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Posts posted by Raumata

  1. 3 hours ago, Tenzen12 said:

    I don't see how would he keep her and Claude "in line".  He doesn't look like person ho compromise easily.

    Eldelgard seems pretty resolute person, if she decide something she will do it and if Dimitri would stand in her way they will clash (in which case Claude who chill guy would act as middleman).

    Other dynamics I can see happen is "serious vs carefree" with Dimitri being Kent and Claude Sain (in which case Eldelgard would be middleman). 


    Oooh. That makes sense. Yeah. 

  2. It's nice to see that Claude's getting quite popular. It makes so much sense too, since he looks like a people-person with that smile of his and yellow cape. 

    Edelgard seems to be our rebellious, passionate heroine. Jokes about his hair aside, out of the trio, Dimitri seems like the type to keep Edelgard and Claude in check. 

    If this is really set in a military academy,  then I'm excited to see the trio's interactions together.

    Byleth, our assumed MU/Avatar, is my favorite though. Pretty boy's just gotta be a sweetheart underneath that intimidating, reserved black and gray outfit. Like Batman (Bruce Wayne).

    Here's a little something I found interesting about Byleth's outfit. http://historyoftheemblem.tumblr.com/post/174862797981/byleths-sleeves

  3. 40 minutes ago, senior firehood said:

    Do yxou think there are 3 ediotions? like fates with 3 versions did?

    Like others before me have said. I think it's too early to tell. 


    I'm interested in how that "four seasons" theme will play out with this game. The only other experience I have with said theme is a song by Namie Amuro, which seemed pretty romantic imo.

  4. I see our newest, assumed avatar, Byleth isn't afraid of wearing pink. I think the sparse amounts of gold, pink, and blue in Byleth's outfit is another hint towards his relationship with Edelgard (the symbol), Claude (the gold buckle), and Demitri (Byleth's daggers blue sheath). 

  5. All I want to know is... Which economic idea has the best way to pay for a product and be able to keep it? How should we improve on OSHA, human resource (HR department), worker's wages, management, and etc?

  6. 1 hour ago, Reality said:

    If this is supposed to be pokemon specific- not really sure, I probbably like Pearl or Black 2's general overworld the most.

    I would put even more platform games here. Also I don't tend to think of strict 2-d games for their worlds, even if I love every individual level in the game.


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    Banjo Kazooie: Grunty's lair is in many ways, a very conservative kind of overworld design, however, it had its share of awesome innovations- the random taunting from Grunty herself- and more importantly the alternate musical arrangements of the castle theme that played as you entered the foyer of every area- This would of course practically become a standard, but it's appearance here made the Castle infinitely better than lesser overworlds.

     Banjo Tooie- This game outdid its contemplates to make its world seem like an interconnected place. It wasn't the only thing from the time period to do so (eg the dreamcast version of rayman 2), but it was a standout effort, because the Isle of Hags was pretty clearly defined, and every "world" was connected with at least two others, a train system ran throughout the whole thing, and towards the end of the game you got an overhead view to see the island.

    Steambot Chronicles: Irem's Sandbox game, while not nearly as playable as other sandbox games, I still adore how full the cities of Garland, Nefroburg, and Neuhafen are. Even the minor areas of this game are made into a "world' thanks to stuff like the album that actually incentives you to meet EVERY NPC, and the sidequests that  take place just about everywhere. get you away from the awful tank controls of the main game

    Metal Arms: Glitch in the system- the planet Ironstar partly relies on the story to tell you that you are moving from one place to another, but more often the ends of one mission meet up with the start of the next mission- even the ones with slight hiccups still do so Tonally- the wasteland missions make a clear transition into the center of the planet missions and then into the grimy city. Of course, the game is held together by the enemy Milbots, whose crazed antics, sadism, and wild panic make almost every area pretty lively. It's not often that the generic footsoldier holds a game together so well.

    MDK2: You only revisit a few areas, but well, the cutscenes hold it together so well, and they make the whole changing charathers between each chapter work seamlessly. Additionally, pretty much every level in the game is still pretty awe inspiring today despite the age of the technology, the sheer spectacle of the setpieces in the alien environments still impress today, and the personalities of most of the enemy types make a world worth playing through.

    Bully: I really like  this game's over world, earning all the clubhouses was fun, and I like how the different neighborhoods have distinct personalities, as well as their school grounds counterparts. 

    Star control 2: The starmap is a truly special, unusually pure kind of exploration- Some players might only ever want to land on story important planets, but others will try to find everything, filling notebooks with stuff like the amount of Bio on Zeta Circini, and so on. Additionally, you always have a mystery to find out, and failing that, staying in one area long enough will give you unexpected  masses of backstory, provided you can survive repeated fights.

    Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas- The world of San Andreas is a sometimes overlooked part of the game's success. But honestly, just having the mountian, the woods, the place beyond the train tunnel, and the winding cities open to you just makes your freedom mean all that much more.

    Vex- This game takes "thinly veiled teleporters" to its logical extreme, but nevertheless, I think it's really cool how the doorways to each world just open up to show the place as if it were just a step away from the hub (unless playing on the wrong console and facing loading tiimes). 

    Creatures: The original game's version of Albia is a truly impressive game world, and as the creatures themselves are seemingly filled with an insatiable wanderlust you even have company while exploring it- C2 is also pretty, going in for more ancient ruins and darker hues, and having an "ecosystem" for you to watch, but it is strangely quiet, and does not really inspire the joy that C1 does, especially since the different AI of the creatures means you will be looking at its far regions by yourself a lot of the time. Beyond that, even if they do explore with you,  you might want to actively fight their curiosity- C2's Albia has too many hazards for its own good-  (not even mentioning that you have to unlock the ability to scroll freely) C3's use of metarooms, while somewhat detailed, is also hampered by generally exploring it alone- it's creatures are even more likely than in C2 to just find the area where the food is and stay there. Additionally, it's metallic/crystalline aesthetic is far removed from both the sunny world of C1 and the ancient ruins of C2.

