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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Not sure if I've missed any news from the translators or not, but it's been a while since this threads last update, and 2 updates to the manga were made.
  2. Laegjarn's Niu boost is a Combat Buff, not a Field Buff. Azura shouldn't be able to affect Combat Buffs, so it's not that extreme.
  3. I don't really mind either, either because I'm just used to it and more or less expect it, or perhaps because I know even if the character is the same, the unit is most certainly different (albeit powercreeped to hell and back). Though I am peeved about one thing... can we give Atk Tactics a rest? It's the only Tactic skill available from 4*, we really don't need to keep giving it to 5* exclusives when Spd Tactic is still rare and the other two are... well at least could use some better representation.
  4. I mean, I'm summoning anyways, but jesus... nobody is a fan of this banner, are they? You know what would be fun, now that this is a thing? Defiant skills. Trigger one of those on a unit and have Azura dance you with her personal weapon equipped, and +7 to all stats. That'd make any Bladetome an actual menace to the world, as well as Eirika.
  5. Nobody is going to believe me when I say this took SO FREAKING LONG to make. I have excuses for why it took well over a MONTH to make, chief among them "I just really didn't feel like pulling up the FEH app", but with the 5* units I've been getting and once having to start the list over midway through, not to mention how many 5* units I have just as is, it's kinda hard to want to do this. Next time, I'm just dedicating however long it'll take to doing it all at once... And Im not even done, I just wanna make me make myself do this thing. Red Blue Green Colorless
  6. Fortress banner has snuck up on me. But you know WHO was a sneaker? Free Summon Kliff, +Def -Spd. For a free summon, this certainly isn't bad, even if the nature is on the bad side. Rest of the summon wasn't much else to speak of. EDIT: Tried sniping blues, got 5* Lukas +HP -Atk. He doesn't have much for fodder besides Killer Lance, so merge it is... Kinda reminds me of the days when guys like this were still 4* and 5*... which were certainly dark times for some... Speaking of which, 5* Sothe +Res -Def. Not sure what kind of fodder he'll be, but he's being made into a book either way.
  7. Ima just use another 20 orbs on the new christmas ba- WHOA WAIT HECTOR OKAY SURE. +Def -Spd, which is far better than the current +Spd -HP he has now... hrm, but then I couldn't use him as Distant Counter fodder... ah whatever! I didn't even expect to get Hector, so giving someone Distant Counter can honestly wait a while longer while I improve on a unit who hasn't been given much attention in a long time.
  8. That... makes sense. I was kinda leaning toward +Res -HP anyways, but knowing she baits Chill Res cinches it for me. Now I just have to decide on an A skill for her... Small follow-up question, but would I use the other two Eirika's for Dazzling Staff fodder if I don't want to go for merges? I'm looking at the following facts for each of her other skills... ~Restore+ is available normally via Nanna, who is a 4* available unit, therefore the skill is not rare enough to consider using her for fodder for it. Same for Heavenly Light. ~Joyous Staff+ does not hold any post-combat benefits like other staves do, purely a supportive niche. ~Attack Opening only affects one unit at a time, meaning it and Joyous Staff+ are more or less meant for building a team around one unit, where other C skills that provide large Field Buffs allow for focusing on an entire team. Not to say I wouldn't use Eirika herself to do this, but only because she already comes with it... The only thing against Dazzling Staff is that it to is in the normal summoning pool, but only on one other unit who is a 5* lock...
  9. I'd hate to ask, but the simulator I use doesn't currently have the new Christmas units in them for some reason... Anyways, I have the following natures of Winter Eirika to work with: [+Res -HP], [+Hp -Res], and [Neutral]. ~Res would improve on her magic bulk enough to potentially take no damage from attacks, at the expense of some of her potential physical bulk. ~+HP is a small boost to both bulks at the expense of taking more damage from magic attacks. ~Neutral is... well, neutral. No boost, no loss. Which seems the most beneficial?
  10. I got my first Elincia in months! ...on the Christmas banner... ...but on the bright side, I got Gentle as Snow Eirika +Res -HP on the same pull, so it all works! And in a later pull, another Holiday Dear Fae, this time +Atk -Def. Probably better than +Spd, even if it hurts her Defense a little, which is fine. For my last 5* of the night, and perhaps for a while, Jaffar +HP -Atk, which is the exact opposite ideal nature I'd want for a Jaffar, but whatever. More merges for the base.
  11. Well, I got Hinoka, normal Hinoka, with +Atk -HP. That's great, finally get rid of the old Hinoka that was +Def -Spd! But... uh... Okay Hinoka, just kill off your pegasus and put on some heavy yet still really revealing christmas garbs, and we'll call this pity breaking okay. Terrible things happening to Hinoka's pegasus aside, I also managed Holiday Dear Fae +Spd -HP, which... well it's not so horrid that I can't work with it, like +Spd -Def on Halloween Myrrh would have been.
  12. Isn't Cloud's Fighter Spirit literally just his Smash Bros Ult artwork? Like, even Smash 4 artwork would have worked...
  13. Wow, Fierce Stance... that'll make a certain Master Sword powerful...
  14. It's a Colorless Dagger, the icon matches. @bottlegnomes She's not a Cav unit, none of them are. She's likely an Armor, given the theme...
