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Posts posted by Profound_Forrest

  1. I was searching the Forums and I was lucky enough to find this hack. I'm really impressed with the work you've done with this project. From, the walthrough, the support convo sheet, to the game itself, it's apparent that you have worked very hard on this game.

    I really enjoyed playing this game and I hoep to see more of your work with future projects!


  2. I saw Ghast play the prologue on his youtube channel and I thought I would give this Hack a try. I really love the storyline so far, and how you reallly given the gamer a wide range of units to use. I only have two questions; first, are there going to be support convos implemented in the game? Also, whta is the progress so far for the next version?

    Keep up the good work


  3. I really enjoyed playing the game. I like where the sotry is headed so far. One uestion I have though is about Dave. I saw the LP on Ghast's channel and when I played it for myself he had a different mug. Should we be expecting any other face changes when the full game comes out?

    Other than that, I loved Charioteer character you added, and the pregame stategy of deploying troops in vital locations! It's one thing to hack a game with a unique story, but what makes the this game a lot mor impressive are the addtional tatics you allow the player to utlize.

    Keep up the good work!


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