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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Well y'all are certainly more... optimistic? Pessimistic? I dunno which teams you're on... Either way, clearly more than I am.
  2. Wow, not even a full chapter and we're getting the classic "my dead father is my enemy". Guess we now REALLY know what'll happen next...
  3. Well unless we pull a miracle, Soren wins. I'm just bitter I failed to have less than 1000 flags at gauntlets end AGAIN...
  4. Damn, first BotW now FEH encourage Volcano grilled meat? Nintendo really encouraging these culinary activities. Fortunately, I also like being culinary.
  5. Well, uh... I kinda got more +10s. I've not completed one of them yet (Celica just needs a refined Ragnarok...), so she'll have to wait for her proper spotlight here. And below are those who ARE complete. Leif technically isn't complete yet, but since it's just a swap of Steady Blow to Swift Sparrow, it's fine if he's not "complete" here. So the above combined with Soleil, Elincia, Santa Ephraim, Kliff, Ophelia, Nyofai Fjorm, Julia, Summer Linde, and Eir makes... 16 +10 merge units total. Wow. Okay, I may have problems.
  6. Oh my god does NO ONE on Team Morgan have Green leads??? I just need 3 more plays with one and I refuse to not bring my Morgan in, but NO ONE HAS GREEN LEADS. Do I need to change from my Celica to, say, my Lewyn or Julia? Is everyone else having a hard time with this?
  7. Sweep skills featuring Roddy, Faye, and Alm. "Alright, red orbs are useless to me here!" 3 green and one each Blue and Colorless. Besides the 3 greens, free summon was 5* Roddy, and the Colorless was Faye. "Glad we finally see eye-to-eye on something, Breidablik!" ...so yeah this banner is a skip. Not really any strong need for either firesweep weapon, and I don't need windsweep or anymore Alms. But thanks for making it easy on me, game!
  8. Typically, yes. They are predetermined when the session starts as opposed to when the orb is selected, so one 5* does not mean that's the only 5*: if you've gone to the Pull Topic, there've been a number of times where someone has gotten up to four 5* units in the same session (lucky sunnavaguns). Just remember that it's still chance: one 5* and a slightly higher 5* rate does not mean there will be more than just the on 5*.
  9. It is. Personal example, I promoted Subaki and Klein a number of times before I ever actually "trained" them purely for Quick Riposte 3. If it's the only Cordelia you have with a good Asset/Flaw however, I'd look at other options. Believe me in saying it's not worth it to give up an entirely good unit just to make another unit slightly better.
  10. Morgan now, since both underdogs have been... well, killed off within moments. Same Celica, same FC in my sig.
  11. The closest we've gotten was Candlelight+ being learnable via Refining Stones due to Candlelight+ being added during the Staff overhaul, long after many people had already taught Candlelight to their units. I highly doubt they'll ever give seasonal units personals. Unlike units who didn't start with personals, their weapons are already drawn into their artwork, where a lot of personals stemmed from, so they'd have to either give them personals that look exactly like their normal weapon, or flat out ignore the originals.
  12. B Passive: Crimson Arrow of The Emblem If units HP is less than 75%, unit makes an automatic follow-up attack and initiates follow-up attack before foe can counterattack on both phases. If foe initiates combat, unit can counterattack before foe's first attack. It's basically Desperation, Vantage, and Brash Assault/Quick Riposte all in the same skill, referencing the red arrow present in all 4 skills icons. I'd probably have tried to find a way to work Siegmund's Refine effect in, but it's just Brash Assault with a different HP trigger, so it doesn't need referencing.
  13. Honestly I think Klein is gonna get either a Slaying Bow or an Amiti Bow. He has the speed for a slaying set, and he has a decent enough Speed stat to be able to take advantage of quadding, if only he had just a little more speed... which an Amiti Bow would allow.
  14. It's time. I'm supporting Jagen cause screw it, if I'm not gonna be that invested in gauntlets I may as well support the very clear underdog (I mean really it's an old man with horrid stats) My supporting unit for the time being won't be Ophelia because I'm not an idiot who leaves their support to be the same color as their supporting team. Instead... well, she's not complete yet, but I think you'll find her to be a useful asset all the same. ...yes she's +10. No it wasn't an accident. Just check my sig for my FC. If I'm full, I'll just go on another Inactives sweep.
