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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Er... yep! Armored units are so powerful, Hana decided the only way to eliminate the problem was to "eliminate the problem"! ...directly from the source. ...I'm editing it out.
  2. Cain's Bull Blade: During Combat, boosts unit's Atk/Def by number of allies within 2 spaces x2 (Max bonus of +6 to each stat) Refine: If Cavalry allies within 2 spaces use sword, lance, or axe and unit initiates combat, unit attacks twice. Abel's Panther Lance: Same as Bull Blade. Refine: Same as Bull Blade Hana's Katana: Effective against Armored foes. Refine: Swift Sparrow 2 (Atk/Spd +4 on player phase) Peri's Lance: Accelerates Special Trigger (CD Count -1). Refine: At start of combat, if units HP <100%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res +4 during combat. Peri's skill icon is similar to her personal skill from Fire Emblem Fates, which is called Bloodthirst.
  3. I got a question related to what to do about an easy to acquire but still effective unit for Arena Assault (so anyone available at 4* rarity)... right now, my AA team consists of +10 merge Spooky Myrrh, Santa Ephraim, Ophelia, and most recent addition Adrift F!Corrin. Ophelia is the one I want to replace, if it's not obvious. I have the 3 colors covered, so Ophelia's slot can be taken over by pretty much anyone else. I do also have fodder for R Duel Flying, G Duel Infantry, G Duel Flying, and C Duel Infantry if you think they'd help in any way.
  4. I've never seen a video of either Tellius game, let alone hear what Ranulf sounds like.
  5. Is... that what Ranulf sounds like? Huh... I had someone a lot more... carefree sounding? He sounds like a tough guy to be honest... Well anyways, Armored Beasts getting conditional Distant Counter feels very overpowering for them, but more or less limits them to full-beast teams if they want to be able to keep it intact. The units themselves... well I dunno what to say. Distant Defense 4 seems pretty good, a great addition to any ranged walls who can't quite block off a bladetome mage's fury. At least getting them won't be that bad since we can't be pity broken by units who don't deserve to still be 5* exclusives, or worse yet units who are available at 4*...
  6. Got a few more... you know, it'd be great, if I'm really doing this whole 5* +10 thing, if the majority weren't Red, but whatever. (Corrin also has Null C-Disrupt)
  7. Finally, we're getting Peri's Lance... my Peri's time is nigh... I wonder if it'll boost her stats after combat where her enemy dies? Cain, Abel... well, they're kinda in the air since their preferred weapons are not the ones they already own... i doubt they'll get Brave weapons though. And Hana? Either an Armorslayer with Swift Sparrow refine or Swift Sparrow with a translation of her personal skill from Fates. Either way, she has to be getting Swift Sparrow on her weapon, parallel what Hinata got.
  8. Brave Celica has Double Lion as her B skill, plus Royal Sword (which speeds up Celica and her Special Cooldown) and Galeforce by default. As such, she has the power to trigger Galeforce without the aid of Heavy/Flashing Blade, though if you wish you can also replace Royal Sword with Slaying Edge and give her Flashing Blade to guarantee Galeforce trigger without having to get counterattacked or use Quickened Pulse. ...point is, she's strong, one of the better units to be able to run Galeforce. Either way, I recommend keeping Celica around even if you wanna give Rein DB4, as that's a powerful sword user to have around regardless of Asset/Flaw.
  9. ...well that was underwhelming. Some demotions, a new game mechanic/game mode revolving around such, and a semi-lobby in Aether Resort. I personally could care less about the Gen 1 units being removed from new hero banners, since I've had all of them for a while now and they're just aged enough that I won't miss them compared to Gen 2 or Gen 3. I am, however, glad that all those other units were demoted. Can't say how many times I got pity broken by one of the demoted units...
  10. Ugh, video keeps lagging and erroring me out. I'll have to watch it later... All I could get out for now was Pair Up.
  11. Oh but it's coming, I can feel it. Step 1 is getting all the freckled nerds to *heavy breathing* for sexy transformed dragon who is sexy in love with generic anime protag #9nokmwi92472neq2. Step 2 is establishing sexy dragon lady as someone important. Step 3, put her in official artwork, step 4... okay well step 4 is have her obliterate anyone not passing the HP check, but THEN step 5 is make the perfect excuse to get in, Gala Dragalia. ...yes I am way overthinking this shush.
