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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. That would certainly do it, yeah. Panne, after checking many of her images, does tend to have a far more antagonizing look to them, and when not... well yeah more mature and jaded is a good way of putting it. Widened eyes is not a very correct look for everyones favorite bunny. ...well good thing I tend to pop in AFTER the fact, amiright? ...right? ...WELL ANYWAYS man can 11 pm PST hurry up? Or at least the datamine? I wanna hear more of Selkie's voice lines!
  2. Before I say anything, I want it known that I am just as sick of sexy Fates Royals as everyone else. That said, I DO think Hoshidan/Nohr Noble Corrins would be neat. The two classes are very different, as are the Blazing Yato and Shadow Yato. One is more supportive and gains a boost to Atk and Spd from Yato, while the other is more offensive and gets beefed Def and Res from Yato. One gains Staves (or Rods I guess), the other Tomes. One gains a skill that decreases the damage taken by a nearby ally and increased skill activation, the other gets a skill that debuffs the enemy and a skill that allows the use of an allies skills. Even if it'd be more Fates pandering, it'd be a lot more interesting than trying to make a balanced out Corrin with Omega Yato.
  3. I somehow never seem to associate the appearance of eclipse in a new heroes banner to mean anything good for the topic of discussion... Anyways, Panne looks good. Her proportions look to be somewhat similar to her proportions in Awakening (or thereabout), which tends to bother me about a lot of the females in the game. Not sure though, it still doesn't look right... maybe it's the ears. I seem to remember them being bigger?
  4. I'd rely more on the video than the SF newsfeed, since one is more likely to contain typos than the other. Though like I said, skill descriptions can be weird and easy to misunderstand, especially given how expansive and complicated they've gotten over time. I'd honestly prefer they be longer if they just said "greater than" or "less than" rather than > and <. (No offense to the editor, but they did list the weapon descriptions as being on par with Fiora's personal weapon.)
  5. Nah she wants high Res. On Foxkit Fang: If units Res > foes res (so Selkie's Res is higher) On Sabotage Atk: If any foes Res < units Res (so Foes Res is less than Selkies) The way skill descriptions gets worded sometimes is very confusing... but no worries, we aren't trying to boost 13 Res to 20 when under 50% hp or anything.
  6. Speaking as an Awakening genner, seeing the 5 Tellius beasts and what their brief bouts of backstory offer was interesting and makes me invested in learning about them. Also as an Awakening genner, PLEASE MAKE TELLIUS COST LESS THAN $70 USD USED. ASSUMING YOU CAN FIND THE DAMN THINGS.
  7. Oh god right those two... urgh, can we just skip those two overall? I'll take another 12 Camilla alts if it means we skip those two.
  8. Okay, so I do this thing now where I close my eyes during my first viewing of the reveal trailer, since I wanna keep who is appearing a surprise until they're gone over. Lemme say, despite knowing exactly who would be on the banner, it remained a pleasant surprise. Though Selkie's voice... I won't say I don't like it, because you marry someone in a game and you kinda get used to their squeaky voice while doing the daily rabble, but it very much took me by surprise anyways. ...still waiting for someone new to get Life and Death instead of Atk/Spd Bond or similar... Maybe he WAS, but... well, you know Yarne. Being summoned to another world and being made to fight god knows how many kinda of fighters, let alone the generic ones, does NOT seem the best way to avoid extinction.
  9. Maybe there's a way to do this... ~For 200 Badges, you can buy 3* Hinata, and 400 Badges for 4* Hinata. Cannot buy 5*. ~When bought, the Asset/Flaw will be randomized. For an additional 100, the Asset/Flaw will be removed to make a neutral unit, and for... let's say an additional 300, you can select the Asset. ...now that I think about it though, if we could buy a units Asset, we'd just begin complaining that we should be able to alter the Asset/Flaw of Heroic Grail units to...
