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About NJ7009

  • Birthday July 28

Profile Information

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    Welcome to my profile where I endeavour to entertain you for a few seconds before you move along.

    I hail from Great Britain, specifically Wales which is a country with a cool flag but little else going for it. I hope to become a counselor once I have completed my training.

    I enjoy reading, writing and playing videogames.

    I'm always happy to talk about any of these things with anyone willing to listen to my ramblings in return.
  • Location
    The Land of Dragons

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Path of Radiance

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  1. The Fire Emblem goes through more evolutions than Pokemon... cool

    1. ___


      Next up, psychic, fairy, metal, and ghost type units. It could be fun.

    2. NJ7009


      I want to know what its superevolution is going to be!

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