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Posts posted by ruadath

  1. Chapter 18 fixed (the quality issues too!):

    I don't anticipate recording a new video for Chapter 19 since the strat will more likely than not be identical (other than Marcus leveling off the boss kill) to the previous video.

  2. I know you guys are going to kill me for this, but...

    Based on new strats that I developed for the S-Rank LTC, I realized that it actually is possible to complete Chapter 17 in 6 turns without giving Kent the Dracoshield by getting him significantly more EXP in Chapter 16. I posted a video of this earlier today which I'll share below

    Basically, by having Kent and Wil switch roles (Kent deals with the incoming PKs, while Wil manuevers to get to the Heavy Spear village) via some intricate trade chaining, I get Kent 80 points of EXP toward Kent. This will allow me to get Kent a level with a Def proc early in Chapter 17 (I already have the strat routed, I just need to record it) which gives him just enough durability to survive without the Dracoshield (along with a couple of other minor changes).

    I don't expect this to have a huge impact on the playthrough since I've already reached the point where money is no longer a huge deal. However, it's a significant accomplishment for myself since I really dislike using the statboosters, and I'm planning to redo everything with this change. This should be fairly quick since conveniently enough, Kent ends up exactly 100 EXP higher than where he finished last time, and everyone else has basically the same EXP +/- a few points.

    This will also finally give me some motivation to rerecord the middle chapters (16 through 20) whose videos are outdated with all of the (cumulative) new improvements.

  3. [spoiler=Preparations]
    Corrin (Friendship Seal ot Cav)

    Corrin (HP Tonic, Str Tonic, Spd Tonic, Def Tonic)
    Felicia (HP Tonic, Mag Tonic, Spd Tonic, Def Tonic)
    Felicia "talk bonus" (+4 Mag, +4 Spd)

    Elise (HP Tonic)

    Silas (Str Tonic, Spd Tonic)

    Effie (HP Tonic, Def Tonic)

    Niles (Str Tonic)

    Woohoo, I did it! I'm too excited to do a full writeup at the moment, but I gave a list of Tonics above. Probability of success > 1/100,000! (its about 1 in 70,000 I think)

    EDIT: For anyone insane enough to try this on console, SSJDennis suggests taking the following measures to reduce RNG abuse

    1) don't do anything with Azura, but move Corrin forward like normal. He'll still draw the hit from Enfeeble, and you can grab the Rescue staff out of BR later with the knowledge that you could have gotten it with additional RNG abuse (and tbh most of the RNG abuse is in those dodges)

    2) you can purchase Bowbreaker for Felicia to help her dodge the archers in the middle room.

    That should increase the odds of the strat to somewhere around a single digit percentage chance of success (2 dodges at roughly 35% hit and 4 hits at about 60%), which can probably be done on console. You can also use the Disrobing Gale to make your Felicia's job easier.

  4. Hey, thanks for the feedback! Regarding your suggestions:

    1) Not getting Mozu

    2) Yup, definitely reclassing into cav via the Friendship Seal. I need the extra movement, and Cav!Corrin>Wyvern!Corrin for the early game

    3) Elise is still in Troubadour and I'm definitely using her Freeze charges... but for reasons that are hard to explain without a screenshot/a more detailed description of my strat it's not going to work. However...

    I like your last idea a lot. I'm going to take a look at that. Not sure that it will work... but it might. I assumed that I have to recruit Nyx for this to work out, but I think your idea might work out if I abandon Nyx. EDIT: I think I might be a square short...

    EDIT 2: I think I can actually make my original clear work out by pulling Corrin a square back to relative safety and having Silas bring Niles over to him... but that will be work for another day

  5. Sadly, it seems as though a 3-turn clear of this chapter (that picks up the Rescue staff) may just barely be out of reach in terms of reliability. Here are the odds:

    First of all, any 3 turn clear of this chapter, regardless of the difficulty mode, is going to involve running Azura up the eastern path, which requires 2 ~85% hit dodges (one on each EP).