  12. You know what, that's actually true, I might be counting two dragons who were launch dragons and humanoid, as well as the two seasonal alt dragons... which actually remain the only seasonal alts of dragons. Oh right, but don't forget Brunhilda going full waifu. THAT'S something I still don't quite understand...
  13. Goddamn you people have some... "strong opinions". @XRay First off, Dragalia Lost doesn't have any 2,000 year old lolis, only millenia-old but still sexy zombies (well, zombie singular) While it does have its provocative outfits among the cast, especially the big booby ones, none of the lolis are all that "sexy" in my opinion. I also checked and there's only about... what, three or four young units total? Not even anything like Gordin with shota-face syndrome, legit young-uns. Now what you SHOULD be wondering about is the dragons, because fucking hell I think DL has only had like four or five dragons added post-launch who were actual dragons as opposed to humans with dragon horns, wings, and tails, and a good number of said dragons are scantily-clad women.
  14. Forgot to mention I did this one to, with the same team of Ophelia, Celica, Lewyn, and Legendary Azura I used for my Yune clear. It was... actually really easy, and I only needed to reset like once or twice to account for experimenting. Lucina never even got to use Future Sight. ...I usually record these or do a play-by-play, but I... didn't and don't really wanna. Sorry.
  15. Wow they implement a system that makes it possible to participate as much as possible in a gauntlet, and I STILL manage to forget to do battles. I'm going Hardin on this next one. Info still in the sig, Rep is still Fortress Def/Res Myrrh.
  16. Chaos goddess indeed. I had to pull out all the power I had, which is to say 3 powerful mages and Legendary Azura... which to be fair is a lot of power, and STILL took a good while to figure out. Ophelia +Atk 10m (Missiletainn, Rally up Atk+, Blazing Light, Life and Death 3, Special Spiral 3, Res Tactic 3, Atk +3) Celica +Atk 10m (Ragnarok (spec. refine), Reposition, Moonbow, Fury 4, Desperation 3, Spur Def 3, Brazen Atk/Res 3) Lewyn +Spd 10m (Forseti, Reposition, Luna, Swift Sparrow 2, Special Spiral 3, Odd Atk Wave 3, Atk/Spd Bond 3) Legendary Azura +Spd 1m (Prayer Wheel, Gray Waves, Growing Light, B Duel Flying 3, Wings of Mercy 3, Hone Atk 4, Earth Dane 3) Lewyn... actually spent a lot of time just Repositioning allies. Celica and Ophelia did the bulk of the grunt work, with Ophelia landing OHKOs on most every enemy, and Celica doing the same in 2 hits, especially Yune herself. Lewyn, meanwhile, had prominent roles in weakening the Troubadour, killing the Blue Dark Flier in one round (which he could only do if Atk/Spd Bond was triggered and Yune's Chaos Named wasn't triggered on him, which took a bit of AI manipulation), and saving lives.
  17. I'm going with my heart on this one: Idunn, Duma, and Hardin are not completely evil, but corrupted, so I'll go with those three and hope at least one of them makes it to the end. And since I've not played Binding Blade or any Archanea games... See you on the other side of the gauntlet, Duma. FC and such are in my sig. Think this time I'm going to have my lead be someone... tame in power, but should still prove useful overall. Myrrh [+Def 3 merge] with Great Flame, Repo, Bonfire, Fortress Def/Res 3, Quick Riposte 3, and Hone Dragons.
  18. Sustain skills are useful for units who have weapons that hurt them and don't benefit from low HP, though of the entire roster that comes down to... Alm post-refine and Celica pre-refine, and only from Mystic Boost. So... yeah they're filler skills at best. As for Vanguard vs Slaying Lance... actually think I'll go with Vanguard on this one. It'll bring him to be more defensive than Lukas to make up for the inability to use Steady Breath.
  19. I've been agonizing this for days now, and I need to ask. Should I replace Spring Xanders weapon [+Def -Spd]? Carrot Lance has the advantage of helping to keep Xander in QR3 range, while Vanguard works on his high Defense (but it is a few points shorter than Lukas). Berkut's Lance gives him mixed bulk, but his mixed bulk is average bulk on most other units and I can't offer him either of the Close/Distant Defense SS's. Slaying Lance or Harmonic Lance offer no defensive boons, but offensive instead. He's probably not going to be one of my MAIN units, but I've never let that stop me from going all in on a unit.
