than the RD stuff because of things like not having save states, not having debug mode for memory watching, among other things. In additional to the packaging stuff, there are also problems with uniformity, I/O, path/OS stuff, administrative privileges, "idiotproofing" (this is actually a technical term lol) etc. that are either too cumbersome for me to deal with or that I don't have the programming expertise to deal with.

    I could write at length about these issues but I figure that the majority of people here either wouldn't understand it or wouldn't care; if you (meaning anyone who reads this) want to know more, feel free to PM me and I can give you a very detailed explanation of all of the issues with distributing my "tools," and perhaps you can even give me some ideas to resolve them!

  16. It's nice to have a straightforward chapter that doesn't have any planning difficulties every once in a while. This was almost true of this chapter, except for some problems with positioning Fred and not breaking ranged weapons too quickly.

    Chapter 7:

    Str Tonic goes to Fred. I bench all the scrubs so that they don't accidentally aggro wyverns.


    Turn 1 PP: Pair up Ricken with Sumia and move just outside the enemy Wyvern's range up north. Sully pairs up with Robin and they kill the SW wyvern. Chrom pairs with Fred, who move 2 spaces north of the archer and takes him out with a single Orsin's Hatchet hit plus a Chrom DS.

    Turn 1 EP: A barbarian attacks Fred, who breaks Orsin's Hatchet as he kills him to get his Iron Sword back. A few more fighters and a thief suicide on him, then a wyvern. Another wyvern attacks Robin to take her to level 8.


    Turn 2 PP: Fred moves above the thief and trade-equips the Killing Edge from Chrom (thanks KTT), then uses a Vulnerary. Sumia runs away with Ricken, and Robin charges east.

    Turn 2 EP: The boss attacks Fred and immediately gets OHKO'd by a Killing Edge crit (obviously he could have died in a lot of other ways as well). Fred convoys the Killing Edge to equip the Javelin. He just barely manages to kill all of the enemies that attack him before breaking it; Chrom gets to level 7 and he gets to level 8 (and got +2 HP on his level up...?) in the process. Then the remaining 3 wyverns suicide on Robin to take her to level 9


    Chrom and Fred get their B support. And we have more treasure! Another M Bullion means that I have at least 10k gold so I don't have to worry about money for a while, and I've got an assortment of Steel weapons which hopefully will be useful as well!

    Chrom     Lord               7.32  25  13   1  14  14  10  10   1  C Swd
    Robin     Pegasus Knight  10/9.38  36  22  18  22  28  12  18  14  D Lnc (E Swd D Tome)
    Lissa     Cleric             2.19  17   1   6   5   5   8   4   4  E Stf
    Fred      Great Knight       8.65  36  20   2  19  17  11  20   4  C Swd A Lnc C Axe
    Sully     Cavalier           4.32  22   9   1  10  10   8   7   3  E Swd C Lnc
    Sumia     Pegasus Knight     1.95  BASE                            D Lnc
    Gaius     Thief              5.00  BASE
    B Supports:
    Chrom x Frederick
    Robin x Sully
    C Supports:
    Chrom x Robin
    Robin x Frederick
    Frederick x Sumia
    Gold: 160 (+ 2x M. Bullion, Secret Book)
    Renown Items Claimed: Glass Sword, Second Seal, Orsin's Hatchet

    I wonder what I will end up doing with Cordelia. She's got decent bases except for her Speed, which is very underwhelming... at worst, perhaps she can be a replacement Sumia (as in a pair-up bot for Fred with better stat boosts)? And at best... a replacement Sumia (as in a second Galeforcer... but this seems kind of a stretch)? At least she can wield Steel Lances for for damage on DS...

    Kind of funny how I just barely had enough 1-2 range weapons for Fred to use in the chapter (he broke both Orsins's Hatchet and the Javelin!) and I'm definitely relieved to be able to purchase them for myself now. One more question on supports: if Chrom and Robin get married, will their support level automatically jump up to S-rank? In that case is it more "useful" for me to continue what I've been doing and focus on building up other supports?

  17. Something I thought I would share because it's rather amusing:


    I've been taking precautions with save file rigging to ensure that no enemy armies spawn anywhere just in case I need to make a purchase from somewhere, and as a side effect it appears that Anna Shops have taken over the map.

  18. Some thoughts on Chapter 7 after preliminary investigations:

    - We're back to being outdoors and having control of WD is useful (no lances, only like one swordie) so Fred is king again (for the same reasons as in Chapter 5).

    - (Assuming a 2 turn clear) Robin is best used to take out the wyverns flying on the southern end of the map. With a Sully pair up, she just barely ORKOs them reliably without any Tonics or DS.

    - There are some problems with Fred moving enough spaces to aggro the boss on the northern end of the map. There are couple of ways to get around this which are annoying but I don't have time to describe right out (I'm leaving my laptop in a couple minutes). Also I need to figure out how to ORKO the boss. My best idea so far is a Killing Edge!Chrom DS, although a possible alternative might just be to have Fred crit with the Killing Edge and convoy to a 1-2 range weapon after that, but the feasibility of this will depend on enemy move order. I'll probably just stick with Chrom because getting him EXP/WEXP is more useful long term anyway, unless you think developing the Fred x Sumia support is higher priority

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