    Now on HM, you can reach the boss in 3 turns without any problems, but on Lunatic the Shrine Maiden gets in the way. So the only way to do this is to have Felicia Lunge into the middle room and counterkill Haitaka on the EP. Note that the 3 archers in the room can OHKO her. She can OHKO the first one when she lunges in, but the other 2 get to attack first on the EP. This wouldn't normally be a problem, but on Lunatic these guys have Underdog, so they pull roughly 80% and 70% hit rates on her respectively. Haitaka's attack gets Dual Guarded, but with WTD she has to connect 2 ~50% hits on him to kill him, and the same is true for the spear guy who moves onto the seize spot after Haitaka dies and attack again.

    The western front of the map is surprisingly super reliable, and there are almost no problems there (Odin dies unless he gets a lucky dodge, but no one cares about that), and Niles gets to capture 2 spear fighters. This is what gave me hope that the clear would be possible since I was expecting this to be bad. The final front, then, is Corrin (along with Nyx) charging forward to meet Azura and get the Rescue staff. He draws the Enfeeble!Maiden to hit him and not Felicia, which is important, but unfortunately this leaves his durability vulnerable... and he faces 3 attacks on the EP. I can't seem to get him to survive without dodging an attack, even with the Def boost from using the Raider Naginata, a Def Tonic, and an HP Tonic... anyone have ideas about how to boost his durability (not involving Mess Hall)? I suppose I could take out the Visitation Seal... but I don't really want to do that... so add another 80% dodge here.

    I'm too lazy to pull up all of the true hit (3RN/4) rates and calculate the total odds of the chapter, but I think this is roughly 1 in a million, maybe a bit worse. Doable, perhaps, but more importantly, Corrin doesn't dish out enough damage on the counter attacks (he's not doubling after getting Enfeebled, even with the Raider Naginata, unless I give him a Speedwings), so Arthur and Silas can't help him clear out his path so he can get to the Rescue staff, even if all that other stuff goes well, unless he procs a low% Dragon Fang.

    Unless I figure out something to deal with that last issue(s) (maybe you guys can help?), I'm probably just going to settle for a reliable 4 turn clear. I might record a 3 turn clear separate from the playthrough with a promoted Corrin, which does a lot to fix the reliability issues with this playthrough and/or the 3 turn clear of HM (but the early promotion makes ORKOing Ryoma in Chapter 25 not an option).

  6. On Hard Mode, yes (I know you know this already since you helped me with it, sharing it for people who haven't seen this)


    On Lunatic, this clear is replicable, but you have problems that make it much more unreliable. First of all, there is an additional enemy in the SE corner, so Silas has to land 2 crits instead of one (he doesn't get to attack on turn 2 like in my video because the enemies will move west since Felicia aggroes the boss on turn 2), which makes a total of 3 crits (at like 2-3% chance each). In addition, no one has any chance to use a Vulnerary, so everything has to be dodged, and Felicia's bulk really sucks (she's 4HKOd with an HP Tonic and Def Tonic).

    On HM I had the benefit of using Jakob with rigged Mag growths + Disrobing Gale (to make up for lost Spd), which was extremely helpful because it let me rig Mag+Def talk bonuses which made the faceless do like 1 damage so he had 100% survivability. Jakob's Mag growth is abysmal so that wouldn't work for Lunatic, not to mention I think even with Disrobing Gale and perfect growths he has problems ORKOing the paired up faceless duo (who don't exist in HM). Corrin also needs the Raider Axe, and both weapons have pretty shaky hit rates, so you have to worry about that too.

    Overall, I suppose it is doable, (the odds are something like 1 in 5 million, after conditioning on some very unreliable levels up that you could rig for back in Chapter 2), but you would have trouble dealing with Kilma/Haitaka (Jakob needs to proc Mag on every single level, or you need to dodge his Nosferatu), and you miss out on Arthur and Effie which I anticipate causing problems in early game Lunatic (as you saw Arthur/Effie was super helpful in the last chapter, and I suspect they will be very useful in Chapter 9, even if only as pair up bots).

