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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Well, uh... Free summon Soleil +Atk -HP and Larachel +Def -Res, and three fodder colorless. That's... not at all what I was expecting, though I'm not surprised the wrong Child of Fates of the original three was summoned off-focus. Oh well, guess I can go for the merges on Soleil. Can I say, by the way, I think my copy of FEH likes One Punch Man? Most all of the summons I did, including from last night on Fortress skills banner, were done while watch/listening to OPM, and they were pretty good results...
  2. Went to try for Cliff before Fortress skills ended, and instead I came out with +HP -Def Brave Veronica and +Def -HP Thunderhead Olwen. ...huh. That is... not on-focus at all. In fact Green isn't even a focus color... but whatever. Two Innes, one +Res -Atk, the other +Spd -Def. Take a guess which one Ill be keeping, why don't you? 5* Shigure +Atk -HP. Meh. Another 5* Shigure +HP -Def. Even more meh. And then Quan +Atk -HP. Alright. Mist +Atk -Spd. One superboon for a superbane. Alright I guess. Lewyn +Spd -HP. Same nature as my current... Kliff +Def -Spd... wait this is the actual same nature as my current Kliff... GUESS WE GOTTA KEEP GOING. Myrrh... +Atk -Spd. Wow, what a 360 of my current +Spd -Def Myrrh! Guess it's a good thing I kept going... Katarina Neutral. Eh. Leif +Atk -Res. Eh compared to +Spd. Kliff +Atk -HP. Uh... does this count as a good nature if you want his Atk to be as low as possible? I guess I could give him one of the two Fortress seals to get it back down and keep it respectable... Well whatever, I got a better Kliff, and if I really don't wanna go with the +Atk boon I can just go for a merge and wait a month or so for the Merged unit Flaw update. Also these are reasonable results to have gotten. ...also I'm not done summoning, gonna go for Christmas Ephraim to, but I'm kinda weary of reporting all these 5* units every time I get one... I will say though, I finally got +Atk Odin. -Def, but who really cares.
  3. Wow, so much for this years New Years reps. The only one alive is Gunnthra... Also wow, all my higher picks were knocked out except Azura. Welp, time to sing my way to victory.
  4. Free ticket for Free Adrift Female Corrin, +Atk -Spd. ...neat. She doesn't look that bad.
  5. I've not cared about winning the Voting Gauntlet for a long time, just getting as many rewards as I can, which usually means getting lots of flags. So I could care less if Takumi wins (he wins in mein kokoro), but WOULD Y'ALL IN TEAM TACO MEME GET YOUR GODDAMN USELESS COLORLESS FODDER OFF YOUR FRONT LINES SO I CAN STOP RESETTING BECAUSE I KEEP GETTING YOUR GODDAMN USELESS COLORLESS FODDER?????? ...oh, it's no one on my Friends List at least, it's just random useless morons. Guess there won't be a purge this time... for now...
  6. So, in summary to my 55 sessions, these are the final results of notablness...! I did my best to remember not to do any 5* merging just for this. Legendary Hector x2 [+Atk -Def, +HP -Res] While I've no real need for either of these two thanks to already having a merged +Atk -Def Hector, I do at least now have Distant Counter AND Vengeful Fighter fodder! But... which of the two to use as the fodder skill...? Brave Veronica x2 [+HP -Res, +Res -Atk] Probably will use for Wrathful Staff fodder, since some of my staff units desperately need it to function... well, at all really. But the fact I finally legit summoned her is a nice thought to have. Legendary Marth x2 [+Res -HP, +Def -Atk] Take a guess which one I'll be using. No really, go ahead. The answer may not be as obvious as you may think! Legendary Azura [+Spd -Def] I went into this SUPER Mass summoning thinking I'd mostly be trying to get a good natured Azura, but nope I honestly think this is the maximum best I could have hoped to get from her. She will be an absolute boon in the coming times, I can tell. Owain [+Def -Res] ...okay. Not gonna pick him over +Atk -Def, but sure this is fine. New Year Fjorm x5 [+HP -Spd, +Res -Def, +HP -Def, +Spd -Res, +Def -Atk] Wow that's a lot of New Years resolutions... I think I'll pick +Spd -Res over the current -HP I had planned to train, and then give Atk/Spd Link to Legendary Lucina and go for merges the rest of the way through. That'll bump my Fjorm up to +5, let her Flaw not be a superbane, and also improve the supportiveness of my Legendary Lucina all at once. Fallen Celica [+Res -Def] I have little to say here. Chill Spd fodder I guess? I'm certainly not using my current F!Celica enough to warrant going for merges... Wings of Fate Hinoka [+Def -Atk] Ugh... flashbacks to when my WoF!Hinoka was horridly terrible... I'll go for the merge and never think of those dark times again. New Year Laevatein x3 [+Spd -Def, +Res -Spd, +Atk -Res] All things considered, I think I'll