  20. Get in, come out with the goods. How hard can it be? Take a lesson from me, kids. NEVER DOUBT THIS HELL OF A GAME. ~I wanna get Yune out of the way first and foremost, since she is kinda the face of the banner. First summoning of her, +Spd -Atk. The literal opposite of what she would want. I almost feel forced to get another of her to do the merge... It takes a while to summon her again, but this time she's +Atk -Def. Far better. ~Kagero, the other Green I wanted, was cursed from the start: I summoned 3 of her, and all 3 were +HP. -Atk, -Def, -Res. Of course none of them could be allowed to be -Spd, oh no... ~Lewyn, who I didn't need or want because +10 and not that many units can make Special Spiral work all that well. FOUR SUMMONS. Compared to Kagero's 3 and Yunes 2, not to mention all the other colors... that's bad. ~One Brave Lyn +Res -HP. Literally the same asset/flaw as my current Brave Lyn, which works for me. ~One Halloween Mia +HP -Res, which I wasn't really after, but whatever. I don't need to give her a merge, so her staff should be fun to give someone... ~One Ophelia, Neutral. Pretty bad, but Chill Res is alright. ~One Legendary Azura. No need to give B Duel Flying to anyone, so I guess that's just a merge for my +Spd Azura in the hopes she can take a hit slightly better. ~One Eir... ~Lastly, one each of Legendary Ryoma and Legendary Lucina in the same pull. Neither were ideal asset/flaws, but Ryoma just needed the one to get a merge, and Lucina... well, she's already a good unit, I'm not worried about her. And I'm done. Leaving. Finished. Over it. There's just too many units here I don't want to summon more of to justify trying for the three or four I'd like to keep summoning for.
  21. Gonna have a much easier time getting the units I want here, I hope. ~Yune is Yune. ~I'd like to get another Brave Lyn now that Flaws don't matter. ~My Halloween Kagero needs a different Asset (+Spd on a slow armor?). Neutral is okay to. I suppose it'd be nice to get a different asset on Legendary Lucina, but my +Def is doing alright so I'm not that concerned. Either way, I see this banner going far more okay for me than past banners have so far. Lewyn is Special Spiral fodder now that mine is +10, Mia is... okay, and Eir is the least desirable.
  22. This is kinda interesting... I mean, FEH and Dragalia share pretty much all the same weapon types (Sword, Lance, Axe, Bow, Dagger, Staff, Wands can count as Tomes, heck even Dragon transformations can be used for Manaketes), so characters from either one would work perfectly well in the other... On the other hand, part of the allue of FEH is that you have a chance to bring together heroes from all of Fire Emblems history into one place, most all of whom have a pre-established story we've had years to learn about. Dragalia Lost isn't even a full year yet. So I dunno... this'll be interesting to watch as a player of both games.
  23. Fellas, I present to you the Move Type Offensive/Defensive skill series. Effectively Tier 4s of Goads and Wards, with Infantry getting in on the action as well. Each one boasts the same boost to stats as Goads and Wards, but also have one additional effect unique to each movement type. Cavalry can't get the same effect as Infantry Offensive for instance. This originally began with just the Infantry versions, but then I began thinking of how other units would benefit. Then I decided to make each effect unique. Dragon and Beast unit versions came up later. I know they're not their own Move type, but they're their own units with Goads and Wards so it seems fair.
  24. I originally had Myrrh inherit Fortress Def to work with her weapon when she was +Atk. She later got Fortress Def/Res once she went +Def. My Arden currently has Fortress Def as his A slot. Basically anyone who has just enough power to take a hit to their attack for a slighty larger boost to Def or Res. However, I don't give anyone Fortress Res due to it being a rare skill still (for some reason). As for the seal versions of both, Fortress Def used to go on Kliff until I realized he then had so low an Attack stat that he literally couldn't do any damage (now he just has a Def up seal), so now it lies on Lukas. Fortress Res, meanwhile, shifts use between Arvis and Saias. Fortress Def/Res is a whole second story. I'd love to give it to anyone I can't decide on a good A slot for, just because why try to pick when I could instead beef up both defensive stats in exchange for two measly Atk? Unfortunately the skill is rare. But my Kliff is +10 already, so any of him I get can just get turned to Fort.Def/Res fodder.
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