  7. Chapter 8 in 3 turns

    [spoiler=Preparations]Initial Gold: 800
    + (sell Heal staff)
    -950 (purchase Fire tome, HP Tonic, Mag Tonic, Res Tonic)

    Corrin x everyone taken to C rank

    Corrin x Arthur taken to B rank (too cheap to buy Str Tonic lol)

    Corrin (HP Tonic, Res Tonic)
    Felicia (Mag Tonic) gets Fire
    Felicia "talk bonus" (+4 Mag)

    I messed up while recording and overwrote my bookmark, but thankfully the only thing you miss is Corrin moving north on the first turn. Pretty straightforward clear thanks to Felicia having Lunge; it would be even better if she could Lunge Flora but the game won't let you do that. Visiting the two houses (for 5000G) is pretty easy thanks to our large number of units and Elise having the Freeze staff, but I engage in some RNG abuse to ensure that Corrin can kill off most of the reinforcements from the house and get Dragon Fang.

    Felicia continues to get Mag and Spd procs well beyond what I had planned to rig on her initial join chapter which is pretty funny; she's nailed 6 out of 7 procs on both stats, which is pretty insane, even though she has 50% growth rates in both stats. Didn't notice that she had a unique dialogue with Kilma (since I usually play with F!Corrin and Jakob) until now, but obviously it makes sense. She probably has one with Flora too, but it doesn't trigger on the Freeze. Like always, watch the video at 2x speed

  8. It's not really useful for anything, but it's just extremely weird and doesn't seem to have any reasonable explanation (and the mechanic doesn't show up in FE11, not sure about FE12 but I doubt it), although I'm sure that one does exist. I'm curious because I can't seem to figure out what might have inspired the game programmers to add this... "feature..." to the RNG, and the fact that it doesn't affect close-range attacks at all, but only sometimes effects long-range attacks (and in different ways) is really weird...

    EDIT: I don't think it has anything to do with the camera stuff since this occurs on PP too, but I'll runs some tests regardless. The game doesn't seem to burn RNs in any time-related things anywhere else, so it would surprise me if this was the case.

  9. Ok some additional testing revealed the following (even more bizzare results):

    Having Leonardo attack a unit from 2 different positions (SW and 2S) an leveling up off the same RNG seed resulted in 2 different levels. This seems to rule out the possibility of different interpretations of the same RNG seed, and instead suggests that we have either two (or more) separate RNG seeds (unlikely) or some weird method for determining the number of RNs to be burned... However, the results from Leonardo's levels appear to be somewhat inconsistent with this theory, and furthermore, using Wind Edge!Edward in his place also produces inconsistent results... not sure how to interpret this.

    I will look more into this and report back if I get any more interesting results. If anyone is interested in helping me figure this stuff out, let me know, because it's been bugging me for a while and I have no idea how to approach this problem.

  10. I don't know much about decrypting the data on the SD card, but from my experience with emulating, I can tell you that the extra save data slots are stored in the same location as your "bookmarks/battle saves" and your branch of fate data.

    Not sure how helpful this is.

  11. Welcome to my LTC playthrough of Fates: Conquest on Lunatic difficulty. Rules for this playthrough are yet to be fully determined:

    No DLC/Logbook/Amiibo/Spotpass whatever

    No Forge/Lottery

    No Path Bonuses/Renown Statboosters

    Raider weapons allowed for Chapter 7

    "Talk Boosts" allowed for Felicia for Chapters 7-9.

    [spoiler=Turn Counts and Links to Videos]Prologue (2 turns)
    Chapter 1 (4 turns)
    Chapter 2 (3 turns)
    Chapter 3 (4 turns)
    Chapter 4 (5 turns)
    Chapter 5 (4 turns)
    Chapter 6 (2 turns)
    Chapter 7 (4 turns)
    Chapter 8 (3 turns)
    Chapter 9 (3 turns)

    Current turncount as of completing Chapter 9 is 34 turns. I expect the playthrough to take about 80 turns in total.