go for +Atk -Res, since that is the most min-maxing I can do with her. A very powerful Staff who has garbage Resistance sounds about the correct way to run Staff Laevatein, don't you think...? New Year Hrid [+HP -Atk] There wasn't much I could do to salvage Hrid's nature, but... eh whatever. He'll have automatic doubles anyways, so he'll be doing a lot of damage anyways. New Year Gunnthra [+Atk -Def] Literally the same nature as Legendary Ryoma, her rival in Kinshi Swords. So where Ryoma has a stronger enemy-phase powerhouse focus, Gunnthra will more or less be the player-phase threat... cool! Female Kana [+Spd -Atk] I don't know why I get pity broken by Kana more than other Greens... probably because the game knows I really don't need her. Geh... sounds about right for this game... Brave Ephraim [+Spd -Atk] Well, now I'm really glad I got pity broken by Ephraim before, cause there's no way in hell I'd ever want to make this work. Ylgr [+Res -HP] If this isn't similar to my current Ylgr, then it's the exact same. Dunno if I wanna go for the merge or giving someone Spd Tactic though... I'll keep thinking on it. Scattered Fangs Nino [+HP -Def] Cool, more merges for the Pale Flower. Summer Takumi [+Spd -HP] NO DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE BETWEEN TWO GREAT NATURES ON TAKUMI. Gah... it's either +Atk -Res or +Spd -Hp for Summer Takumi... god, why can't we be allowed to trade units so I can give someone else this great Takumi...!? Fjorm [+Atk -Def] Well that's a pretty unimpressive way to end a mass summoning, ending on a unit who I both don't need and also we all received for free over a year ago. There were only two non-5* notable units, those being +Atk -Res Bartre and +Spd -Def Silvia. So in total, I summoned... 26 5* units across 55 sessions. Alright alright. In addition to the units I summoned since these banners beginning, I'd say these have been some very rewarding banners for me. But man... not a single Neutral unit that entire time, eh...? Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get all these new units merged, foddered, and trained up...
  7. Resuming summoning! I forgot to add in which banner it was specifically, but decided not to fix it because it's kinda obvious which one I went for... That... I think I better stop. 55 total sessions with only a few complete dud sessions.
  8. @Ice Dragon , @daisy jane, @Vaximillian , @XRay so... what I'm getting from this is that the best users of Special Spiral need to run Heavy or Flashing Blade to get their AoE special trigger quickly, and can't run Hardy Bearing at the same time as a result. But they CAN still run 2 cooldown Specials for weaker but less Vantage-counterable results. Hrm... the problem I'm seeing is that Ophelia can just have her Special ready on turn 1 for immediate results, whereas any other unit would need to initiate at least one turn of combat before they can start triggering their Special. And there are very few ranged units with good Slaying effect weapons, or any that are good are on weak units who can't get good results in combat anyways. Assuming I'd want to run an AoE special anyways. ...maybe I should just go for the merges on Lewyn. At least then I wouldn't run the risk of investing in a unit I wind up never using...
  9. You know what time it is? Time to bust out the "Tragic corpse of the cash" image again! Yesterday was just the smalltime mass summoning. I aint leaving this spot til I got meself a good natured OP Dancer! And ya know what, I feel like recording all the sessions I do this time... Started the mass summon at 11:11 am PST... I'll not list each individual asset and flaw unless a focus unit appears, and rarity will be determined as 3s, 4s, or 5s. Gonna call it here for now at least, cause I have some other things to do. Ended at 12:10 pm PST... I'll compile everything later and give my thoughts then.
  10. ...oh crap, this started today? Uhh, okay, here's my unit priority. Takumi>Azura>Laevatein>Fjorm>Camilla>Gunnthra>Hrid>Corrin Anyone on Team Taco Meme, my FC is 5177973547. I'll be providing aid in the form of my dear Ophelia. Feel free to lay waste to the lands with her.
  11. I have 4 Lewyn Combat Manuals, which equals 4 Special Spirals. I also have a +2 merge +Spd -HP Lewyn. If I got Lewyn up to +6, he'd be a decent scoring ally to have, and also would work with my +10 Ophelia, letting her reach 0 cooldown if I take him and another Tome user to the Arena. On the other hand, Special Spiral is a powerful skill, and I recognize that. Though I already gave it to Ophelia, the one who probably wanted it most, I'm sure there's plenty of other units who would like it. So... what seems the best course of action to take? Power up Lewyn for the Arena, or keep the books for Special Spiral? And if the latter, what other units besides Ophelia would want Special Spiral, and what builds?
