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Posts posted by ruadath

  1. Surprisingly, YouTube gave me no difficulties in encoding the sand!

    A couple of notes here: there was nothing I could do about the bad Heath level on the first EP, and the second EP is much less sketchy than it seems because Florina can reliably ORKO the wyverns with the Short Spear, but since the crit was there since decided to use the Javelins for saving money + extra EXP + better level for Fiora.

  2. Bolt Axe!Camilla is reasonably decent. With Mag Tonic, Mess Hall +Mag, and "talk boosts" (either obtained randomly or via resetting the clock to Camilla's birthday), she has enough Mt to take out most of the midgame bosses in one round with base Mag provided she can double them. It's much better than wielding a Hand Axe, that's for sure, and you're earning useful WEXP toward your Axe rank instead of relying on tomes for ranged damage (plus dealing enough damage to actually kill things).

  3. Ah, so we are getting to that point again...

    I think I can make Chapter 23 work out... but I have to break an Iron Lance at a specific time... and you know what that means. Thankfully, due to the changes, I don't think I actually needed to break an Iron Lance back in Chapter 20, so if I can just have Lowen burn a few more Javelin uses there and preserve that Iron Lance and make some other trade modifications before hand, I can come into this chapter with a 7 use Iron Lance (which is what I need). Having a 1-use Javelin would be nice too (and I can probably get that) but isn't strictly necessary.

    This is actually quite easy to do based on how things are currently set up:

    Chapter 19: Florina (27), Sain (25), Kent (10)

    Lowen takes Florina's lance and uses it 6 times, Sain uses his lance twice. Swap Sain and Kent's before the chapter.

    Chapter 20: Kent (25), Sain (8), Lowen (21)

    Lowen uses his Javelin here instead of the Iron Lance do she doesn't need to do anything. I had to have Fiora use a Steel Lance here on the last turn because she didn't have access to an Iron Lance but now she can since there is an extra one floating around, which takes it down to 7.

    Everything after this should remain unchanged since I only had 2 lances. I decided I don't want the 1-use Javelin for reasons. Chapter 23 is completely routed btw, so I just have to make these changes and then record. Expect a video soon!

  4. Something amusing I thought I might point out upon completion of the previous chapter:

    Florina: 24 wins

    Eliwood: 25 wins

    Hector: 26 wins

    Erk: 27 wins

    Lowen: 28 wins

    Guess the kill distribution has been pretty even so far!

  5. It seems this can be easily abused. I mean I did upgrade some weapons to +1 or +2 but +7 seems excessive. Does going higher break the game even on Lunatic?

    Yes, if you allow for inifnite lottery and +7 forges on everything, Niles can kill literally everything in the game with Iron/Steel Bows (later Bronze/Iron Swords) and capture every useful boss. More generally, pretty much anyone can kill anyone with no effort, which kind of takes the fun out of training up a party, because aside from gaining Spd procs, your EXP distribution almost doesn't matter.

  6. Work has been really busy lately, so it took me longer to get this up than I anticipated.

    It seems like Axereaver!Florina might become a regular thing lol. I was pretty pleasantly surprised to see that she could ORKO the wyverns like that (well at least the one that rounded down Spd). Also yay for best Marcus ever that kills everything with a Javelin; I sure am glad I went back and made those edits to give him better level ups. Note that he can one-shot Eubans with a Hand Axe crit too, but WTA means that Eubans misses and Marcus doesn't get the seed to crit, so I used the Short Spear from Isadora instead. Speaking of which, Marcus is now pretty close to hitting S-rank in lances.

    Also, I have a save state before the shopping in case I need to make edits to the purchases. I picked up the same things as lapogne, except for the Chest Key (hoping to yolo VoD without the Pure Water) and one of the Barrier staves (not training Serra because I think I can 2-turn VoD without her).

  7. PP stuff will always be the same, and usually EP stuff will too. It's only in these somewhat rare situations where the square that the enemy moves to matters in some larger context, but the enemy AI can't figure out which is optimal, that stuff like this happens.

    This happens in Awakening too btw, and iirc it has been giving Espinosa problems with his 0% growths run of that.

  8. Tbh most classes can't even reach the A rank weapons. And in Conquest you have pretty much no chance (barring a few units like Avatar if you keep him/her in one class) of reaching these ranks regardless unless you Arms Scroll. In my casual playthrough, the only person who reached A in weapon ranks was Nyx.