    Chapter 7 in 4 turns

    [spoiler=Preparations]Initial Gold: 3000
    +1000 (sell Goddess Icon)
    -3200 (purchase Partner Seal, Str Tonic, Mag Tonic, 2x Spd Tonic, 2x Def Tonic, Vulnerary)

    Corrin x Felicia taken to S Rank
    Corrin (Str Tonic, Spd Tonic, Def Tonic) gets Raider Katana, Vulnerary
    Felicia (Partner Seal to Malig Knight)
    Felicia (HP Tonic, Mag Tonic, Spd Tonic, Def Tonic) gets Disrobing Gale, Ember
    Felicia "talk bonus" (+4 Mag, +4 Spd)

    After a brief hiatus where I tried (unsuccessfully) to replicate my 3 turn clear of this chapter on Hard Mode (which requires extra crits due to the additional enemies in Lunatic Mode), this playthrough is back with Chapter 7 cleared in 4 turns! Note that while Felicia's Disrobing Gale is absolutely essential to the strategy, the Raider Katana wouldn't be necessary if I could rig Corrin to gain Spd procs on all his levels so far, or used the Speedwings/Dragon Herbs to "fix" his missed procs. I chose to use the Raider Katana instead since I am attempting to go without the bonus statboosters in this playthrough.

    I also made some additional improvements to the recording process (again), so I think watching the video at 2x speed now makes it so that it runs at the same speed as actually gameplay. Let me know if this seems correct to you.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention this originally, but thanks to SSJDennis for helping me with some details regarding making the 4-turn strat more reliable.

  12. I want a promoted Ilya by 1-5 ):

    Yep, and that's exactly what we are getting with the improvement (since she hit level 14).

    What's the point of giving bexp. to Laura since she shouldn't be used in LTC anyway?

    She has one very specific use in Part 3 that she needs to be trained up for.

    The video should be up soon... hopefully? On a different note, I'm thinking of making a new thread since this one got so congested; I checked with eclipse a while back and she said it would be OK. What do you guys think?

  13. After 1-4:

    Micaiah         6.25  20   3  12  13  12  15   4   9
    Sothe           1.21  39  20  15  20  20  24  20  20
    Edward          7.80  22  10   0  14  15  11   5   0
    Leonardo        5.60  17   9   0  13  11   6   5   4
    Nolan           9.26  BASE
    Laura           2.11  16   3   9   4   6   8   2  10
    Ilyana         14.03  29   8  16  16  17   6   5  13
    Meg             3.00  BASE
    Turns so far: 15
    BEXP: 326
    Gold: 6656

    I screwed up in the video but I'll upload it anyway (though it will take a while). Midway through the chapter, I realized that by making (another) slight modification to 1-3 I could get Ilyana 4 additional EXP. This is/was important because it means that Ilyana levels on the final turn which allows me to use the same RNG seed as last time, in addition to allowing me to promote her immediately in the base for 1-5; since I was too lazy to start rerecording the whole chapter, once I found an RNG seed that worked in 1-3, I just save edited the extra EXP into Ilyana (and removed the corresponding weapon uses) Other than that, not much changed, besides saving some money thanks to Micaiah having an extra level (less powerful forge needed) and Leo double critting the boss for EXP. Laura only got BEXP'd to level 2 instead of 3 because Leo had to take some of the EXP, and I decided against purchasing the Mend staff.

  14. Are you talking about HF Normal or HF True, though I suppose both have their issues.

    HF Normal basically has Sakura completely shit on Shirou's sacrifice, giving his life so she can live a happy life only for her to spend the rest of her life moping around because he died.

    and HF True seems like it's trying way too hard to be a super happy ending and it doesn't really work thematically and in terms of tone with the rest of the route.

    Also the true ending had Shirou become a Homunculus or something? That was the lamest excuse for him surviving I could imagine; I honestly preferred the normal end because the true ending seemed too forced.

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