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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. How much does it say when the only way you can use a character in a normal context is by using their alt form, which is currently their only appearance in the game...? Also how funny she thinks that when the only two men are already married and have kids.
  2. This first +10 I TECHNICALLY didn't mean to do, but I did keep every copy of her I summoned until she just had enough copies to go for the +10 merge. Since I don't think I'll need her skill fodder anytime soon, I went for it. The second one I fully meant to do. I hadn't spent a single Grail since they were released, and while I didn't have enough to get +10 immediately, it would only be another week before I could. And now... well, here we are. Neither one is technically "complete", but that's just because I still don't know what to do with either one... The path of Conquest is paved in Crimson Fire...
  3. I think your numbers are a little off there. Kellam's been in since day 0, what do ya mean waifus bias even at launch? ... ...okay bad jokes aside, I think it should be mentioned as well that the last true Armor unit we received, that is the last non-alt and non-Heroes OC who is an Armor unit in their original game, is Arden, though to be fair Hardin would also technically count, though I'm reading that his Emperor class was only affected by Armor slaying weaponry in Genealogy of the Holy war, which means he isn't considered an Armor in New Mystery... so I'm not sure how to handle that. REGARDLESS, the last armor unit we received who was playable in their original game, and treating Zelgius as a Black Knight alt, is ARDEN. He's not even summonable, which means the last summonable canon Armor unit (if she can be considered canon) is Amelia. So to put it in brief... ~The last canon armor we got was Surtr, who is a Heroes OC. ~The last canon armor we got who can be considered an Armor unit, or at least a Knight/General derivative, is Hardin. ~The last canon Knight/General we got was Arden. ~The last canon Knight/General we got who is part of the normal summoning pool is Amelia. This is, of course, working under the assumption that Grima, Duma, Idunn, and Caineghis are not true Armor units, as the former 3 are final bosses who do not move (or at least don't seem to like to), while the latter wasn't anything like an Armor unit in his original game.
  4. EVERY. SINGLE. UNIT. All of them. 5 Star. Level 40. Well... the ones in the Normal summoning pool anyways. Haven't trained the Picnic units yet. But the rest of them... done. I'm missing Summer Tana, Summer Robin, Summer Frederick, Dance Fest Olivia, Halloween Henry, Summer Noire, Halloween Jakob, Summer Xander, and Summer Leo. I also don't have a copy of Summer Gaius, but I did get him to lv 40 as well. That's... 10 seasonal units I'm missing, most all of them being in Summer and in October. Once that's done, I can focus on just powering up my army instead of growing it. I'm might even relax on summoning from new unit banners... Man... what in gods name am I going to do with all of these units?
  5. Staff: Einhrendance (personal weapon) Foe cannot counterattack. Disables enemy B passives. (Does not disable the effect of B passives used in the Sacred Seal slot.) Assist (Staff user): Lumin Recover Restores HP to target equal to 50% of units Atk +10. Restores 25% of recovered HP to unit as well. After healing, grants Def/Res +6 to target and all allies (including unit) within 2 spaces of target ally. Special (staff): Excess (CD: 3) Offensive Special: Adds 5 damage to units attack. After combat, restores HP to unit and all allies within 3 spaces equal to 50% of units Atk. I've had ideas for a strong Staff unit in mind, and the above would be his or her personal skills. Though I like the idea of Excess just being a new Staff skill overall...
  6. The Arctic Silver Fox simulator doesn't have the new Camping units in yet, so I wanna ask opinions in the superior Asset stat for two of the units I pulled, Felicia and Flora. ~Felicia's are +Atk and +Spd. +Atk is considered a Superboon, but Felicia's Attack is much lower than other Superboon Atk axes (I'm looking at you, Ephraim...), and the asset would mostly just bring her to average. Spd seems important, given that she otherwise can't use Special Fighter properly. The big thing I'm thinking about is that Spd is a pretty important stat, but Armor units still run the Fighter skills that ignore Spd entirely, and I'm now in Arena Assault tiers where every unit is either a slow Armor with a Fighter skill, have automatic doubles anyway (Ephraim...), or are just fast. However, if I don't improve Felicia's Speed, she can't use Special Fighter as well without some assistance. ~Flora's are Atk and Res. Getting her Atk up would certainly help in killing Beast units, which it seems fair to think that'll be what she's doing. +Res, however, works offensively and defensively in that manor, as she'll then have enough Res to bring down the enemies Def to equal a boost in Atk, and bring down their Atk that she won't mind taking a hit. It also comes with the benefit of making her a better Magic tank even if she doesn't quite edge out the enemy in Res. I thought it was an easy choice, but it's slightly harder than I thought... any input is welcome. ...Also Lukas and Genny are just fine as they are and don't need debate. EDIT: I wanna ask a second question. I just got every normal summoning pool unit to 5* Lv 40, so I can now focus on purely raising any single units power. However, I always kept a few spares of certain units, largely from before the update to Merged units when certain units had bad Asset/Flaw combos. Now that I have every unit and everyone has an ideal asset/flaw, or at least a merge to cover up the flaw, I wanna ask... what should I do with the following? I'm specifically pointing out, also, that I know I can keep multiple copies of a unit for different tasks... I just don't see the reason to at this point. I have enough units who can do what I need them to do in AA, especially those who are +10 merged, plus there's some instances, for example Cordelia, where there's a good few units who serve the same role anyways. I repeat, just don't see a reason to. Anyways...