  10. They handed out a flat amount of feathers to older players to compensate for the boost to the starting units, but that covered all of them, not just the Askr trio. I will not speak for anyone else, but I know I grinded the others to feathers the moment I began getting better units. So really, I wouldn't worry about that. Oh it doesn't. Old rarities can die in a Meteor massacre for all that they're worth.
  11. I agree there shouldn't, but we do also still have those now very old Hero Battle units who are 1* and 2*, despite the game updating all the game-start units to 4* last year. Plus the enemy still "uses" lower rarities. I think we only still have 1* and 2* rarities purely for the enemy units actually... but yeah, there really doesn't seem any good reason to actually use those rarities anymore, not when the game difficulty has gotten so high.
  12. Eh. I don't see a problem. Getting a 1*/2* unit to 3* costs very little if I recall. It'd have been a problem if we didn't have the update that let us promote level 1 units, but we do now. Though I have to wonder which units specifically would be removed. Are we just talking units who are 3*/4* and not many people want? Maybe 5* units who have fallen very far from grace? Lots of questions to be asked that I don't really feel like thinking about right now...
  13. Actually yeah she kinda has, for a somewhat popular character. I just hope she appears as a seasonal alt not really because I want to see shmexy Lucina, but because she's supposed to have horrid fashion sense. Bear Hat-cina when?
  14. Eheh... the timing of this post and @Fire Emblem Fan's is so perfect. @Interdimensional Observer Screw that, what about Lucina? Even if it's just more Awakening love bias, Lucy only has one seasonal alt besides her CYL and Legendary alts. And NO I don't count Masked Marth as a proper alt. That's just a copy-paste.
  15. Why am I not surprised at three of these... At least this is a chance to fix my Spooky!Myrrh's Asset without wasting time on a Legendary/Mythic banner... who in their right mind would keep +Spd on her if they didn't have an option after all. I'm now extra glad that Zelgius was off-focus summoned for me earlier, if he was 15th overall and 7th among Reds. Legendary Azura... well I might already have her [Spd -Def], but she desperately needs a merge to boost her HP and Defense a little, and I never managed to get more than one copy of her in her banner. I swear she has no bulk whatsoever, so having all the Speed to dodge doubles doesn't mean much when you die in one hit anyways. Duma... meh. I already have him +Atk -HP with a merge, but this would be a decent chance to get him without accidentally +10ing a different Colorless unit. (no offense Summer Linde) Lyn. Nope. Spd Tactic is alright fodder I guess (???), but I have no reason to summon from Green orbs. Plus I still have like 3 L!Lyn manuals if I really want to give someone Spd Tactic. Well... if I'm summoning, it's for Myrrh it looks like. I already have all 4 units, but of them Myrrh is the one who I need to summon for most. Really, who would look at Myrrh and say "yep, that there dragon loli needs some SPEED injected right into her" The site will turn you away if you try to access from a PC. Gotta go through using a FEH-compatible devise.
  16. That... doesn't seem right. Thracia at least wasn't riddled with the same overwhelmingly divine conflicts as Valentia and Archanea were, where the "gods" themselves were threatening the existence of their continents. Or at least, I don't remember much of any mention of gods... ...eh, who cares. Duma was perfectly killable with just Valentia's Falchion in the end...
  17. Awakenings Fire Emblem is the same as Marths, as the Halidom of Ylisse succeeds Achanea and inherited the treasures, including Falchion. Fates is the Yato, Corrins weapon, though only if it gains the power combined from all the sacred weapons (Raijinto, Fujin Yumi, Siegfried, and Brynhildr) and becomes the Omega Yato. Otherwise it only becomes either Blazing Yato or Shadow Yato, both of which are not at full power and actually shatter in the face of overwhelming power, unlike Omega Yato. ...I guess Valentia doesn't have a Fire Emblem?
  18. Since the banner's gonna start on the 24th or somewhere-about, I'm thinking they're gonna announce the banner two or three days beforehand. Like how other banners are handled.
