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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. The unique thing about Brave Celica is the Double Lion skill, which lets her turn ANY weapon into a Brave weapon. (except the Brave Sword...) With her naturally high Speed and the Royal Sword, she's typically able to get Galeforce off quite easily. However... I'm a little tempted to wander into other territory with this skill, and would like ideas/input. Great thing is, so long as she takes a +Spd refine she loses no speed as a result, just a little Attack that is honestly mitigated by Death Blow 4. My B!Celica is +Spd. I would most definitely give her the Flashing Blade SS to replicate the effects of the Royal Sword. ~Slaying Edge: Guarantees that she can get a 2 cooldown Special triggered on the second attack, or trigger Galeforce without needing to be counterattacked by the enemy. ~Wo Dao: Moonbow and Glimmer will always trigger on the second attack, and will always have that extra damage. ~Armorsmasher/Zanbato: I'll list them both because let's face it, they have the same effect. Guarantees death against either move type at the expense of being a normal sword otherwise. ~Firesweep Sword: Four attacks that cannot be countered against without Null C-Disrupt. A little excessive considering she's quite strong regardless, though lack of refine options means she can't get the Spd she gains from Royal Sword and refined weapons. ~Screw other swords, Royal Sword is good regardless. Flashing Blade isn't necessary, has the power of any other sword with both an Atk and Spd refine, and only needs an ally nearby to trigger the Cooldown effect. Works well with any skill and keeps the SS slot open. I was originally going to go with Wo Dao and Moonbow combo, but I'd like to ask if I should reconsider, or just not do it, before I waste feathers and fodder on a combo I'll never use.
  2. Shocklingly, for how absurdly powerful Alm is, this battle actually used generally the same strategy as my Infernal clear. The key, however, was a skill I've not thought about in a while: Drive Atk. Decided to do a play-by-play first, then record me actually doing it later, since I wanted to do it a little faster than my initial clear (which ended in my picking off the remaining foes and then moving out of harms way. Play-by-play (including unit builds): I wish it could have been themed better, but... well, Celica killed her husband, so does that count?
  3. Well this banner has angered me a bit. Four Alms, all +Def. How am I supposed to run with that??? By the time I got him +Atk, I had gotten two Roys, four Marths, one each of Nailah/Fjorm/Hector/Fae, nine Leannes (when the Leanne I own was already +8), and just barely enough Eirikas to +10 her as well (so I +10ed both Christmas Renais Siblings in the end...) Goddamn... it sometimes feels like the new unit in each Legendary/Mythic banner is elusive as hell, but is easy to get once it's not their banner...
  4. I don't see why having Lance Valor has to dictate your interest in a unit... I'm missing Lance Valor to, but that hasn't stopped me. Though I do concur, Gaiden/Echoes has horrid weapon variety among classes. One weapon type per class, some classes having Magic access, but otherwise you're stuck with what you got for your lifetime unless you become a villager. Also three classlines out of what's available to normal units use lances. If I were to guess though, I'd say Deen is more likely to be the GHB unit than most other units, given he's a playable unit fought by Celica's army. He could bring with him a personal Brave Sword, but it's the Valentian one, so... would it be the Brave Edge?. ...I wonder if they'll make Sirius the premium unit...?
  5. I will say again, no Wyrmprints is beautiful... I got pity broken twice, but it wasn't by freaking wyrmprints, and bonus they were adventurers I didn't have (Naveed and Ezelith). I'd have prefered Fjorm, but... well, some things can't be controlled all that well. ...though I am kinda shocked at how small the non-limited time Wyrmprint pool is...
  6. ...why Flying Nino? Is this an excuse to make her be one of the focus units for the Childrens Day banners? Well... I'll go Tiki to start this time round. Not sure who I'll follow when she loses, I'll just have to see how the gauntlet goes...
  7. Boss fight against Alfonse, which actually fixes the units stats so you can't blaze through the fight. I don't remember his skills, but he most definitely used Blazing and Growing Light, as well as Afterburn that replicated the Rising Light skills in different locations, and Death Blow was a massive area of effect attack. Also, a cover of the FE theme in the style of DL's singer replaces the usual main theme. The event itself is peppered with FEH music. The event also uses explainations in the style of FEH's map sprites, which does include Euden in them. ...also got Marth from the Platinum summon. Noice. And seeing absolutely no Wyrmprints... gorgeous...
  8. Pretty much every Legendary Banner until Eir was introduced last December. She's gotten a few breaks since then (and of freaking course I never summoned her until after she returned from said break...) Currently we got FemGrima, Eir, and Duma, and two of those are Mythic heroes. So... yeah, Legendary Hero Staff when?
  9. ...huh. I... kinda forgot about the Legendary/Mythic Hero banners with the recent FEH x Dragalia Lost hubbub. Holy shit Darting Blow 4 is fast. Good thing they made Luna Ark and Lunar Flash work together, otherwise there could have been some problems... ...heh, imagine if he had Eirika's Lunar Brace as well... I'd honestly forgive them if they had to make Alm a little weaker to compensate for how fast he can be, but if I know anything about Alm he's a good amount of power and then some. As for the other units... no one I need to summon for, thank god. My own Leanne is very close to +10 merge, and Eirika is welcome to take a merge or two herself. I guess if I had to be picky, I could always use a new Asset for Marth, but I'm alright with my current +Def, so no pressure there. Otherwise... I really don't need any of these other units... ...I wonder if they'll go for the classic Gaiden armor for CYL3, or if they'll throw a small curveball just curvy enough that we don't expect Dread Fighter Alm from Awakening's Einherjar DLC...