  12. huh... I just summoned Flora today, and noticed her Hoarfrost Knife had a little tidbit I never noticed before, probably because it was more recently added... "If unit initiates combat and foe uses sword, lance, axe, dragonstone, or beast damage..." I suppose we still don't know enough about Beast units, but I wonder why it's called Beast Damage...?
  13. Call me a sucker for willingly buying the new year bundle rip-offs, but hey I still got New Year Fjorm and Laevatein neutral as a bonus. Also, why wouldn't I buy them if I was gonna dive right into the semi-mass summoning anyways? Anyways, here are the results of 280 orbs in the Legendary Azura banner... +Atk -Res Summer Takumi (FREAKING AWESOOOOME.) The following three came in the same session... Another Legendary Hector (+Atk -Def, but with the update coming to Flaws on Merged units, will it even matter? Actually would the drop in Defense really matter when his Atk is superbooned? It looks awesome.) Also another Summer Y!Tiki (This time +Spd -HP, which I don't know if that's better than +Atk -Spd per say, but looks awesome nonetheless) Finally, another Summer Camilla (+Spd -Res, the polar opposite of the +Def -Spd I trained this morning. FREAKING AWESOME.) I finally legit summoned Brave Veronica, with +HP -Res. Not sure if I wanna merge into this Veronica, merge into Neutral Veronica, or use her for Wrathful Staff fodder (god knows I need it badly)... Flora +Atk -Res. Good boon, questionable bane. Good pull. And then 280 orbs were spent. Good results, even if all but one of the results are just better asset repeats of units I already pulled.
  14. New Year Fjorm is creating Resolutions in my barracks! And with an awesome nature to boot, in +Spd -HP! There will literally be no outspeeding her now!
  15. I'd record what I did, or do a play-by-play, but... man, these Abyssal battles are impossible to play-by-play when there's so many enemy unit moves to go over, plus it's a chore recording, so... In brief, I used my new 5* +10 Eir and Ophelia, plus Bride Ninian and Adrift Azura, to turn this battle into a minimal trial and error cakewalk. Adrift Azura and Ninian were necessary to get Blazing Light ready on attack 1. I more or less knew what to do, I just had to find the right order to do it in. Really, Ophelia is plain broken, and Eir eliminates the need for a Healer... I kinda feel cheap using them and took away all the challenge of the Abyssal battle...
  16. Welp, I knew it'd happen one day. I freaking knew it, but it sure did take a while. First off, I've been on New years banner since Summer Camilla, and I got Pity breaking Fallen Celica +Res -spd. Forgot to report that. ...and motherfucking just now I got Luke. LUKE. +Def -Res, so fortunately he's usable, but... LUKE. Hold up, you 5* +10ed? That is awesome, that Kaze looks great. And hey, I'm envious to. I 5* +10ed Eir and Ophelia a while ago and got ignored (though I did kinda whale for them...)
  17. Camilla: Tropical Beauty +Def -Spd. She wasn't the first summon of the new year, that was Arthur, but she was the first 5* summon of the new year.
  18. I want to say yes if you start a new save file of World of Light, since you do at least get normal spirits again in a new game+ file.
  19. Sigh... of course every single detail about the New Year was datamined down to the TT rewards... Well Spur Def/Res is a little nice for supports, Threaten Res is... there, and Atk/Spd Bond is probably gonna be the 20k point reward because it's clearly the best seal.
  20. $150 USD for both bundles, but on top of 280 orbs, you also get 20k Feathers, 400 Aether Stones, 200 Heroic Grails, and presumably neutral natures of NYoFaI Fjorm and Laevatein. Pretty good deal for anyone willing to buy both. I might come into enough money to buy both at some point, but only if the promo lasts long enough... Nyofai... that's a rather long abbreviation that sounds like an actual word if you say it quick enough...
