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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Ah, what better way to give the power of Naga a real test run than by taking out the strongest dragon in the game, beefed on every steroid known to the universe? Ophelia [+Atk -Res +10], Eir [+Atk -Def +10], Julia [+Atk -Def +10], and Sky Olivia [+Atk -Def]. ...please mind the sound, I was gonna have it quiet like most of my other recordings, but then I realized I didn't want to pass on listening to Twilight of the Gods... for the umpteenth time. Some notes to add in... ~Julia originally ran Vantage 3 and Iceberg, but she needed to be able to double the first Green Fafnir to take them out and let the Blue Mage Flier attack, and a slightly slower Special to take out the BMF. After running the math in my head, I figured that 50% of 74 Atk from natural 56 plus 12 from two stacks of Fierce Stance and another 6 from Rally Up Atk+ (37) was more than 80% of 40 Res (32) and let her learn Dragon Fang instead of Glacies. ~During Player Phase 5 and Enemy Phase 5, you will notice that Eir moves to Ophelia's right side to attack the Green Mage Cav. This is actually somewhat important, because the Axe Armor splits from Duma and leaves the both of them limited to one movement (had she attacked from above Ophelia, Axe Armor would have continued on with Duma with two movement intact), buying just enough time for the Lance Soldier and Red Mage to be picked off and Duma unable to do anything about the cute demon with a charged special standing next to him, waiting for him to make a move...
  2. Most definitely. Just the update/anniversary stuff alone would have covered an entire Feh Channel, but there's also future content to consider, most notably IMO the upcoming Binding Blade banner and hopefully a banner for Three Houses, since that's coming up as well (so long as it isn't delayed). They'll probably also use the time to announce the results of CYL3 in a fancy manor, if they don't go the boring route of updating the CYL website with the results.
  3. This banner was downright stupid... I summoned all eleven focus units at least twice before Duma showed up even once. I accidentally summoned enough Kliffs to +10 merge him if I wanted to, and eventually I began sniping Colorless to try and get Duma easier, and instead I manage to +10 merge Summer Linde to??? And I even have a few copies left of both afterwards for skill inheritance (thank god the both of them have skills worth foddering for)... And Duma didn't even have the decency to be a good nature. He's +HP -Def, which might as well be neutral for what it's worth. Uuuugh... well whatever, what's done is done, and I got out with a number of now powerful units, each with at least one merge to eliminate the flaw in... what, two weeks? Legendary Ike: +Res -HP (same) Laegjarn: +Atk -HP (prev +D -A) Legendary Eirika: +Spd -Atk (new) Kliff: +Spd -Res (prev +A -H) Maiougi Ryoma: +Spd -HP (new) Legendary Tiki: +Atk -Res (prev +H -A) Maiougi Elincia: +Spd -HP (new) Brave Ephraim: +Atk -Spd (prev +A -R) Legendary Lyn: +Spd -Def (new) Summer Linde: +Atk -Res (prev +H -A) Loki: +Spd -Def (new) For anyone keeping up, I now only have two normal summoning pool and two Legendary heroes left to summon (Zelgius and Male Grima, Hrid and Female Grima), as well as a number of seasonal units. Once that's over, it'll just be getting all the 3*, 4*, and Heroic Grail units to 5* and I can call my army complete and focus completely on powering up. ...man, I'm not looking forward to all the new units coming so soon...
  4. That's... probably the phrase I wanted to use instead of Grim thought...
  5. Grim thought... you don't think the devs would lie about the upcoming update to merged units, do you? I mean, that has to be illegal, if not completely immoral. I mean, I've recently made so many merging decisions based solely on the fact that "the bane won't matter, I'll just merge it away!" and have so many units on standby indefinitely because their bane would negatively impact them if I gave it to them now... a lot of my army would be screwed if they go and say "JK lol".
  6. Just a thought... wouldn't Yune be a flying Beast unit, but like a really tiny bird with god powers?
  7. Well... more Echoes: Shadows of Valentia spoilers ahead. If ya don't wanna see them, you only got yourself to blame if you see them anyways.
  8. Wow, extreme disappointment one banner straight into actual gods the next. I'll be honest, the moment I realised who it was (cause at first I was just like "who dat?"), my mind filled with so much excitement. Plus the other heroes are good, plenty of legendary heroes I still need to complete the collection AND Loki in addition. Finally, something utterly amazing has finally come...
  9. I'd explain every little choice I made, but really Marth SD is the only one I had concrete plans for. The others were more or less impulsive votes.
