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Posts posted by TheUltimateChaos

  1. Hey, it's been a while.

    I have noticed something when it comes to the custom classes and is that they seem to get multiple S ranks.

    No problem there, the problem is that if they hit S rank with a weapon, then hit S rank with other weapon and then use the first weapon, they lose the first S rank.

    Example 1: Seth gets to S swords, then gets S lances, if he uses a sword his sword rank goes back to A.

    Example 2: Riev comes with S light magic (a bit strange since he is a Dark Druid now), if you train your dark magic you get a S rank, but if you use light magic at that moment, you get back to A in light magic.

    Saying that this is a problem is an overstatement, but is still something that happens.

  2. I mean... for one, the only difference between your Franz and mine was the lance rank. If for some reason having an E rank screws things up you could tackle it from there.
    Besides that, none of the other units seem to have this issue so you could just leave it as it is.

    Also having insta S rank is a bit useful since gaining ranks is difficult without tower abusing :p

  3. I think that a good way to "get around" the problem with the Firebreaths is to change the animation for the Elfire one. It might not look as good, but at least it will be a lot better of what you currently have, and it will not break the battle animations too much.

    Also, to add more options, you could have Sophia have conversations with Zephiel and Jahn as well. I don't particulary like the character, but it would make sense since she is a half dragon.
    Probably something about realizing the fact, but feeling that she is just an abomination to their eyes.

    And since you did add Guinivere, I feel that Gale could have a change to be recruitable as well. His situation is a no-brainer, I think.

    Isn't there a way to skip all of the endings? As not make them not appear at all after the credits? Although, it most cases it doesn't really matter, since there is nothing else to do.

  4. 3 hours ago, Aegir said:

    Hi again! This time, that might be a bug. At chapter 15X, there is an axe user with a Devil Axe. When he attacked my Gerwulf, (who had a hand axe) he took the damage that Gerwulf should have taken, witch isn’t odd, however, when Gerwulf counterattacked, Gerwulf’s HP went up to ?? and continued to go up. And as the battle continued as long as the HPs went up and that I didn’t want to know how long it would have taken to stop, I turned off the emulator.

    Still, this isn’t that big of a problem, as long as it happens on the first turn.

    Yeah, the thing about that is that it is a glitch in the vanilla game. Certain conditions (which I don't remember right now) make it happen.
    So yeah, you're better off trying something else at the moment.

    A example.


  5. 14 minutes ago, familyplayer said:

    Let's just say you get something a little better for Algimas

    Probably, but using only the Short Axe made it harder since it meant that I wasn´t ORKO some of the mages, which made things a little bit more complicated (although, bruteforcing things in this chapter wasn't the best way either :p ).

    Also onto Ch. 22

    Fenrir is supposed to have 9 MT, and Flux has 5MT, yet I'm doing 4 less damage.
    Which reminds me that there were instances of which a Steel Sword and a Steel Lance where doing the same damage to an enemy (holding a Bow/Tome), even though StS has 9MT and StL has 10MT. I also made sure that supports weren't affecting anything, and yeah it was the same. Haven't checked other instances for now.
    Overall though, it doesn't affect much of the gameplay (which has been really good), but are little things that I really do notice.

  6. So I just finished the game, and let me tell you, it was a wild ride.

    I played through hard mode and the progression of difficulty went pretty much as an ascending curve.

    It started nice, nothing too strange when it comes to hard modes: you had to think your moves properly or you would end up losing a unit, your common stuff.
    Then the mid-to-end game came and boy, thinking your moves wasn't enough, you really had to be careful because enemies actually had threatening hit rates with skills that added a lot to their damage, which meant that you couldn't rely on WTA and dodge-tanking to go through a chapter.

    And then the final chapter came, and the final boss had like many different ways to stay decently healthy while being a problem with its attacks as well (keeping it vague as to not spoil too much).


    Putting aside the things that had been already said, as in aesthetics and other stuff, the hack was pretty challenging and fun, while keeping it at a decent length.


    Once it has been revamped I would play this again to try the other promotions for the units and see how it changes.


    Really good job and hack m8.

  7. 14 hours ago, Roosterton said:

    Thanks for the feedback!

    I made a bunch of palettes early on (including Felix's), but now someone more talented than me has taken over that aspect of the project, so they're all in the process of being redone by him. They won't be ugly/missing forever.

    Now that I think about it, I may have come as a little rude. Sorry about that.

    Already made it to Ch. 14 and I'm having a good time with the game. While my units are strong, I still need to be careful because enemy units are also capable of the same things I have access to, which makes it more challenging.

  8. I don't really dig the whole instant S rank in Staves for Summoners.

    Personally, unless you don't care in having a little extra on your attacks, Staves don't offer to much since Latona isn't that impressive and you can probably make due with a few Mends and Restores.

    At the end, it would be better if it was at least an A rank so it could still give great utility from the get go while still having a choice. 

  9. Started to play this to see how it goes.

    1. Does Eirika always have to have -3/-2 Str at all times? I gave here both Iron and a Slim Sword and the minus Str remains


    2. Heal seems to show properly the 1-2 range, but it doesn't work at 2 range.


    3. Bronze weapons still have their old description (Monster Slayers). Probably the effect too.


    Will keep checking things out if something else happens.

    EDIT: Colm came with really low stats (all by effects of minus). I restarted and it seems to have fixed the problem with both Colm and Eirika.

    EDIT2: The effect of the Bronze Weapons work properly. The chapter where you get Amelia in Eirika's side gets frozen after turn 11, preventing futher progression. Had to use a cheat so the turn count doesn't go higher than 10.

    EDIT3: The chapter with Innes has the same problem. This time I don't think I will apply the same treatment since I guess it has something to do with an Event with Marissa. So yeah...

  10. Report:

    Ch. 15 seems to have some little issues involving the event of the governor fleeing (which happened like 3 times in 3 turns), and something with the "last turn" of said chapter. Besides that, nothing gamebreaking.

    Ch. 16 went smoothly, no problems whatsoever.

    Ch. 17 doesn't seem to have any proble... wait a minute, what?


    So now I have a second tactician, which has no stats, came with a iron lance and has a E rank in dark and staves. Also getting her killed causes a game over.


  11. I restarted the chapter because at first it didn't do anything stading on the castle tiles, but when I did it again this time Cortez showed up.

    Don't now if it was something I did that fucked up the first time, but it doesn;t matter now.



    EDIT: Ch. 14, after the second turn it seems to restart positions of all the enemy units while also makes Warren and co. go back to being green units.

    Sending save.


  12. So yeah, I reached the chapter against Cortez and I found some problems on the way.

    When you fight VS Warren the battle dialog is broken. At the start of the battle it seems to show the introductory part with the calendar and once you beat him it shows the part where Vlad and the other guy are talking (again, from the introduction to the chapter).

    But the biggest problem is this:



    In Ch. 11, not only does it show the wrong victory condition but Cortez never appears as it probably should.

    Right now I'm stuck, unable to continue because of this.

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