  21. Jeez finally the banner is officially revealed... looks the theme of this seasonal banner's normal weapons are Chill skills. Well let's see here we have Green Bow Flier Fjorm with lots of focus on Attack and Speed in her skills. Alright, that's fine, probably gonna wind up better than Legendary Lyn in that regard since at least Fjorm doesn't look to try and be mix phased like Lyn tried to be... Hrid looks pretty cool in his Kinshi Kimono, and I like his sword, but... Hone Attack 4??? That's literally a Defiant Attack boost though! Laevatain's new weapon is yet another Staff that lacks an offensive effect, but at least Laev comes with Wrathful Staff. And if she's able to double a Thief, I wonder if that means she's fast...? Gunnthra... please put your hood hat thing back on, you look strange without it, not bad strange, just "not used to this look on you" strange. I like Hikami's effect though. It's like they Tier 4ed a Threaten Spectrum skill by expanding the range to be much safer on a Player Phase unit... which means Gunnthra is gonna be a nightmare for me to deal with in Arena I'm sure... Also we now have an official name for the effect they gave to Ninian and Marth's Bridal weapons... Joint Hones, eh? Makes sense, makes sense. Overall... well I'm summoning from this banner regardless, but I need to focus on getting rid of the pity rates on Legendary Azura and Christmas banners first and foremost before I truly focus on this banner. And lastly the Tempest Trials reward, Laegjarn... I'll guess she'll have Chill Atk on her Lance and will be somewhat similar to her base form statwise, but without the powerful effects of Niu.
  22. I remember hearing somewhere that Olimar with high Attack spirits nearly trivializes most any Spirit Battle... and it's true. One Aerial attack from a Red Pikmin can do over 100% damage to a low level spirit, and even some Legendary Spirit Battles can be completed in a few aerial attacks if careful, of course depending on which Spirit Battle it is. And for Spirit Battles in groups, such as a number of Mega Man spirits, the Yellow Pikmin can eliminate a number of foes at once if they all walk into the attack. I also remember the example given was Akuma, and... yeah, Akuma is pretty broken in that regard.
  23. Sigh... why do I so adamantly try to remain unspoiled if fucking Gamepedia and the news in new tabs on google chrome mobile are more than willing to try and spoil me...? I have been trained, however! I have the magical ability to very quickly avert my eyes and forget just about everything I see! So I don't know jack crap about the new banner except that there is a new banner. ...but still, fuck gamepedia and google chrome mobile...
  24. Not much to report this new Legendary Hero Banner. This is with about... 95 orbs, counting the free summon. Legendary Hector +Res -Atk, which... well whatever. More Fire Legendary Heroes, thank the gods. Fjorm appeared twice in the same session. +Res -Atk on the both of them, which... uh... why am I getting +Res -Atk on my Legendary Heroes? Another Eir, which I don't need due to already +10ing her, but that's either Mystic Boost or Swift Sparrow on someone, so whatever. Didn't bother to check her nature, it looked very +Spd -not Def though. Summer Tiki! +Atk -Spd, which... alright I guess? Her Spd is still average I suppose. She probably would have gotten Quick Riposte anyways... Dragon Valor, yay! And now I'm just missing Lance Valor! Alright results. There's a very small chance I might be able to summon again thanks to the 10 day length of this banner, but I'm not counting on it. Either way, these are good initial results. One Legendary Hero I wasn't thinking I'd get (with a fairly eh nature, but it could be +Spd is what I'm telling myself), two fodder Fjorms... for some reason, probably because I'm not allowed to have nice things like Uber Dancers... another Eir, and a unit I wanted but couldn't initially have. As for one other unit I got, +Atk -Def Palla, which could work with her new Personal Weapon and refine making Spd unnecessary. ...huh, all my Red Tikis have -Spd as their Flaw... what a coincidence...
  25. So just saying, I'm not looking at this "new banner" until they officially announce it. I don't know who's on it, i don't know what skills are coming, and I could care even less than I do currently. I'm already addicted to Smash Bros Ultimate (I mean, I was still playing it even when I was Christmas Shopping, and in fact I'm listening to music from it right now), and I now have Pokemon Lets Go Pikachu and Skyrim to try out in the coming weeks, not to mention all the other things I need to worry about like job searching and tooth surgery... do you really need me to worry about whatever else has everyone in a rage in FEH? But... Ugh... this update to unit merges is gonna give me a headache... I mean, I can plainly see what'll happen to the units Flaw stat (also glad to know there is an "official" term for what we've been calling Boons and Banes) on a merge, and honestly it aint gonna make a different for 99% of the units since their ideal Flaw is usually so low it doesn't make a difference anyways. But how it works for Neutral units? I don't think my brain can handle thinking about where that extra 1 point will go... does this mean units might want to pick No Asset just based on their merges picked stats? And in fact, is this gonna impact units who have always went for one Flaw stat when now the merges +3 to Flaw stat means they want to now go for a different Flaw because their "ideal" Flaw stat is a superflaw? Oh god so many questions... Also, "Tome of Thoron" ...really now. TOME OF THORON. Looks like they fired the guy who's been naming every personal "[Unit Name]'s Weapon" last month and replaced him with someone a little simple-minded... I'm curious about what they have planned for Naga and Divine Naga separately... does this mean Dark Excalibur and Dark Aura will get refines to?
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