  10. Marth: FOR THE KINGDOM WITHOUT PANTS! Or just, y'know, giving Marth the spot he rightfully deserves among the heroes of the world. Ninian: Felt that she deserved a little more than just a bride alt. Plus she's a nice girl. Alm: I mean, among the main lords of FE, he was certainly blessed with having a more story-focused game than had Gaiden never got re-made. Elincia: Don't remember who, but whoever it was around here somewhat influenced me to throw my 7th vote to Elincia.
  11. Since last time, plenty has happened... well, plenty meaning some summoning focis. But the results nonetheless are pleasing. You may have seen it already, but I summoned enough Julias from the New Power banner to get her to +10 merges. She is +Atk -Def. In addition, four of the eight remaining normal summoning pool 5* units have been summoned. Lene [+Atk -Def] was the easiest, considering the Sword Valor banner, but the other three were absolute surprises. Adrift Male Corrin [+Def -Res], Surtr [+HP -Atk], and Maribelle [+Spd -Atk] were all off-focus pulls that are more than welcome (Maribelle especially, such a darling!). Yeah I did get all the Hot Springs units as well, though I summoned more than I wanted to, given my lack of total interest in the banner overall. Anyways, the last four 5* normal summoning pool units needed are Adrift Camilla, Loki, Male Grima, and Zelgius. Final stretch, hope things work out! ... ...okay I was still summoning while typing this up, and I'm not kidding Adrift Camilla [+Def -Atk] appeared right as I was typing her name. Horrid asset/flaw that won't be easy to replace, but you can't get any more coincidental than that, I don't think.
  12. The only reason I can see to keeping Flier Formation is because you're running her on a no-dragons Flier team, or you expect to be separated by 1 block walls a lot. Otherwise I'd replace it. Wings of Mercy works from anywhere on the map, as does Escape Route, while Pass might actually be a little viable on her since she has 3 movement and could run into enemies on her way to the ally.
  13. How do I use Sturdy Impact? I have 4 Tibarn manuals, and Sturdy Impact seems like it'd be a pretty potent skill, but I'm just not sure who would appreciate the power of DB3 with far higher defense and canceling enemy follow ups... I was thinking maybe Legendary and Brave Ephraim?
  14. Hopefully it's not too late to press Nintendo for Gamecube and Wii rereleases. So many gems on those systems continue to be rarities for collectors to get, hell I remember seeing Radiant Dawn in a Gamestop for 60 or 70 USD used, more than even an XB1, PS4, or Switch game new. If Earthbound can get the rerelease treatment, I think Fire Emblem should as well, since so many games, especially from Japan, were released before it became complete waifu bait.
  15. Even Def Wave is... alright. Slap that on a semi bulky unit who I don't necessarily want to feed that specific Wave skill to... Guess Alfonse will be getting the next Divine Dew refine, seeing as how he can now access Brazen Atk/Def 9. Of course, it's a flatout useful skill overall, so no complaints here. Fireboost... well, it's certainly a little more usable than Waterboost in my opinion... Camilla... well all the summoning I've done lately has given me enough fodder that I can give her a decent skill loadout, but otherwise I've no interest in her. At least they decided to make her free to everyone and not another freaking summonable unit... not looking forward to summoning for her other alts later on...
  16. Funny I see this topic AFTER summoning Surtr randomly. Anyways, I never really had a problem dealing with Surtr. Even when he had Distant Counter in the Arena, I was usually able to just weaken him steadily, or more often than not have him break himself on my bulky Red. What he does to nearby enemies is mean, but he's still a Green unit. So imagine just how easy a time I have against him in normal game scenarios... he's not that bad for me, but I can imagine him posing a major problem to others who aren't quite as loaded down as I am with counters.
  17. Okay this banner can go screw itself, not just because by the time I was satisfied with the units I got I had dipped far more than I wished to. For some godforsaken reason, probably because my internets been doing some funky things tonight, I wasn't able to purchase 140 orbs for a while. I couldn't figure out why and I couldn't figure out how I solved the problem, but I was locked to purchasing packs of 75 orbs for a while (which if what I heard long ago is correct, is probably better for mass summoning than 140 packs anyways?) ...but getting the units? Screw that. My initials of each were [+Atk -Res] Hinoka, [+Res -HP] Elise, [+Spd -Atk] Ryoma, and [+HP -Spd] Sakura. Sakura is the reason I kept summoning on this damn banner, and she took for-freaking-EVER to see again. In that time frame, and a few times before getting Hinoka (the first of the special heroes I got), I got some somewhat notable pity breakers, but I also got [+Spd -Def] Elise, another Elise that's +Atk, and another Ryoma to cover the bane of my current Ryoma post-next months update (he was +Res, I wouldn't have kept him anyways). The new Sakuira is [+Atk -Def], and I now have no reason to keep summoning from the banner unless I wanna try to get some Splashy Buckets for my daggers.