  15. The ONLY thing I'm giving IS points on is the fact that none of them are Awakening or Fates units, not even Cecilia: Festive Instructor. The new Opening series of skills looks interesting, to say the least. Make the strongest unit on your team even stronger. HOWEVER, things just got a lot worse for Arena, I feel. We now have the final Armored Dragon Trainee, and her entire thing is boosting her defensive stats when near allies. Ephraim... I don't get. He's an Armor who... wants to be alone? But that's nearly impossible for Armor units to do without some heavy positioning skill usage, and even then why be alone when you could be together and never worry about losing Armor March status? Eirika worries me a lot. Being a healer means that Armor Emblem can now heal off any small amounts of damage you try to deal, and it doesn't help she comes with Restore+ of all things, meaning you can't just chip the Armors down or weaken them anymore. Cecilia... well all we know about her right now is that she's a Colorless Dagger unit. I think her performance will depend entirely on what the special effect of "generic" Christmas weapons will be this season, otherwise she'll probably just be colorless Kagero from Halloween. I'm... probably not going to whale on this banner. Besides the fact I need the christmas shopping money, this banner only offers one interesting unit to me, and that's Eirika. And unless luck is not on my side, going for her shouldn't be that hard.
  16. 103 semi-unique stages and over 800 music tracks. And each series's music tracks are not limited to one stage, just all stages from the same series. Pros: OH GOD IT'S ALL SO BEAUTIFUL. Cons: OH GOD I'M STILL ADJUSTING MUSIC APPEARANCE RATE AND STILL DON'T HAVE ALL THE MUSIC SO I'LL JUST BE DOING THIS AGAIN LATER.
  17. The only sound theory I can come up with is that Kirby is such a simple specimen that Galeem, while not able to create entire living copies of Kirby, is still able to create puppets of Kirby. Certainly sounds better than "They forgot Kirby-related Spirit Battles are impossible in the lore" I think that's just because the puppet was already made, and each individual puppet can't cease to exist until AFTER it is destroyed in battle.
  18. So apparently Elite Smash isn't that hard to unlock? Because all I did was win a bunch of 1 on 1 battles. ...they weren't even hard unfortunately. Well one of them was a pretty good K.Rool, but the other was a rather special-happy Simon... I was playing as Roy and he feels pretty powerful while maintaining a sort of combo ability, while the powered up close range attacks at the cost of weaker tipper attacks meant much and little to my in-your-face playstyle. @Florete... guess I just don't get the big deal. So someone out there has my tag. And nothing of value was lost.
  19. ...what? I thought you didn't lose anything by others getting your tag?
  20. I am finally allowed to post in this thread! My first two 5* +10 units... wow, I never thought it'd happen at this rate. A lot was spent to get 5 Ophelias, and Eir was +10 as a side effect of that. But it was worth it. Thinking of giving Ophelia the Summoner Support...
  21. ...OOOH, is that why she's recovering 2 HP when her HP is over 50% and 6 under? OOOOH, I feel stupid now. I was wondering where this recoil damage was supposed to be... Yeah I'll probably go for +Atk in that case.
  22. It... wasn't really. Over the course of the banner I've gotten enough Ophelia's to get her to +10 as well, but she was starting out at +5 before the banner happened. So 9 summons of Eir in the same span it took me to get 5 Ophelias, plus the one I got tonight... and I even had to start sniping for Blue Orbs a little for the last Ophelia, so there's a chance I could have gotten the last Eir earlier! So yep, not hard at all... not that I'm proud to admit that...
  23. The two New Power banners were busts, but the free summon ticket on Hero Fest got me the last Eir needed to reach +10 on her as well. ...oh and Lewyn was there to.
  24. Through sheer dumb luck (as I wasn't pulling for her specifically), I have the ability to +10 Eir. I also have the choice between +Atk -Def and +Spd -Def, both good IVs but I only have the choice of one to make the +10. I've weighed the boons and banes of both. +Atk is able to run her default kit, which would be worth a decent amount in Arena, and get more kills than +Spd at full HP, which would be more beneficial to the types of game modes she can be expected to battle in, though a cost of this is that she would not be able to outspeed any of the raw offensive forces like Karla or Ayra. +Spd on the other hand gets far more kills if she is within Desperation range, but does lose a total of 6 potential damage on each attack and can only reach maximum results if she is within Desperation and Lyfjaberg range at the same time, which can be hard if not carefully planned out. I wanna ask, because this is not something I want to screw up for one of my first +10 merge units: which nature do you think Eir would appreciate most? I'm leaning a little towards +Atk myself since it lets her run her default kit and function without needing to enter a certain HP range, but I recognize the potential power in +Spd. For clarification, I used this simulator and put the enemy units listing Filtered Full List through +5 merge, Fury and Moonbow overrides, and +Spd IVs.
  25. Well I went for it. MANY 5* units later, and I have my first ever 5* +10 unit. And it wasn't even Elincia like I thought it would be, but Ophelia. I'll be posting in THAT thread later! As for all the other 5* units I got... Owain +Atk -Def and Neutral. Pretty neat. More Lewyns, enough to +6 him if I really wanted to. None of them are as good as +Spd -HP though. Brave Celica +Spd -Res. Amazing nature IMO, but I'm not sure I want to replace the +Atk -HP I currently have... Silvia +Atk -Spd. Do not like, but whatever. I have +Res -Def lined up for promotion some day since she makes a good magic tank, so I guess this Silvia can provide some extra Res for when that comes to fruition... Sothe. Don't care what nature. Eir +Spd -Def, as well as a number of other Eirs to get my currently lined up +Atk -Def up to +8... whoops... well, she can reach +9 with this, but I'm trying to decide if I want +Atk or +Spd... Jaffar +Def -HP. I could merge my current +Atk -Spd into this one and improve the defensive ability of Jaffar, but... I dunno. Welp, this image applies now more than ever. It's a good thing I still have plenty left for Christmas shopping...
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