  10. Unknown how hard. It'll be a lot easier since Wyrmprints won't be summonable anymore, but there's still the chance of being broken by a dragon or off-focus character. Earning Alfonse won't be that hard. Prior characters earned in similar ways simply had to be used until a meter counting to 500 was filled, and it filled simply by using the character in maps. Harder challenges gave more count toward the meter, especially in the event they are featured in.
  11. Ah... okay. Fjorm's Ice Mirror translated nicely over. I wonder if it'll take High Brunnhilda's HP check into account for damage... Veronica... I dunno, she looks alright on paper, but she doesn't have the raw power of Lily or Maribelle, or the Force Strike power of Kleimann... in fact, it seems a lot of her skills bonus damage will come from her co-ability and having low HP... I also like how the skill icons for the Last skills on each of them use FEH icons.
  12. I can see Marth being good for High Midgardsormar. Last Boost essentially means his teammates and himself are already beginning their maximum assault after the HP check, and Verica/Valentine Hildengarde already have their teammates healed up before the next attack. He'd have been good even without Stun Res to back him up...
  13. Oh yes. It's kinda funny, but it's never the higher quality scales that I'm low on, it's always the lower quality, "more common" ones... I sometimes have to trade high quality ones for low qualities if I'm short on the latter, but well stocked on the former...
  14. I only just now read that in addition to the Eldwater being given to make up the difference for all those released Wyrmprints and Dragons, we're also being refunded Eldwater to cover the 20% summoning cost reduction. Speaking as someone who was very unlucky trying to get certain characters and dragons... good lord, that's a lot of Eldwater.
  15. In my opinion, if you want a Physically bulky InfLance, then you'd build Lukas. Since Lukas doesn't have comparable Res to Donnel, it would theoretically be a good idea to capitalize on that. However, keep in mind that Donnel would still only have 31 Res, and with his Speed of 29 he will still take a sizable amount of damage from most mages. While yes you can use the A and SS passives to alleviate some of this pressure, it'd probably still be better to let Donnel be a physical tank than mixed, as you'd otherwise be taking resources from his most important stat and putting it towards one of his lesser stats. And if you want a mixed bulk Blue unit... well, I've had good experiences with Oboro, but double Close Def only works on Melee units, and Warding Breath is kinda miniscule on otherwise 28-32 Asseted Res... As for Chill Res and Rally Up Atk, it's as Xray said, you'd best use them for your Arena cheerleader. EDIT: Small question, but is there a way to keep track of Dragonflower usage besides checking every individual unit? I only just now learned that my Ophelia has +6 Dragonflowers...
  16. I... kinda feel like a sham for doing these two +10s so soon after such a unique +10 as Walhart, but... oh well... I'm gonna spoiler the post just to keep my own posts from taking up 10% of the pages length. I really should compile all my +10s into one post some day... when I'm not +10ing some other unit.
  17. First, how would they implement Tiki as a playable character? She can't use weapons, even in Warriors she mostly just punched and threw rocks at her enemies. Second, we don't necessarily know if there will or won't be a dragon yet. There's a good chance she'll arrive in her Manakete form, since she is one of the more notable dragons in the series who actually is a dragon.
  18. Really??? Of all the events to not have motivation during... Wish I could say that wouldn't be as easy as it sounds, but... well, we all know how this goes down.
  19. Ah... looks like it's the Valentine way of story telling again. That's... dang. I missed the entire Valentine event out of lack of motivation. Hope that doesn't happen again here.
  20. "Right the first time" can very quickly become obsolete overnight in this game though. And while I don't expect every single unit to have an equally powerful personal weapon before the game's life ends, it doesn't seem fair to just leave a unit in the dust just because they got their personal/refine earlier than another. A good example would be Sol Katti. The effect is good, sure, but it very quickly became underwhelming compared to other sword users in the game, but the example I'd like to use is Cain and his Bull Blade. Lyn gets an automatic follow-up attack and can make them one after another if she's weakened, and only on foes who can counterattack. Cain gets a nearby-ally related conditional Brave effect in addition to the existing Atk/Def boost that gets triggered by said ally as well. Both the same weapon type on early-game units, hell one of them is in the 5* pool, but one got her effect as soon as the Weapon refinery came into being, and that's about the last you hear of Lyn. Cain... actually I've not heard much of Cain recently, but IMO he has far more to be feared for than Lyn does. I'm not looking to argue about sword vs sword by the way, I was just using an example. ...curious you bring that up, because he seems to be the only case so far... never even got Festive Siegmund either.
  21. No reason it can't be updated. Getting a refine shouldn't mean that that's the absolute last and final fine-tuning a weapon can get.
  22. Because even their names are a joke. Though no ones laughing.
  23. Kinda feel like Cymbeline should get updated. Kinda bitter that it STILL doesn't have a unique look (even refined it's just a shiny generic Red Tome), but the tome is also effective against Beast Tribe Lagus in Radiant Dawn (even though it apparently never gets to use this effect). We currently only have two Beast-effective weapons, and they are VERY recent. Don't see why we can't have Cymbeline be one of them.
  24. So my usual auto-battle strategy of "three healer nukes and a dancer" is completely ruined by Flora, so follow-up strategy is "Picnic Genny, Distant Def 4 + Guard Bow Faye, and +10 Alm and Kliff". And the end result is... Genny is a goddam moron who keeps running face-first into battle and getting killed before the final map of Lunatic Lv35, but the other 3 somehow make it through 85% of the time. I swear, if it didn't cut into the Speed rank I'd take her weapon off... well whatever, already got the three seals and 5* Picnic Leo.
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