  19. Well went into the Direct not knowing what to expect of Three Houses... and all I really came out learning is that we're gonna be a teacher or instructor or something? Great great, wonderful... so... is this gonna make sense when the game launches? Protag seem kinda bland right now, but uncustomizable so they can be their own persons and not featureless masks that we get to paint on. Though I get the feeling there's gonna be just as much painful protag worship as in Awakening and Fates... Overall... um... I dunno, I guess they're Heroes worthy?
  20. I'm actually trying to get +Res Oboro myself, while she's on a banner. ...even among the 3* and 4* Oboros, she is dangerously close to 5* +10 and still no +Res... Anyways, with Close Def refine and Warding Breath, +Res Oboro with no additional stat-ups hits 38 Res and has sped-up cooldowns while retaining a good level of Def, which can't really match Lukas levels anyways. If not Warding Breath, Mirror Stance boosts Res and Atk instead, or another stack of Close Def for a little extra Res plus even more Def. Let me mention, by the way, that while other lance units have far better Res or Def, Oboro is good on both if going the mixed route, which while this is only for melee enemies, not many others can boast such and still have armor effectiveness. NOPE. The way you'd fix her Speed flaw is by beefing her Def so nobody can double her, and the order her stats go up from merges with +Def -Spd is HP/ATK > Spd/Res > HP/Def > Atk/Res > Spd/Def > loop. ...wow her base Def is horrid for someone so bulky...
  21. Nope, it's just very funny but also suspicious that we had that very small exchange earlier and then not even a full day later WHOOPS GUESS I HAVE EVERY NORMALLY SUMMONABLE UNIT. This is the stuff misunderstandings and paranoia are born from.
  22. @Tybrosion I am calling YOU and YOU SPECIFICALLY out on this one. That's that then. I have every normal summoning pool unit summoned now, at least until the next new heroes banner. I got Grima [+Atk -HP] from the Tiki/Nowi BHB banner already (well two Grimas, but that's the less important part), and now here he is. I suppose his Asset/Flaw need serious help, but what do you want me to do, he was the actual last red off-focus summon I was expecting, and... well I mean that in more than one way, because a little before him I also accidentally got another Alm, meaning now my Alm [+Atk -HP] is +10 merge. ...well crap. oh well, this is a relief. I can stop summoning now... well, for now... god I'm not looking forward to all the new units this year...
  23. This is the Julia I am using for reference (my own Julia, but details), and the enemy is Fury 3/Moonbow overwrite with +Spd and +10 merge with only Dragon foes initiating combat against Julia. (side question for you XRay, should we be using Fury 4 from now on in the sims?) [+Atk -Def +10] - Naga (Refine) - Dragon Fang - Fierce Stance 3 - Quick Riposte 3 - Fierce Stance 3 (Assist and C passive flex) The only dragon, at least with the Fierce Stance 6 set-up, that she can't kill is Halloween Myrrh, who gets a double from having well over double Julia's Defense. It should be noted that replacing QR3 in my build with Null Follow-Up does not allow Julia to kill Myrrh, it simply lets Julia survive against Myrrh (from removing the Spirit Breaths automatic follow-up) @Chrom-ulent Julia does not need Null Follow-Up. With enough Attack, every dragon is dead in one hit, so those who would get one don't even get their automatic follow-up anyways. The ones who don't die are Halloween Myrrh, who is the only unit who would be affected by NFU and doesn't even get killed anyways, and Garon, who I've never even seen other players using seriously. Naga's refine is made specifically to let Julia counter dragons, but most every dragon unit in the game is made to be enemy-phase and dumped all of their speed before the merge unit update. If you really want Julia to have higher speed, I'd simply let someone Hone Spd her and worry more about her Atk. Of course, if +Spd is your only Julia then you just gotta work with what you have, but there's no reason to focus on Julia's speed (besides letting her defend against other units, but I'm fairly certain she dies to every other unit anyways). ...of course, that's assuming you want to refine Naga. Divine Naga is a completely different story I'm sure...
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