  15. Assist Series: Repo. (Fire/Wind/Earth/Water/Spectrum) Affinity (Repo. Wind Affinity, for instance) Moves target unit to opposite side of user. Grants (Atk/Spd/Def/Res) +6 to target and user, and inflicts (Atk/Spd/Def/Res) -7 on foes in cardinal directions centered on both user and target unitfor 1 turn. ...yes it's basically putting a Link and Feint skill into Reposition. Sue me, Reposition is good.
  16. This was... painful to say the least. But I think I'm done with the banner, and this time I managed to get out without +10ing anyone. The Adrift units were completely unwanted, ergo they were not recorded. Also, so this is down for record, I summoned Dancing Xander four times. And you know what his Asset/Flaws were? +Atk -Spd, +Atk -Res, +Atk -HP, and +Atk -Def. Like... how??? Anyways, here's everyone I'm settling with, keep in mind everyone has at least a +1 merge and the flaws do not matter... Legendary Roy [+Spd -HP] Hrid (either [+Def -Spd] or [Neutral], kinda leaning towards Neutral since that provides a point of Atk from the merge) Dancing Micaiah [+Atk -Spd] Legendary Ephraim [+Atk -HP] Gunnthra [+Res -Atk] Surtr [+Res -Def] Legendary Robin [+Def -Res] Dancing Xander [+Atk -Spd]
  17. Oh no... I'M A JAGEN! And able to consume alcohol in some prior version of Echoes where we could still do that!
  18. @Zeo Call it the naivete of youth (is 21 considered young still?), but I don't see myself becoming like that anytime soon. Even now that I'm wrapping up my endeavor to own every unit at 5*, I still get a satisfied high just from looking at the maaaaaany units I've obtained, especially remembering vaguely when I got them and the feeling behind getting them. Summoning Bride Ninian has yet to be topped as my best summon, Zelgius wrought a wave of relief, I grinned stupidly seeing Legendary Tiki, New Year Fjorm and all the other 5* exclusives I accidentally +10 merged were steadily climbing moments of anxiety to see if they'd happen (spoiler alert, they did, mostly to my chagrin), and I most definitely remember the moment the clouds parted to a hopeful moonlight on summoning Witchy Nowi. Even summoning off-focus units that I don't want remains satisfying to some extent... though I'm still bitter at about 95% of them.
  19. @XRay You called Male Corrin M!Morgan a few times in the last paragraph, just to clarify. Morgan has zero access to Yato and has no place in HoshidoNohrLand.
  20. Eliwood may eventually become Legendary, and he will become Brave in like 6.3 months. Where Hector goes to end the love of youth, Eliwood will meet him and... do Eliwood things.
  21. I still think Binding Blade should have gotten some sort of Melee Killer effect to reference Smash Bros... Well, on this banner I'm missing Silly Xander, Dancing Micaiah, Fell Robin, and Hrid, while needing to replace the Asset, Flaw, or both of Surtr, Gunnthra, and Great Ephraim. Goddamn I look forward to never having to summon again...
  22. Ah... looks like @Coolmanio's has already taken off. Don't worry, there's always two of these made during a new heroes banner.
  23. Out of 348 Heroes as of typing... I have "seen" 331 of them. I have 300 of them "complete" as in 5* Lv 40 I have 299 of them at 5* and trained (the one I'm missing in this equation is Summer Gaius) And between all the 5* heroes and 3*/4* heroes awaiting promotion, I own 345 Heroes. God knows how many Combat Manuals I own. ...dear god am I really that close to having them all at 5*? For closure, I am P2W, but only for the sake of collecting all the units. I do, however, try to give everyone at least somewhat decent skill loadouts, whether that mean full revamps or their base kit plus a few vital skill additions. I do have a lot of 5* skill fodder, but Grand Athenaeums worth of lower rarity Combat Manuals.
  24. I'm fairly certain that's because of the themes of each gauntlet in the past. Not many of them, at least keeping in mind the units released at the time, allowed for much variety in units. Short Haired Ladies vs Long Haired Gents, whose very theme is in the title for instance, had 3 of the 4 Hoshidan Royal Siblings in it, and The Blood of Dragons, heck they used all the Dragon units available at the time and still had to also use M!Corrin and Sophia. And that's ignoring the Gauntlets that had little option but to have samesies-gamesies, like Fated Battles and Bunny Battle Balot.
  25. I don't think they had an option in these cases. Besides being able to count the number of unique Thracia units on one hand, those other 4 ARE the tacticians of their games. And now that I think about it, no one ever said they had to be the tacticians of the main lord...
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