  7. In the order they appeared... ~Lukas came first, +Spd -Res. CLEARLY I'm resummoning for him, or at least persisting in summoning him til I get them all. ~Felicia +Spd -Def next. Good asset! Though I'm not sure if her Def or her HP wanted the flaw more... ~Didn't matter, another Felicia came +Atk -Spd. ~Genny was in the same session as the above Felicia, and she was +Atk -Spd. Didn't know what to think at first... then it turned out her Spd is as useless as her Defense is bad, so this works. ~Flore appeared finally! ... ...FUCK IT'S NORMAL FLORA. ~Not related to the camping guys (but it is Echoes related, so... it counts), but I pulled my final Brave Celica needed to +10 her (+Spd -Atk) ...I don't need to give anyone Death Blow 4 at this point, so I guess Walhart wasn't my next +10 after all... Laevatein appeared in the same session to, but she's not being +10ed. ~Lukas arrived this time +Atk -Spd. MUUUUCH better, ~And no false alarm this time, it's Camping Flora +Res -Def. If Gamepress is right, then her Def is a superflaw... but nothing a merge can't fix! ...I'll just keep summoning til I get that new Flora, no reason to report a unit who'll be used as merge fodder, but overall... good assets.
  8. Dispatch, this is MS Paint Sableye, I have broken through. I repeat, MS Paint Sableye has broken through. The download begins...
  9. ...okay I don't have that much of a problem with camping seasonals, but... Can we please stop giving the Seasonal units the Tempest Trial focus? How exactly am I supposed to take a scenario like "Veronica is feeling the effects of Emblia's blood" when everyone is either a sexy bunny or a bunny with a bulge? Damn, you to? I'm sad to say this, but I'm kinda glad it's not just me, just because it means I'm not the only person who's not being allowed to download content that I paid real money for... Not sure what you mean by this. Plenty of seasonal units have custom animations. It's been a thing even since the first seasonal banner.
  10. The video is out. ...yep, I'm just as underwhelmed as I was when I first heard it would be camping themed. Kinda feels like they weren't trying to keep Genny's involvement a secret... Also, which of the two was supposed to be the silhouette on the right...?
  11. ...camping? ...sorry, I'm not that big a fan of camping. I was when I was younger, but I've kinda grown out of it... Anyways yeah that's Genny. First thought for the person on the right was Libra, but only because the hair kinda sorta reminded me of him... though on second look, that doesn't really look like Libra... Man, why couldn't we just have Bridal Dragalia? ...oh well who cares, I got me some Smash 3.0 to worry about. I wonder if it'd be possible to make a FEH themed stage...?
  12. If it weren't for the fact I can't place the right figure, I actually kinda thought the left was Euden from Dragalia Lost. The crossover is getting to me...
  13. I find it interesting everyone is saying Sturdy Impact is overpowered. Maybe I just haven't run into it much yet, but I honestly don't feel that the case. Sure it's strong, but it's not like it does a tremendous amount of good on EP (that is, the Sturdy Impact wielders enemies phase). Maybe I'm just missing something about it... Oh god that's right... man, am I glad you brought that up and that I have a spare Surtr. Eenie meenie minie moe, who's the wall to get this uber-Guard...?
  14. On a whim decided to do another merging thing. Specifically... Walhart actually. I have a few reasons... ~None of my +10s are free units. ~I have the least number of Green +10s. After Walhart though, Blue will be the least numerous, though I already have plans for a Blue +10. ~I have very few males compared to females (not sexist, but balance includes the balance of genders as well). ~General opinion of Walhart doesn't seem to be all that high, despite his imposing figure. Plus he's pretty neat as a character. I'm short 100 grails to make him +10 though, so he'll have to wait just a little longer...
  15. Agreeing with @Humanoid, I'm thankful most for the Combat Manuals addition. Without them, I would not have been able to keep as many 5* units as I have now without lots of barrack expansion. Plus, there's no thinking about it. I already have every lower rarity unit with an ideal Asset/Flaw, so I can freely bookify every single 3* and 4* unit I get and feather them all later when I need them, plus I now have a very large library of commonly used skills in case I ever need them (which, now that I think about it, I don't think I'm going to need 46 Hinata books...). A somewhat distant second though, I'd give it to accessories. I'm sure as the game goes on better and better accessories will be added, but right now I'm kinda glad my units can be made... I dunno, a little more unique than others, even if their builds aren't quite.
  16. I could imagine them Tier 4-ing Mirror Blow or Steady Blow, but I'm not sure they'd do it to Swift Sparrow, the skill that's apparently so great and mighty they feel a need to put it on at least one unit per every other New Heroes banner, as well as too strong to lower it to the 4* pool. ...at most I'd imagine just plain ol +6 Atk/Spd, or even Kestrel Stance getting a Tier 4 long before Swift Sparrow.