  9. I think the story was decent so far, but it seems to take a turn from chapter 16. Don't really like the way it seems to go, but maybe I am wrong(probably not...). Battles are fun(playing Lunatic), sometimes challenging at first, but not so bad when you figure out how to clear the map. Killing this asap, or ignoring some(most) seems key. I don't like the rng outcomes most of the time, it get less annoying when your units grow stronger and get better, more useful skills. You also get some broken units early on, so anything can happen. I'd say this part of the game is fun, but I will probably start skipping the dialouges soon. Didn't play Hosido before for what its worth.

    Yeah, basically this. Played on HM, but experienced the same thing. Gameplay is pretty good, but definitely overrated (people say this is the best FE gameplay-wise which I don't think is true at all).

  10. Wait. FE5 Leaf is considered high-tier?

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...

    Yes, I'm confused about this as well. He's a pretty decent lol, but I wouldn't put him in the same rank as Ike or just below Sigurd.

    Most of them make sense, I'd only really question Eliwood < Roy (and by extension, Eliwood < Lyn), and it's weird to make an extra tier for FE11 Marth rather than putting him right below or right above Roy.

    I agree here. I think Eliwood is pretty underrated in FE7, and his usefulness really shines on the Hector Modes when you haven't done LHM first.

  11. I don't want to give one character too many compared to everyone else. Especially Ike who everyone knows I fangirl over like nobody's business. I'd get accused of too much Ike bias if I gave him more endings than everyone else, and understandably so.

    I don't think it's weird for the main character to have more than 3 endings. Roy had like 10 different possiblities in wives, and Eliwood/Hector had something like 3 romantic/2 platonic each.

  12. Another pair that had pretty much no interaction together, but I would have liked would be Soren x Micaiah. I'm a big fan of both and they both have a sad prospect for their futures. Soren's only real friend is Ike, and he's doomed to live on centuries after Ike dies. Micaiah has Sothe, but if Sephiran is any sign, she'll live on for centuries as well. I like to think that those two will bond over their common experiences with isolation as branded as children and be able to grow old together, not having to worry about going centuries without their true love.

    Huh, I never thought of that, but it seems pretty interesting. Would have been cool to see.

    Except I didn't? I personally don't like that pairing at all, and don't think it has much to go on compared to the other plausible options Ike has, so I left it out.

    The only ending you've mentioned is Ike x Elincia, and with the exception of that one (which I don't particularly like, but whatever), what do you think is more plausible? Ike x Lethe? Ike x Marcia? I don't think so. Titania or Sanaki would just be weird and Ike doesn't really have much interaction with the other female characters (not Mist) in the cast (I'm probably forgetting someone).

  13. I'll take a look at it when I get there. I'm honestly more concerned about being able to kill Jasmine and Paul without having easy access to crits (and my Fiora can't hit a benchmark that lapogne seemed to believe was necessary), so I may end up using the extra dance to deal with them. Not sure how things will turn out.

  14. I can think of other places in the playthrough where I would be very happy to have Filla's Might (i.e. potential 3 turn clear of CoD that probably doesn't work because everyone's stats suck and I'm not allowing crazy dodge/crit shenanigans that I can't find without mass burning RNs).

  15. Chapter 21! No RNs burned, but two awesome levels and a boss crit-kill!

    Thoughts on my purchases? I hope I don't end up needing the Goddess Icon anywhere.... maybe I should have gotten 1 more Thunder (that's what lapogne does)? Also, we finally have a stronger Sain then Lowen... and with Lowen only having a lead of 2 Spd over him, I see almost no reason to continue training him as my "primary" cavalier. The only reasons I can think of are:

    - Lowen has better weapon rank and will have access to the Silver Lance immediately upon promotion. But I don't think this i really a big deal, and Sain just hit C rank, so he can at least use Killer Lances (once they're available) and the Axereaver.

    - Lowen has a higher HP. IIRC, the Dragon does like 40 points of unavoidable damage or something like that. Sain has only 26 HP right now, so that is a lot of HP procs for him to make before he can survive the Dragon, but I don't think that will really be an issue if I choose to start training?

    You guys have any opinions?

  16. OK, all up to date now (cleared Chapter 20 again).

    Hector:   10.64  28  15  10  11  5   13  2
    Eliwood:   8.73  25  11  10  12  11  5   2
    Marcus:    5.88  35  19  17  15  9   10  9
    Lowen:    11.29  31  13  9   14  8   13  1
    Erk:      10.22  23  14  9   15  6   4   5
    Florina:  12.07  23  15  17  17  14  7   7
    Sain:      8.94  25  13  8   11  7   9   0

    EDIT: I had the thing color coded to show changes, but it seems to have gotten rid of it upon posting. Also, Chapter 21 routed with no RN burns, though I need to figure out what I'm buying.

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