    System Shock 2: The Van Braun and Rickenbacker are still probably the greatest space ship environments ever put in a videogame. It's more structured than many of its fans claim, but this doesn't hurt it, and this structure is only relative- compared to modern games, its still very open-ended. Like with star control, the mystery and the ability to look through the logs of the crew give you all the reason you need to explore.

    Pikmin 1: Music and lighting play a big part here, the 2/3 wouldn't quite match what the first game's world, even though they made brave attempts, especially by both having final maps that were implied to be pikmin 1 areas that had been warped a little by time. Pikmin 1 though, had the captain's log played straight just as much as for comedey, and the music could be downright wistful- The other captain's were technically stranded, but you'd only know it through the cutscenes, but for olimar, the whole world served to reinforce it.

    Metroid Prime: Tallon IV is the most beloved of all the planets featured across the series, and really, there's little reason to wonder why.

    Zelda: The dungeons aren't transcendentally connected to the game world, and their openings just kind of exist on surface level and lead into towers/basements that have nothing to do with the overworld, (especially on say, awakening/oracles) but nevertheless these games tantalize by hiding a sizable portion of the heart containers in the land instead of the dungeons, and usually the journey between each dungeon requires a mini-adventure in itself (majora's mask being the most extreme in this regard). 

    Sly 2 - The first sly game is quite like a 5th gen platformed caught out of time on the ps2. I love it, but it's hub areas, while giving you place to run around with and a great comic map, do not really go above and beyond what players expect. Sly 2's maps though, make up 70% of its mission areas, and each one of them is basically yours to climb over, with plenty of patrolling guards, clue bottles, and sometimes traps to play with at your leisure. It's only real downside is that Bently/Murray don't really work for non-mission exploration very well in some of the levels due to the climbing focus. 

    RPGS: Chrono Trigger, Skies of Arcadia, Icewind Dale, Baldur's Gate, Avernum, Planescape Torment, Paper Mario.



    This thread is not restricted to just Pokemon. I was just stating it as an example. All games may be freely discussed here.

  7. I have a appreciation for how far Pokemon has come, since it's beginning with red and blue. I'll give you guys an example of what I mean with Johto's Violet city. Compare the city with HG/SS's and G/S/C's lay out.

    You'll see that HG/SS's Violet city is much more detailed (giving it a bit more individuality other than G/S/C coloring the town violet) and compact, while G/S/C's Violet city is huge and a bit same-looking with sharing it's building design with the other cities. It's really neat imo.


    (Unable to provide an image link. Sorry.)

  8. 4 hours ago, Dragoncat said:

    So that's what Anankos' human form looks like? He looks so...young and delicate ish. But I guess looks can be decieving.

    Well, I'm always up for making him a little less delicate and young. Which would be good practice in drawing an older man, at the very least.

  9. Really wish IS could of delved into more of the mythology of Corrin's dragon side, since he/she is the son/daughter of Anankos. Perhaps delved into what this character was/wasn't good at and the like. 

    If IS wanted to go with a literal Avatar (with a Qilin influence in Corrin's case), then Aang (AtLA) is a good representation of that concept, since he's the human personification of the planet.

  10. Do you guys think the tone of the Fates game (all three routes) is a factor in displaying Corrin's personality?

    What could've been done to improve said tone? Do you think it should've had one mood or be (like reality often is) shifting?

    Can you all tell what's being conveyed (like when something's funny or sad [The various deaths in Fates] or is it really coming from nowhere? 

    Thinking it over, the criticisms of Fates story for all three routes is well deserved.

  11. Really wish I could've given a care about Mikoto dying. Getting snippets of information being told to Corrin from other characters about his/her mother, instead of being shown. #blameTakumi Just kidding. 

    Oooh. I really want to see if anyone has created an alt outfit /design for Corrin that they think is fitting for the setting and his/her personality. To be clear, this is just for fun. I like Corrin's current outfit.

    Whether they chose to ignore their draconic heritage in favor of establishing Corrin as Sumeragi's actual son/daughter or making them more like their dragon father or taking more inspiration from their mother. 

  12. I like Corrin, to an extent. Which is mostly Anankos and Mikoto related. They're cute, despite their non-existent character growth.

    Each Corrin in the three routes are meant to be different people (Sila's mention of their favorite food would imply IS had hoped that it would get that point across).

    Considering the main cast all fills a niche via their job in the army (on the battlefield and off), their rank in the army, and how they interact with each other in the army. What sort of niche should Corrin have filled?


  13. On 2/17/2017 at 9:52 AM, Res said:

    I'm really disappointed in the lack of impact Corrin being half-dragon had on anything. Beyond the initial transformation, it's not relevant to the plot, it's never brought up by other characters, it doesn't feature in any of Corrin's supports... it'd have been great to see people being intimidated by Corrin's dragon form, or having it affect how Corrin's siblings viewed Corrin, or having questions raised/answered ('oh, so THAT's why your ears look like that! I always thought there was something odd about you'). So much wasted potential - why even bother giving Corrin those abilities? 

    There's a mention of Kana's/Corrin's draconic features in Rhajat's and Male!Kana's supports. Plus, it's mostly Kana who gets his/her dragon side emphasized to an extent in their supports with the other children. 

  14. Apparently P. Ryan got audio leaked of him being against Trump (courtesy of Breitbart). You guys want the Breitbart article as well?




    A bit of the audio below (I don't really care for the commentary or the channel itself):

    Let me give you the timestamps for the audio itself. Everything afterwards is just the aforementioned commentary. 0:31- 2:07


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