  17. Tier 4 skills are here to stay, so let's talk about these powerful variants of existing skills. Background: The first Tier 4 passive was Death Blow 4, a small yet still major upgrade to Death Blow 3 (boosting the Attack of Player Phase attacks by +8 compared to the +6 of DB3). This was made available from the Brave alt of Celica back in September 2018. At the time, there was probably debate as to what this meant for other skills, but that didn't necessarily equal knowing what to expect from further Tier 4 passives. Ever since, there's been a small yet raging stream of Tier 4 passives making their way to the hands of normal units. They cost the same as skills such as Distant Counter and many Personal skills, and have equally powerful effects. Later on, we received an update to the skill inheritance function that allowed us to inherit up to 4 skills at a time, up from the 3 that it had been. While this was welcome, it was pretty evident this was because of Tier 4 passives being impossible to pass down properly without inheriting at least the Tier 1 variant prior. Now that they're here to stay, for what it's worth, what do you think of them? Is this the right way to go about upgrading existing skills? Could this have been handled better? What other skills deserve Tier 4 upgrades, and in what way? Anything else to say on the matter? I myself think things are kinda getting a little out of hand. Sure, they're premium skills that deserve to hold powerful effects for how hard it is to acquire them. But we very quickly started going overboard with what they actually did. DB4 was a very basic upgrade from DB3, but then you look at the most recent Tier 4, Distant Defense 4, and see not just a simple upgrade to the skill, but also an effect that prior was only available to certain personal weapons, two seasonal exclusive skills I'm not sure anyone actually uses, and the 2018 Valentine units weapons. Many of the skills feel very much like multiple skills in one, and I'm not sure how to feel about that. Though it would be interesting to see what they do to Close Defense... As a reminder, below are all the Tier 4 skills in existence as of typing, as well as the unit they are available from.
  18. My god those moments were horrible. What's worse is that even if you do get a wyrmprint you legit wanted, there's no guarantee that you'll ever see it again unless you're summoning from a banner. And usually? It's not a wyrmprint you wanted.
  19. We have a date for Dragalia Lost's Fire Emblem: Lost Heroes event. It begins April 25th at 11pm PST.
  20. @XRay at your recommendation, I made Lucius to be as high scoring as possible while getting him to +10 merge. ...it was horrible. I didn't have enough copies, and the game chose now of all times to hold out on him. But he's finished. ...this wasn't without it's share of 5* pitybreakers though, even now that the Beasts banner doesn't have Gen 1 5* units. And of all the units to +10 merge, this was not the one I was expecting to do.
  21. Same here. Though... she brings with her fodder for a skill we already have at 4*... hopefully the next demote (not expecting any demotes this banner) doesn't bring with him or her a skill as meh as Steady Posture...
  22. Oh my god it is beautiful seeing all those former unwanted pity breakers at 3* summons. Course it means if anyone ever wants a Firesweep Sword for instance, it'll cost 20k feathers, but small price to pay. ...as for the beasts, got them semi-easily, but I kept summoning for a few reasons: ~Lethe and Ranulf had pretty bad asset/bonds, though nothing worth merging over. Just bad enough I'm willing to keep summoning from Red and Green orbs. ~Caineghis had a pretty bad [+HP -Res] nature, and eventually he arrived pure neutral, but I also wanted a spare to give my Faye Distant Defense 4, make her into a great ranged tank. ~Mordecai was... actually the best on the first go, +Def -Spd. Of course, he's the one who also appeared two additional times...
  23. I just watched Peri equip a Slaying Lance and Killer Lance and get praised by Sothe and Ethlyn. She then equipped THE FIRE LANCE OF RENAIS KNOWN AS SIEGMUND, and she got confused looks from both. ...yes.
  24. I don't know how to feel about Bull Blade and Panther Lance. On the one hand, they appear to have a much more forgiving conditional Brave effect on weapons that are not only considered normal Personal weapons, but also provide more Atk just being near someone (which also so happens to be the trigger for the Brave effect). I'm not saying that's bad, because it's not. It's great in fact! We all know how deadly Alm is with his Double Lion Falchion, and he needs to stay healthy to get that to work. I find more concerning the Defense boost on the weapons, cause at base Abel has 25 Def and Cain has 27, which is pretty bad. Having a potential +6 just doesn't feel like it fixes any bulk problems any, and it certainly doesn't make me want to give either of them Bonfire instead of Luna. Maybe Speed would have been overkill? Honstly though, I doubt it. Hana got exactly what I thought she'd get. Swift Sparrow 2 Armor killing weapon... it's more Atk and Spd than normal refines of Armorsmasher+, on top of the extra Might it has as a personal weapon, so I consider this a direct upgrade. I guess it doesn't mean anything for anyone who gave her a different weapon from her base, but my Hana is an armor killer anyway. Peri is interesting. She essentially has a (slightly weaker now that I look again) Sealed Falchion that packs a slaying effect instead of a dragon slaying effect, and she might just have the statspread to make it work...
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