  18. Should I try to get a Splashy Bucket+ for at least one of my daggers (maybe [+Atk -Res +1] Kagero)? Or if I really want such a dagger on them, should I hold out for Dancing Elincia to appear on a banner again? As far as I can tell, the difference between Splashy Bucket and Cloud Maiougi is purely the secondary effect, part of Mystic Boost vs Hardy Bearing. Splashy Bucket lets the user trigger Desperation and Vantage if they so wish, but Cloud Maiougi hard counters the somewhat rare Vantage triggers and opens the B slot to,. for instance, Chill Def. I never got a chance to get any Cloud Maiougi fodder (mostly because I skipped that banner out of being unimpressed with it), but I've gone this long without it so if I really want Dagger Dragon killers, I'm sure I could wait longer... I'd just like a second+ opinion about it.
  19. ...I swear this one was not on purpose. I only wanted a good natured Deirdre and Julia happened to appear a lot and SCREW IT SHE'S PRETTY CUTE TO. Soleil will be so pleased... [+Atk -Def]
  20. Heh heh... you seem to forget what Celica's Brave outfit was. FOR A WORLD WITHOUT PANTS!
  21. The news that the votes will be shared between the same character from multiple titles is a godsend. Justice will be done this year, Marth will finally heed the call of the people. Uh... I don't know who else I'd throw votes at though. Is Brigand Boss still here for some reason? Yep he is. ALRIGHT BOYS TIME TO MEME AGAIN. Uh... who else... hm, weird how there's no option for characters from Warriors... actually I'm starting to wonder if Nintendo/IS is even allowed to use assets from Warriors at all at this point, because Warriors got absolutely no mention in Smash Ultimate even with a music track. Even Heroes got a REMIX... By the way, I clicked on Random Selection, and it gave me Thrasir, the undead founder of Emblia. Interesting...
  22. Opinions on each unit in the spoiler. Eeehhhhh... I'm already wary of any seasonal banner that is all Fates or Awakening, especially if the units are all Royal Siblings or contain Chrom or Robin, but they completely skimped out on the TT unit this time by making her a colorless dagger, which we literally just got one last TT. Doesn't mean I'm not gonna summon, but I'm probably not gonna go full whale on this banner like I did New Years... I suppose we'll wait and see what the unit stats are, but I don't think I'd even bother trying to get an ideal nature on them this time... Yeah unfortunately, some of us (me) are collectors. Try to understand please, I don't like knowing that I'll have to waste more money and more orbs on trying to pull for variants of units that I'm not all that impressed by. And don't even get me started on once we see the stats on them. I imagine each of them will be absurdly fast, at least average in power (except maybe Sakura), decent in one defensive stat (Def for Ryoma, probably Res for the others), and terrible in the other, with average HP to cap it off. And THEN there is Hinoka's Dagger, which has an arguably better built in effect than Cloud Maiougi when Vantage isn't that widely utilized on high-tier Dragons. Basically, you are one in a sea of many. On an island with others this time mind you, but surrounded by hungry sharks who are sick of being fed the same grub every time, but know it's all they'll be fed lest they risk total starvation.
  23. ... ...well he said not to treat him like an old man.
  24. I'm fairly certain I never summoned a +Spd Julia, and even if she were +Spd she'd probably need a combo of both high Speed buffs and Speed debuffs on the enemy to be able to achieve doubles on anyone who she'd want to double, so... yeah think I'll stick with the raw power on her. I checked the simulator to see just what exactly Julia is able to kill on counterattack with the build I had in mind (Special Refine Naga, Iceberg, Fierce Stance 3, Vantage 3, and Fierce Stance 3 SS), and all she is unable to kill is Garon (even if she had QR3 she'd still be unable to secure the kill on him) and dies to Halloween Myrrh. This is all +10 merge on everyone plus Fury 3/Moonbow overrides on the enemy and +Atk (since that's generally what I assume enemy-phase dragons will carry on average). Within Vantage range, everyone but Garon and SpookyMyrrh dies before they get to attack. I know Vantage isn't a widely great skill, but since Julia's main targets are Dragon teams I think in this case Vantage is an acceptable B skill to take. ...also I don't really remember the last time I encountered a Bladetome team, but then I might not be high enough to be encountering them...
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